Published at 20th of January 2022 12:25:30 PM

Chapter 172

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Jun Mo did not leave at all!

Or it should be said that he left, but after walking away, he took his breath and sneaked back.

why?It is nothing more than worrying about Ling Mu.

He listened to his words and completely believed what Chu Muyun said. He was afraid that his stay would really disturb his mind and would not be able to activate the teleportation charm, so he turned and left.But after all, he still couldn't rest assured, he walked far and secretly came back, trying to watch Chu Muyun get out of the predicament, but found out that... there was no teleportation charm at all, and the man who stayed here chose death without fear.

Jun Mo is not stupid, after thinking about it, what else does he understand?

Ling Mu lied to him, fabricated a lie, and accused him of it...but the purpose was to win him a way out.

Death, what a terrible thing.

But this man chose so easily.

Jun Mo couldn't describe his feelings. He was very distressed and very angry. In his long life, he hadn't experienced these two extreme emotions for too long.

He has tasted it now, and the bitterness that spreads is tangled to the tip of his tongue, and even the words that people say are astringent: "If you die, how will I live?"

When Jun Mo said these words, not only Chu Muyun, but Xie Qianlan was stunned.

——You are dead, how am I to live?

——What is the fun of trading your life for the rest of your life?Living like this is really cruel and terrifying a hundred times more than death.


Chu Muyun sighed lightly, he was a little surprised.Because he was quite sure that he had deceived Jun Mo, the boy believed it in a few words.But who would have thought this guy would come out like this?

It is estimated that love was really used, so I obeyed, trusted, and expressed my concerns and worries in a subtle way not to disturb the other party-but finally discovered the hidden truth.

Thinking of this, and looking at this handsome-looking man, Chu Muyun felt unbearable.

This round has been set from the beginning, and now there is no possibility of reversing it-since it is destined to lose him, it is useless to think about it, try to do some remedies from other aspects.

It is impossible for Chu Muyun to let Jun Mo die here, and he can't escape dead now. The only thing he can do is use the formation...

As he moved his fingers, Ling Baobao suddenly said: "Lust|Desire is around!"

Chu Muyun stopped his movements extremely quickly. He lacked strength and naturally couldn't accurately perceive the surrounding situation, but Zero Zero's judgment could not be wrong.

If the desire is there, he doesn't need to act.

Xie Qianlan would not watch himself die.

So... he just needs...

Between the lightning and flint, the second wave of Dark Night's attacks fiercely struck, and Chu Muyun stepped forward without even thinking about it, and guarded Jun Mo.

This black feather was sharp, swept over with majestic strength, and the raging wind blew people's clothes up and down.

Chu Muyun faced him directly, without any fear, his dark eyes were full of death.

Jun Mo was seriously injured, there was no way to protect him, he couldn't even move.

Chu Muyun didn't look back, but said softly to him: "If this is the case, let's be together." This gave him the answer.

You are dead, how am I going to live?In that case, let's be together.

Life is the same as the quilt, and death is the same.

This is what Xie Qianlan wanted.

But he can't get it!

Xie Qianlan suddenly shot, the guqin was suspended in the air, and the strings of the piano suddenly fell into a trance, pouring away like a stream of light, stopping Black Feather, forming a transparent blue-blue shield.

This change made Chu Muyun very "wrong".

Xie Qianlan appeared, his hair was like splashing ink, and his red dress was spreading. Under the slender fingers, a guqin played the sound of killing, carrying a strong force, rolling away like a sea wave.

The beast god Dark Ye was caught off guard, and was dazed.

Xie Qianlan had a lot of experience with the enemy, and he was angry at the crown. His moves were merciless, and his moves were all murderous. Under such a violent attack, the dark night was obviously unable to support.

Although the beast god is strong, but the dark night is still sane, and there is still a huge gap between the beast god who will be connected with Yan Chen thousands of years later.

Xie Qianlan attacked one after another, and his strength seemed inexhaustible. Where is that Guqin a musical instrument?It is clearly an ancient weapon capable of destroying the world!

One person and one beast fought in the dark for a few hours, but the dark night was losing ground.As soon as he crawled out, he encountered this evil star before he could eat anything!You can't beat it. If you consume it, you will only get hungry. We weighed one or two. At last, the beast god wailed and fluttered his wings back to the depths of the earth.

At this point, a disaster has passed without any risk.

As early as when Xie Qianlan was fighting Dark Ye, Chu Muyun had settled down with Jun Mo. He had a lot of healing medicine in his Qiankun bag, and now he took it out and stabilized his injury.

It's just that the dark feathers of the dark night are not entities, and they are transformed by their vigor. Although they are not poisoned, they also have vigor disorder after being penetrated. This requires a later period of breath adjustment, and it will not be solved in a short time.As the saying goes, trauma is good, but internal injuries are hard to heal.

But as long as you survive, everything is easy to say.

Jun Mo fell asleep, but he firmly grasped Chu Muyun's wrist with his fingers and refused to let go.

Chu Muyun knew he was very upset, so he let him hold it so tightly.

Fighting the dark night back, Xie Qianlan collected the guqin and landed slowly in midair.

He was born with a pair of raised eyebrows, and he seemed to be sultry if he didn't speak. If he talks sweetly, I am afraid that even people's mind and soul will be hooked together.

Chu Muyun was inconvenient to get up, but still reluctantly bowed, and solemnly said, "Thank you, son, for helping me."

Regardless of the previous situation and the purpose, Xie Qianlan saved them on the ground - he dragged both lives from the mouth of the dark night.

Chu Muyun lowered his head, and Xie Qianlan looked at him from top to bottom.

He didn't say a word, just watched in silence.

After a while without receiving a response, Chu Muyun raised his head and looked at him with a little doubt: "The son?"

Xie Qianlan seemed to wake up from his dream. He finally returned to his senses and said slowly: "Don't be so polite, I and the gentleman by your side are old acquaintances."

A vigilance flashed in Chu Muyun's eyes.

Because of Jun Mo's physique, he didn't know much before, and there were quite a few old enemies.

Xie Qianlan noticed it, a wry smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and said, "You know Shen Yun, right?"

Hearing this name, Chu Muyun's back straightened unnaturally.

Xie Qianlan chuckled suddenly, his eyes full of passionate love, the color is extremely strong, the touch is extremely mellow, like an old vintage hidden deep in the ground, the moment the soil is broken, the fragrance is overflowing , Beautiful to breathtaking.

"I..." His voice was muffled, and his low tone seemed to be muttering to himself, "It's his husband."

I have eaten the fruit together, shared my life, and cherish the beauty of staying together for life...

But in the end he was left behind.

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