Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:13 PM

Chapter 647

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Scare Island, scare Apple forest.

Hearing Apollon's words, Leiyin could not help but be interested: "those above grade 90? Who are they? "

Mr. Apollon said: "Mr. Yilong, the president of Igo, was ranked 95, and then Mr. shijiro, the anesthetist, was ranked 92."

Hearing the speech, Lei Yin said with a smile: "it's not surprising that they can have such a high level."

"There is another one, though not official, whose record is above grade 90. He is a member of the Gourmet Club and has not been named," he said

Natalie looked thoughtful: "will the food meet?"

Lei Yin probably guessed who the man was, and his heart was boiling with blood.

Apollon continued: "but scaring Apple will also be scared by some unexpected things, so it may be a good choice to take some unexpected or unpredictable actions."

"I'm afraid. Hurry up! Damn, you dare to ignore me Over there, zonggai's feet are jumping and his mouth is constantly swearing, but the frightened apple still doesn't show the level of being frightened.

It's so weak that people can't look directly at it.

However, it's worth mentioning that a masked swordsman, who didn't know where he came from, wielded a sword at Apple, and just relied on his sword pressure, he reached level 72.

This is the absolute strength.

Such a rank naturally attracted much attention, but the masked swordsman didn't stay here much, so he left.

At this time, Lei Yin stepped forward two steps and came to an apple.

The apple was staring at him, not knowing what the boy was going to do.

Lei Yin's robe even rose without wind.

With him as the center, an invisible breath rippling in all directions, in an instant, the sky has become chaotic, dark clouds blocking the sun, lightning and thunder!

"This, this is?"

In the eyes of all the people, I saw that the young people's eyebrows turned purple, a shudder of prestige, not only apples, but almost everyone on the island felt a strong sense of oppression.

The wind and cloud change color for it, the solitary cloud lingers for it.

It's like the roar of ancient gods!


The startled Apple screamed out in fright. His eyes almost flew out, and he spat white foam in his mouth.

There has never been such a scene since the gourmet God akasia.

Gradually, the young man's eyes became normal, the dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sun appeared again.

The whole island was back to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The only thing that changed was the frightful apple that was no longer in shape, and the people who seemed to be nailed to the ground.

All the people present were shocked by this. They even breathed respectfully.

I don't know how long later, Apollon stammered: "nine, nine, ninety-six levels?"

At the beginning, everyone thought they had something wrong with their ears, but some people still couldn't believe it. They took out the drawings of the scare level and compared them carefully. From level 1 to level 100, the level of the scare Apple really corresponds to level 96.

Jiro, the world-famous super power "acupoint master", has a rating of 92, and Yilong, the president of Igo, has a rating of 95.

It's obvious that the teenager has surpassed this level.

Who is this guy?!

Lei Yin calmly picked up the frightened apple, which was almost breathless. He shook his head and murmured to himself, "it's a pity. I thought I could reach level 100. It seems that I'm far from it."

This word should be known by other food hunters, it is estimated that they will vomit blood in anger.

This is beyond the level of the disciple of the God of food. Is this guy still dissatisfied?

In the eyes of Apollon and almost everyone, it is just like the means of the Immortal Emperor, the emperor's coercion.

If this is not strong, what is strong?

Is there a limit to dissatisfaction?

But this did not cause any ripples in Lei Yin's heart. He took the apple and took Natalie away -

to a certain extent, the shock level can fully explain the personal strength. It is not easy to get a high level without harming the apple.

The Department in charge of Igo has specially tested these. For example, if a machine gun is used to strafe near the startling apple, the damage level is three; if a grenade is used, the damage level is 15; if a missile is about 60, and if it is above 60, it is even more difficult.

After a few minutes of shock, the face and consciousness of the apple will gradually disappear and return to its normal state, so that the apple can be directly traded in the food market.

From level 1 to level 3, each level is multiplied by 50000 yuan, for example, from level 3 to level 3, the price of startling apples is 35.15 million yuan; from level 4 to level 60, each level is multiplied by 500000 yuan, for example, from level 60, the price of startling apples is 50 times 60, 30 million yuan; from level 61 to level 80, each level is multiplied by 1 million yuan; from level 81 to level 99, each level is multiplied by 5 million yuan; from level 100, the price of startling apples is 50 times 60, 30 million yuan, It doesn't seem to have appeared so far.That is to say, the price of the 96 grade apple in Lei Yin's hand is 96 times 5 million yuan, which can be exchanged for 480 million yuan.

Instead of exchanging it for cash, they decided to eat it half by one.

For the absolute strong, such as Lei Yin, money can be easily earned, so how much for him is not too much significance. For example, this time, if Lei Yin wants to get a lot of money and directly pick a bunch of startling apples, he can easily get above level 90 and earn tens of billions every minute.

So for him, it's more cost-effective to eat than to exchange for money.

The face and consciousness of an apple that has been graded will disappear. Its peel is like a shell, like a watermelon. After the skin is cut, the inside is the flesh.

The higher the grade of the apple, the softer the pulp and the closer the color to snow white.

Back at the gourmet Hotel, Leiyin and Natalie cut the apple. The pulp is like marshmallow, and the sweet smell of the pulp fills the whole room.

Just smelling the smell, their saliva could not help flowing down.

Unable to bear the temptation of the delicious food any longer, they picked up their respective half and couldn't wait to put it into their mouth.

It seems that there are hundreds of delicious fruits exploding on the taste buds, and the sweet taste constantly collides with their taste nerves. Lei Yin even thinks that this is better than the ozone grass in the sky last time.

The taste of heaven...

the taste of heaven , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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