Published at 26th of May 2022 12:45:58 PM

Chapter 662

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The difficulty level of entering death falls is above lv.80, while the catch level of shining silk foot is less than lv.1. But it is a kind of special food. It has almost no natural enemies in this lake, and almost all the nutrients in the water of the Morse mountains are occupied by the fish.

In addition, the vigilance of this kind of creature is very low. If there are powerful creatures on land, they will be scared to death. At that time, the light of their bodies will disappear. That is to say, there is a contradiction between the powerful creatures that can cross the death waterfall and catching this kind of fish alive. It is said that although human beings can cross the death waterfall on the national treasure Festival, she is too powerful to catch the fish alive.

But today they are obviously lucky.

Because when Lei Yin released the immortal fire skill, not only did he swallow up Bern Reyes, but also the fire spread to the golden lake water, which almost dried up.

What they didn't expect was that when Xianhuo came into contact with the lake surface, hundreds of "twinkling silk foot fish" were burned to death in a flash. Among them, dozens of them were very sensitive, almost instantly felt the danger and turned gray black; and dozens of them were near the lake, almost instantly baked, and they were still golden when they died, so they didn't have time to change their shape.

That is to say, because of Leiyin's "immortal fire skill", they successfully got dozens of roasted "shining silk foot fish".

It's really hard to find a place to break iron shoes. It's easy to get them.

The three men fished out the golden glittering fish from the lake, but those who turned gray and black didn't have to. Even if they were fished out and blown by the wind, they would be gone.

Anyway, they succeeded!

"What a brilliant light! How beautiful is it? "

There was no scorched black in the roasted fish. The whole body still exudes gorgeous golden color, just like holding a piece of gold. Sani took it in his hand, looked around and played with it, looking like he couldn't put it down.

Natalie also picked up several fish that looked like gold: "OK, what a brilliant luster. It's like being roasted immediately after being anesthetized."

"This, this is a work of art!" Sani is still full of praise.

Just listen to the "boom" of a loud noise, the whole cave seems to have shaken.

"Well, what's going on?" The huge vibration made Natalie a little scared. She could not help but grasp Leiyin's arm.

"It's normal," Sani explained. "It's like the huge water waves coming down from the top of Morse when we enter the cave, and the huge hilltops. This time it should be the same as before."

Natalie: you mean, this time half of the mountain has fallen

"Not necessarily, maybe it's a mixture of rocks, quicksand, Warcraft corpses and so on," said Sani

"Whatever it is." Lei Yin said, took out the seal scroll, and put the roasted golden [glittering silk foot fish] into it.

At this time, the cave began to tremble slightly, but this time is much smaller than last time.

There's a huge snakehead sticking in from the outside.

It's the queen.

Although I've seen it many times before, I'm scared to see the Queen's big head every time.

"Ha, Queen, how did you find this place?" Sani fondled the Queen's head.

In fact, Sani's guess is right. Most of the rocks and quicksand that just fell from the top of the mountain are rocks and quicksand, and some water flows. The Queen passed through the crevices of those rocks. Fortunately, the mixture of rocks and quicksand dispersed the resistance of water, so it was able to enter.

Sani was overjoyed and said with a smile, "well done, Queen! Then we can enter the Queen's mouth and go out easily! "

Natalie is also very happy: "yes, go back to eat [shining silk foot fish]!"

In fact, if the queen doesn't come, Leiyin can clean up all the debris at the entrance of the mountain with one hit, and then you can walk out smoothly.

Maybe the queen smelled the roasted fish, maybe she was worried about her master. Anyway, they entered the Queen's mouth and went out in a very gentle way.

So we went out of the cave, they were on the Queen's head, and Leiyin opened the seal scroll again.

"Well, it's so powerful. It's really shinning silk foot fish."

What surprised Sani was that the golden light of the fish was not only gorgeous in the dark cave, but also brilliant in the clear sky.

Not only him, but also Natalie sighed: "although it emits such a strong light, it doesn't blink at all. It's like the rising morning glow."

What's more exaggerated is that Sani actually left very moved tears. He covered his mouth and sobbed: "how beautiful! What a beautiful fish it is

Looking at Sani's boastful appearance, there are five black lines on Leiyin's head.Natalie picked up the grilled fish in her hands: "it's really not covered. It's obviously golden, but it's cool and comfortable to hold it in her hands."

Sani settled down a little, and began to popularize knowledge: "this is because there is almost no heat outflow from the luminescence of organisms, so it is called" cold light ". It is a kind of structure that produces light by the action of enzymes on the luminous substances, which is the same as the luminescence of fireflies and squids."

Natalie said, "but it's so brilliant that it can shine even when it's already baked."

"I don't know if you've noticed that almost all grilled fish are covered with oil," said Sani

Natalie looked at him and said, "isn't that hot baked?"

Sani then explained: "a lot of people think that, but it's not the case. It's the water that accumulates all the nutrients in the pond of the Morse mountains, which is more than 15000 meters high. Almost all the water floating on the surface is extracted from the animals and plants bit by bit, like oil."

Hearing what he said, Lei Yin picked up a roast fish and looked at it carefully. It was really covered with a thin layer of oil and water: "yes, it does. It's like the taste of fatty acids."

At this time, Natalie put up a finger and said, "it turns out that even fish can swim in this magical oil, which greatly eases the ability of the fish. Therefore, their vigilance is so low, and they even seem to be a little slow -"

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