Published at 1st of May 2024 06:17:56 AM

Chapter 840: Looking For The Queen

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Meanwhile, inside New Eden, Astaroth was planning out ways to train the populace of Bastion City in safety protocols with Aravelle. The man was old and a fount of knowledge, and he had many good ideas.

Of course, even if he wanted to say yes to all these things, he wouldn't answer without consulting Phoenix. And that was only after he found her and apologized profusely.

"Alright, Aravelle. Thank you for all the ideas. Sounds great. But I have to go and find Phoenix. I can't leave things as they are right now."

Aravelle snickered at him.

"I was wondering when you would realize that. I only kept you from darting after her. She seemed like she needed time. But you should have realized at least an hour ago that she needs you to find her, too."

Astaroth's eye twitched.

"I don't remember asking you to butt into my relationship..."

"Hah. Boy, if I hadn't, you would have made things worse. I may be old and alone, but that doesn't mean I don't know more than you about women. I've been with women for lifetimes. Now go. She left eastward."

Astaroth was about to reply to him with a snarky comment, but he was already back in the throne room's back room.

"Fucking nosey old man..." he grumbled instead.

Astaroth left the room, heading to the palace exit, failing to notice the mirror suddenly showing a middle finger briefly. Once outside, Astaroth oriented himself eastward and was about to call on Morpheus when he paused.

'I still haven't looked at that notification. I'll look at that quickly before leaving.'

He opened his interface, pulling up the notification window, and his face turned to a frown.

*Changes detected. System recalibrating race options. 00:49:16*

'Huh? What does that even mean?' Astaroth wondered.

But he brushed the notification aside, shrugging. He figured he would find out in about fifty minutes, anyway.

He reached into his mind, going for the tether with Morpheus when he felt a tug on his sleeve.

Looking down, Astaroth saw Luna's worried face.

Astaroth looked at her with a saddened face.

"Yes... It's my fault. I did something that I shouldn't have to drive a point across, and I think I terrorized her.There's no telling if she'll even want to talk to me now. I wouldn't be surprised if she returned to our world and packed her things to leave..."

Luna looked at him with a disappointed look.

"Is it because of the changes inside you?" she asked, taking his hand in hers.

Astaroth looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"How did... No. Of course you'd find out. Our souls are connected..."

Luna tried smiling at him, but it came across as a grimace more than a smile.

"I'm sure if you apologize sincerely, she'll forgive you."

Astaroth smiled meekly.

"Let's hope that's all it takes. But we still need to find her first," he sighed.

Thinking about it, his only options were to ask her in a party, and hope she accepted, so he could see her on his minimap, or use Geminae's powers to sense her from afar.

Reaching inside him, he still couldn't find Geminae's soul fragment, so he tried a different method.

'Let's hope this works...' he thought, closing his eyes and focusing on Geminae's essence inside his soul.

Immediately as he focused on it, he felt the power surge inside him, as the familiar white wings grew on his back, and his eyes turned golden.

Smiling at the success, Astaroth extended his senses outward in a large area, combing through the forest for Phoenix. He soon locked on her aura and smiled to himself.

As he retracted his senses, getting ready to grab Luna and head toward Phoenix, a crushing presence smashed into him, sending him face-first into the ground.

'What the fuck?!' his mind raced, as he had never felt such a crushing presence.

Even Aravelle's magic aura didn't stomp on him this strongly.

The next moment, a golden beam of light extended from the sky to the ground, and a massive explosion shook the eastern side of the continent of light.


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