Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:22 AM

Chapter 98

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"Good bye, little Marines, Uncle Ben is free this time, ah ha ha..." Jeremy smiles and flies to the sky...

"do I allow you to go?"

Just as he was about to fly away, a figure stopped him in mid air.

It's thunder coming from the moon step!

Looking at Lei Yin, Jeremy was stunned at first, and then said, "I can't see that there is a little like you in these useless navies."

"Don't talk nonsense, or go back to jail, or beat me, you go away." Thunder sound continuously treads the air, light way.

"Funny kid. But it's hard to get out, and the psycho will go back with you. " As he said this, Jeremy waved his wings again, and another gust of wind came.

Facing the strong wind, Leiyin is not afraid, his hands suddenly make a seal, and a move of Ninjutsu breaks out again: "fengdun - great breakthrough!"

Thunderstorm's gale and hurricane Jeremy's smashed together, forming a powerful cyclone over the sky, which was offset in two directions.

"Who's up there fighting that pirate?" Asked one of the Marines.

"It's Lei Yin, Brigadier General Lei Yin!"

"Down with him!"

"Take him down! Brigadier general Lei Yin

The navies watching the battle were boiling up again.

Seeing the extraordinary strength of Lei Yin, Jeremy finally gets serious.

The two feet turned into the paws of two lions, and the thunder went away like a storm. Seeing this, the thunder pulled out his grass shaved sword to fight back against him.


Jeremy's feet are wrapped with armed color, and his razor like claws collide with his grass shaved sword. The sound of the golden iron clang of the sword's collision comes from the sky.

Jeremy's speed is extremely fast, and his two claws keep hitting the key parts of thunder, and the speed of thunder is also amazing, resisting his attacks again and again...

the second floor underground, the hell of Warcraft.

The jailer, the chicken, the snake, the bakirisk; the jailer, the man eating lion, the son of monticola; the jailer, the Sphinx, the Sphinx, were all knocked down.

You don't have to ask. It's all done by Cato.

At this time, Qingzhi and huangape have reached the second floor underground.

Kato and the two generals meet head on.

This is the world's top combat power, the confrontation between the four emperors and the Navy General.

There's not too much nonsense. Let's fight!

"Laser light!"

The Yellow ape is the first to attack, gathering the light wave in his hand, then suddenly.


With a huge roar, Kato's huge body was shaken back several steps.

This is Kato. If you were ordinary people, you would have been blown to pieces by the terrible light.

When Qingzhi saw this, he didn't give Cato any chance to breathe. There was a strong cold in his right hand:

"fierce mouth!"

A bird shaped ice bomb spewed out from its right arm. Where it passed, even the water vapor turned into ice slag. With a strong impact, it directly hit Kato.

Kaiduo, of course, would not let him attack directly. He wrapped his arms around his right hand and smashed Qingzhi's flying mouth with one blow, which made it a little bit of ice and scattered around.

"Frozen time capsule!"

When Qingzhi saw that one move failed, he released another, and sent out cold air-conditioned projectiles from a long distance to attack kaiduo again...

"tiancongyun sword!"

The Yellow ape gathers the photons on its hand to form a lightsaber. Its awn is like the sun, and it cuts head-on toward Kato...

a layer on the ground.

Leiyin holds jerif back, making him unable to get away at all. At this time, the two people are wrestling in the air.

"Damn little devil, make way for the labor and capital!" Yelled Jeremy, exasperated.

"If you have the ability, you can run." Thunder tone light way.

"Damn it, I'll tear you to powder!"

As he said that, his body changed again. His head became an eagle, his whole body became a lion, and two lion's claws stretched out under his wings.

This is the whole animal form of the animal species [Griffin fruit]!

Only to see, Jeremy opened his beak, issued a bird's scream, while desperately agitating the wings, a more powerful hurricane relentlessly blowing to thunder.

Seeing this, Lei Yin didn't dodge. Instead, he used chakra to make a blue shield in front of his body to weaken the hurricane. At the same time, he took out dozens of swords from the system, put his hands together, put the index finger and middle finger of his right hand in the palm of his left hand, and attached chakra of Lei attribute to the blade of the sword in his hand:

"separation of sword shadow in his hand!"

After a big drink, Lei Yin throws the sword out of his hand and throws it to jerif. He sees that the sword rain suddenly appears when he pushes the sky above the city. Don't say it's jerif who can't react. Even if he can, he can't avoid it. In a moment, his body is full of holes and falls from the air.When it fell to the ground, the ground was immediately dyed bright red by blood, and then the thunder stepped down from the sky.

"Brigadier general Lei Yin..."

"so strong."

"That guy, dead... Dead?"

Below the navy soldiers with guns carefully came forward to watch the devastated jerev, do not know if he is dead or faint.

Lei Yin walked over and said, "you put him in prison immediately. He is not dead."

Soldier: Yes, Brigadier General

The fruits of the animal series have strong resilience and vitality, among which the rarer species are ancient animals and phantoms, which are more than times of the common animals. Although Jeremy seems to have been seriously injured, his resilience is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Lei Yin, with her own efforts, arrested 375 million reward offering criminals again.


Less than five minutes after the battle between Leiyin and jerev, a big hole suddenly broke out in the floor of the first floor underground, and then three people came up from the ground.

They're juveniles, yellow apes and Kato.

They fight from the second floor of the underground world of Warcraft hell to the first floor of the underground world of red lotus hell. Because of their strong attack power, they directly make a big hole in the ceiling of the first floor of the underground world, that is, the floor of the first floor of the ground, and the two generals chase Kato up directly.

"You two annoying guys, since you can't kill me, I will die for you!"

Kato's voice was heroic, shaking the sky. His two rough hands suddenly slapped on the ground, and they spread out in all directions with domineering color. Almost all the guards led by the Navy and domino, even the jailers including the blue orangutan, fell to the ground with their eyes turned white.

At this time, standing on the ground floor, only three people were not affected by the color of kador , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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