Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 12

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:13:24 AM

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Four Great Powers [STAR]


"Yay! Mommy is in the story now!" my daughter yelled.

"Not Mommy! My little sister! Don't get mixed up with the two," I told my daughter.

"Then, who is mommy in the story?" she tilted her head.

"Who knows? I am not giving away any hints to the readers yet. They will have to figure it out themselves. Or when the story reached the point where I would have to give it away," I shrugged.

"What readers are you talking about Daddy? It is just me here listening to your story," she asked.

"Ah, never mind that. Don't you want to hear more of the story?" I asked her.

"I do!" she gave her cheeky smile. Daughters really know how to melt a father's heart.


I peeked in through main door of the Dark Guild, wondering whether there is a receptionist stationed at this hour. I looked left and right at. Alright, the coast is clear. Time to sneak Rose in. Even though I am technically allowed to bring Rose in as a visitor, her age would raise questionable eyebrows indeed. She looks around ten at most which is not good. I do not want to be mistaken as a certain bear hence the reason why I decided to sneak her in instead.

I gestured Rose to be quiet and sneak in with me. Tip-toeing our way to the stairway, someone said something that made me jump.

"Ah, if it isn't Zen? How rare to see you coming back at this hour," said a voice.

I instantly hid Rose behind my back and looked towards where the voice was. It was Angelica. Her timing is always impeccable.

"Good evening, Miss Angelica. Fancy meeting you at this hour. I thought there would be no receptionist when it is so late now. How can I help you?" I muttered. I was panicking now.

"You have not taken your new room key so I was waiting for you. I have taken the liberty of transferring all your items to the new room. It's on the third floor," she said and passed me the key.

"Wow, I.. thank you so much Miss Angelica. You shouldn't have. Now I feel bad that you have been waiting to pass me the key," I scratched my head.

"Fu fu.. don't mention it. You can go ahead and have fun with your companion," she smirked while covering her mouth.

"S.. she's not my companion. She is my little sister!" I clarified with her. I do not want gossips to spread around the guild that I am some bear. That would make me cover my face whenever I come back to the guild.

"You.. have a sister? Since when??" she seems surprised.

"Since..... a while ago," I trailed off. I am not sure where am I going in this conversation. Rose came to the front of me and bowed to Angelica.

"Nice to meet you Miss, my name is Rose. I am his little sister," said Rose.

"Oh you're so adorable! You might need to take a shower and perhaps change your clothing too. You shouldn't be wearing rags going out. Oh wait a moment, I might have something that fits you," she went off to look for something.

Not a moment later, she came back with a small white dress.

"Here you go, it is a plain dress but it should be better than what you are wearing right now," said Angelica.

"T.. thank you so much!" Rose accepted the dress but stopped and looked at me. Is she asking for approval or something?

"If Miss Angelica said that you can have it then you can keep it. Promise her that you will take care of it," I said to Rose.

"I promise! Thanks again Miss Angelica," Rose said with a cheeky smile. She is adorable I give her that.

"Thanks a lot Miss Angelica, I am surprised you have such a small dress with you in the first place," I said.

"It belongs to my younger sister who had outgrown it. I am glad I can pass it on to someone else," she smiled. I walked closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"I would appreciate if you did not tell anyone about Rose. I would really like to avoid any commotion if possible," I whispered. She chuckled.

"You don't need to worry Zen. You were always kind hearted and I am sure no one would judge you. And besides, she is acting like your little sister. She is in good hands," she smiled at me.

She really is beautiful. But unfortunately, a certain elf girl made me favour her more.

"Oh right, if you have not eaten yet, there are still some food in the kitchen. You can bring them up to your room," she said.

"I will. Thank you once again. Good night Miss Angelica," I said.

"Good night Onee-san," said Rose. Both me and Rose walk up the stairs.

"Good night, both of you. And here I was thinking we can have that wine together," she trailed off at the end. I peeked out from the stairs.

"Did you say something?" I asked her.

"Ohh nothing.. nothing. Good night," she smiled and waved at me.


I found my room at the third floor. The door alone looks fancier than what I had at Fighter rank. The design and craftsmanship is very tasteful. The moment of truth now. I opened the door.

"Woah," I said. I could not hide my amazement. It is the size of a small apartment. There is a living room and a kitchen in sight from the front door. When I said living room, there is only a fireplace, wooden sofa chairs with cushion and a small table in between with a rug on the floor. No we don't have television.

No bed nor bathtub in sight huh? Oh, there is a corridor. Let's see. A small room with a bed and cabinet. This is probably the guest room. What's next? An empty room with nothing. Storeroom I take it? I can decorate or store some stuffs here. Where is the bathroom or master room? Ah there you are. A king-sized bed, tables, wardrobe and cabinets. A couple of windows too. I love this master room.

Checking the last door, ah finally, the bathroom. And washroom?? Huh? I immediately rushed in to check. There is really a toilet here. They actually made waste outlet for each room of these room? Wow, what an upgrade from the fighter rank's room. Rose can definitely live here without any issue. She can have her own privacy in the guest room as well.

Rose was walking around exploring the place. I gestured her to come and showed her the guest room. I told her that this will be her room from now on. She looked at me surprised. A room for my own? For real? she said. I nodded to her and said that she can make herself at home now. Although I do expect her to help with the chores and clean the house when she is staying here. Share the burden together.

I gestured her to take a shower while I retrieved some food from the kitchen. I believe both of us had not eaten anything for dinner yet even though it is late now. Hunger knows no bound. When you gotta eat, you gotta eat. I waited for Rose while I sat at the dining table. She came out wearing the dress that Miss Angelica gave her. She looked like a little angel running towards me. I smiled when I see her looking so happy. Even when she wanted to eat, she stared at her food looking at me for permission while drooling. I cannot imagine the life she was living all this time but I am glad she can make such a genuine smile now. She will live a happy life. On that I promise myself.

I lay on my comfy bed. The comfort of this bed is beyond anything I slept on. My body melts into the bed along with the pillow. So soft~
I just noticed that I have a chest in the master room. Guess I should keep the gauntlets locked until I can officially wear it. But even just hitting the requirement is pointless. It does not provide me with any stat boost despite being a legendary item. I need to hit the requirements for the hidden spells. Only that would be worth it.

As to date, I have not heard anyone finding an item that gives you additional spells. Everyone uses their own guild spells alone. Guess I'll be the one that will break that curse.

"Onii-chan," said Rose. I looked towards the door. Rose was standing there while hugging her pillow. I can only see her eyes as the pillow hid her mouth.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Can I... sleep on the bed with you?" she asked. Hmm, I am certain I won't lay a finger on her. I don't feel any attraction to Rose aside from genuine brotherly love. All I want is to protect her and keep her safe. I noticed she was shaking subtly. Is she afraid? Of what though?

"Sure, hop on then," I told her. It is her first day getting out of that house. I am sure she is scared. Not to mention this fourteen year old male just bought her out of nowhere. It must be blowing her mind.

She walked towards the bed and jumped on it. Then she laid down at the side of me with her pillow. Hopefully she is comfortable now.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow and buy you more clothes. And possibly a barber shop too to get your hair cut," I said to her.

She gave me a simple "emm" reply. Her hair was long and unkempt. Not something any normal female in the right circumstances will ever ignore. Hairs are one of their main attraction.

"I'll blow the candle now. Good night Rose," I said and puff out the candle.

It was silence for some time while I struggled to sleep. Is it because I am not used to a bed this comfortable? I might need to adjust my position or something. I moved around trying to find the right angle to sleep.

"Onii-chan.. thank you. I will find a way to repay you one day," muttered Rose. Was she sleep talking or awake? I turned to look at her. She was not shaking anymore. That is good.

"You don't need to repay me Rose. I will do my best to always make you happy and keep you safe. Because that is what a brother should do," I whispered. Then I fell asleep.

"Glad you did not give up huh, boy," said Kirin. Wow, how long has it been since I last met him.

"Give up on what? Are you referring to the gauntlet?" I asked him

"Indeed, how do you think you even noticed it in the first place," he said while puffing up his chest.

"Are you saying you were the one that showed me the sparkle? You can do that?" I curiously asked him. If he can show hints, what else can he see through my eyes then??

"Of course!~ There was a strong frequency emitting from the chest that I too was curious. Seems like something that is compatible with my power," he explained while pondering on the memory. But none of that entered my mind.

"I can never have anymore privacy. There goes my private life," I muttered to myself while feeling down.

"You think I am interested in your private life boy?! I only take interest in things that pique my own interest. I am not interested in your everyday life. My mind is capable of wondering this entire world even though you are carrying me around," he said with a smug face.

"A.. Alright.. at least there is some assurance. I'm still young and have a whole private life ahead of me," I said.

"Do what you wish boy. Just remember that I am your primary weapon and you will use no other," he said. Is he jealous of me using that dagger?

"I don't see what's wrong in using another side weapon, isn't it? It keeps you from getting dull from being overused," I said.

"You think I can be withered down by simple wear and tear? You are wielding a legendary weapon boy. It would take another mythical being to even hurt me. Have no fear and use me more often," he said while showing a hmph face. This Kirin is certainly a Tsundere.

"Alright, you have my word that I'll use you more often," I said.

"Until next time then boy," he said while fading away along with the world he created.



I awoke to the smell of food. I immediately got up and looked to my side. Rose is no longer there. I rushed out to look for her but to my surprise, she was cooking. Odd, pretty sure I did not have any ingredients or utensils to cook with. I walked closer to her to see what she was cooking.

"Good morning, Onii-chan. You can freshen up while I finish cooking," she said.

"Good morning Rose. May I ask where did you get the ingredients and utensils from?" I asked her.

"I went downstairs and borrowed them from the chef. He was willing to lend me these few items to make breakfast," she said. Wait, hold up a minute. Did she say she went downstairs?

"Um.. when you head down, did anyone else saw you or something?" I asked.

"There was a couple of people who were having breakfast and saw me. I greeted them politely," she said.

I don't think that was my main concern but what's done is done I suppose. I'll deal with it later. Sooner or later Rose will be found out by the other members anyway.

I head to the washroom to freshen up. I did not take a bath as I am not a morning person. Bathing in the morning would stimulate my sinus which will make my morning more miserable. I sat at the dining table to see what Rose cook for me. Oh, looks like a Western meal. Wait, is that what I think it is? Hold on, did the chef really...

"Rose, is that what I think it is? Did you use a golden egg to cook?" I asked her curiously.

"The chef said I can use it for breakfast. Is it not to your liking?" she said.

"Umm.. I won't say it is not to my liking but.. these eggs are not cheap. It cost a silver coin each of these as it comes from a very rare jikenettes breed," I told her.

These eggs are expensive for their exquisite taste. Chefs around the city only use these eggs when preparing lavish meal and yet he actually gave two of them to Rose?? Blimey. I better repay the chef later.

She looked at me confused but I wipe away the thought and gestured her to eat. We dug in. Both of us were in cloud nine. The eggs were soft and fluffy even though it was just a simple fried egg. Imagine your chicken egg but toppled up with truffle and caviar naturally. This is the level of taste that the rare jikenettes breed is capable of producing. Both of us were crying while eating them. The egg alone completely outshined the sausages, bacon and ham combined.

Rose seems to be crying even more than me. Perhaps she had not eaten anything so delicious before. After we finished eating, both of us hugged each other like we have reached Nirvana. It took us about ten seconds later for us to snap out of the heavenly taste.

We got ready and head downstairs. Couple of things before we head out. Pay the chef and look for Miss Angelica. I prepared myself for the inevitable. As soon as I reached ground floor, I can hear lots of cheers and laughter directed at me. So many members know about Rose now and all of them were cheering for me. What are they expecting? Geez.

"Yo Zen, finally get yourself a girl eh? I always thought you would prefer a more mature lady but you seem to prefer younger and unkempt type huh," a guild member poked me with his elbow.

"Congratulations Zen, seems like you're finally matured now. Hahahaha!" said another member.

I sighed and thought of about what to say. Did these guy really thought that I would lay my hands on such a young girl? I'm not some noble that only prefers young underage girls. Geez.

"Guys.. guys.. this is my little sister," I said to everyone. Immediately a number of guild members spilled or spitted out their drinks.

"W.. what?! You have a little sister?? Since when?!" said one of the guild member.

"We never heard you having a little sister before," said another.

"Well, now you do. And I would appreciate that none of you would lay your hands on her unless you wish to face my wrath," I said while giving all of them a death stare. All of them shivered at the thought and started minding their own business.

"Your little sister will be a real beauty in the future, Zen," said someone behind me. I looked around and saw Rick.

"Oh hi, it's been a while since the ceremony. How you been? This is Rose by the way" I asked him.

"Nice to meet you, Rose. I assume she is not blood related siblings seeing there is no similarities between the both of you. I am fine by the way. Being a Dark Knight meant having less quests but higher rewards," he said.

"That's great to hear. We'll catch up later when we have the chance. I've got a couple of errands to run today. Sorry about that," I said.

"Ah no worries. Go ahead. We can meet up anytime as I'll be in the guild most of the days," said Rick.

I proceeded to the kitchen to pay the chef for the ingredients and returned the utensils. I will purchase them later today. The chef refused the payment but I insisted. Despite the chef looking like colonel, that egg was not something I should be eating for free. I just had to pay him back.

Afterwards I searched for Miss Angelica who was stationed at the quest counter today. I spoke with her on the matter of Rose's previous owner and wondered whether we can do something about it. She said not to worry. Any complaints by the guild will be taken seriously by the administration. The lady owner will be looking at repayment for all the money given to her for the orphan's funding along with house arrest. She won't be able to drink or gamble anymore with soldiers guarding 24/7.

I also asked her for advice on where to purchase clothes for Rose. She said there are stores that are close to the library that caters for children. Glad to hear that. Guess there won't be much detour then. I took Rose outside for a walk. Time to update my quest log first.

Main Objective: Head to Library to study on the four great powers. Search for ways to increase my skill stats.

Side Objectives: Bring Rose to purchase clothes and cut her hair. Purchase cooking utensils.

Sounds about right. Let's settle the side quests before heading to the library. We headed towards the library and found a store selling kitchen utensils. I headed in and have zero idea on what utensils were needed to cook as my cooking skills were close to none. Rose handled all the purchases and even negotiated with the shopkeeper like a pro. She is certainly dependable and indeed not a failure. Who says she cannot do anything right. I ought to give that lady a piece of my mind if I ever saw her again.

The shopkeeper was also willing to send the items directly to the guild. Thankfully we do not need to double back then. Onwards to shopping for Rose. We found rows of shop and also a barbershop opposite the library. The library is certainly a huge building. You would think that people in this world do not read but it seems like they do. We do not have Internet for us to Google so a lot of our information is from books. Imagine cooking half way through and forgetting the recipe.

I decided to bring Rose to cut her hair first before buying clothes. With a proper haircut, we can determine what dress or clothing suits her more. The barber recommended for Rose to cut her hair shoulder length as her pink reddish hair is curly. I told the barber to cut away. Not long after the barber was done. As Rose hopped off the chair, she looked at me as though asking for feedback. Oh my lord, she looks like a doll. Rick was right, she would grow up to be a beauty in the future. Her future husband better treat her properly or I will hunt him down with my particular set of skills.

We headed to purchase her clothes from the shop next door. Again, I leave it to the shopkeeper for her recommendations. There was a couple of dresses or two-piece clothing that suits Rose very well which I purchased all of them. Rose only has one dress from Miss Angelica so it doesn't hurt to get her more. She is a girl and would eventually start dressing up.

Alright, side quests done. Time to head to the library.

I asked Rose whether she wanted to head home instead. She said she doesn't mind as she does know how to read. Is there anything that Rose do not know? She seems to be way too smart for her age.

We found the librarian upon entry and asked her on whether there is a book about the four great powers and a dummies guide to increase skill stats. She looked up her entry book and pointed me to the shelf's number. Rose in turn asked for something else which I did not hear as I rushed to look for the book I came for.

Ah, there it is. Book about the four great powers. Literally the title of the book. Now what about... Aha, found it. Skill stats for dummies. I started reading the book about the four great powers. First off, it states that the four great powers are not declared by the individual themselves. It is a title that is bestowed by many and agreed upon by even the cities themselves. It involves many interaction and fame with the two continents that people created this title. The first and perhaps the strongest of the title is an elf woman with the name of Ivy Moonshine. Wait.. hang on, Moonshine? Isn't that Lily's last name? Please don't tell me it is her mother or grandmother.

Ivy Moonshine was an elven lady that have accomplished many great feats. Mostly in helping the foundation of all the cities. She is estimated to be around fifteen thousand years old as to date and remains undefeated by any who challenged her. Holy smokes, she is that old? Do elves start to look like senior folks at that age? I'm curious whether I would be able to meet her one day. Maybe to test out my strength level perhaps.

Next up is Sladar Slitherman. Number two in the rank of great powers. He is known for his impressive regeneration powers that rivals even dragon kings. A reptilian that joined the Dragon guild and skilled at using a staff. Number three in the list is a.. human. Is he my target? Oh wait, this person doesn't sound like the assassin. Peter Borage is known for leading a peaceful life. He was the founder of the City of Heliotrope Ixia and lead the people to live a calm and meditative life. But his strength is not to be trifled with. Known for his unarmed combat, Peter is capable of defeating any opponent with just his fist alone. Underestimating his powers will spell defeat. He remains undefeated for thirty over years now.

Last on the list, my target. Tom Snapdragon. A notorious human that is infamous for being a silent assassin. Capable of killing his targets without leaving any evidence. The target would be riddled with circular holes but upon closer inspection, no weaponry known to man is capable of leaving such a wound. Doctors suspect the assassin might be using some form of firing weapon such as gunpowder rifle or pistol but since there was no pellet or iron balls left in the wound, the doctors were unable to conclude on the results.

So this is my target. An assassin that can kill this target with an unknown weapon. Not to mention his silent killing or movement can even bypass elven's ears. This will be rough. As I am now, I doubt I can defeat him. I need to be at least at the Rank of Dark Knight before I can even think about fighting him. Even then I might be strong enough. I need to be able to wear the gauntlets first before thinking of fighting him. I've always wondered why he did not try to find us in the city. I believe he should recognise me, John or Lily despite our face going matured due to age. The Elementalist also informed me that there was no report about Tom being spotted in the city for years now. Hmm, strange.

I decided to wipe the thought and proceeded with the next book. Now, how do I increase my skill stats. The book looks old and did not felt like it belonged here. I opened the book and the first thing that is shown was 'Property of City of Heliotrope Ixia. If found, do return as it is illegal to bring out of the city'. I closed the book. What I am holding is an illegal item. How did it even get here?? But I must find out how to increase my skill stats. I just need to ignore the first page. I started reading more. You do not level up in this world. All your stats are dependent on what you do in your daily life. In order to increase skill stats, you need to do things that require you to be skilful. Some examples are fishing, cooking and perhaps baking.

I slammed my head on the table. People around started to shush me. I am so sorry. Not only did I spend a year of my life digging out this bloody gauntlets, now I need to learn how to fish, cook and bake? Oh lord help me. Please let there be other things. I continued to read further. Things that can increase your skill stats are actions that require you to be skilful. Turns out, mining and digging was one of them. But the rate of increasing is extremely low due to it being more focused on strength. Doing constructions can also increase your skill stats but you need to be the one building the construction. Not just carrying items and hammering away. You need to use your brain to increase your skill, I see.

Oh, here's something. Doing medicine can increase your skill drastically as it would require you to experiment on different herbs, materials and such. Hmm, seems like I should try out on doing medicine. Perhaps I might be able to create some breakthrough in the potion department and be the first to invent health potion or something. But where do I even begin? Should I look for a medicinal shop and start knocking on a mortar and pestle? I wonder if the librarian would know about it.

I looked at Rose who was seated at the side of me reading a book. I did not know what she was reading as I was immersed in reading the two books that I took. She looked at me and gave the most blunt question.

"Onii-chan, can I join a guild?" she said. I turned her book to see the cover title. 'Which guild should you join' was the title. Oh dear.


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