Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:35 AM

Chapter 85

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When ace saw their ferocious claws, he was not polite.

He kicked his feet and jumped tens of meters high, then drank "fire fist" word by word

In a moment, the right hand ignited a raging flame, which bloomed in the air, became a huge red fist shape, and then launched to the B-W ship!

Red flame lit up the sky, with hot heat, like a fire dragon hit the B-W warship.

When the ship was hit by the fire, the flames burst into the sky in an instant. Like three huge torches, the B-W three ships ignited a raging fire. The wails and screams of the ship were endless. Many crew members jumped into the sea in order to survive.

Tina and all the Marines were stunned, jaw dropped on the warship.

"Burn the fruit..."

"is this the strength of 260 million?"

"It's terrible..."

Lei Yin had expected such a result for a long time. From the beginning, he knew that the B-W gang were beating the stone with their eggs.

Seeing this, Lei Yin finally took action and gave the order. He called a lieutenant to come over and said, "go and gather some soldiers with good water quality and catch all those B-W drowning guys that can be caught by me!"

Lieutenant: Yes

Tina: what about ace

"I'll deal with him myself." Lei Yin kneaded his fist.

Tina's face flashed a look of suspicion when she heard the speech. Even though the thunder was strong and she was invincible in the youth training camp, this time she was faced with a notorious pirate on the sea, who offered a reward of more than 200 million Bailey. She was still a man of natural ability.

"Then, you must be careful." Tina worried.

Tina can't be armed now, and knows that she can't hurt ace at all, so she can only ask Leiyin.

About 200 soldiers with good water quality went to sea to capture the crew of B-W, while Leiyin ordered the rest of the soldiers to shoot at ace.

Bullets, like raindrops, whizzed past ace. Some of them hit him and penetrated his body.

However, what they pierced was just layers of flames.

At the beginning, Leiyin didn't want to hurt ace with ordinary bullets. The soldiers didn't reach the level that Beckman attached the armed color to the bullets. In this way, they just wanted to attract ace's attention.

But how could ace allow the navy to act recklessly? His right fist turned into a raging fire again, just like the situation just now. The fire fist mixed with the terrible heat of high temperature, was launched towards the warship...

many navies were scared to death when they saw this. Just now, they had seen the power of ACE [Fire fist], and three warships were burnt out in an instant, If this terrible flame strikes again, will it be the same?

Seeing [Fire fist] roaring, Leiyin stood on the bow of the boat, and his hands were flying up and down, which had been suddenly printed:

"water escape - water array wall!"

At the end of the speech, a huge waterfall, like a curtain, falls down in tears. When the fire fist hits, it hits the waterfall and "peeps" out huge steam.

"I've been saved..."

while the navy soldiers were glad that they were saved, they also sighed that Lei Yin didn't know what "magic" he used.

Even ace was a little surprised: is this Navy the ability of the Navy?

"Magic fire - I don't know fire!"

Ace thought, his arms turned into two bright and dazzling flame spears. The next moment, he jumped up from the ship, and the two flames spewed out. At the same time, they swept together to form a bigger flame, attacking the warship...

seeing the thunder, his hands were sealed again, and a move of Ninjutsu was suddenly issued:

"fire escape - the art of haohuoqiu!"

Like two fire dragons, [unknown fire] and [Hao fireball] swept up bursts of high-temperature heat waves on the sea surface. When they collided, they caused a huge roar on the sea surface. While splashing huge water, large areas of water vapor appeared on the sea surface.

If the water Dun skill just now surprised ace, the fire Dun now shocked him.

The ability of two attributes?

It seems that this Navy is by no means a layman. Next, it's absolutely careless.

With this thought, ACE jumped into the air again, his body was spinning at a high speed, surrounded by gorgeous flames, and then with a bang on the head, he rushed to the thundering warship:

"fire ring - pillar!"

After the high-speed rotation, ACE concentrated the hot flame on his hands, and with the powerful swing of his arm, a bright and dazzling pillar of fire fell from the sky...



Even before the pillar of fire reached the warship, the Navy felt the high temperature and thought their lives were over. Tina was quite brave. She stood in the bow of the boat, crossed her hands in front of her chest, and made a black barrier to resist ace's attackA minute ago, when ace put on this posture, Leiyin knew that ace was going to use the [pillar of fire]. This move [burning ring - pillar of fire] is ace's great move, which is second only to the ability of [burning fruit] of [great burning ring - Emperor Yan]. It seems that he really attracts ace's attention.

But, so what?

When Lei Yin saw this, he had a plan to deal with it. He made a seal with his hands and saw a huge water dragon rising on the calm sea:

"water escape - the art of water dragon bullet!"

The water dragon roars and drinks furiously. It has the potential to turn the river and the sea upside down. It roars directly against the [burning ring - pillar of fire]!

The water dragon and the pillar of fire blend together. There is a huge roar above the warship, and then a large transpiration white fog is formed. At this time, even Tina was scared to cover her ears...

"such a battle is like a dream!"

I don't know who uttered such a exclamation. The water dragon quietly extinguished the top of the pillar of fire, and the remaining water waves directly hit ace. Ace couldn't resist and fell directly into the sea...

seeing this, Lei Yin immediately jumped into the sea and caught ace on the warship...

a lieutenant came over, took the handcuffs of the hailou stone, and mercilessly brought him to sea Then he put him in the prison at the bottom of the building...

he offered a reward of 260 million yuan, and the famous fire fist ace was defeated by Lei yin?

The soldiers on the warship looked at Lei Yin, as if they saw the God of war in general...

at this time, not only ace was arrested, but also the crew of B-W who fell into the water and were also captured by the Navy.

A Second Lieutenant: "report to the colonel, the total number of prisoners is 128. What should we do?"

Lei Yin: "interrogate me one by one, record detailed confessions, and be sure to smell their own identities, their direct leaders and their behind the scenes leaders for me!"

"Yes, sir , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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