Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:55 AM

Chapter 66

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When the general red dog drinks, he will appear in front of Kato the next moment.

"Ghost dog!"

His whole right arm turned into magma several times higher than the temperature of the flame, and then it spewed out in a loud shout...

magma as high as more than 1000 degrees centigrade rushed straight to Kato's face, and the next moment, Kato's hand became dark and shiny.

Kaedo's right hand was armed with domineering color, and he beat out the ejected magma. The shot magma hit a building, and the building was destroyed and collapsed by the terrible magma.

"Laser light!"

There was no breathing opportunity for Kato. When Kato just resisted the attack of red dog, a dazzling light was shot from the hand of the great general yellow ape to Kato.


More powerful than the shell just now, it exploded in Kato's hands. When the smoke gradually dispersed, Kato's left hand was also armed to block the attack of the Yellow ape.

After the roar, as Kato got closer and closer to the headquarters building, a golden light no less than the Yellow ape [laser light] suddenly appeared in front of the building.

When everyone's eyes looked together, a golden Buddha came into view.

"Make... Make out, the ability of the marshal of the Warring States period!" Cried the soldier below.

During the Warring States period of Buddha, marshal of the Navy headquarters, animal species of ancient phantoms, everyone has the ability to form a giant Buddha!

I saw the palm of the hand of the Warring States rush to kaiduo, the mouth of the Buddha yells, and a golden shock wave is suddenly launched out!


The shock wave burst in front of Kato's chest. Kato finally stopped his frightening steps. His brow was obviously wrinkled, and his chest was blown off a shallow layer of skin.

Then, Qingzhi flew to the top of kaiduo's head, breathing a strong cold.

"Ice time!"

At this time, from the head of Kato gradually frozen to the foot, Kato changed into a living ice sculpture.

"At last, has it been stopped?"

"This guy, it's not so hard to deal with."

Seeing that kaiduo was under control, the Warring States period was relieved and restored to its original form.

At this time, taotu led the students to the scene.

The Warring States period saw the peach rabbit, suddenly his face sank: "how did you bring the students?"

Peach rabbit: "we heard a loud noise and a warning to defend the enemy."

Warring States: "they are still students who have not participated in the actual combat. What's more, this time they came to kaiduo, the fourth emperor! It's very bold of you to do so! "

When he heard the name of kaiduo, taotu was stunned. Then he became righteous and said, "even if they are cadets, they are still Navy after all? What's the difference between a marine and a salted fish if he can't fight the pirates? "

"Yes, marshal of the Warring States period, we also want to fight!"

"We won't be afraid!"

"Down with the four emperors!"

After hearing Tao Tu's generous speech just now, the students behind him also followed the call of middle two.

When the marshal saw this, he covered his forehead and said, "OK, I understand, but you see... Kato has been stopped."

Then the Warring States pointed to the ice sculptures that had been frozen by Qingzhi.


The Warring States period pointed to the ice sculpture for less than three seconds, and the ice sculpture burst open.

"This ice is really cool." Kato shook his ice.

Looking at Kato's "awakening" again, smog bears the brunt. His body turns into smoke and rushes toward Kato, "white shock!"

But kaiduo Leng didn't even hide. He let smog attack him. Smog attacked kaiduo, and he didn't even have enough strength to scratch.

"But... Hateful..." smog, who failed in the attack, fell heavily on the ground and was not reconciled.

"Format Tina crossed her hands and gave a soft drink. In an instant, a dark cage appeared around Kato's body.

Did you stop it?

It's not that simple.

Kaiduo is a cold hum, just a limb force, like steel hard cage like glass broken.

Kato easily broke free from the cage, and then he looked at Tina. Then, he waved his big hand and slapped Tina's body hard. Tina was shot 100 meters high and fell down heavily...

Kato is worthy of being the fourth emperor, not only for her strong defense, but also for her random strange power. And Tina is not Kato. If ordinary people fall from 100 meters, they will fall into meat cakes.

When Tina, who was photographed in the sky, was about to fall down and die, a figure disappeared in the same place in an instant!A boy moves to Tina, who is about to fall down, and catches her and lands on the ground. The boy is thunder.

Tina, who was still in shock, blushed in Leiyin's arms because Leiyin caught Tina in the princess's embrace.

"Thank you... Thank you, Leiyin... Otherwise Tina will...

before Tina finishes speaking, Leiyin puts her on the ground and rushes towards Kato...

" Hello, Leiyin Looking at Lei Yin's running figure, Tina drinks loudly.

"He's a real geek." Then Tina murmured again.

Weierdan felt very uncomfortable when he saw this scene...

just before Lei Yin rushed up, a huge body stood in front of Kato and fought with Kato.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex, to be exact.

Needless to say, this is Drake.

Drake's two dragon claws and Kato's two big hands fight each other. The next moment, Kato's big hand grabs Drake's arms and throws them out.

Drake was thrown nearly 100 meters away and fell heavily to the ground, recovering his original form.

"You annoying mole ants, one by one, all die far away from me!"

At this time, I watched as KEDO approached the building of the Navy headquarters.

Seeing this, the marshal was in a bit of a panic during the Warring States period.

There are many confidential documents of the navy in the headquarters building. If they are destroyed by Kaido, some documents may be lost, which not only makes him look bad, but also makes him unable to explain to his superiors...

as the saying goes, the three armed forces must have a commander. At the beginning, Kapp was ordered by the Warring States to gather elite troops to prevent effective attacks. Therefore, Kapp didn't come to the scene in time.

Just now, the three generals had just taken control of Kato. Because Marlin Fando was too riotous, they went to all the streets of marlin Fando to command and gather forces to do the aftermath work. Even if they arrived now, it might not be time to stop Kato.

When the headquarters building was in danger, the Warring States period was ready to use its fruit power again...

at this time, the eyes of Lei Yin in front of the building became an unprecedented shape...

at the same time, Lei Yin's eyes became more and more beautiful , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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