Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:57 AM

Chapter 64

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Kapp put his hands on his chest: "I'm not afraid of avoiding suspicion. Is it true that he defeated Drake? The major's words are too high indeed. It's better to be a captain. "

Warring States thought for a moment: "well, you and I each step back, lieutenant, what do you think? This is the treatment for the company to be promoted to seven ranks (second class, first class, chief of the army, chief of the army, chief of the Cao, second lieutenant and lieutenant). Let alone the youth training camp, even the whole navy headquarters is unique. "

Kapp laughed heartily: "well, well, who let you be Marshal?"

After that, they both laughed...

in the evening, Lei Yin opened the personal information of Huoying system at home:

Lei Yin

gender: male

age: 17 years old

Ninja level: Shangren (low level)

blood inheritance limit or pillar force: shulunyan (now sanguoyu, in the process of advancement)

Ninja: Lei Dun qianniao Liu (a level), Lei Jian qianniao Blade (Level B), white blade (Level D), spiral pill (level a), Dayu spiral pill (level a), Huodun haohuoqiu (Level C), Shuidun shuiluanbo (Level C), Leidun Dizou (Level C), feileishenzha (Level B), Shizi Liantan (Level C), fengdun Dachuan (Level C), tudun tulongtan (Level B), tudun tuliubi (Level C) It is a kind of basic Ninjutsu (Level B), Shuidun - shuilongtan (Level B), Shuidun - shuizhenbi (Level B), multiple shadow separation (level a), fengdun - spiral hand sword (level s), six e-level basic Ninjutsu (Level B), lizhijianbo (Level B) and lizhijianwu (level s).

Items column (endurance, weapons): Seal scroll × 2, bitterness × 1000, grass shaved sword

psychic beast: cat and tiger beast

immortal mode: not opened

chakra quantity: 6100061000

Lei Yin noticed that after defeating smog and Drake, his chakra quantity increased by 9000 points, indicating that these two battles, especially with Drake, are very important for his promotion Big one. This also shows from the side that the stronger the opponent is defeated, the faster his level will be promoted...

after the ranking examination, many students have obtained new military ranks.

Lei Yin was promoted to lieutenant and became the strongest student in the youth training camp. No one said he was "the second-class soldier".

And two months later, there will be actual combat assessment.

At that time, the cadets of the youth training camp will be able to graduate from here and become a full-time naval officer.

Such cadets as Lei Yin, Drake and smog naturally became the focus of the Navy's top management.

One day after the final.

Major general taotu is instructing the students to do their daily sword practice.

"The above is the main point of this swordsmanship. Do you remember it?"


Peach rabbit eyes toward the students in a circle, then said: "Tina and weierdan, you two come out to compete, point to the end."

Don't point to the name of the two girls out, each holding a samurai sword opposite, looking at each other, as if the eyes are about to spray fire.

"What's wrong with these two guys?"

As soon as the command of the contest was given, their swords collided with each other, making the sound of Jin Tiezheng. They did not give in to each other, and attacked each other like a storm.

Look at that posture, they don't seem to be competing, they are playing with their children's lives.

When lovers meet, they are very jealous.

Previously, weierdan heard that Kapp wanted to introduce Tina to Leiyin; and Tina also saw that weierdan and Leiyin had known each other for a long time, and their relationship was not normal.

The fight between women is also terrible.

Especially at this time, we can't lose.

However, taotu, as an instructor, saw that the sign was wrong and immediately stopped the competition and criticized them.

"What's your hatred? I'm just asking you to perform your swordsmanship just now. You're fighting! "

"Give me a 20 lap penalty!"

Peach rabbit scolds them. Tina and weierdan say "yes" at the same time. Then they look at each other. At the same time, they don't turn their heads to "hum" and go to carry out peach rabbit's order.

Then, peach rabbit's eyes again to the team to see, eyes locked in a person: "thunder out."

Lei Yin, who was named, came out of the team.

"According to the performance of weierdan and Tina, I don't think everyone has understood the sword skill just now, so I'll show it to you again with Lei Yin."

Lei Yin understood the meaning of peach rabbit, and immediately demonstrated the sword skill he had just learned.

"It's worthy of being the strongest this year. Even if I won the first prize, I worked so hard."

Suddenly, I don't know which student said: "Mr. peach rabbit, why don't you have a competition with Lei Yin, let's learn."

"Yes, only in actual combat can we learn faster.""That's it."

Off the court, I want to see the voice of peach rabbit and Leiyin compete.

Lei Yin is now the strongest student in the youth training camp. Therefore, taotu also wants to see how strong he is: "Lei Yin, what you want, are you willing to do?"

Lei Yin suddenly nodded his head, indicating that he agreed.

Taotu and Leiyin stand opposite each other. Taotu pulls out jinpiro at his waist, while Leiyin pulls out the grass shaved sword behind him.

Lei Yin didn't dare to be careless about the swordsman of Tao Tu's level, so he took the lead in launching the attack. He almost flew forward at his fastest speed and cut straight with his grass shaved sword. For Lei Yin's strike of steel, Tao Tu fought back with steel.

"When" a clear metal collision sound, two swords even touched sparks.

The strength of the two men was equal. Peach rabbit swung his sword on Lei Yin's sword and then waved it toward the ground. A pink sword gas appeared on the ground, whistling towards Lei Yin like a dragon...

Lei Yin saw this, and was forced back by the sword gas for dozens of steps. Then he also swung his sword, and a blue sword gas appeared on the ground. The blue sword gas collided with the pink sword gas Together, it caused a fierce roar in the field, which surprised the students below.

The attack was offset in two directions, and both of them were shaken back a few steps.

Drake and yesterday's Duel scene is similar, but the difference is that the two share the sword.

Drake was convinced to draw with his teacher.

Not only Drake, but also peach rabbit couldn't believe it. Then she said, "Lei Yin, you are really stronger than we expected, but next, the teacher won't be merciful."

Before the words were heard, taotu took jinpiro back into the scabbard, then pulled out the sword horizontally again, and a pink arc spread to the whole field.

"Half moon - draw the sword to chop!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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