Published at 5th of February 2022 02:40:38 PM

Chapter 274

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Chapter 274

Chu Yuyun did a lot of unspeakable things, and after saying a lot of unspeakable words in these unspeakable things, Xie Qianxi finally reluctantly let go. `

He was lying on the bed, and the back of the sun was so refreshing that he couldn’t get back to God.

Xie Qianxi will play too, and the beast is too foul.

Xie Qianxi came out of the bathroom, did not wear any clothes, and the long hair was spread on the back, which made this delicate and **** body almost perfect.

Chu Yuyun looked up at him. The ridiculous thing last night came up. He only felt that the lower abdomen was hot.

At this time, a very weak light flashed, and Chu Yuyun saw their personality changes.

The ink hair seems to be washed away by the moonlight, and the eyelids that are full of cockroaches are slightly pressed down, highlighting the thick curling eyelashes. The curvature in the corners of the eyes is more cold and cool, echoing with the light-colored thin lips. A delicate and beautiful look like a jade carving.

Jun Mo and Xie Qianxi are almost the same height, but the body shape seems to be similar, but Jun Mo's skin color is whiter, because the silver hair behind it seems that the whole person is scattered in thin light.

Chu Yuyun had a very unpredictable feeling, and he gently called out: "Amo."

Jun Mo Su came to the mood of anger and anger, but at this moment, the face is stretched and unspoken.

Chu Yuyun is a little blue and thin, just pick one, and come one more, he still wants to get out of bed?

However, Jun Mo did not do anything, just sitting next to him silently, slender fingers gently pressed on his body.

Did not bring pick | funny, simply relieve fatigue.

Chu Yuyun’s heart was ironed, and the title of Junmo’s little angel was not white.

He tempted to ask: "What do you want to eat at night?" In order to adapt to the earth's gas field, without disturbing the rules, they sealed most of the repairs, although not as humans do not eat hungry for three meals, but this It’s going to be hungry for four or five days.

Jun ink did not respond, but the movements on his hands did not stop.

Chu was very useful, because he was still in a comfortable place and was still snorted.

Jun ink made a slight meal, but he continued to give him a massage soon.

Chu Yuyun said: "I am fine, just take a break, not so tired. I will go to give you a good meal, will you?"

Junmo finally spoke up: "I am not a child."

Chu Yuyun: "..."

"That..." Chu Yuyun seriously thought about it, but unfortunately he did not speak yet. Jun Mo also sarcastically said, "I am not a cook."

Chu Yuyun: "..."

Your self-sinking realm is getting higher and higher, Chu said: Can you talk well!

Jun Mo swept his eyes on the mobile phone of the initiator. Chu Yuyun’s heart was tight and he could only kneel on the bed and screamed.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Yuyun was a little drowsy, and Junmo suddenly said: "You and night swords are really happy in the bamboo forest."

Chu Yuyun’s back was violently stretched.

If Jun Mozhen did not see it, it was still this class that gently stroked his back and seriously used special techniques to help him relieve fatigue.

"I used seven or seventy-nine days to refine my soul. You didn't even have a day off."

In retrospect, Chu’s face said that he wanted to run away from home.

But who can think of them as a person at that time, who can think that one day they can remember to share? Who can think of the memory sharing sensory interoperability, this guy can also give birth to seven characters, eat their own vinegar, and eat so delicious!

Chu Yuyun wants to shout: You are all alone, don't worry about those things before! However, he can't - as a sorrow, no one can understand.

"At that time, I was particularly embarrassed." Jun ink said softly.

Chu Yuyun did not dare to listen, and he said: "Amo, lock heart Dan is real."

Jun ink is obviously stunned.

Chu Yuyun turned over and sat down at the bed and looked at him seriously: "I finally regretted not eating it earlier."

If you eat it, he will find a lot of things earlier, and will avoid a lot of things, so that they do not have to wait for another three thousand years.

Jun ink eyes looked at him without looking at him, as if he was still expressionless. But if you look closely, you can see that the light silver plaque has a flash of green, very dazzling, and especially fragile. His handsome green onion is like a green bamboo, standing straight, proud and lonely, but because of his heart and blue sky, he never stops growing, even if he will be broken on this unreachable road.

Chu Yuyun’s heart slammed. He held Jun ink’s cheeks and his forehead reached him: “Although I have said it many times, as long as you want to listen, I can keep talking.”

"I love you, I really love you."

He has a strong embarrassment for them, and some people may say, is love? But when one person finds the willingness to give everything to compensate for what he has done for another person, then this is not love, what is love?

Jun ink simply rested with Chu Yunyun for a night. After dawn, it was Chu Yuyun’s stomach snoring.

Chu Yuyun is really hungry, he gets up and stretches, ready to go to the kitchen.

Although he doesn't like to cook, his lover is a fine one. There are a few cooking dishes that are comparable to the chefs. Some of them are green and jade hands that don't touch the spring water. He can only wait for a while to be served. - It is fair to count.

Chu Yuyun entertained himself and just dressed, Junmo woke up.

Chu Yuyun asked him with a shirt button: "What do you want to eat?" Looks like Jun Mo loves vegetarian dishes.

Jun Murton said after a moment: "Go out and eat."

Chu Yuyun sighed: "Go out?"

"Yeah." Jun Mo got up. When he got out of bed, the silver hair slipped down like a waterfall, lining up the perfect body... Chu Yuyun saw itchy, really beautiful.

Jun Mo glanced at him: "Do you want to?"

Chu Yuyun tried to nod.

Junmo smiled: "Isn't it hungry?"

Chu Yuyun was more itched by his smile.

Jun Mo wore clothes: "I have booked a table, it should be almost time."

Chu Yuyun was surprised: "Booking... table? Where?"

Jun ink stared at him: "Yade."

Chu Yuyun: "..."

This is the restaurant he used to meet with Komatsu.

I thought that the little angel of Junmo had already been revealed here. It seems that there is still a hard battle to fight.

Chu Yuyun does not want to go.

Jun ink turned to look at him and whispered: "When you fall in love in this world, isn't it very popular to eat and watch movies?"

Chu Yuyun should not be, nor should it be.

Jun Mo has said to himself: "Oh, it doesn't have to be a love to eat together."

Chu Yuyun: "..."

"After all, you and the child are just going to bed."

Chu Yuyun took a deep breath: "Walk away, eat and watch movies and walk the stars... one does not fall, all over again!"

The author has something to say: Don't wait tonight, see you tomorrow morning, what? ! !

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!