Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:49 AM

Chapter 71

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Since then, the name "balamak" has spread throughout the shampooland islands and even the Navy headquarters. They also gave him a nickname, called "magic Hunter". As a result, many pirates were shocked.

There is even a popular saying among the people: children in shambaldi dare not cry at night when they hear the name of balamak.

Back in the Navy headquarters, Lei Yin changed and became a young student of the youth training camp.

It's not accurate to say that it's a young cadet, because now Lei Yin is a major Cadet whose rank is second only to Drake. Although the strength has surpassed Drake and the rank is still one level lower, it is because Drake's length of service is much longer than Lei Yin.

This year's strongest student can have more than two moves with [Sihuang] Kai. Lei Yin's future is very good.

In less than two weeks, the youth training camp is going to carry out a tense practical assessment.

On that day, after the two hours of daily training in the morning, the students took a rest on the training ground. Lei Yin refused to let go of any time. He pulled himself up to exercise his arm strength. Tina and her three best friends were chatting.

Girl a: "Hey, have you heard recently? There is a pirate hunter named balamak on shambo Island, who has eliminated two serious troubles for our navy. It's amazing. "

Girl b: "now who hasn't heard of balamak's name? I saw the photo of this film. He is carrying a top-grade knife behind him. I'm also very handsome."

At this time, my best friend c looked at the thunder sound not far away, and some Yin and Yang strange way: "and someone is really like it."

In fact, what she said is right. Balamak is famous throughout the shampoo islands and the Navy headquarters, and the information is naturally collected by the headquarters. Balamak in the photo is carrying a top-quality knife behind him, while Leiyin is always carrying his own "grass razor".

What people don't know is that although balamak and Leiyin look different, the sword behind them is the same, and the person is also the same person...

after saying this, the two friends look at Tina involuntarily.

Tina was a little uncomfortable by her friends: "what do you all watch Tina do? Does Tina have acne on her face? "

My best friend's mouth made a strange sound: "someone, who is obviously interested in someone, but still has to pretend to be tall."

"Well, who said it wasn't?" My best friend B looks at Tina, and then at the thunder sound not far away.

Tina smell speech face slightly red: "cut, you say what ah, Tina simply don't understand." Tina said, her eyes also glanced at Leiyin not far away...

at this time, weierdan didn't know where to come from, went to Leiyin's front, and felt a fragrant handkerchief from her waist, "Hey, look at your sweat, wipe it quickly."

Wei Er Dan's tone is very stiff, but it is in the naked gallant.

Not far away, Tina's face became very ugly when she saw this scene.

Girlfriends a: "look, look, Leiyin is really a sweet cake. If you don't fight for it, maybe one day other girls will take it away."

My best friend C: "that's it. I always carry it like this. Don't regret it then."

Girl b: "well, weierdan is really active."

When Tina saw this scene, she heard her girlfriends talking like this. She stood up angrily: "hum, Tina is not rare! Hum

With that, Tina left in a huff.

Girl b: "Tina, this guy is really out of his mind."

And many male students on the training ground saw this scene, and their teeth were sore.

"That guy, how can he de?"

"Why do beautiful girls always throw themselves at him?"

"I'm really pissed off."

"It's like beating Lei Yin hard."

"Unfortunately, we can't beat him at all..."

in the eyes of the people, not far away, weierdan reaches out his slim hand and hands Leiyin a pink handkerchief to wipe his sweat. Leiyin jumps off the bar and says, "Oh, thank you, but no need."

With that, Lei Yin turns and walks away, leaving weierdan alone in the air: "Hey, you...

" that guy, he really doesn't know how to be a bad guy. "

"If sister weierdan could do this to me, I would be so beautiful that I couldn't sleep at night."

This guy is just a living wood. I don't know what he thinks all day. Wei Er Dan looks at Lei Yin's back and puts the handkerchief into his pocket.

When he was in Zhendong Village, Leiyin lived in farmer's home. Weierdan had already begun to pay attention to Leiyin secretly. Leiyin defeated [wolf] Grayson, and weierdan couldn't help falling in love with him. After Leiyin left, weierdan went all the way to the Navy headquarters, trying to improve his strength here. No matter how long he waited, he met Leiyin in person.Although this idea of her naive people want to laugh, but God seems to be very lucky for her. Unexpectedly, in the youth training camp of the Navy headquarters, they became classmates and could meet every day. Even know Leiyin is also in the youth training camp, weierdan excited for several days. But the sound of thunder like wood is thinking about cultivating and improving her strength every day. When you look at her, you almost don't have to look at her directly. And even so, Wei Er Dan still does not forget the original intention and refuses to give up.

She, has been unable to extricate herself...

compared with weierdan, Tina's side is not as good as there. She hopes to see the wood every day, but also does not want to see him and other women who are not clear about it...

therefore, many people in the youth training camp say that Leiyin is a "self-cultivation madman who is in bliss but does not know his fortune".

This is youth, but it seems that thunder can't feel the feeling.

Is it because Ayn's gone?

About this, no one knows...

two weeks passed quickly, and the youth training camp ushered in a long lost actual combat assessment.

Major General Tao Tu and lieutenant general mole called all the students together and told them the rules of actual combat assessment:

the island to be landed is called anemo Island, which is located in a windless zone more than 150 kilometers away from marine headquarters malinfan. This island is very big, with wild animals and Warcraft running rampant on it. It is a good place for the strong to practice, but at the same time, it is also full of danger. Fortunately, the navy has almost controlled the island, which is full of phone worms.

Many wild animals on this island have reached the level of "Warcraft", and many of these Warcraft may not be seen by many people. The Navy's work is very meticulous, and according to the strength of these Warcraft, they are divided into different levels.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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