Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:28 PM

Chapter 631

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Beehive prison, restaurant.

Warden Laffer said to warden: "don't think that the special case of getting out of honeycomb prison is over, you go to tell zebra the corresponding conditions."

A cold sweat on the warden's forehead: "well, is that about the warden's feelings for Zebra?"

The warden Laffer's head grew bigger and he yelled, "no! You are filthy! Shut your mouth

The chef pushed the last dish up and said respectfully, "it's all finished, warden."

After letting the chef go down, Laffer said to Leiyin and Natalie: "really, it's unheard of to celebrate the release from prison. I'll ask you for the food fee, little Leiyin and little Natalie."

Hearing this, Natalie couldn't help but be stunned: "ah? Is there a charge for it? "

Lei Yin laughed: "this meal should be paid by zebra, right? What's more, he eats so much that it doesn't seem to be enough for him, does it? "

"Isn't that enough?" The table was so big that Laffer was confused.

Leiyin picked up the brandy on the table and took a big SIP: "who knows?"

Then Natalie asked, "where is Mr. zebra?"

Laffer said, "that guy went to the prisoner."

Natalie: well? Did you say goodbye to them? It shows that his heart is not so vicious as his appearance

"That's not the case," said Laffer, taking a bite from a leg. "He's going to get back at those who have said bad things about him."

"Why?" Natalie was stunned.

Rafer: so, zebra's hell ear is not a joke. Besides, that guy is the most impatient and quarrelsome of the four kings. He is even more belligerent than that guy. I don't even know

"Hahaha! That's because there's nothing more exciting than fighting in the world! "

At this time, suddenly came a rough and heroic voice.

Natalie turned her head and almost died.

A man, covered with blood and looking like an ancient beast, stood upright.

This is how close they can see the strongest heavenly king.

It's really scary.

It's like a bloody beast.

The blood, the blood of the prisoners who spoke ill of zebra.

"It's just blood. Don't make a lot of noise here!"

Even in the face of such a young girl as Natalie, zebra is not polite at all.

"Well, show a minimum of respect for a lady?" Leiyin on one side seemed dissatisfied with zebra's behavior.

Zebra turned her eyes to him: "huh? Are you the one who's going to take me out? "

"It's me." Lei Yin's face was flat.

"Hum, you have the courage to take me out." Zebra said, and walked fiercely towards Leiyin.

"Men, how can we do without some courage?" Leiyin stood up calmly, ready to face the beast.

"Hum, it's very impressive. There are not many people who dare to talk to me like this. Let's fight." Zebra said directly.

"Just what I want." Lei Yin did not refuse.

"It seems that you get along well. Is that the so-called" as it is at first sight " Laffer said that some people release hormones. If ordinary people, such as Natalie, see it, it's a beautiful woman.

This time, Lei Yin didn't open the eyes of writing wheel and reincarnation. What he saw was the image of great beauty, but knowing the principle, he was not moved.

He is not the only one who is not moved.

Zebra, sensing that something was wrong, turned his head and looked at Laffer, but his face was still pale.

Rave was disappointed: "it's disgusting. Why doesn't it work for Zebra?"

"What is it?" Zebra still has a fierce face.

Natalie: hormones again

Zebra: what's that? Can you eat it

His performance reminds Lei Yin of Luffy in the pirate king. They have nothing in common.

"Your name is Lei Yin. It seems that you haven't finished the work just now. Let's have a fight." Zebra clenched his fist and made an attack.

At this time, Laffer directly stopped: "wait a minute, little zebra, we can't fight first. We have captured 500 wanted criminals and found 500 kinds of new ingredients. These are the conditions for getting out of prison! It's not just the president's instructions. If you can't do this, the review department won't nod. "

With Laffer's agitation, zebra didn't want to fight, so he sat down and ate.

looked at his careless look. "Make complaints about me," said he.But zebra picked up a large piece of meat and nibbled at it, saying, "I say, what's the origin of that 'sweet Cola'

Lei Yin also didn't mean to fight and said, "during that chat, I heard the president say that it was the best coke in the world."

On hearing this, Natalie also had some interest: "does Mr. zebra like Coke very much? It's worth trying, isn't it? "

Zebra was a little disdainful, but her saliva began to drip down: "coke or something, do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

slobber make complaints about his appearance. "Your saliva seems to have betrayed you."

After a while, Natalie was stunned by the scene.

Zebra's speed of eating can't be overestimated by the wind. The food in the cup and plate soon came to the bottom.

Natalie was stunned at the dinner table: the food that took so long to make was wiped out in an instant. Compared with him, Lei Yin's food intake was just a drop in the bucket. But just because of this, do you go to jail? It's really hard for people to understand -

just at this time, Ou Pang came in and reported to Laffer Hui: "warden, there's new information."

Rave: what happened

Ou Pang: "there is a monster in the forest!"


Laffer could not help sighing: "Oh, it's really troublesome."

Natalie stood up and said, "monster in the woods? I remember Mr. Ou Pang said at the entrance, "what is that?"

Laffer was not so flustered: "it's just some turtles."


Seeing that they didn't quite understand it, Laffer explained: "the climate in the forest of death is very special. It's different from the ordinary spring, summer, autumn and winter. The forest there is divided into four seasons: beast, melting, fog and freezing. Even in the human world, there are several harsh environments that are not inferior to those in the food world." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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