Published at 26th of May 2022 12:46:00 PM

Chapter 660

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In the Morse mountains, after the waterfall of death, the cave of the glistening silk footed fish.

Almost in a moment, these Cave Bat kings were torn apart by the silver liger and became their meals.

Leiyin has already started the eternal kaleidoscope, the eye of writing wheel and the eye of reincarnation. He can clearly see the action of the lion and tiger, and his visual ability is incomparable.

If this group of people lie down and don't move, it's really like a giant beast of silver sculpture, so it's named "Silver Lion and tiger".

In less than a minute, these Cave Bat kings were wiped out by it.

"This is a wonderful guy!"

Sani said, and rushed up to the group, his hair surging up, "Yanhui!"

Sharp hair condenses into chopper again, whistling away.

"Roar!" Seeing this, the silver lion tiger was fearless and roared again, reaching out his sharp claws like a sharp knife to meet him.

In the air, there was a sharp metallic friction.

Sani's hair was cut off!

The lion tiger's claws are even harder than the hair of the four heavenly kings.

The liger's right claw tears Sani's hair, and the left claw cuts his face.

"No! No

Sani also did not expect that this guy's strength is beyond his imagination. If his proud beautiful face is scratched, how upset he will be.

At this critical moment, the whole body of the silver liger actually stopped, as if it had been fixed.

Sani found out that Leiyin didn't know when he was on the back of the silver liger. His eyes had turned purple, and his hands were full of runes like words, which covered the Warcraft.

Xianfa Mudun · Tongling blood sacrifice!

Silver liger's body shape actually gradually faded, and then disappeared out of thin air.

In Sani's dumbfounded, the 96 level Warcraft has become a thoroughbred of thunder.

Natalie has long been accustomed to all this, she pointed to the front: "you see, what is that?"

At this time, Sani's mind seemed to be pulled back. He looked in the direction of Natalie, and saw a soft golden light in the distance ahead.

Lei Yin said: "there is no strong breath in front of it. It should not be Warcraft."

Sani looked at him and said, "what's your trick of sucking the liger away?"

Lei Yin said: "I'll tell you later. I think the front is what we are looking for."


On hearing this, the three suddenly came to the spirit and ran forward.

This is not a very wide lake. The whole lake is shining with gold.

This golden light is not emitted by the lake itself, and almost all the fish in the lake are swimming like gold.

This is the glittering silk foot fish!

"What a beautiful fish it is

For the first time, seeing such a dreamy fish as gold, Sani sighed and couldn't help reaching for it.

It's not as hard to fish as expected. Sani's hand is easy to touch when he reaches down. But at the moment when he just touches it, the fish that glitters with golden light turns gray and black, as if it has been corroded.

"Why? What's going on? "

Looking at the fish in Sani's hand, which is just like being corroded, Natalie is full of doubts and starts to catch one.

However, the result is the same, the glittering silk foot fish turned gray black again.

Seeing such a scene, Sani was very depressed: "ah, it's not beautiful at all."

At this time, Lei Yin suddenly thought of something and said to them, "Sani, I don't know if the old man has told you."

Sani: what did you say

Lei Yin: "this creature is as fearless as a mantis, which leads to their insensitive sense of the surrounding environment. But as long as they come into contact with them, they feel dangerous, and their bodies will naturally secrete a kind of decomposition substance, which will destroy their important structures and nutrients in an instant. Therefore, as we can see, their golden color will fade in an instant and turn into a dull gray black

"Hum! Your analysis is really good. It's worthy of the boss's favor

While they were talking, there was a sudden discordant sound.

At the same time, Leiyin also felt a strong breath.

On the other side of the lake came a strong man in a vest and shorts with an insect similar to a unicorn on his head.

"Beauty, the gourmet?" Sani wondered why their people came here.

Seeing him, Lei Yin searched his memory and suddenly remembered.

The second chef at the food club, Bern Reyes.It turned out that he had heard that Igo people came back to hunt for glittering silk foot fish, and the boss of the food club ordered him to come here to intercept.

Before, Lei Yin killed two Vice food directors of the food club, domilot and Gulin Bach, making him a serious problem of the food club, so they had to get rid of him.

This person is good at hiding his own breath, so even if the thunder starts to see and hear before the color domineering, also did not perceive his existence.

Now, with the appearance of bernles' body, the breath is also revealed. Leiyin can clearly feel that the breath is much bigger than the two vice cuisine.

In other words, his strength should be far ahead of domilot and gulinbach!

This is not an exaggeration, because Sani is even a little breathless by his breath.

At this time, the strength of the four-day king of food and the senior cadres of the food club can not be compared at all.

"Hum! If I guess correctly, are you the one named Lei yin? "

Bernrez's voice was sharp and harsh, which made people very uncomfortable.

Lei Yin said coldly, "I know you still ask?"

"Well! It's really rude. You won't even have a chance to kneel down for a while. "

Burroughs said, the parasitic insects on his head actually wriggled for a while, and then many two foot long centipedes and scorpions and other frightening poisonous insects appeared at his feet, and rushed here one after another.

Natalie was born afraid of these things and covered her eyes.

"Sani, Natalie's up to you!"

Lei Yin said, one hand in the blink of an eye to complete the action of the seal, "Huodun · Haolong fire technique!"

A pillar of fire suddenly came out of his mouth. As he rushed forward, it turned into a mighty fire dragon, whistling.

Even Sani and Natalie felt the heat coming.

The flames were surging forward like a tide, and everywhere they went, those terrible insects were ignited one after another.

When the beetles are ignited, they make a shrill sound, which disappears after a while , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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