Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 3

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:13:46 AM

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: To The City [SUN]


Summer passed and I am officially eleven years old. After a year of insane harsh training due to my impulse request, it is finally time for me to depart to the city. I won't lie that I felt hesitant about it. Why should a youngling be going on an adventure when they barely feed themselves. But sadly, that is how this world works. If a youngling does not become an adventurer by eleven, he or she will end up either a merchant, blacksmith, miner or etc. Not to mention the guild themselves will test you before officially accepting you into their guild. But according to grandfather, they will take good care of those newly initiated to ensure their survival as much as possible. Usually accompanied by a team leader that is at least a rank higher than them.


And so, began my graduation by grandfather. It was morning when grandfather asked me to sit down opposite of him. At first, we talked about how we spent time together for the past eleven years. Reminiscence on the good old days but the day finally arrived for the young bird to leave the nest. Grandfather smiled at me and he placed his hands on the floor and kowtowed to me. I was obviously surprised by this and immediately asked him to raise his head. He refused and said the following words to me which I will remember until the day I die.


"My boy, I am so sorry that you are forced to be an adventurer as it is the only thing that I know how to teach you. I do not know any other skill that may lead you to a different path and for that I am deeply sorry. I am no replacement for your parents, and I do not know how to raise a child properly," he said as he raised his crying face. I have never seen him so genuinely sad before.


"On the day they found you, I was at a loss on what do with you. You were just a baby. I am sorry my boy, I am sorry," he once again bowed after saying that. I thought I heard him whispered miracle something, but I must have imagined that. I obviously had tears in my eyes, but I was not bawling. I know what I have to say to the man in front of me who raised me for around ten years. He should be in his nineties by now.


"Ojii-san, you had no obligation to raise me if you did not want to. You could have left me to a foster family or an orphanage, but you chose not to. You chose to raise me to be who I am now. You might not be my parent, but you will forever be my one and only family member. I promise that I will come back every spring when possible and tell you about my adventuring tales. I will make you proud of the boy that you raised up. For that, thank you Ojii-san," I bowed my head the same way he bowed to me.


I deeply respect him for willing to raise and teach me in these 10 years. No doubt I believed he did not hold back on his training upon my request, but I certainly felt so much stronger within a year.


We both raised our head and looked at each other. Both our faces were filled with tears. I stood up quickly and rushed to hug him. The thought of being separated from him really hit me right in the "kokoro". He seated me down once more after the hug. He then reached down to the wooden floor and pulled out a few of them. He then took out something wrapped in cloth. Upon unravelling, it was a sheathed katana. Hmm, maybe not a katana as it is not as long as grandfather's one.


"Was this the valuable item you were referring to daddy?" my daughter asked.


"No, it's not. Although it is one of daddy's most treasured item, this is not the one that defined my path. Now don't interrupt the story too much as the readers might get angry my dear," My daughter pouted. The things I do for my readers.


"This kodachi was your father's weapon he wielded when he fought the Demon King. The guild found it after the battlefield and handed it to me. Wield it with pride boy," he handed it to me with a smile.


I reached out and grab it. Holy smokes, it's light! Like feather light!


"Woah, it barely weigh anything at all. How is that possible?" I said that out loud due to my astonishment.


Not a moment after I held the blade, I heard a rumbling of thunder. Feeling strange, I looked out the window. I don't see any dark clouds outside. It's a bright and shiny day with not a tinge of lightning nor does it look like it'll rain anytime soon. I looked back at grandfather. He was looking at me with close attention. He smiled and nodded as though to reassure himself about something.


"Did something happened Ojii-san? You seem to be in a good mood," I said while tilting my head at his strange behaviour.


"It would seem that Inazuma has accepted you as the next owner. Use it well my boy," he smiled.


Inazuma? Is that the kodachi's name? Maybe that's why I heard thunder earlier. I unsheathed Inazuma. It's blade was green while the blunt part darker in colour. The guard is a basic circular shape while the hilt was wrapped in green with a hint of gold among the diamond shape wrapping. A simple yet beautiful blade that will be mine to use for a very long time.


I proceeded to wear the kimono dougi and hakama that grandfather prepared for me for this day. It is very comfortable indeed. Light-weighted and easy to move around. Sadly, it does not offer any protection at all. I attached Inazuma at my hips and stood at the entrance.


"Wait my boy, here are some coins for you. You might want to purchase another blade and maybe some armour when you reached the city. Try not to use Inazuma too much when it is not necessary," said my grandfather.


I understood what he meant. The less time you use, the less wear and tear the blade receives. You will still need to maintain it well though. I opened the pouch and looked inside. There are only twelve gold coins inside.


"Just twelve gold coins? Can I even afford to purchase anything with this amount?" I asked. Twelve coins does not seem like a lot of money. I, of course, did not know about the currency of this world at this point of time.


"You will live, my boy, as long as you don't spend it mindlessly. Don't spend it on women!" he consoled me.


I was not interested in women at this time. Eleven years old going to the city alone with the possibility of living with other sweaty adventurers for the next few years was my only concern right now. What if my roommate has bad hygiene, a hoarder and brings back women every night?? I shudder to think of that possibility. Oh well, no point in thinking about possibilities. I will have to face it when the time comes.


"I'll be heading out now Ojii-san, do take care of yourself," I bowed as I said that to him.


"You take care too my boy. Be safe," he smiled as he waved me off.


Hence began my journey to the west. No wait, to the city I meant. Well, the city is to the northwest from my current location if my brain compass is right. I began the long walk to the signpost I saw last year when grandfather fought with the dragon. There better not be another dragon there now! I will close my eyes and run to the city for all I care!

I reached the signpost without a hitch. So good so far. No commotions or distractions which I am thankful for. One of these days, I should visit Gosling and his farm since I never been there.


Thinking to myself, Q appeared from the ground. There was another letter he was biting in his mouth. I'm certain it is not for me. I crouched down and spoke to Q.


"Q, you got to pass this to Ojii-san directly. I'll be going to the city instead. Help me keep an eye out for Ojii-san in the future alright? Do let me know if he is unwell or something," I said to Q.


It seems to understand what I said and proceeded to burrow back to the ground. Must be some important letter I suppose. Oh well, to the city. Hmm? There seems to be some commotion happening ahead. Some loud clashes of metal hitting each other and people shouting. I quicken my pace towards the commotion. And that's where I met her.


"Who? Is it mommy?" My daughter asked.


"One of the potentials I suppose. I don't want to spoil the surprise alright?" I said.


Now where was I? Ah yes, that was where I met her.. and him. I saw two individuals around my age surrounded in the middle by a group of adults. The boy had spiky red hair while the girl had silver hair with light-greenish highlight at her hair tips tied with a single ponytail. A very long ponytail mind you. And what is she wearing in front of her eyes? Looks like some transparent object.

I counted around five adults. I sneaked closer but hid in the bushes nearby. I don't want to jump the gun immediately and assumed that the adults are in the wrong. It could be that the kids played around and caused some trouble for the adults. But still, no need to unsheathe your weapons against kids, right?

"Give us your money and we will let you live. You are going to the city to be adventurers, right? I bet you two are loaded," said one of the adults.


"Yea, give us your money and we might just let you live. No promise for the elf though. She would fetch a decent amount for those nasty nobles," said another one with this tongue out.


Alright my bad. These guys are thugs, no question about it.


"Let us go and we won't hurt you. This is my last warning," said the boy. He seemed like a strong warrior for his age. I can see that he is not all talk with the way he held his short sword. The female elf did not say anything.


"Alright, this is going nowhere," one of the thugs said this and immediately grabbed the elf's arm.


Immediately he was smacked on the face. The boy swung his sword using the blunt side. He held a common two-sided blade. The thugs retaliated. One swung his weapon to the boy's back, but he was ready. He held out his sword to block the axe. But another thug swung his weapon towards the boy's back now. There is no way he can block two weapons being swung at him simultaneously.


Time sort of slow down at this point. Maybe it is just from my perspective. I came out of hiding and was running towards them to help. As I was running, I saw the elf girl rushed in front of the incoming weapon to protect the boy with her body. Was she unarmed or something? I ran even faster now and unsheathed Inazuma.




A loud sound of metal hitting metal rang in the air. I made it in time it seems. I was surprised myself that I made it in time to stop the blade from slicing her. And yes, I blocked the blade with the blunt side of my kodachi. Grandfather made sure to teach me this. When you know you are blocking an attack, use your blunt side so as to not chip your blade. "This is very important in a life-or-death scenario my boy. A sharper blade is an important deciding factor". I remember grandfather, I remember.


The elf girl opened her eyes and was surprised to see my kodachi's sharp side facing her. Seeing that she is fine, I looked towards the thug who tried to swing the blade at her. The thug was also surprised upon seeing me suddenly blocking his blade.


"Wh.. who the hell are you? Do you want to di..," that was all he could say as I swung my kodachi towards his left ribs and then the topside of neck when we got down on his knees clutching his ribs. Using the blunt side, of course. I am not a cold-hearted murderer even though they are thugs. But holy smokes is Inazuma superbly light. It is even lighter than the wooden sword I trained with.


The other thugs were confused by my appearance too. The boy then immediately retaliated towards the thugs after seeing that I managed to save the elf girl. He swung his sword to the back knee of the thug who swung the axe towards him. He then smacked the thug's back which caused him to faint. Three down, two more to go. Or so I thought. The other two ran immediately upon seeing three of their comrades down in the dirt. Upon making sure the other two thugs left for good, the boy looked towards me and bowed. The elf girl followed suit after seeing the boy doing so.


"Thanks for saving us, we were outnumbered by those damn thugs. We are indebted to you," said the boy.


"Th.. thanks for saving us," said the elf girl. She seems like the shy type. Which made me admire her bravery for trying to stop the blade with her own body.


"Don't mention it, I was just passing by and saw that you needed help. It's nothing really," I gave a small bow back after saying that.


"I take it you are heading to the city as well? So are we. Let's travel together if that is fine with you? We youngsters should stick together" said the boy while smiling. He had a very genuine smile along with his spiky red hair. He held out his hand looking for a handshake.


"I.. I'm not a youngster! I am already hundred and ten years old!" said the elf.


I'll admit, I am genuinely surprised about elves. For them, a hundred years is like nothing to them. I guess in their case is that they need to be around a hundred and ten years old to be considered old enough to become an adventurer? Elves are weird.


"Sure, let's travel together," I returned the handshake.


"My name is John Gladiolus, she's Lily Moonshine. What's yours?" said the boy.


"I'm Zen Hawthorn, nice to meet you," I replied. Both of them looked surprised. Or more like afraid. Did I say something wrong?


"You're a Hawthorn? Are you with the nobles?" John questioned me.


Nobles? What is he talking about?


"No, I am not. I live in the forbidden forest with my grandfather ever since I was born. I doubt that is the life of a noble," I responded to his question.


"I.. see, guess you are not one of them then. Sorry for being suspicious of you," said John.


"Nah, it's nothing. I am a stranger that appeared out of nowhere after all, it's natural to be suspicious of me" I said.


Hence, after clearing the odd misunderstanding, we left the fainted thugs by the roadside seeing as we did not have any ropes with us. We proceeded to walk towards the city together and chit-chatted along the way until something unexpected happens. There are certain things in life that you will never be ready for, and worst, is when it's a traumatic experience for you. I still shudder to remember this incident till this very day.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!