Published at 1st of May 2024 06:17:28 AM

Chapter 857: Unethical, Even For Demons

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Chapter 857 Unethical, Even For Demons

As soon as the demon passed out, Astaroth turned his head to Geminae.

"You. Come here. I need your help with something."

Geminae nodded, keeping silent.

The truth was that Astaroth had no idea how to seal anything. He wasn't versed in sealing techniques or even half decent in runic language.

Which was why he was asking Geminae for help.

"Help me seal this flame on the demon's head. I don't know how to do it."

Geminae seemed confused about Astaroth's chain of actions.

First, he powered up the demon, which was a terrible idea in his mind. Then he knocked him out and wanted to seal away a part of its power.

Why power him up if he was going to seal away his power anyway? He could have just let him die.

Seeing his confused face, Astaroth sighed in annoyance.

"Stop dawdling there and help me. I don't have all day. I have shit to do outside of here."

Geminae jumped out of his daze and cupped his hand around the flame, which tried to lash out at his hands.

But Astaroth's Aether protected the hands, forming a miniature barrier around the ball of black fire.

Geminae jumped out of his daze and cupped his hand around the flame, which tried to lash out at his hands.

But Astaroth's Aether protected the hands, forming a miniature barrier around the ball of black fire.

"Use the Aether I'm injecting to seal it. And do it quickly. I can already feel him rousing."

"Yes, master," Geminae replied.

In a matter of seconds, dozens of lines of runes surrounded the flame over the demon's head, forming a cage around it. Two small chains shot out from the cage, tied to the demon head's horns, creating a floating cage bound to the horns.

Once this was done, Astaroth could already feel the demon weakening. Now, he only needed to merge a bit of divinity into him.

He had acted on impulse, as he always did, and crossed his fingers.

It took what seemed like an eternity for the demon to stop convulsing and bleeding out of every orifice and pore on its body. And once it did, it stood there, silent, for a while before raising its head and locking eyes with Astaroth.

"What have you done to me?" it asked.

But its voice no longer resembled either his or Geminae's. The coarse, demonic, grating voice it had earlier had softened.

But the soft crystalline voice of Geminae was gone, having lowered in octaves, as it intermingled with the demon's voice, creating a strange two-tone voice, as if both of them spoke simultaneously, through the same mouth.

"I did what I had to," Astaroth replied, his face stoic.

"You fused us! You did something even the goddess of souls would have never dared! How could you?! Undo this!" the voices harried him.

But Astaroth ignored their plights.

'Is there another step?' he asked the voice inside his head.

There was silence for a while as the chimeric being before Astaroth kept shouting at it to undo this.

'There is one last step. Naming it. But I would have never thought you would do this. This... thing... is an abomination to the nature of souls. To the nature of our domain,' the voice said, sounding dismayed.

'I don't care what you think anymore. You said seize the power. Make it mine. Well, now it is, and I have decided what to do with it. Once this is done, I would prefer you never speak to me again,' Astaroth said, before locking eyes on the aberration.

"Stop shouting. I'm not undoing this," Astaroth ordered, wincing as his ears started hurting.

"No. No no no no! NO!!!!!" the being shouted before dashing toward Astaroth.

"Undo this! Now!" it howled.

"Enough! On your knees, and shut your mouth!" Astaroth shouted back, his face morphing into a mask of rage.

The ring around the being's neck glowed, and instantly, the being stopped, threw itself to its knees and closed its mouth.

"From now on, you will be called Sanguis Oxym. And, if I don't call on you, I don't want to hear your disturbing voice inside my head. Understood?"

The ring shone again, and some new runes appeared on the golden ring.

The sealing was complete.

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