Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:56 AM

Chapter 65

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"Half moon - draw the sword to chop!"

Peach rabbit Jiao drinks, the pink sword Qi spreads toward all directions. This move is not only powerful, but also unavoidable.

In the face of such an attack, Lei Yin's face remained unchanged. His eyes were firm, his hands held the sword, and he looked straight ahead. At the next moment, a more powerful sword skill came into being...

"grass Shaving - the sword dance of the beaver!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Lei Yin was flying up and down with his sword in both hands. The blue sword waves on the edge of the sword did not send out, beating like a devil. As soon as the chopping waves from peach rabbit came into contact with Lei Yin's grass shaved sword, they turned into pink fog.

"Teacher taotu's attack... Failed?"

"What is Lei Yin's unique skill?"

"Quick... Quick look!"

The students on the field are watching the duel between the master and the apprentice. They are talking with each other. Suddenly, a student points to the stage. Lei Yin's sword dance has turned into a huge sword wave, which is fired at the peach rabbit...

not to mention the power of this move, the speed is fast. There is almost no time for the peach rabbit to react, just in a hurry I used my sword to block it. Jianbo hit taotu's sword. Taotu couldn't resist the force. He was driven back dozens of steps. At last, he inserted jinpiro on the ground and stopped retreating.

It's amazing!

We all know that thunder is strong, but we didn't expect it to be so strong.

Even as the teacher of taotu, who is the general teacher, is not the opponent of his students?!

Peach rabbit eyes staring at Lei Yin, as if the first time to know their own students, showing an obvious incredible look.

Below, already punish to run back of Wei Er Dan and tin Na saw this scene, also be full of face of can't believe.

Drake pressed his swordsman's hat. He didn't know what he was thinking...

when everyone was still shocked by Lei Yin's direct defeat of taotu, a loud noise diverted everyone's attention.

Leiyin couldn't help looking at the sky...

within half a minute after the earth shaking "boom", marlin Fando's anti enemy alarm rang through the sky!

Navy headquarters, Marshal's office.

With a dignified face, the Warring States period held the telephone worm tightly: "order all the navies of the headquarters and the whole army to enter the first level combat readiness immediately, and gather all the officials above the school level in the malinfan multi center square! There must be no mistake

The other end of the phone bug: "yes!"

Kapp burst into the Marshal's office from the outside, gasping: "what happened?"

The Warring States look dignified: "he... Came again!"

The next moment, two old men rushed out of the office...

malinfan multi center square.

The earth trembled with this loud noise, which shocked the whole marinfando and made all the residents and the Navy look pale.

This is the headquarters of the Navy. It's the safest place in the world. How can this happen?!

On the ground of the square, a deep pit of tens of meters appeared out of thin air. Some bold residents looked into the pit with trembling eyes...


with the sound of falling bricks, a huge body with a cow's head stood up in the huge pit. At the same time, many high-level naval officers and tens of thousands of navy officers had rushed away Here we go!

A few minutes ago, an empty Island 10000 meters above.

A giant with horns looks down.

This man is looking for a burial place!

Therefore, he resolutely jumped down...

"hundreds of animals? Kato? "

"Why are the four emperors here?"

Kaiduo, one of the four emperors of the "new world" in the second half of the great air route, is known as the "strongest creature in the world" on land, sea and air. It's said that if you are single, no one can beat Kato. I like to fight against the four emperors and the Navy with one enemy and one person for many times. Interest is suicide.

"It's like CADO."

CADO stood up like a hill, shaking the stones and dust, lifting his rough hand and scratching his long hair.

"It's really hateful, but it's not dead..."

on the fort, the naval artillery has been in their positions, and they mercilessly pointed the gun on the legs and the cold muzzle at the king who seems to be king in the world.

"Let it go

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

After a fierce shelling, the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and gunpowder smoke. Kaiduoleng didn't even blink his brow. He was still walking slowly like Mount Tai.Kato, known as "the strongest creature in the sea, land and air", is extremely abnormal in his body's defense. He can fall from an altitude of 10000 meters without damage. For Kato, such shelling can only be said to be gentle.

"Don't let him near the headquarters building. Stop him!"

At this time, many Navy officers and men have arrived.

"Right angle flash - Penn Kong cut!"

Just arrived, Captain T. Penn (now promoted to captain) rushed to the front of the position. He waved his long sword, and then a right angle golden sword cut Kato's body at a short distance.

The power of the sword came out, but it died quietly on Kato's body...

Kato looked at him, and then he gave a rough break: "little reptile, give way to me!"

During the conversation, Kato waved his powerful hand and patted t pen. In a flash, t pen was photographed 100 meters away.

"Cannonballs and sword Qi that can cut off the hull can't hurt him at all..."

"this guy is not human at all!"

The residents watching the battle in the distance of the square let out one voice after another.

"Bet on the dignity of the Navy, don't let Cato step into the headquarters! Kill me An officer cheered, and thousands of soldiers held their swords to kill Kato...

Ding Ding Dang...

at this time, Kato's body heard the sound of soldiers' swords colliding. They surrounded Kato, but their swords broke to pieces.

"You annoying ants! You can't kill me. Let me die! "

Kato raised his big foot and stomped on the ground. When a dust cloud rolled up on the ground, it was accompanied by a powerful shock wave and scattered in all directions.

It turned out that there were a lot of deaths and injuries among the naval men who were besieged around. Some of them just escaped from the attack area of kaiduo, but they were shocked by this terrible shock wave.

This is the highest peak of pirates, the existence of Sihuang!

"Give me back, his strength is not what you can deal with!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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