Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:23 AM

Chapter 97

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After being defeated by Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors in the new world, Jeremy returns to the great route and meets the mole and ghost spider. The two generals are caught in the five underground floors of the propulsion city. It is said that he is the fruit power of the ancient phantoms. A reward of 375 million Bailey.

When he saw Qingzhi and huangape, his heart was cool.

"I thought I could get out of here today, but I didn't expect to meet a navy general. Am I really exhausted?" Jeremy murmured to himself in despair.

However, it was not only two generals, but also two lieutenant generals of Bastille and mosambia, four major generals, several brigadier generals, school officers and lieutenant generals, and more than 3000 troops.

Something unexpected happened to Jeremy. Qingzhi said, "we don't have much time. Lieutenant general Bastille and mossambia, this guy has been handed over to you. Now we have to go to the second floor underground to stop KEDO."

"I see!"

As soon as they said that, the two generals passed by Jeremy and went straight to the second floor.

In the face of the combat power of the level of Jeremy, the generals don't pay any attention to it. Their task is to stop Kato and ignore such people. Maybe young and yellow ape both believe that their subordinates can easily subdue Jeremy.

Jeremy doesn't know whether he should be happy or depressed. The happy thing is that the general doesn't care about him. The sad thing is that the general doesn't want to talk to him at all.

However, these are not important, the most important thing for him at this time is to escape.

General mosanbia drew his sword from his waist and pointed at jerev: "jerev, you'd better be a good man and let go. We'll consider lenient treatment for you, or you'll go to hell again and never see the sun!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing mosanbia's words, Jeremy made a grimace: "are you coaxing a three-year-old? An idiot will believe you. "

Hearing the words, Leiyin comes out from behind mosanbia. Chakra is brewing in his body. He is about to meet jerev, but he is stopped by Bastille.

The so-called "chopping the dragon" Lieutenant General Bastille, wearing a horn mask with many air holes, is tall and has a big chopper on his right shoulder. He looks very imposing.

"You step down, he's not what a brigadier general can handle." Bastille didn't even turn his head, even if he gave an order to Leiyin.

Seeing this, Lei Yin also stepped back.

Bastille swung his decapitation knife and said to Jeremy, "pirate, I advise you to go back to prison, or I won't let you keep your whole body."

Jeremy "ha ha" laughs: "do you Navy like to talk big like this? However, if this is what the general said to me just now, I have to weigh your words, hum...

"you want to die!"

Bastille, who was directly underestimated, rushed forward with his knife in both hands and swept at jeref with a fierce blow. It was as if he was going to cut the nearly 400 million reward criminals in front of him into two sections.

Unfortunately, Jeremy's action is very agile, his feet gently avoided the Bastille's chop, then, his hand became a lion's paw, directly toward the Bastille and scratched.

Originally, this guy is a cat fruit (lion form) fruit power. Lei Yin thought.


There was a piercing sound of tearing the clothes. There were four blood marks on the right arm of Bastille.

"Wow! You damned bastard, I'll kill you Bastille covered his right arm in pain, yelled hysterically, and stabbed him again.

Unexpectedly, this time, Jeremy didn't hide or escape. He let the sword cut him down. He saw that Jeremy's Lion claws had become black and shiny. He caught the Bastille's chopper. As soon as his razor like claws were tightened, the sword would burst like glass.

Before the Bastille could react, Jeremy quickly kicked the Bastille more than ten meters away and rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

"Lieutenant General Bastille!"

Seeing that Bastille was easily defeated, mosanbia led the army to surround jerev.

The so-called rank does not represent strength. Although they are both generals, not everyone is as tough as Kapp or mole. It's like being the same colonel. Is colonel mouse the same level as Colonel smoggard?

Bastille was beaten in the face, while Leiyin stood in the same place and looked at him calmly. Mosambia led the army with a sword and looked at jerev as if facing a big enemy.

"Ha ha ha..." suddenly, Jeremy laughed and then said with a sly smile, "sad Marines, I'm very sorry, I'm going to leave here."

With that, his arms suddenly changed into two wings and flew into the air.

Wings? This guy, isn't he a lion fruit? How could it have wings?Just as the navies were surprised, they saw Jeremy waving his wings rapidly in the air, facing the helpless navies. From under his wings, the wind was blowing towards the navies.

"Wind blade!"

When the wind blows into the Navy, it is as sharp as a knife. Everywhere it passes, there is a stream of blood, followed by a scream.

After a while, nearly 2000 people of the Navy were killed and scattered.

"I... I remember! This guy is Jeremy, the ability of the animal phantom [Griffin fruit]

"What... What?"

"Are you kidding?"

"By the way, I remember."

The navy has a mouth of chicken and a mouth of duck. Some people think of his name and can't help shouting.

This Jeremy was caught five years ago. Although he was famous on the sea at that time, he disappeared five years ago. Of course, there are more than 300 million reward criminals whose names are different from those of Roger, Golden Lion and white beard.

Although they are not as famous as these top figures, they are capable of the fruit of animal illusions after all, and people have already seen the strength just demonstrated that they are definitely not idle people who can easily defeat the general head-on.

On the other hand, general mosanbia, who was promoted from major general, has no strength. He belongs to the category of "intelligent general". His strength is not even as good as that of Bastille.

However, in the face of absolute strength, what is the use of "wisdom"?

"If the generals were here, it would never be like this." Mosanbia said.

After almost crushing the Navy, Jeremy flew into the air , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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