Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 30

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:12:19 AM

Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Exiled [MOON]


“So, uh.. the last few chapters were pretty intense, huh?” I said to Daisy.


“I didn’t know daddy was such a playboy,” said Daisy.


“Do tell, I didn’t know about so many hidden details either,” said someone behind me.


Gah! It’s my wife. I totally didn’t realised that she was behind me listening to the story.


“Well um, I might have said too much on the detail’s part. You’ll forgive me, right? It’s all in the past now,” I said while sweating buckets. I can feel my pants getting wet from the sweats.


“Oh don’t worry, I’ll forgive you. Do continue your story and don’t skip on any juicy bits,” my wife looked at me with a scary expression.


I might have to sleep on the couch tonight. Please lord have mercy on my soul.


“Alright, the next part story will be starting the Moon section. This will be the last part of the story until the end. Get ready your harness because it is going to be a roller coaster ride,” I said.


Both of them looked at me with a confused look. I forgot that they don’t know about those things. I should keep myself in check and not blabber nonsense anymore.


“Mommy, why does daddy always say weird things that makes no sense?” asked my daughter.


“It’s his curse, my little Daisy. He always says weird things that no one seems to know. Sometimes when I ask him on what it is, he said he doesn’t know it either. I am glad that you don’t have his curse, my child,” said my wife while she patted Daisy’s head.


“Do you really have to put it like that, my dear wifey?” I asked her.


“Are you going to start your story, or do you want to sleep outside tonight?” said my wife with another warning face.


Hie.. alright I better start now. But where do I begin? Hmm…




I yawned even though it was still morning. Things have calmed down after a few years now. I remembered that night when I was just enlisted as a soldier a day before. We were all ordered to search the entire City Of Pines to look for this Zen Hawthorn fella. But we ended up finding nothing even after a few nights of searching. He must had escaped way before we even started searching. According to some soldiers, they saw a couple fled from the city in the cover of night but that was not the only escapees report that we had. Despite our best efforts to lock the city up, there were still some people able to sneak out.


I am certain that this Zen Hawthorn guy had already left the city a long time ago. Why stay here when you are literally the most wanted person in this city? But honestly, why was he even a wanted person in the first place? I asked many of my colleagues and commanding officers and all they said was “Queen’s orders”. What are his charges exactly?


According to all the guilds that the soldiers interrogated, he was just an accomplished adventurer. Some even called him a hero. The Dark and Viking guild in particular was not happy in seeing us at all. An all out war between the soldiers and these two guilds almost erupted that night. I am glad that it did not as we soldiers certainly will not stand a chance against them.


I yawned once again. There was barely any foot traffic anymore ever since that night. Many people were avoiding City Of Pines now as the Queen ordered every single person that wishes to enter the city to be checked for verification and items to be searched. As though he will want to come back here. I most certainly won’t, if I were him. The Queen single-handedly made the city unbearable due to setting such restrictions in place. Traders would rather head towards the port or other locations within this continent than to come to this city. Of course the Queen would not let the city devoid of any trading. She ensured that a few of the traders to exclusively do their trading here in the city by offering them much attractive prices than anywhere else in the continent. Otherwise, this would be a dead city by now with such horrible economy. All these trouble for just one guy.


At least the adventurers guild are still in good business. Blooming in demand, I should say. There was no shortage of monsters at all. As a matter of fact, it would seemed like more monsters was starting to lurk closer to our city as of late. Maybe the adventurers are not doing their job as a form of retaliation. This would mean that us soldiers would have to pick up their slacks! Hell no, I do not want to fight monsters. Those adventurers are crazy to even fight such menacing creatures.


I yawned once again. What a hot summer. I hope this day would end quicker so I can dip into a nice cold bath.


“If you yawn one more time, I swear I will sock you in the nuts,” said Jim.


He was my partner for today. We were both tasked with guarding the Southern entrance. Not that he is the only one stationed here but he was the one only one standing at the side of me.


“Sorry, I did not sleep well yesterday,” I said to him.


“I don’t care what happens, if you keep yawning, you’re going to make me sleepy too, so stop it,” he said.


He’s right. I should stop yawning and focus on my job. I removed my helmet to clapped my face cheeks. Hopefully that is good enough to keep myself awake. But I do not know how long that will last before I start to feel bored again. I wish something exciting would happen.


Just then, someone can be seen walking towards the city from the main road. Is he planning to enter the city? Not to mention he is wearing a black cloak. Um, that is not good. The person we are searching for is fond of wearing a black cloak. Please don’t be him.


All of us stood to attention at the sight of this person. We couldn’t see his face as he covered it with his hood. If this is really him, we are screwed. I can literally see dark aura flowing all around him. This isn’t good.


Jim started shouting at him.


“Who goes there? Show your face before coming any closer!” he shouted.


He ignored us and continued to walk closer. All of us held our spears and sword at the ready. None of us is liking this situation right now. Damn it, why did I wish for something to happen?! Screw my life!


All of us could only stare at this person as he walked closer. He stopped literally in-front of us and removed his hood. Woah, what a handsome guy. This is definitely not the person we are looking for. All of us held out our hand-drawn poster of this Zen Hawthorn. He only has minimal resemblance to this wanted person. There is the lazy hair standing. But his face features are not even remotely close. This person is also much taller that the person we are looking for.


“State your business, designation and name,” I said to him.


“Looking for a job with the adventurer’s guild. Designation, Dark Wanderer. My name.. is Soong Jean-Wuu,” he said.




“Pfffttt.. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!,” my wife started laughing uncontrollably.


Both Daisy and I stared at her while she continued to laugh.


“Ahhh yes, YES! I remember you using that undercover name before! Ahahahaha!!” she said as she continued laughing.


“What’s so funny, mommy?” asked Daisy.


“Ahh.. I’m sorry, Daisy. That name is not a name that we use in our world. We often used flowers, plants or trees as part of our name. But your daddy here decided to use some name that was completely unheard of. Seriously, why use that name, Zen?” she asked while she wiped away the happy tears at the side of her eyes.


“H.. hey, that is a famous name, alright? He was a cool general who often wore black and could control armies. I just forgot how to spell his name but I remembered it being something like that,” I said to her.


“Famous in where exactly? None of us have ever heard of such a name before. He certainly did not exist in our world. Are you sure this is not because of your curse again?” she asked.


“Y.. yes, I am sure. It was a famous name that everyone knew. Can I continue with the story now?” I asked her.


“Yes, you may. Sorry for interrupting. I just couldn’t help it,” she said while almost starting to laugh again.


I squinted at her before I started. How dare you laugh at that name. I worshipped that guy, damn it. At least, I think so? My mind is getting more and more muddled as I grow older. Old age must be catching up to me even though I still looked young.




“W.. what kind of name is that? You’re messing with us, aren’t you?” I asked him.


“It is the name that my father gave me. If you have qualms with it then take it up with him. I am fed-up with people constantly questioning my name. And I am also unarmed while carrying no weapons with me. Do you soldiers point your weapons at an unarmed man nowadays?” he said while giving us a scary glare.


Is it just me or are his eyes glowing? We really shouldn’t mess with him any longer. And it seemed like what he said is true. I don’t see any weapons on him.


“S.. sure. You don’t look like that person we are looking for so you may enter. Do not cause any trouble while you are in here,” said Jim.


“I won’t. Once I am done, I’ll be leaving soon,” he said.


He walked past us and I swear I can literally see dark auras leaking out of him. He definitely could have taken all of us out if he wanted to. The further he goes away from us, the better.


After a while, he stopped at the information board and looked at a specific scroll hung up there. He grabbed the scroll and came running back to us. Why are you coming back towards us?!


“Is this tournament still available for sign-up?” he asked.


“I thought you said you will be leaving as soon as you are done here?” asked Jim.


“Y.. yes, the sign-up is still available and you can register it at the townhouse. It is in the middle of the city that looks like a church,” I said.


“Thanks, I won’t bother you any longer,” said the wanderer.


After he walked away and out of sight, Jim came up to me and shouted at me.


“Why did you tell him how to register? I wanted him to leave the city quickly!” shouted Jim.


“You should be thanking him instead. That guy gives me the creeps. The further away he is from us the better. Good thinking there lad,” said one of the other soldier that was stationed with us.


I breathe a sigh of relief. I really hope that guy wouldn’t cause any issues at the tournament. I do not want to try and apprehend him.




Onii-chan, what are you right now? I missed you. It’s been so long since you left. You told me you will come back for me but it’s been about four years now. Even Lily is now here in the city but still you are nowhere to be found. Just, where are you right now?


“What’s wrong, Rose? Deep in thoughts?” asked Lily.


“Y.. yeah. You know the reason why, Lil.. I mean Daisy,” I said.


Lily came back to the city about a year ago. I was fully expecting her to come back pregnant or holding a child and and telling me that it belonged to my brother. But surprisingly she came back looking all fit. She changed her identity and her face features. She wore her contact glasses exclusively, cut off her long ponytail and dyed her hair completely blond. Even I was surprised when she suddenly tapped on my shoulder one day and whispered to me on who she was.


Her guild helped her in modifying majority of her details and record that it was close to impossible for the soldiers to identify her. She is now under the guise of another daughter of the Moonshine family. We now have to address her as Daisy Moonshine as part of her undercover. And we are best friends, almost like my real older sister. I interrogated her that during the three years that she and my brother were together on whether they dated. She said that they only trained together for about two years before he went and left towards the Eastern continent. But she did not elaborate on what they did during that two years together. Although she promised me that they are certainly not together. I should be able to trust her on that.


“He’s fine. Don’t worry about him. He’ll be back any day now. I hope,” said Lily.


“So you say. But at least you were with him for two years. I, on the other hand, had not seen him in four years,” I said with a sigh.


Lily returned to the city back because there was a few things she needed to. She told me that my brother was not just in hiding and sitting idly for the past four years. I should prepare myself for what is about to come. But damn it, where the hell are you? You’re not even dating Lily so are you fooling around with another woman or something? I am officially seventeen right now. You told me you will give me an answer when I’m sixteen. I’ve grown more matured now and I don’t think I will lose to Lily in terms of sexiness. And what were the meaning of your last words to me before you left?? Is it your way to make sure that I am not taken or something? I’ve turned down so many men that approached me with the intention of dating. Argh!!


I unconsciously started pulling my hair. Lily was looking at me with an awkward smile.


“Rose, you’re in the tournament as me, right? Let’s check out who are the competitors this year,” said Lily.


I sighed loudly and looked at the list. Hmm.. just the usual competitors so far. Nothing worth of noting. I was the running champion for two years until Lily came back. She beat me after catching me off-guard. I did not expect her to be so strong after just three years. I did slacked off in training myself for the past four years. But her growth in strength was certainly extreme. I am certainly curious on what training she underwent. Is onii-chan even stronger than Lily? So much for being called a prodigy.


“I won’t lose to you this time, Daisy. You better be ready,” I said to her.


“You bet, I am definitely look forward to sparring with you again, Rose,” she said.


Hmm? What’s this? An outsider? It had always been between adventurers guild exclusively. Who is this ‘outsider’ that is willing to come into this city which is still currently under lockdown and participate in this tournament?! This is way too suspicious.


I called Lily over and asked her about this adventurer. She squinted her eyes and scratched her head. She said this is most probably my brother in disguised as no one else can think of such a weird name. After spending two years with my brother, I am sure she had experienced all the weird things that he can think of. Soong Jean-Wuu was the name written next to his ‘Dark Wanderer’ designation. My brother is in the city right now and he wishes to participate in the tournament without even looking for your little sister first? I’ll show him tomorrow. You don’t abandon your sister like this!




The following day arrived. I have bags under my eyes as I did not slept well. Lily was getting concerned about me but I told her not to worry. I can spar at my best today after I see who this outsider is.


All the competitors sat together. Only those in round one and two have to get ready. I sat with Lily as it was not our turn yet. Having been champions, we have the luxury of competing with only the victor for today. This means that I will only need to spar with the final competitor first and should I win, I will be able to spar with Lily after that having lost to her last year. While it’s not really fair to newcomers, it is more grandiose to those who are watching. Lily made the whole arena roared with cheers having beaten me even though she had been sparring from the start.


This outsider will be competing first as he is not part of any guild. He will have to compete more since there is no guild that can help in assigning him the best person to compete with. This tournament is mostly for the spectator’s entertainment rather than showing off your full strength. That is the sad reality here.


Oh, here he comes. A guy with a black cloak. This is definitely him! Pull down your damn hoody, onii-chan!


But.. he is very tall. This person might even be taller than me. Onii-chan had always been the shortest among the four of us. This can’t be him. I whispered to Lily and she was confused as well. The last time she saw him, he was still shorter than her. Hmm.


His opponent is a member of the Viking guild. Nothing noteworthy to know of but he is at the rank of twin axe. Let’s see if this outsider is really onii-chan then. This person should be a piece of cake if it is really him. I wonder if John is watching this tournament as well. He should be sitting among the guildmasters in some glass room with a clear view of the arena.


“Ladies and gentlemen! I bring you.. the 75th annual battle tournament!!” shouted the announcer.


He was holding a large megaphone which amplified his voice.


“In this corner, we have Balgruuf who is at the rank of twin axe! He is known for his aggressive attacks and wielding his signature two axes!” shouted the announcer.


“And in this corner, after such a long time, we finally have an outsider who wishes to challenge the adventurers guild!” he continued.


Cheers can be heard throughout the arena. There is certainly more spectators here compared to last year. This is must be due to Lily beating me last year and a lot of them wishes to see it again.


“Are you ready, folks? Because it does not matter, as it… starts.. right… now!!” shouted the announcer.


A bell rung with a ding ding ding.


I was fully expecting Balgruuf to run towards his opponent like what he did with both me and Lily. He was always aggressive with his attacks. But.. he is not moving. In fact, it looks like he is shaking. What is going on?


The crowds had stopped their cheers by now and was wondering what was happening. Silence engulfs the arena. You can literally hear the crickets chirping.


“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!” shouted Balgruuf as he ran off the arena zone.


W… What in the world just happened? Balgruuf had always been fearless yet he ran away screaming like a little girl? Who is this guy?! Did he used Fear spell on him? But he is at the rank of twin axe! There is no Fear spell that is strong enough to scare of a strong opponent.


The arena was still quiet. Even the announcer was speechless at what just happened. It took all of us some time to fully understand what just happened.


“T.. our winner is the outsider! What flawless victory he obtained by scaring off his opponent without even lifting a finger!” shouted the announcer.


Claps was starting to fill the arena but there was very little of them. I am sure the spectators were expecting something more exciting but instead, one of them ran away like a coward. There is no entertainment in that.


“Will this outsider be the winner for this year? Or will Daisy Moonshine maintain herself as the running champion? Will Rose Starr make a comeback this year and reclaim back her victory over Daisy?! Stay tuned folks as we get the next round of competitors in!” shouted the announcer.


But his megaphone was snatched by the outsider. What is this person doing?


“Now that was anti-climactic, isn’t it? To all the guildmasters listening from up there. How about we spice things up a bit?” said the outsider.


“Send in three of your best adventurers and I’ll fight them together. Should I win, I’ll fight with both previous and current champions together. How about that folks?!” he shouted.


W.. what did he just say? Is this outsider insane?!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!