Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 23

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:12:49 AM

Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Underwater Dragon King [STAR]


Never in my life did I expect an underwater trip to be so traumatising. And I have to do this every five years? That's just insane. We made it to the City of Underwater Marrydia. So glad to be on solid dry land. The journey was exhilarating and I respect the elves for being able to sail all the way down here. I am starving after burning so much calories from all the shouting, screaming and sweating. I'm surprised that Lily was way calmer than me. I mean, I know she had travelled down here before but to think she can get used to it. And she was the coward of our group of three the last time. Time to find a tavern. No way am I going to meet or fight the Underwater Dragon King with an empty stomach. If I were to die today, I would make it so that I have a feast before that. Good thing the food here are tasty. I'm amazed that they can serve such fresh food all the way down here. Perhaps they imported ingredients from the port all the way down here.

Lily was at my side. She was assigned to serve the previous Viking Lord as the shieldmaiden. When she heard that I was voted to be the next, she did not hesitate to volunteer herself to be my shieldmaiden for my guildmaster initiation. I asked her she even volunteered herself when she almost died trying to protect the previous Viking Lord. She said that it is because she is my friend that she need to make sure that I remain alive. To think there will come a day where I would have Lily serving under me. Would Zen be jealous? Heh heh.

She felt responsible that she did not manage to save the previous Viking Lord's life. It was her duty to keep him safe in the event that the Underwater Dragon King went berserk or something yet she failed to do so. The Underwater Dragon King proved too powerful to hold back even though she was not the only Blitz Knight there. But this time, things will be different. She specifically requested from the Elementalist to bring along some veteran Blitz Knights to help out on this round's Viking Lord initiation.

If the Underwater Dragon King wants a war then she will give it to him. Surprisingly, the Elementalist agreed on the matter and said that it was a matter of pride from the Elemental guild. If it is not the Elemental guild that holds back the Underwater Dragon King, then who?

Lily clenched her fist. I can see that she is extremely frustrated in not being able to fulfil her duties. But in my heart, I will make it my utmost priority that she survives this round as well. I will not allow her to die when my best friend have not met her in five years. Come to think of it..

“Lily, when are you actually going to meet up with Zen? It’s been five years now. C’mon, aren’t you friends with him at the very least?” I asked her.

“Yes we most certainly are. I… just didn’t have the time to meet up with him after I started serving the previous Viking Lord. Perhaps I should have meet up with him as I might not be able to see another day. I do miss his cute looking face,” she said. Did she just assumed that Zen had a stunted growth?

Lily is certainly a beautiful elf right now. She had gotten more matured and not to mention her growth spurt was beyond amazing. She certainly have a hourglass figure now and she tends to wear clothing that exposes her belly button area which would certainly make any men stare at her. I am certain Zen will not be able to keep his hands off her once they meet. Hell, she even gave me a crush when I met her again after a long time. Glad I kept that in check now. Yes sir, I most certainly did.

“You’ll be fine. I will make sure that you will be able to meet your potential lover. He is definitely more handsome now I can tell you that. Perhaps you might fall for him once again. Heh heh,” I laughed.

“He is not my potential lover, John. I got over him a long time ago. It was just some heroic crush that I experienced last time when he saved me. I am certain that I have no feelings for him anymore,” she said with a hmph at the end.

“Really now? Are you certain? Are you telling me that there was no member of the opposite gender that approached you to ask you out?” I interrogated her.

“W… well.. there was some. Just a little bit,” she said while poking her index finger together.

“And you turned them down right?” I asked.

“O.. of course! I don’t even know them well and they are not my type. What I am looking for in my potential partner is…” she paused at the end which made me interjected in.

“Zen.. or perhaps.. no.. it cannot be… is it, me?” I asked with sarcasm.

“In your dreams, John. Perhaps if you were to slim down a whole lot more,” she said at the end with a fu fu and a smirk.

Oh well, worth a shot. But she did not deny about Zen though.

I noticed the mood in the tavern was a bit sour while we were eating. Even the Viking guild members were gloomy. They were all expecting the worst to happen which is not the mood I wanted before we headed to the sacred ceremonial site. I refilled my tankard and stood up. Time to brighten up the mood.

“Everyone, gather round," I paused and waited for everyone to look at me.

"I can see it in your eyes. All of you. Fear engulfs the lot of you. Fear of your lives taken from you. Fear, that the Underwater Dragon King had instilled from the previous battle. But not today. Today, we will prove him wrong! We will prove that he is nothing!! For today, we will face him in battle and give cancer to his ass!! So eat a hearty meal my brothers and sisters, for tonight, we dine, with Hades!!!” I shouted to everyone.

“Don’t you mean Hel?!” shouted a member.

“That’s right!!” I shouted.

Everyone cheered and laughed with me. Glad that I was able to bring up the mood for everyone. Hopefully they will be more motivated to fight now. Is there any hope that we might survive after for another day? Perhaps not. But better to go down fighting with your head up than cowering in fear. Perhaps this was what the Underwater Dragon King was looking for. For Valhalla.

I sat back at my chair and Lily praised me with a “Not bad”. That certainly made me chuckle.


After we were done eating, we proceeded towards the northern entrance. I looked back towards the group to get a good look at everyone’s faces before we headed to the sacred ceremonial site. I can still see fear in their eyes but there was determination too. Good, at least we won’t die as cowards today. The best case I am hoping for is that only I perish today. I pray to Odin that he will look over us. We have already purchased our bubble helmets from a few of the closest merchants. To anyone wanting to purchase one, I am sorry that you have to head much further in order to get one.

We headed into the enclosed area and water started filling up. It was here that I made Lily promise me that she will do her best to keep everyone else safe should things goes for the worst. She gave a firm no and said that it is her duty to keep me safe. I told her that this is a direct order from the future Viking Lord which she must fulfil. We argued for some time while walking towards our destination. I told her the life of one does not equal to the lives of many. She countered by saying the lives of others is not as important as the leader himself (not loudly of course). I stopped arguing with her when she shouted "You're my friend! I care about you and that’s that!". Did I just experienced the married life? Are the male gender fated to lose in arguments?

It took about fifteen minutes before we reached the sacred ceremonial site. Everyone was quiet as we got closer to the site. We scouted around and did not find the Underwater Dragon King in sight. I guess we have to start our ceremonial traditional before he shows himself. As we headed closer, there was clear evidence of destruction caused by the Underwater Dragon King on his previous rampage.

I’ve interrogated a couple of the guild members along with Lily on what triggered the aggression of the Underwater Dragon King. Neither of them knew what was the trigger. He was complaining about the Viking's guild being too lax and not preparing for war to which the previous Lord was confused. All the Viking Lord asked was as to what war he referring to and it triggered the Underwater Dragon King's aggression. Everyone was caught off guard as the Underwater Dragon King never behaved this way before throughout all the previous traditions. There must be something that triggered him to behave this way. Hopefully I am able to figure it out before he started attacking.

We brought along a sacrifice to place in the middle of the altar. It was always purkette or buufette that was the sacrifice but I decided to bring something else for my initiation. I brought a daarette instead. One of the largest that I can find in the City Of Lilies Dahlee. I heard from Zen that these creatures were tough to fight and he was right. Speed was always my weakness and hitting the creature took proper timing on my attacks when I hunted alone. I can't tell you the amount of times I almost had my foot pierced by it's horn spell. Hopefully, this daarette will be able to appease his mood.

The Viking members started our Nordic chants as it was part of the ceremony. I was never a singer myself but the high and low pitch of the songs always got me in the mood for battle. The elemental guild prepared themselves for battle. I noticed a couple of them were holding bows instead of melee weapons. Lily on the other hand was not even holding a weapon. What is she planning to do when the need for battle arise? I stood close to the ceremony and watched. I thought about my parents and how they reacted when I was previously promoted to the rank of Great Viking. They were happy that their child was as talented as them. Both of them were part of the Viking guild but has retired by now. They told me that the Gladiolus family were always part of the Viking guild due to their immense strength. I never knew my family had such special bloodline when everyone around me was always strong. Sadly I never told them about me being voted as the next Viking Lord. I just could not bring myself to tell them the news when it felt more like bad news than good news for me.

It was when I met Lily and Zen that I noticed that I was stronger than them. They were weaker than me yet stronger in other ways. Strength was never their primary stats but they had other ways that made them stronger. Zen had his speed while Lily had her skill. Zen went further ahead and learned Alchemy on top of that.

I never thought I would be able to win a fight against him in the first place yet he seems to be going progressing much further despite being being stuck as a Shadow Knight. My first duty as a Viking Lord would be to march to the Queen and force her to knight Zen as a Dark Knight. That is, if I were to survive.

I am so sorry, Zen. I thought of calling you many times to join me and help out but I just couldn't bear to bring myself to ask for your help. You saved my life before and I am indebted to it. I just wished I could have repaid that debt somehow before my life ends. I am sure Lily would be thinking the same. The both of us was expecting death at the hands of the thugs that day until you saved us. Now I can only repay you by not asking you to come along. But I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Lily survives. That is my promise to you.

A roar can be heard coming closer to us. It must be the Underwater Dragon King. We must get ready for his arrival. Everyone kneeled towards while I stood at the front. This is to show that all fears the Underwater Dragon King except me. I never understood the reason for this culture but I am not about to defy it and make the Underwater Dragon King angry much further.

Now, where is he? There you are. He looks completely different from his counterpart on the surface. He does not have wings or any long legs as a matter of fact. He looked more like a snake than a dragon. Perhaps that is why he can swim so nimbly underwater. But do not be fooled. His face is definitely dragon looking and huge.

The dragon peered and looked directly at me. I am probably half the height of his face. He tilted his head.

"Aren't you a little too young to be the next Viking Lord?" asked the Underwater Dragon King. His low pitch voice rumbled the entire ground.

I have to force myself to stop shaking in his terrifying presence.

"I was nominated by all the other Viking members. I hope you would approve of their decision," I said to him.

"Sigh, this is why I was not happy with the current state of the Viking guild. All the old members are just sitting away getting fat while they are oblivious to the incoming danger approaching us. This is why I needed a Viking Lord that is able to rally the humans and prepare for war. It affects all of us. Though I must commend you, young one. You stand before me knowing that I killed the previous Viking Lord. You certainly are brave," he said.

"Thank you, Underwater Dragon King. Courage and strength was the reason why I was nominated. My name is John Gladiolus and I hope you may grace me with your approval to become the next Viking Lord!" I said to him.

"Courage and strength alone is not what I am looking for. But a Gladiolus, huh. There was a couple of previous Viking Lords that were from the Gladiolus family. All died honourable in battle. Perhaps there is some hope. Crab! Inspect him," said the underwater dragon king.

Crab? What?

A red crab came up and start inspecting me while complaining to the Underwater Dragon King.

"I told you not to call me that. I have a bloody name, damn it. You do well to remember that or I'll quit my job!" said the crab.

Uhh.. a crab is scolding a dragon. THE Underwater Dragon King at that!

"Hmm.. this little critter certainly got the muscles but he ain't got the skills. Doesn't seems like he have leadership in him yet either but there is certainly some potential in him. As of now, it doesn't seemed like he is fit to be the Viking Lord. The kid is still a snowflake compared to the previous one. I told chu not to kill that bugger! I was fond of him!" shouted the crab.

Holy crab.. does this crab have higher status than the Underwater Dragon King himself?

"I had no choice. The previous Viking Lord was too soft and naïve for the incoming battle. I needed a better one to champion the war," said the Underwater Dragon King.

"War, war, war.. that is all you talk about. Don't you have any other things to do than thinking about war? Perhaps you should start thinking about your wife and family instead. Think about the previous Viking Lord and his family after you killed him. Hmm?!" said the crab.

"T... this is what I promised the first Viking Lord. To help out with the surface dwellers in any way possible. A Dragon King does not go back on his promise. This is what I promised him," said the Underwater Dragon King.

"Why should you even care?! Life underwater is better than anything they got up there. You should just sit around and enjoy yourself rather than worrying about whatever happens on the surface," said the crab.

"This war will affect the entire world. I will not sit by and let the world get destroyed. Not that I can help it!" shouted the Underwater Dragon King.

Oh boy, he is getting angrier now. We are definitely going to be attacked by the Underwater Dragon King. And it's not even my fault!

"So what now? Are you going to attack these humans again like you did last time? Don't forget who had to clean up the mess after you went on a rampage! I've had it with you. If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself," said the crab.

"Crab! Stop agitating the Underwater Dragon King," I shouted at it. It was hanging on my shoulder now.

"Even you are starting to call me Crab now?! I have a name.. Ma name, is Seabas..." said the crab but I stopped it before it finished with a "Not now, Crab!"

"Pft, teenagers, they think they know everything. Next thing you know you're be swimming all over me," sulked the crab.

"Worry not, Viking Lord candidate! I will instil the best traits in you! Prepare for the worst training of your life!" shouted the Underwater Dragon King.


The Underwater Dragon King started using a spell. Water currents was forming around us. He is trying to box us in!

"Everyone! Escape from the currents! He is trying to imprison us in here!!" I shouted to everyone.

"None of you shall escape until I deem the candidate as worthy! Some of you might have to die to train him!" shouted the Underwater Dragon King.

Damn it! He boxed us in so quickly. There is nowhere to run now but there are still places that we can take cover. Where is Lily? I looked around but I don't see her. Wait, the Elemental guild members are all charging towards the Underwater Dragon King. What are they thinking?!

"Viking guild, to me!!," I shouted.

I can hear roars behind me as I rushed towards the Elemental guild to help them. I can see them fighting against the Underwater Dragon King. Their lightning element is supposed to be effective against underwater creatures but they still have to get close in order to inflict damage on him. Some of the elemental members were using bow and arrows with lightning element infused but none of the arrows were piercing him at all. They were just bouncing off his scales.

I swung my axe on the Underwater Dragon King's body but it was as tough as a steel bar. Even with all my strength I could not even inflict any damage upon it with my giant greataxe. The Underwater Dragon King laughed and started swimming around nimbly while knocking the guild members around. It is not even taking us seriously.

I saw Lily leaping up and punched the Underwater Dragon King in the face. Who would expect the timid elf to be using her fist in battle. Some electricity could be seen sparkling where she struck the Underwater Dragon King. I guess she fortified her gauntlets with her lightning spell. She continued striking on the dragon's body while floating downwards.

"Ah.. the elf lady that tried to protect the previous Viking Lord. I remembered you. I can sense your furiosity in not being able to protect him. Perhaps I shall turn things around this time," said the Underwater Dragon King.

Shit! What is it planning to do now?!

The Underwater Dragon King swiped his tail and hit Lily dead-on. She flew somewhat far away into some ruins but she was still conscious. She was on the ground trying to pull herself out. It seems like some rubble fell on top of her. Damn it, I need to save her!

I rushed towards her as fast as my legs could keep up. I can hear the Underwater Dragon King trying to mutter something to me while I was rushing towards her.

"It seems like that elf girl is precious enough to gain your attention over me! This is what would happen in a battle. When you don't have enough leadership to work together, people dies!" shouted the Underwater Dragon King.

I can see that he is accumulating some sort of vortex in his mouth. He must be planning to use another spell. Shit shit! I am not going to make it in time to save Lily! I am still so far away from her!

The Underwater Dragon King released his breath. It looked like some high speed water pressure and it is going towards Lily! I reached out my hand towards her while she did the same. She could not remove the rubble on her own as it was on her back. I am sorry Zen... I could not keep my promise. I could not even protect my friend.



The high speed water pressure smashed across my vision. I could not see anything in front of me as dirt particles started floating around. Not to mention this helmet limits my vision to an extend. Damn it!! There is no way Lily could have survived something that can slice apart the ground itself.

I dropped to my knees. Why am I even doing this? I lost one of my closest friend just because I was pushed to be the next Viking Lord. Why did I not forbid Lily from volunteering to be my shieldmaiden? Why did I not fight harder against the older members that I am not fit to be the Viking Lord while they are just sitting their asses hiding in the guild's building? Why must I be the one who must suffer all these while they are not even here to help right now? Screw this tradition! I will put an end to this useless tradition!!

Anger took over me. I am starting to lose conscious but I smacked my head. I thought tears was coming out of my eyes but red fluids was floating around my visions. I thought I saw steams coming out of my mouth too but I must had been imagining it. I roared and started charging towards the Underwater Dragon King.

I charged towards the Underwater Dragon King. The other guild members saw my approach and steered clear. Are they afraid of me or something? I started attacking the Underwater Dragon King but he was unfazed. I felt like I was attacking in a frenzy but it was probably due to my uncontrolled anger. However, no matter how hard I hit the scales, it just won't budge. Neither of us was doing any damage whatsoever.


What the?! What was that? Did a lightning bolt just struck underwater behind me? How is that even possible? Or, is it perhaps... Thor coming to help us?

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