Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:09 PM

Chapter 651

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Yuji cottage, more than 200 kilometers south of the gourmet city.

Yu Ji sighed heavily: "I will never forget his wife's words at that time -"

[compared with these, I would like to have dinner with you, even if I have one more time -]

that's what Yu Ji's wife said when she was lying in the hospital bed.

Speaking of this, Yu Jida cried: "what have I done in the end?"?! I'm such a bad person just chasing money

It can be seen that at this time he is very sorry.

Lei Yin has many thoughts in his heart: for food hunters, making money may be a means, but it is not the end. Sometimes it's not more important to be with your family?

Yu Ji wiped his tears and continued: "in retrospect, my wife's favorite food, ironically, this is the only thing I can remember - Tiger eggs. My wife is very happy every time. When I find tiger chickens, I think it must be fate, because this venue is the place where my wife sleeps. I think it must be the result of her reincarnation—— ”

"I think it must be after she was reincarnated. My wife's name is may, so I named the tiger chicken may. So I decided to bring it up, take good care of it this time, and never leave for a moment --" Yu Ji said in tears again.

Natalie was also moved: "that's why I'm so close to the ferocious pheasant."

Yu Ji wiped away his tears again: "this was decades ago. After all, after retiring, I have been inseparable from Huji. Of course, I have lost my income. I have to sell the land bit by bit to live frugally, so I only have this land left."

Lei Yin was puzzled: "well, why sell a place that is so important to you?"

Yu Ji showed a smile: "because I'm going to see my wife soon."

"Why?" When they heard the words, they were both stunned.

Natalie: why does Mr. Yuji say that

Yu Ji said with a smile: "ha ha, don't be so surprised. I'm old and happy to the end. I still know this, so I decided to transfer it. Speaking of which, Lei Yin, how much have you prepared? "

Thunder sound direct way: "you say a number, we try to satisfy you."

"Hahaha, I'm such a cheerful person. I don't want any money for this land. I'll give it to you free of charge!" Yu Jihao laughs, so to two people.

"What kind of rice?" When they heard this, they were shocked again.

What's wrong with this old man? He just gave hundreds of billions of dollars to live and die, but now he wants to give them away free of charge?

Natalie waved her hand: "no, I can't, Mr. Yu Ji's land is you --"

before she finished, Yu Ji said: "those guys are just those who want to make money and have bad conduct. Now for me, money has no value. The more money is piled up, the worse it is. It will only make my value fall. Lei Yin, the words you praised tiger eggs are almost the same as those my wife said when she was not in front of me -- "

" for me, it's more valuable than anything. For the joy that money can't buy, I'd like to thank you! If you want this piece of land, it doesn't matter anyway, but if I'm not here, can you play with lonely may? "

The two agreed immediately.

Although Yu Ji said so, they discussed and gave him a lot of money.

Money doesn't matter to Yu Ji, and it doesn't mean much to Lei Yin, who has already stepped into the rank of emperor.

In this way, the two people not only got the land, but also got the custody of birds and beasts.

They invited Igo's senior food architect to design a huge villa here and decided to move here from the hotel in the food capital.

A few months later, the villa was completed, covering an area of more than 1000 square meters, like a small palace.

With a luxurious residence, they can also eat delicious tiger eggs from time to time. After a period of time, they are very familiar with birds, animals, tigers and chickens, and they have a very comfortable life.

"Lei Yin, how about planting some colorful orchids here? And here, we make a shelter, raise some docile little Warcraft, and tiger chicken can also be a companion Natalie is very excited, and Leiyin discusses how to use the compound.

"You can do whatever you like."

As Lei Yin was saying this, his face suddenly changed, "who is there? Get out of here

"Why?" Natalie was also startled by thunder's reaction.

A boa constrictor showed his head in the grass in the distance, breathed the frightening snake letter in his mouth, and was gazing at it.

Leiyin's powerful perception has been noticed for a long time. A flash disappeared in the same place and flew forward.

When he got there, he didn't see a boa constrictor, but saw a man with long colored hair standing on a tree."Well?" Lei Yin couldn't help but focus on him.

"What's the matter? Why? Who is this? " At this time, Natalie came running with her.

"Don't be nervous, it shouldn't be the enemy." Leiyin reminds Natalie to come to such a conclusion.

"Are you ray Yin and Natalie? It looks like a golden couple. It's very pleasing. " Said the man with long colored hair standing in the tree.

Pleasing to the eye? This word makes Natalie feel goose bumps. She whispers to Lei Yin: "Lei Yin, does this guy have any special hobby?"

The man with long color hair said, "excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm a bit abrupt and harassing. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sani. I'm the old man. Let me see you

"Old man?" Lei Yin didn't quite understand who he meant.

"Oh, it's the president of Igo, Yilong." The man with long colored hair replied.

"Sani? You said you were Sani? " Asked Natalie, stunned for a moment.

Sani: Yes, was what I just said not clear enough

Natalie: Yes, is that Sani, the king of four

Sani touched his long colored hair and looked like a stinky beauty: "it's not too beautiful to be called" Four Heavenly Kings ". For me, it's better to call it" handsome four little students ". No, it's" handsome three little students. "

Needless to say, Leiyin knew that this guy must have eliminated zebra.

"You're the one who got that nasty guy (zebra) out of jail, aren't you?" Said here, Sani a look of disgust.

Lei Yin replied, "yes, in your words, it means the old man."

Sani: "well, if you don't mind, please be a guest at my place and talk about the things arranged by the old man -"

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