Published at 10th of October 2021 10:29:59 AM

Chapter 133

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Chapter 133

Chu MuYun has been abstaining for hundreds of years. This little fox has teased him many times but he has resisted each time and never touched him. However he didn’t expect to suddenly get attacked right now.

In fact, President Chu has never had any hang-ups when it came to this matter. If he wanted to do it, he would just do it. Not to mention this little fox was born white and beautiful and was also someone that was even more heartless and frivolous than he was. He would definitely be an excellent candidate for a fuck buddy, the kind that, after rolling around on the bed, definitely wouldn’t care for a relationship after.

Under normal circumstances… Chu MuYun back on Earth really liked this type.

But in this place, he didn’t want to touch this vixen.

Please read latest updates at the original source whiteskytranslations DOT wordpress DOT com.

Zerobaby was very touched by this: “Are you saving your body for Lord Wrath?!”

Chu MuYun: “…” 

Zerobaby: “You even admitted you can only be on the bottom.”

Chu MuYun sighed and said gently, “Baby, you really need to learn to tell the difference between when I’m telling the truth or just making things up.”

If he didn’t tell this fox he was a bottom, then this fox would definitely cling to him and tease him every day. Even if he could resist once or twice but what about the third or fourth time? If he really ended up doing this fox one day, then how could he still maintain the veneer of a respectful teacher and friend?

This fox had no morals but his head is not stupid. He had good eyesight and knew how to act spoilt like a baby. If they really ended up having a relationship, this fox would definitely try to hook him into bed every time he wanted him to cultivate. With the lazy nature of this fox demon, don’t talk about a hundred years, even in a thousand years he probably wouldn’t be able to produce any cultivation results.

Chu MuYun always considered this from many perspectives. As long as it conflicted with the ultimate goal, he could only put it down.

So he will never have a relationship with this fox.

Making up his mind, Chu MuYun’s energy surged in his body, trying to suppress the lust. Unexpectedly, this evil desire was full of tricks. As soon as the vigor in his body circulated, the lust didn’t decay but burned even hotter.

For a moment, Chu MuYun’s blood churned with this evil fire.

The little fox discovered his condition. He looked up at him and, after only one glance, he was bewitched.

So good…. So… so handsome!

How can such a handsome man be a bottom? How can it be!

Being stared at by Chu MuYun in this way, the little fox only felt that his whole body was getting hot, he really wanted to… together with him…

Surreptitiously and tentatively, the fox reached out his hand and touched Chu MuYun through his clothes.

Just one touch and the little fox’s eyes suddenly became bright.

It was hard! And it was so… so big!

He licked his lower lip and decided to throw caution to the winds….

He inclined his body and pressed in closer… Chu MuYun frowned but did not push him away.

Just as the two were about to kiss, suddenly a strong force struck out. The little fox blinked and fell onto the bed with a plop.

Zero was a little bit distressed for him: “Your blow… isn’t it a bit too heavy?”

Chu MuYun: “Don’t underestimate the Silver Fortune Physique. If it wasn’t for the fact that he got distracted, this blow might not even be enough to make him faint.

Zero: “…”

Please read latest updates at the original source whiteskytranslations DOT wordpress DOT com.

Chu MuYun got up, cast a technique and quickly left the courtyard.

It was not easy to borrow this luck and Chu MuYun was a little irritated by this desire.

Did he really have no choice but to find someone to vent it with?

The town wasn’t small. If he hid his appearance, it was not too difficult to find someone to randomly spend the night.

Thinking about this, Chu MuYun turned around and was about to walk back.

But not long after he left, he felt a familiar breath.

Then a black shadow rushed towards him.

Ever since Ling Xuan was expelled by LingYun Sect, he would unceremoniously attack with a fatal blow every time he saw Chu MuYun.

Under normal circumstances, Chu MuYun would be happy to play with him but at this moment, he didn’t dare to use his strength at all. As long as he circulated his energy, the evil fire within him almost surged out of his skin.

Chu MuYun’s figure moved. He still managed to avoid the critical points on his body but a few strands of his hair was singed and slid down slowly…. 

Ling Xuan, who stood in the distance, suddenly narrowed his eyes. 

Chu MuYun was a little dizzy because of this blow.

Baby Zero: “Do you need me to release…. ‘absolute consciousness’?”

Chu MuYun: “Close your five senses.”

Zero: “Huh??” Then he reacted quickly and said with excitement, “Good, good, good!”

Ling Xuan almost instantaneously noticed something was wrong with him so he didn’t make any more moves. He only stepped forward and spoke with a cold and alienated tone: “Brother?”

It was no wonder that he was being cautious. Having been acquainted for so many years, he knew too well how deep this man’s wells were and how strange his mind worked. He had seen with his own eyes how this man effortlessly calculated and manipulated others, while pretending to be selflessly dedicated on the surface.

For so many years, Ling Xuan had always wondered: How the hell did someone like Ling SuYun manage to enter his eyes? That this man, who had almost demon-like intelligence, would willingly pave the way for him step by step and plan and do everything for his sake?

Ling Xuan couldn’t figure it out or understand it in the slightest.

He approached him, looked down slightly and then… something totally beyond Ling Xuan’s expectation happened.

Please read latest updates at the original source whiteskytranslations DOT wordpress DOT com.

Chu MuYun lifted himself up and kissed his lips.

It was an extremely hot, boiling kiss. The overwhelming pressure from the kiss was almost indistinguishable from pleasure and, because the shock was too great, the impact swept all his other senses away.

Ling Xuan was stunned and then, memories that had been buried for hundreds of years, gushed out. When he returned to his senses, he found that his hand was clasping the chin of the person before him as he kissed him back… no, It shouldn’t be called a kiss, instead it was a brutal battle between lips and tongue and the smell of blood spread throughout the mouth.

But this juxtaposition aroused the desire in his heart, stimulating his competitive desires. It was an intoxicating sensation and made Ling Xuan unable to help wanting to treat him more and more violently.

Chu MuYun made a  “hn” sound. He was probably in pain but he didn’t let it go. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Ling Xuan’s neck and hungrily, licentiously and shamelessly pressed against him.

Ling Xuan could clearly see that in front of him was a vast abyss concealed by gorgeous flowers. He knew that awaiting him on this path was an hellish abyss full of thorns but he had no ability to turn back.

Just like hundreds of years ago, when he knew that Chu MuYun would leave if he did it.

But he still….did it.

People always held hope in their hearts, they always had anticipation. They always hoped that what they imagined might not necessarily be the final result.

Unfortunately, the reality is far more terrifying than his intuition.

The next day, Chu MuYun closed his eyes and meditated for some time before he managed to suppress the fatigue and soreness on his body.

They overdid it too much. The two of them hadn’t been intimate for too long and it was inevitable that they would lose control.

But fortunately, the damn side effects of that pill were relieved.

Chu MuYun got up, put on his clothes and pushed open the door.

Only to find Ling Xuan was right outside about to come in.

The two had been entangled all night but come the next day, they only looked at each other coldly.

Chu MuYun frowned slightly and confessed frankly: “I accidentally ingested an aphrodisiac drug.”

Ling Xuan stared at him: “What if the person who came wasn’t me?”

Chu MuYun was startled slightly then raised his lips to look at him. “What do you think?”

Ling Xuan’s palm, under the sleeve of his robe, suddenly clenched.

Chu MuYun didn’t want to waste time anymore so he didn’t even say goodbye. He just turned around to go out.

Unexpectedly, Ling Xuan actually followed him. He was very silent and, without saying a word, just followed Chu MuYun like this.

Chu MuYun was running out of time. The Fortune Pill was at most effective for seven days. The effect in the last two days is estimated to be extremely poor so really he only had five days. Two days and one night have already been wasted and it will take another day to break into the maze of Wan Xiang Palace. He didn’t have time to mess around with Ling Xuan.

He couldn’t fight with him as it would consume a lot of energy and time. If that happened, then going to the Wan Xiang Palace would become even more risky.

Chu MuYun suddenly had an idea: Should he take the little wolf dog along with him?


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