Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:33 AM

Chapter 87

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With that, Leiyin throws the key of the stone handcuffs to ace.

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to fight with you. Do you really want to send you to propulsion city Lei Yin said with a smile.

Ace: are you looking at the old man's face

"It's just one reason." Lei yindao.

"Well, I see."

Ace also no nonsense, directly with the key to open the handcuffs, with the hand touched the wrist son, "Navy, what's your name?"

"My name is Lei Yin."

"Lei Yin, I think ace owes you a favor."

"See you later. I feel like I'll see you again."

Lei Yin said and gave ace a boat to send him out secretly.

"Next time, if we meet again, you'll be the man with white beard, won't you?" Looking at the back of the boat, Lei Yin thought

Arabistan, rain.

Ms. reported the intelligence to klockdale all Sunday.

Krocdal's face turned blue when he heard this: "you mean our ship was killed by ACE, and then all the people on the ship were captured by that Navy kid?"

All Sunday: "yes, president."

"It's disgusting. It can be seen that he didn't come to travel. He must have got some information from those spineless guys. It seems that we have to do it. "

All Sunday: "what are you going to do next?"

"Where are the navies?" klocdal asked, taking a hard puff on his cigar

"It looks like they're coming towards the rain."

"Heaven has a way, he doesn't go, hell has no way, he rushes in. Call on all senior agents to come to the rain immediately, and be sure to kill them all! " Klocdal said with a gloomy face.

After mr.11 was arrested by Leiyin, Baroque Wacker studio did not stop tracking warships, because their whereabouts and the whole group were known by Leiyin, so they chose to track warships secretly.

After a series of things, the warship finally arrived at the port of the city on the edge of the rain.

Lei Yin said to the navies, "you must take good care of those people in Baroque studio on board. I'll meet their boss myself."

"Tina, come with you." Tina said.

"No, Baroque's chief commanders are very important. Just stay on the warship and watch the prisoners. Also, if they come to attack warships, you must call me the first time. "

With that, Lei Yin stepped out of the boat.

The battle between Baroque wark studio and Leiyin navy has finally reached a white hot stage. At this time, according to klockdale's instructions, senior agents have been ambushing in the fortress in the rainy area, which is the only way to enter the rainy area.

As soon as Lei Yin arrived, senior agents who had been in ambush for a long time surrounded Lei Yin.

In addition to Mr. 4 and those female agents, the other four senior agents (Mr. 1, Mr. 2, Mr. 3, Mr. 5) surrounded Leiyin. Mr. 5 was full of sinister color: "I'm so brave. I came here alone."

Mr. 5, chief conductor of Baroque studio, Superman is a person with explosive fruit ability.

Mr. 2 danced swan dance, as if very excited: "yes, yes, I've been waiting for you so hard."

Mr. 2, whose real name is von clay, is the chief conductor of Baroque studio. Superman is a person who can imitate fruits, offering a reward of 32 million Bailey. He's a personal demon. He's good at human demon boxing.

Mr. 3: "since you come here alone, do well in the awareness of death!"

Mr. 3, his real name is gal Dino. He is the chief conductor of Baroque studio. He is a superman who is capable of making candles and fruits. He offers a reward of 45 million Bailey.

Mr. 1: "don't talk nonsense there, let's do it now!"

Mr. 1's real name is daze Bonis. He is the chief conductor of Baroque studio. Superman is a fast chopper with a reward of 55 million Bailey.

"Spiral cut!" Mr. 1 said that the arm has become a high-speed rotating blade.

"Human demon hand knife!" Mr. 2's hand is also like a steel knife

"Candle chains!" Mr. 3 emits candles

"Fantasy nose!" Mr.5, not to be outdone, buttoned his nose with his little finger and ejected a small group of unknown objects

Four senior agents of Baroque studio show their magic power, and all use their own ability to greet Lei Yin. The hand knife of mr.2 split Lei Yin's head, the hand of MR.1 pierced Lei Yin's heart, the candle of mr.3 locked Lei Yin's hands and feet, and finally, the fantasy nose of mr.5 exploded on Lei Yin.

Does Lei Yin hang up like this?

"Ah, ha ha, I thought it was some terrible character. It turned out to be such scum." Mr. 3 laughs.Mr.5 looks gloomy: "really, mr.0 doesn't know what to think. To deal with this kind of goods, we need four people to work together."

Mr.2 began to dance swan dance again: "Ow! If it's all right, I'll go home and go around in circles... "

"I say you are too arrogant, aren't you?"

At this time, a voice came out of the void, which startled the four agents.

"Who is it?"

"The kid just now is not dead yet?"

Four people together toward just had been pierced the heart of the "thunder", has turned into a fog disappeared in place.

"Na Nani? "

"What's going on?"

Several agents startled.

It turned out that just now it was the shadow of Lei Yin. His real body had already moved to the sky of the four people with the flying thunder god chop.

At this time, after Lei Yin made the seal, he put his hands together, and a move of Ninjutsu suddenly appeared:

"Shuidun - shuiliantan skill!"

In the four people's frightened eyes, a great wave of water has come to them

This is the latest level a ninja learned by Lei Yin. Although its water potential is not as great as that of water dragon bullet, its power is almost the same as that of water iron cannon, which is powerful enough to destroy steel. Moreover, its attack range is very wide, much larger than that of level C water chaos wave. The only drawback is that it costs a lot of chakras.

The four agents were hit by the water wave, and all of them lay on the ground. Even Mr. 1, which is equivalent to "bronze head and iron arm", was beaten to death. Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 were knocked unconscious.

Mr. 2 was intact.


It's not that Mr. 2's body is harder than Mr. 1's, but that Leiyin deliberately does it.

It's not because Lei Yin likes human demons, nor because he has any friendship with Mr. 2. He doesn't want to kill him, just doesn't want to kill him

Mr. 2, who survived, looked around in a dazed way. And Leiyin calls Tina and asks her to take the handcuffs of Shanghai Loushi and hurry to the rainy fortress to catch people. Leiyin goes straight to the rainy banquet of the casino , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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