Published at 20th of January 2022 12:19:07 PM

Chapter 154

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They haven't gone out since they came to this cave.

Chu Muyun did it deliberately, but Jun Mo didn't realize it at all.

This is also very understandable. After all, it is too comfortable. After being immersed in it, even the passing of time is ignored, and where is it that I care about where I am.

Until the sixth day, Chu Muyun had to go out.

It's not that the Qiankun bag is lacking in materials, but the formation outside needs to be supplemented and repaired.

On the first day, Chu Muyun simply opened an enchantment, but he didn't expect to be smashed in a night...

Chu Muyun had no choice but to go out and lay out a defensive formation, one by one, and another seven omnipotent spirit stones to circle the formation.

I also said how precious the all-spirit stone is, and the seven stones that were hung to the sky lasted less than six days.

Zero baby: "It's not easy to hide in the Golden House. A seven-star presidential suite is not so expensive for one night!"

Chu Muyun: "I give full marks to this metaphor."

Zero baby: ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Chu Muyun: "But Jinwu Zangjiao can still taste some sweetness anyway, I can only see if I can't take it, is it really bad?"

Zero baby: "Uh..."

Chu Muyun added: "When this'jiao' is well raised, 80% will hide me in turn."


Chu Muyun: "So, baby, I really love you."

Zero baby: (w)

Chu Muyun left one person and one egg in the cave, and came out to repair the formation by himself. He checked the degree of damage, and thought about reshaping the formation and sketching a stronger defensive force. It is estimated that it will last longer. It will be longer.

He was working here against the sky thunder formation, and Jun Mo in the room just woke up, and he was startled when he saw the empty cave.

He put on his clothes and got out of bed. He walked to the outer room and saw no one. Although his face remained unchanged, his heart trembled slightly.

It's not disappointing, it's nothing to be sad, but there is such a sense of fatalism as expected.

He walked silently from room to room, and finally only the hot spring was left.

If there is no one, then... there is really no one.

Jun Mo's steady pace stopped, and the robe dragged to the ground reflected the brilliance of the night pearl on the top of the cave, revealing a coldness like frost and snow.

After a while... he still walked in.

The place where I stayed for five days is already very familiar, so familiar that I can easily fully present every memory carried in every corner.

Jun Mo stared blankly.

Suddenly a "puff" sound drew his attention.

Jun Mo returned to his senses and stared attentively—in the warm pool water, an egg the size of a ball fell from a height and fell into the hot spring.

This to put it...hmm... Different people have different opinions.

When Jun Mo saw it, he only felt that the egg had fallen into the water.

When President Chu saw it, his eyebrows raised lightly: Do you want to die?

Lingbao sees it and knows it: Overeating is big, be careful of being cooked!

Of course... the party Ye Dandan said: This is a perfect dive with full points in the jump, full points in the arc, and full points in the water!

But Yedandan didn't expect anyone to come, so after entering the water, it almost couldn't sink and became a drowned egg.

In this cave, Jun Mo and Ye Dandan have been together for five days.

But Jun Mo didn't care much about him, the main reason was Yedandan.

Although Dan Dan is small, he is extremely smart. He knows that he is a unique egg, so he is very careful and never reveals his uniqueness to outsiders. Therefore, for five days, he was quietly like a decoration.

Jun Mo could see him, but how could he think that this was a thoughtful egg?

At this time the two were facing each other.

Jun Mo suddenly moved his mind.

Chu Muyun liked this black egg very much, and would hold it in his arms when he had nothing to do. At first Jun Mo thought it was a stove, but later he thought it was a box for stuffing. After asking the other day, he found out... it turned out to be an egg.

At that time, Chu Muyun's expression was quite gentle. He gently touched the egg's head and said as he put on the sack, "I cherish him very much."

Jun Mo remembered his expression at that time, so he looked at this black egg more.

Looking at the egg at this moment, Jun Mo felt very kind inexplicably.

——Either they were left behind like him, or they were not left behind.

Jun Mo wore his clothes and walked into the hot spring. The water soaked to his knees. The robes he wore were wide, and he walked into the water like lotus flowers in full bloom.

But Ye Dandan didn't like it, he hated this colorless guy.

Jun Mo could not realize the feeling of an egg, he picked him up from the water and hugged him in his arms.

After walking ashore, Jun Mo finally had the idea of ​​going out to have a look.

Maybe A Mu is outside.

Jun Mo didn't stop, and walked out of the cave directly holding Ye Dandan.

When he really went out, he heard the thunder roaring outside, and felt the ground shaking at his feet, but Jun Mo froze.

The hem of his clothes was soaked and blown by the gale. At the same time it was lifted, a lot of water vapor filled the air with a trace of chill. The cold moisture seemed to flow into his chest along his breath...

Jun Mo looked at him without blinking, what else he didn't understand at this time?

These five days have not been peaceful at all, the natural disasters have never been far away from him, even more arrogant than usual...the sky is full of thunder, violent storms, and the entire mountain peak is like the end of the world. The boundless abyss was reduced to ruins.

But such a disaster, he hadn't noticed it before.

Because of the place he stayed-that cave was a paradise created by A Mu himself.

It was he who paid an unknown amount of cultivation base, spent an unknown amount of effort, and exchanged a huge price for short-term warmth and quiet.

Jun Mo looked at him blankly, without moving.

Until Chu Muyun completed the formation, he turned around and saw the silver-haired boy standing there.

The young man's long hair was lifted by the wind, his delicate facial features were revealed, and his face was still expressionless, but upon closer inspection, he could find that there were some ripples in his empty eyes.

Chu Muyun walked over with a smile: "Why did you come out?"

Jun Mo answered the question: "You don't need to be like this."

Chu Muyun dried his clothes while performing an operation, and said, "It's nothing, this little thing is not worth mentioning."

Jun Mo said: "You can't hold it..."

Chu Muyun smiled and interrupted him: "Not necessarily..."

Jun Mo was startled, and slightly raised his head to look at him.

At this moment, Chu Mu happened to be looking at him, and the two looked at each other, and Jun Mo felt a powerful force in these handsome eyes.

It was a confidence that originated from the soul, an aura that looked like the world, and an arrogance that even the Tao of God hadn't seen.

Chu Muyun's unfinished words rang in his ears: "It's not necessarily who can't hold it."

"Heaven and me, let's see... who can hold on to the end."

Suddenly, a strong sense of familiarity filled his mind, making Jun Mo stunned.

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