Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:39 AM

Chapter 81

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Rosie only felt the pain through the bone and cried out.

The gloomy face of the blonde man made people shudder: "Hey, just now... Did you cheat?"

Rosio could hardly speak in pain: "brothers, kill this guy for me!"

Rousseau's men raised their swords, drew their guns, and rushed up.

But what people didn't expect was that the blonde man's body turned into a spring, beating Luo Xi'ou's hands in a split second...

as Lei Yin walked on the island, she saw tall and straight coconut trees, bright and clean houses, and the smell of meat and wine from time to time. If you look inside, it's a villa like hotel built on the sea. Luxury and wealth come naturally.

"I can't imagine that there is such a paradise in such a smoky place."

Lei Yin murmured to himself, and suddenly an old man came out.

The old man wandered along like a tumbler: "Hello! Kid, it's very difficult for us to come in so casually. Our tropical hotel has been wrapped up by a group of powerful and magnanimous elders. "

Hearing this, Lei Yin couldn't help feeling funny: "powerful? "Extraordinary bearing?"

Shaking old man then said: "if you let that old man know, that's bad. Would you please leave here at once?"


Before the old man finished speaking, a tall man's voice came from the door of the hotel. When Lei Yin saw it, the tall man was still holding a fashionable and hot beauty in his arms.

"La... La Si, you are back, he... He is..." seeing the man holding the beautiful woman, the old man's voice became frightened.

This man's name is Lasi, with thick black circles under his eyes. At a glance, he is still lingering with the charming beauty around him. Nicknamed "hammer", he is a fighter of hyena Pirate Group. His weapon is a 145 Jin hammer, offering a reward of 23 million Bailey.

She touched the woman in her arms and said in a very arrogant voice, "where did TM come from

The old man's face turned pale with fright: "big... Big uncle..."

with a tug on her face and a look of 250000 or 80000, she said: "don't talk nonsense! Get him out of here! Do you know how much money you spent here? "Ah?"

The beauty in her arms: "there's nothing wrong! Get out of here! You little devil

When the old man heard that he was going to drive Lei Yin away, Lei Yin said, "what's the name of this silk? Is your mouth big in the cesspit? Why is it so smelly? Your parents didn't teach you politeness, did they? "

When she heard Lei Yin say this, she was shocked: "ouch, what's the day of TM today? How can anyone dare to talk to me in magic Valley town? OK, smelly little B, I've changed my mind. I want you to die. I don't know how I died. "

She let go of the woman in her arms and let out a whistle. In a short time, some fierce looking men came out of the hotel and said, "what can I do for you, sir

"Take my weapon, and I'll open the ladle for this little B!"


Leiyin quietly watched him install B. in a short time, four powerful men lifted the wire drawing hammer out.

Tusi took a 145 Jin hammer in one hand and used it like a fly in his hand. "Little B, tell me, how do you want to die?"

Thunder voice light way: "this sentence, I should ask you just right?"

"Still stubborn!" With that, she rushed over with a hammer.

Lei Yin stood in the same place, neither hiding nor escaping. He attached chakra to his right hand and hardened it. With one punch, he swung up, "six moves - iron fist!"

The punch hit the hammer. The hammer rebounded and hit on the head of Lashi. Lashi's brain overflowed and she died on the spot. The woman saw this and ran away with a ghost expression.

Not only the women, but also all the pirates and old men were shocked and went back to the villa. Some of the pirates ran out of the gate as if they were going to ask for reinforcements. There was a brave pirate shouting in the distance: "boy, you wait. When our captain comes back, he will certainly tear you to pieces!"

Captain, I really want to see what a little character it is. Lei Yin thought.

Not long after, their captain, surrounded by the pirates, came back. This captain was the blonde man who had just killed the 42 million Bailey [executioner] Rosie in the tavern. His name was Bellamy.

Bellamy, born in the North Sea, is a captain of hyenas and pirates. He offers a reward of 55 million Bailey. Superman is a capable person. He called himself a "new era pirate", spurned the "unrealistic" romance and dream, pursued the "realistic" instant entertainment, and adored Alfred Domingo.Lei Yin, in order to wait for him to come back, didn't leave at all. After seeing him, he found that it was this guy.

A pirate pointed to Lei Yin: "Captain, it's this kid who killed rath."

Hearing the speech, Bellamy's face was gloomy and he looked at Lei Yin: "you're a brave boy. The man who killed me didn't run fast, but he still stayed here."

Lei Yin is suddenly a smile: "you flatter."

Bellamy: "I dare to laugh. Wait a minute, you can't cry!"

Said, Bellamy's two legs into a spring, spring leg force to the ground, store a lot of elastic potential energy to the foot, "spring sniper!"

The next moment, he flies towards Leiyin...

Leiyin sees that chakra is attached on his hands and feet, hardens it, and faces the attack straight away, "the lion even bombs!"


The two hit each other with fists, which shocked them back several steps. This move is equal.

The first wave of attack was only a tentative attack, and then, he would not be so lucky. Lei Yin thought.

Bellamy failed to make another move. His whole legs turned into springs, constantly pedaling on the ground, flashing and jumping around the buildings.

"Spring jump!"

Bellamy kept flashing, and suddenly attacked Lei Yin. Lei Yin flashed away. Bellamy stopped attacking, jumped for a while, and attacked again. When Lei Yin flashed away, he stopped attacking again. So back and forth for more than a dozen times, attack flash, flash attack, Lei Yin was a little annoyed by this guy.

There was an angry look on Lei Yin's face: "you guys really make me angry."

At the next moment, Lei Yin moves his mind and calls up his own equipment bar , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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