Published at 20th of January 2022 12:19:07 PM

Chapter 157

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Chu Muyun was in a very bad state, what he did was to relieve his pain, but now it seemed to have changed.

The kiss is no longer so cold and thin, when the plain lips are dyed crimson, the entire facial features become extremely gorgeous.

He was born very well, because of the natural disaster body, he has lived for thousands of years but has always been a teenager.

But this does not mean that he is a teenager.

This long and tragic life gave him an extremely powerful spirit.

He can calmly deal with the pain and despair that ordinary people can't imagine, and he can resist the fatal temptation that the world will sink for.

The huge willpower is the root of his life, but now...

This thing is disintegrating.

It's not clear whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but such a change gave his pale life more color, even if it was a bit too heavy, it was always different.

Maybe he will lose soon, and his life will return to Ping Ji again... But Jun Mo didn't want to miss it.

He leaned over, holding the other party's already provoked desire, and giving the other party a wonderful stimulus that could not be rejected.

Chu Muyun was confused throughout the whole process.

This kind of experience is strange to him.

He is not indulgent, but he never suppressed it deliberately. The most indulgent time in his life is probably when he gets along with Xie Qianlan.

Being controlled by the physique of Mei Beast and Ice Spirit Beast, he didn't lose his attitude completely. He was still thinking about calculations, even though he said a lot of slutty words, but he was still calm inside.

Calmly know what he has done, clearly know to what extent he pretends to be out of control in lust|desire's training, but in fact, it is only a matter of minutes for him to get away.

But this time...

In fact, Jun Mo didn't do much, he just kissed him like this and helped him.But because of the violent torment he suffered mentally, the tremendous pain that merged with the Asura domain held him tightly, causing Chu Muyun's spirit to fall into an uncontrolled confusion.

In this state, Jun Mo's approach was like a flame meeting ice.The crazy stimulus was uncomfortable at first, but slowly, the flame was extinguished by the ice, and the pain died down, and because the ice was burned by the fire, it turned into soft water, soaking people in it, floating Ups and downs, only the joy of indulgence is left.

After Chu Muyun arrived at the high tide, the Shura domain just closed.

After breaking the link, Chu Muyun sighed and leaned on the chaise couch, looking straight at the ceiling of the cave.

Jun Mo noticed it.

He dealt with it a bit and looked at him: "Is it better?"

Chu Muyun turned his head slightly, looking at his dark eyes with a little complexity.

Even though he did such a lustful thing, Jun Mo's expression was still calm, the same as usual.If there is any difference, it is that the plain lips are dyed crimson, and the gorgeous color seems to be tempting to kiss.

Chu Muyun thought of the experience just now, and his throat moved slightly.

Jun Mo got up, his white fingers went all the way up from his lower abdomen, and finally landed on the slender neck.

This is a very intimidating action, one standing, one lying down with the neck covered, it will make people instantly alert.

But Chu Muyun didn't move, just looking at him like this.

Jun Mo looked at him.

Without warning, his palm slid back, forcing him to raise his head slightly, Jun Mo suddenly lowered his head and pressed down with a kiss.

The silver hair fell down like ice silk, the temperature was cold, but the lips that the two touched were hot.

Chu Muyun was slightly startled, and when Jun Mo broke into his mouth, he also responded.

An unceremonious kiss, the entanglement between the two people's lips and tongue is definitely not so calm and plain on the surface.The desire that had just been relieved|Hope was high again, Chu Muyun stretched out his hand, and when he touched Jun Mo's body, that amazing shudder quickly occupied his brain.

——Jun Mo's skin is very special.

This thought flashed in Chu Muyun's mind, but it only flashed, because at this time he was like a bee attracted by nectar, without the slightest resistance, and flew over with instinct.

Of course... Without the interference of the Asura domain, Chu Muyun could still grasp the rhythm.

He reciprocally helped Jun Mo once, and when Jun Mo was about to touch him again, Chu Muyun said, "I'm fine."

Because of the agony and suffering, his voice was a bit dry and hoarse, but this kind of tone became more and more ambiguous in such a ring situation.

But Jun Mo's face didn't even change at all, he only tilted his head slightly, and his white neck was looming under the cover of silver hair, and his voice seemed to erratic along with it: "It's okay."

Chu Muyun hesitated.

Jun Mo stood up, took his coat and put it on, and said calmly: "My skin can relieve the pain, just... I was offended."

Chu Muyun suddenly raised his head to look at him.

Jun Mo pulled his long hair out of his clothes, and the silver waterfall-like hair slid down the clothes. The arc that fell straight to the ground was so beautiful that it could not be described in words. He looked at Chu Muyun and suddenly smiled. Click: "...I am glad to be able to help you."

Chu Muyun was completely taken aback.

He has never seen Jun Mo smile, or it should be said that no one in this world has seen him smile.

So... no one can understand such a shock.

Oh... there is one more.

Zero Zero: "Oh my God!!! Meimeimei stayed, okay!!!" Look at this exclamation point roar and overlapping words to experience the shock of Zero Baby.

Chu Muyun smiled almost imperceptibly, and said to Lingling: "The body of natural disasters is not easy to deal with, but Xiao Junmo is a good strategy."

Zero Baby didn't hear what he was talking about at all, he only hated that he didn't have the function of taking screenshots, otherwise...or... I can definitely see this moment for thousands of years!

In fact, the faces of the seven demon worlds are very upright, especially the brothers Mo Jiu Shao and Xie Qianlan, as well as Shen Shuiyan and Yan Shen. They all have extremely delicate facial features and extraordinary temperament. No matter which one is a beauty , It is absolutely indistinguishable.

But the contrast is very strange. A person who hasn't laughed for thousands of years suddenly laughed. The shock is not caused by appearance, but a kind of spiritual roar, a shock that hits the soul directly.

The epiphany is not necessarily more beautiful than the Kao peony, but the fleeting surprise is unmatched by any flower.

Days suddenly became more relaxed, and there were waves of high-level monsters from time to time with natural disasters outside, but for Chu Muyun, this thing was only a practice.

And the monthly integration with the Shura domain became less terrible.With Jun Mo, Chu Muyun was in a trance, not only was he not guilty but also enjoyed it.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed, Chu Muyun's universe bag was already empty, he needed to go out to replenish supplies, and he also needed to stock up some magic stones to fill the formation.

In particular, I have to look at the practice of the little fox.

And to do this, you have to go down the mountain... it's best to go alone.

Chu Muyun mentioned this to Jun Mo.

Jun Mo only said: "Leave Ah Dan."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!