Published at 5th of February 2022 02:24:24 PM

Chapter 237

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Chapter 237

Xiao Yu Shen is very knowledgeable about his observations. He noticed that Chu Yuyun was not happy, and said in a hurry: "I understand, I understand."

But when I say this, I admit that I am lying.

In the end, it is a child. In the face of such an eager mood, people who care about it are totally flawed.

Chu Yuyun gave him a lot of homework and turned to leave.

Xiao Xiao shouted and shouted: "You... can..."

"No." Chu Yuyun turned to look at him, his face cold. "You don't need anyone, you have to be strong yourself."

Xiao Yan is not reconciled, he hurriedly said: "I will do well, I will become stronger, you ... can you stay a little longer, only for a while..."

Such humble cravings reveal all the poor thoughts of a child. He missed him, wanted to see him, because he appeared and was surprised, because he left and lost, eager for the only warmth, fantasizing to have, even if it is a minute.

Chu Yuyun turned his head and looked at him. The indifference between his eyebrows was like the snow and ice on the cold mountain. He did not waver because of this pleading. He even said such a cruel sentence: "Don't let me down."

Xiao Yan Shen stood still, the pale lips clung tightly, the purple scorpion filled with uneasiness, and the deepest and deepest place raised a few undetectable darkness.

Chu Yuyun left, the little guy stood for a long time, then slowly walked back, went back to the world where he only, learned the boring things, waited quietly... waiting for his arrival again .

In fact, Chu Yunyun did not go anywhere, he still guarded Xiao Yu Shen, not far from him, in an empty, quietly watching him.

Only he refused to show up, refused to let him notice, refused to let him discover.

Why is this so?

Chu Yuyun This is trying to change the way - if you can't accompany you, then you can be cruel and grow up alone.

But there are still some accidents.

Xiao Yan Shen Zizhi, in order to complete the homework as soon as possible, in order to see him early, he learned something too hard, no day and night, actually hurt the body.

In fact, this is ridiculous, but at the same time it is very distressing, so that the body that is immortal will actually get sick, how much toss yourself?

Chu Yuyun eventually appeared, took him back to recuperate.

Xiao Yu Shen is very happy, even if he is tortured by illness, but his face is red, and the excitement is hidden in Tibet.

Chu Yuyun knew that he was chilly, so he deliberately took him to a place where the frost and snow did not change.

This is not the residence of Chu Yuyun, but it is obvious that Xiao Yu Shen thought this was his home.

He was able to come to the place where Chu Yunyun lived, even if it was ice and snow, he was very happy.

Chu Yuyun is still soft-hearted. He stayed for a few months. He personally taught him homework in the daytime, and he treated him in the evening. This day and night, both of them actually lived very comfortably.

This mountain is full of snow, and the color of the hollow hole is not like Chu Yunyun.

One day, Shen Shen actually took a plum, and the bright red color lighted the blank world, making the frost and snow become less cold.

Chu Yuyun squatted slightly, a rare smile, very light and shallow, but instantly caught the heart of the sinking, let him completely forget everything.

"Very beautiful." Chu Yuyun whispered.

Because of a word, this lonely cold mountain is filled with thousands of plum blossoms, red and bright, red dazzling, and it seems to see the blood.

- It is a painstaking effort.

It was a boy’s purely stubborn but passionate passion.

Chu Yuyun slammed back to God, only to realize that he had to repeat the same mistakes.

He left silently, leaving behind a young man who was obsessed with the sky and red eyes.

Does he not like it? Does he hate it?

It is clear that he smiled and said beautiful at that time, he should be like... After all, he had never seen him laugh, that was the first time he saw it, really... very good looking.

He thought he would make this mountain full of red plums, he would be happier, would laugh again, and stay with him...


Standing in the same place, suddenly understood.

In the end, he doesn't like him. He hates him. He is... don't want him.

Countless years have passed, children have grown into teenagers, teenagers have become youths, and powerful men have finally got the gods in their hearts.

But... still can't touch the heart hidden in the chest.

He imprisoned him in this snow and ice. He possessed him to invade him and vent his anger and resentment that he could not suppress. What he could get was only a body, a man with no heart and ice sculpture.

Chu Yuyun was very disappointed, and it was unclear who was disappointed.

To him, to himself, to the sad fate of how this can't be undone.

An endless cycle, you can't see the end of the land.

When Chu Yuyun woke up, the back was already cold and sweaty, and the sticky feeling made people feel uncomfortable.

Shen Shen also woke up, he leaned against the bed and looked at him intricately.

Chu Yuyun looked up, and the moment he looked at him seemed to penetrate the time and space and saw the thin and fragile child.

Such helplessness, such despair, lack of security.

Chu Yuyun opened his mouth, but did not say anything.

Sinking but spoke: "I have seen everything you have done."

Chu Yuyun has a slight glimpse.

After he closed his eyes and closed his eyes, he said: "The night is the beast "God", he is the complete soul."

Chu Yuyun suddenly captured the hints in this statement.

Shen Shen continued: "After four thousand years ago, at the beginning of the battle of the broken wall, you used the boundary wall to seriously hurt the dark night."

Chu Yuyun thoroughly understood.

At that time, the night was injured, the wings were folded, and the black feathers were everywhere.

At that time, Chu Yunyun also teased the baby and said that the feathers were for him to play.

But it didn't matter if it was a bad thing at that time.

The night is the soul, there is no real flesh at all, the so-called black feather is its trace of the soul, he took it with him, and the long-lasting nourishment is to let it attach to his soul.

The beast is also a god, and God's omniscience is reflected in the control of the soul.

The night did not open the wisdom, but it was able to remember everything. He followed Chu Yunyun and became another ‘zero zero’. How could he not know what he had done?

He leaned on the bed and whispered: "I know you need a 'marriage proposal'."

Chu Yuyun did not say anything, he knew that the words of Shen Shen did not finish.

He smiled and said: "I don't want you to die, so I will satisfy you, but... there is a condition."

Chu Yuyun looked at him with an eyeless look: "What conditions?"

The eyes are drooping and the long eyelashes are hidden, making it difficult to see his emotions.

"After half a month, at the Mei-Mei, in front of them, I asked for a marriage."

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