Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:02 PM

Chapter 658

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The passage between the human world and the food world is the road of the yellow spring.

The moment before Sani waved his fist, yuweimen quickly avoided the spot, and his attack was in the air.

And the first hit did not attack Sani naturally not reconciled, he condensed more fists to attack his opponent like a storm.

The fist was like a bullet from a submachine gun, but yuweimen was leisurely, shuttling through the gap between the fists. The fist could not hurt him half a hair.

It's not accurate to say leisurely, because yuweimen is in a daze all the time.

What's the matter with this uncle? Did he really think about nothing? It seemed that he just looked at me indifferently -]

although Sani was puzzled, he had an idea. He stretched out a big punch from the ground and hit it vertically.

The attack was not only unprepared, but also very fast.

However, the stupefied yuweimen stepped back and still easily avoided the attack.

"What? How could such an attack be possible? "

Sani's eyes were wide and unbelievable. At this time, a sharp pain came from his chest and abdomen, which made him kneel on the ground.

"You dodged before you attacked? Why can you even avoid such an attack? " Asked Sani, very reluctantly.

Yuweimen said plainly: "the sixth sense."

"Sixth sense?" Sani more and more feel incredible, "less cheating, how can this kind of thing be possible?"? What is that? "

Yuwei said: "Oh, to put it simply, it's intuition."

"What? Intuition? " This word, Sani felt more nonsense.

For his strong questioning tone, yuweimen didn't care: "my actions are all the products of intuition. When I confront my opponent, the best move will appear in my mind, that is intuition. It's futile not to think about anything else. "

Then, yuweimen gave him a more detailed explanation. Intuition. It is said that professional chess players often choose the best moves in the next step not by thinking, but by intuition. The unique skill of intuition is often more able to win by surprise. This is because the master can apply the brain neural circuit freely which is not available to laymen. It is said that it is the ability developed by years of training and experience.

"So the master never thinks, but feels. Can you understand, boy?" After a long speech, yuweimen came to such a conclusion.

Until now, Sani seems to have fully accepted that.

He said to Lei Yin: "yuweimen also said that the key is to believe."

Natalie: believe it

Sani said, as if a little proud: "yes, we should first believe that we already have, that subtle intuition is right. If you accumulate in this way, you can gradually deprive yourself of useless work and thinking, and then you can create a body and spirit with higher performance. "

"In this way, I can manipulate my sense of touch without feeling any fatigue. When my useless thinking disappears and becomes relaxed, the quality of my skills will be improved. Now I can control the range of 80 meters and manipulate 500000 hairs."

After hearing these words, Lei Yin has some ideas of her own -

time goes back to the way of the yellow spring a few months ago.

A shark was swimming out of thin air.

Suspended shark, fish and beast, capture level unknown.

This kind of shark's flight ability is even stronger than that of birds, and it can swim freely with air as water. Not only that, it is more than 12 times larger than the great white shark that lives in the sea.

Sani's fist could hardly hurt this guy, and he was almost hurt by this guy.

Yuweimen saw that his face was still dull, but his action was not slow at all. He took out his sword and stabbed the floating shark.

The blood spilled out and floated in the air.

At this time, there are more floating sharks swimming in the air not far away.

"Well, those guys are coming again. What a big group!"

This time there were at least hundreds of them, and Sani was obviously flustered.

Yuweimen's face was not much different from the usual, because he did not know how many times he had seen such a scene.

Not only that, the next moment yuweimen burst out laughing: "ha ha ha! These guys are coming well. We have shark fin soup again tonight. "

Sani was not as relaxed as he was: "can intuition work with so many people?"

Yuweimen replied: "of course, intuition is not born, but a product of a lot of training and experience. I used to live a life of only fighting every day, and my rich fighting experience inspired my intuition on fighting. Now it's not only the first time that we meet creatures, but all the hormones and other odors that can't be seen by the naked eye of the natural Tao are directly beginning to play a role. "Sani thought about what he said and said, "experience in combat? Is that what I lack? "

Yuweimen then said: "but in terms of fighting, there are also guys who are born with fighting intuition like fighting wolves."

As he said this, the floating sharks began to touch.

However, yuweimen continued to say to Sani: "the road to the yellow spring is also called" the road of the three ways ". At the most time, thousands of beasts come here one day, so it's definitely a good place to practice here. When you stop thinking, along with intuition, your ability should be more powerful

"Mr. yuweimen, they are coming!" Just as he was saying that, the hundreds of floating sharks had surrounded him. Sani yelled, looking ready.

"Boy, you don't need to think and remember, you need to rely on intuition."

Yuweimen said, his body burst up, his eyes were still very dull, and he really entered a state of "meditation". Red lights suddenly appeared. These floating sharks were either pierced or cut into two sections.

The originally powerful and fierce floating sharks were soon defeated.

As the saying goes, Leng is also afraid of the horizontal, although the floating shark is fierce, but this human is not a small one in front of us. If we fight any more, we will all die, so we scurry away one after another.

But there were dozens of bodies of floating sharks on the ground. The coke damaged yuweimen. He took out a big pot he used to cook under a big rock and put the sharks in to stew.

When the stew was almost finished, Sani understood why the old man was so happy, and the taste was really not covered , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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