Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:52 AM

Chapter 7

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All of the pirates who rushed over were stunned by the electric shock.

With their flesh and blood, how can they compete with lightning?

The rest of the pirates were stunned. What's more, Mochi and his lion niche hid directly behind the crowd.

Isn't Lei Yin the weakest and most useless on board? Where did he come from so powerful?

What's this kid like?

Just when everyone was confused, Lei Yin said, "who else doesn't accept? I'm here for you. "

No one dares to move forward.

Even the two strongest men on the ship, Bucky and kabaji, were killed. The rest of the minions didn't dare to touch the bad luck.

They are bullying people. It's OK to bully civilians, but they can't cope with the thunder and lightning on Lei Yin.

Originally, they were just living on board, so they didn't have to die for such a captain Toby.

Not only did they dare not move forward, but they could not help but retreat to make room.

Don't spit on a sick child, maybe a tiger.

Don't deceive the poor youth.

Why provoke a sleeping lion?

Seeing that no one dares to resist, Lei Yin gradually moves towards the direction of the boat...

he gets on Bucky's boat, pulls up the sails and sails to the sea alone.

No one dared to speak, so they watched Lei Yin and watched him drive away...

Lei Yin was caught on the ship, and what happened on the ship made him have no nostalgia for the Baji Pirate Group.

Besides, it's not that Lei Yin didn't want to kill the Baji Pirate Group just now, but that his chakra value is running out.

The first time he attached chakra to his fist and hit kabaji, his chakra value cost 10 points, and a move [thousand birds flow] cost 80 points. Now the chakra value of Leiyin has become 10100.

That is to say, if the pirates swarmed on just now, Lei Yin's life could not be saved.

Lei Yin's courage saved his life. He bluffed the gang of bullying pirates.

You have to be stronger.

In this way, Lei Yin began his own adventure, he looked at the blue sea, can not help but feel surging.

He made up his mind to be the most powerful and free man on the sea.

The first thing he did on the ship was to take down the ridiculous clown pirate flag first.

Not to mention that he is not a member of the Baki Pirate Group now, not even the pirates.

Next, Lei Yin thinks about her identity and position.

Pirates? Navy? Pirate hunter? Revolutionary army? adventurer?

He made a choice in the first place.

A pirate hunter.

Because, at this stage, if you want to be strong, you have to use a lot of money to draw cards to get ninja and increase your chakra value. With their existing strength, hunting pirates to earn a reward is undoubtedly the best way.

Lei Yin was thinking about this when the system sent a prompt.

Friendly tips: you can improve the upper limit of chakra through your own practice, and create your own ninja.

It was such a simple sentence that Lei Yin suddenly realized.

As soon as he patted his forehead, he thought to himself: Yes, since he has chakra value, he is a ninja in a sense. Since he has chakra, he can practice like a ninja in the shadow of fire.

Lei Yin thought about it for a moment. For chakra's explanation, the original explanation of Huoying is the body energy absorbed from 130 trillion cells in the human body, one by one, as well as the spiritual energy exercised through many practices and accumulated experience. In addition, part of the cultivation of immortality is natural energy.

Now, Lei Yin doesn't even have half Bailey. He can't extract Ninja at all. In this case, self-cultivation is undoubtedly the best way.

It's like I just attached chakra to my fist to attack kabaji. That's the simplest way to attack.

Lei Yin's first thought is the S-level ninja of Qimu Shuo Mao, the leader of the dark Department of Muye village.

Almost everyone knows the name of Qi Mu Shuo Mao. He is the father of Qi Mu Kakashi and is known as "Muye Baiya". Even the legendary Sanren wants to respect him.

Qi Mu Shuo Mao's move [silver knife flashing], together with his short knife [white teeth], releases chakra, which runs like thunder and lightning, and almost has the speed of [flying Thunder God] to attack the enemy. Therefore, "Muye white teeth" gets its name.

Why did you think of this?

Lei Yin wants to use it to create his own Ninjutsu.

He found a piece of wood, gathered chakra on the middle finger and index finger of his right hand, and rowed to the wood. Then, the wood just appeared a trace like a knife.This move is just an imitation, which is not in the same breath as Qi Mu Shuo Mao's s S-level [silver knife flashing].

"Still not sharp enough? If you cooperate with sword, the effect of this move should be better? " Lei Yin scratched his head and muttered to himself.

Then, he practiced the Shanzhai version of "the art of white teeth" again and again according to the method he just used.

A few hours later, Lei Yin was sweating like a rain. Because he was almost exhausted, the chakra value became 2100, and he was about to see the bottom.

So he immediately searched for food on the ship and went to the cold storage room of the cabin. There were still some meat and fruits and vegetables left behind. After cooking them, he had a good meal.

In the past, when he was a low-level boatman, this was something he couldn't even think about, even he couldn't eat enough every day. Now it's different. He's the owner of the ship. He can do whatever he wants on board.

It's all in exchange for strength.

In this way, he ate, slept and practiced on the boat. After two days, the boat gradually moved to an island.

This is an uninhabited island. Thunder got off the boat and saw the lush vegetation on the island, almost a small forest. There are many islands like this in the pirate king's world, and usually adventurers go to each island to have a rest.

Lei Yin thinks that the place on the ship is limited after all. The air here is fresh and can be used as a good place for cultivation, and maybe you can meet something you haven't seen on the island.

He didn't want to waste any time. Lei Yin continued to practice under a big tree.

After two days of practicing imitating [silver knife flashing], Lei Yin estimates that she has reached the limit of this skill. After all, her chakras are very limited.

So Lei Yin decided to practice a new Ninjutsu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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