Published at 5th of February 2022 02:16:22 PM

Chapter 212

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Chapter 212

Not only looks like a face, but the sound is like a great one.

Although Chu Yunyun can't open his eyes, he can clearly feel the tightness of Xie Qianxi's body.

It must have been like the extreme, so it will be touched by such a big touch.

Xie Qianxi did not loosen Chu Yunyun, and the surface was far less fluctuating than expected. He gently raised his mouth and did not speak.

That ‘Shen Yun’ did not expect Xie Qianxi to be so calm, and suddenly panic: “Millennium, I am back.”

Xie Qianxi looked at him only with a smile.

Xie Qianshao was born with a special fascination. Without saying a word, he brought the charm of the heart to the heart. If it is so ridiculous, I am afraid that I can take away the souls I saw.

‘Shen Yun’ apparently smashed, and soon he relaxed a lot, because Xie Qiang’s look was very gentle, and it looked like this, and I believe that few people under the sun can resist it.

His voice softened a lot, softly said: "I have forgotten a lot of things in these years, but I can only remember you."

Xie Qianxi finally spoke up: "Is it?"

'Shen Yun' boldly approached a little, the voice was light, and the good memories of the dusty years were revealed: "The bit by bit of the Vientiane Palace, every night and night with you, I remember very clearly... ..."

He said with a smile, the more he said, the more shocking.

Chu Yuyun's memory can be said to be unforgettable, so I have always remembered the past things clearly, but at this time, recalling, and then comparing the hatchback, it will be completely consistent.

How can this ‘Shen Yun’ know so much? Many of them have only been experienced by Xie Qianxi and Shen Yun. They are all clear and clear. When they come to the scene, they will open the curtain and outline everything in the past, presenting a beautiful past of love and lingering.

The voice of ‘Shen Yun’ is very good, and the words are full of affection, not to mention Xie Qianzhen, and even Chu Yunyun has been touched.

Xie Qianxi has been listening quietly, and his manners are gentle. His affection is deeply touched by his voice. It is obviously very touched.

‘Shen Yun’ said for a long time, and Xie Qianxi listened carefully for how long.

Zero baby: "Feeling color | want to be cheated by qaq!"

Chu Yuyun: "It’s really deceived."

Xie Qianzhen can take this Shen Yun seriously, and by his means, it is very easy to let a person die for him. Don't worry about what the purpose of this 'Shen Yun' is, but if you can let Xie Qianxin believe it. Then, this 'Shen Yun' will definitely fall in love with this man.

Color|The charm of desire, Chu Yunyun is still very recognized.

As long as I fell in love, ‘Shen Yun’ would not be willing to hurt Xie Qianxi again, so it’s good to let Xie Qianxi stay in ‘Fantasy’.

The most important thing is that if Xie Qianxi is a letter, then he can pull out and grow up.

When ‘Shen Yun’ said that he was married, Xie Qianxi finally released his cold body.

Chu Yuyun was placed on the bamboo collapse, and Xie Qianqi got up and walked down the steps.

On the face of ‘Shen Yun’, he looked up at him and looked at him.

Xie Qianxi approached him and bowed slightly: "Ayun..."

‘Shen Yun’ was nervously twitching with a lip: “I am here...”


A miserable scream broke into the air, and the accident happened so suddenly that it was completely unresponsive.

Until the blood was filled, the dark white clothes of 'Shen Yun' were completely dyed red. He was stunned and stared at Xie Qianxi. He couldn’t make any sound while opening his mouth. He could only wait for death with horror. advent.

Xie Qianxuan does not change color, only force the short blade to rotate, twist more blood, and let the fragile heart rotten into a muddy mud.


Chu Yuyun: "..."

Zero baby has considered it: "Three thousand years have passed, color|sickness seems to be more serious."

Chu Yuyun: "...I am underestimating." Underestimated the mind of this extreme body metamorphosis.

The counterfeit goods obviously didn’t know where they were leaking at the end. It was clear that he knew everything and knew everything that Xie Qianxi and Shen Yun had experienced, but why... Does Xie Qianxi not believe him?

Xie Qianxi had no intention to explain that he only coldly took out the short blade and looked at the broken body. He said without a little bit of pity: "Pick up."

The guards behind him were well-trained, and there was no accident in such an accident. They only took orders and quietly disposed the ‘Shen Yun’.

The whole process happened quickly and suddenly. Xie Qianxi threw the short blade, carefully washed his hands, and even changed his clothes before returning to the bamboo collapse. He carefully took Chu Yunyun into his arms.

Chu Yuyun is always motionless and dead.

Xie Qianxi kissed him and kissed him, sighing: "Don't be angry, I didn't mean it, it's just his voice and yours. You haven't talked to me for so long... I really want to hear..."

So even if I knew it was a fake, even if I knew there was a trap, I couldn't help but want to hear it. This familiar voice, even if someone else deliberately disguised it, gave him a bit of self-deception.

In the end, it is guaranteed to have absolute reason, so when the counterfeit goods said that the results were true, Xie Qianzhen felt tarnished and killed people.

Chu Yuyun had a mixed feeling in his heart for a time, and he felt that it was a little difficult to do.

Xie Qianxi calmly whispered Chu Yuyun, and now there are people coming.

The Mozu saw that he was talking to Mr. Shen, so he did not dare to disturb.

Xie Qianxi ‘哄’ for a long time, I feel that Ayun should not bother him, only to look up at the people who are there: “What?”

The man was half-squatting, respectfully said: "Respect, find the ‘Chu Yunyun’.”

Hearing this name, the zero baby directly exclaimed, and lost the heart of Chu Yunyun, and the life was stabilized, or else the first time.

Xie Qianxi chuckled: "Take it up."

The man should come down and go backwards.

Not long after, there were small footsteps, and the demon was followed by a handsome young boy with a brow.

Chu Yunyun can't see, zero baby is a voice tube: "Really... Chu Yunyun!" Like, too like!

Xie Qianxi said to Chu Yunyun: "You wait for me, I will go and see."

He put down Chu Yunyun and got up to the white and thin teenager.

The boy had a pair of beautiful nephews, and when he stared at the people, there was always a feeling of wetness, and he seemed to be begging for something.

Xie Qianxi looked up and down, and after half a ring, he sneered and said: "It’s really the type that Mo Jiuyi likes."

The demon who came up with the young boy bowed his head and said: "Although not the deity, this looks and the temperament is similar to the tenth."

"Yeah." Xie Qianxi waved his hand. "Take it down and adjust it." If you know what's going on, you will send it to Millennium. When your brother is so concerned about me, I can't say that my brother is not at all."

After saying this, he glanced at the place where Shen Yun died.

Chu Yuyun did not understand what he heard.

This brother is really...

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