Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 43

Published at 15th of April 2024 01:18:55 PM

Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: Turning Point [MOON]


“Mommy, I didn’t know you were so strong. Are you stronger than daddy?” asked Daisy as she looked at my wife.


“Well.. stronger might be difficult to compare. For example, Lily is certainly stronger than your father but she might not be able to defeat him in a one on one fight. Rose is stronger than your father as well but who knows if your father went serious on her,” said my wife.


“Mom, why are you saying as though you are not one of them?” asked Daisy with a confused look.


“I don’t know, am I?” she smiled at her.


Seems like my wife is having fun teasing Daisy. Guess she don’t want to reveal her own identity just yet. I smiled as I watched their interaction. My wife and I had come really far from where we were in the story. How many years had we been together, going on quests, fighting side by side, getting married and eventually having Daisy. I am so lucky that I chose her to be my wife and I never regretted it. I love her and that is all that matters.


“Alright, let daddy finish his story. The exciting part is coming up next. Keep your ears opened and pay attention as your mommy is going to be fighting the Demon Queen,” I said to Daisy as I clapped my hand to gain their attentions.


“Yay! I wanna hear it!” shouted Daisy.


And so, let us begin.




“I wouldn’t get so comfy sitting on that throne if I were you,” I said out loud.


Lily stood with her arms raised in front of me. I unsheathed my rapier and readied myself. If the Queen is not planning to fight us anytime soon then I’m sure Lily is going to charge upstairs. But she is injured and I’m worried it is going to affect her speed.


“Sigh… FINE, I’ll do it myself,” said the Queen as she stood up.


As much as I hate it, this Demon has curves in all the right places and what is with that silly seductive outfit? You do not need to expose yourself to gain attention. Oh, who am I kidding? This is a Demon and her main purpose is to seduce men. I wonder if onii-chan lost because he was too enchanted with how she looks. He is fine, right? Yes, I am certain he is. Onii-chan will not die so easily.


The Queen began descending down her throne slowly but remained up top. She grew a sharp nail with her left index finger and sliced across her right arm. Ouch! Why did she do that?! Lots of blood was dripping from her wound to which it began solidifying and wrapped around her arm with thorns. It glowed with an unholy blue colour. Her blood is blue? Demons have so many different colours of blood that I wonder if there is any difference in them.


So her powers are manipulating blood like some blood bender. I pray to the above that she cannot control our blood directly, otherwise we are screwed.


“C’mon missies, let me show you how a real woman fights,” taunted the Queen with a huge grin on her face.


“Let’s go,” said Lily without looking my way. She knew I will always have her back.


The both of us rushed up the throne steps while I casted Accelerate and Light Blessing simultaneously. Sacred Wings and Fa Jin Zhòu has a long cooldown so that will need to wait. I will need to use everything else at my disposal to support Lily.


Lily initiated the fight with a punch which the Queen stopped it with a grab. Shockwaves erupted from the impact but the Queen was unfazed. Lily then went for her hip with her left fist. Once again the Queen blocked with her palm and raised her knee to hit Lily. I pulled Lily aside and aimed my rapier at the Queen’s eye. She raised her right hand which had thorns to my face as her counter. I had to dodge her attack by swirling to which she kicked me my stomach and sent me flying back to the floor. Damn her heels hurts!


I was gripping my stomach as I vomited out some blood and undigested food. Fuck! I swore to stop vomiting after that hangover! Lily is holding her own against the Queen but it is clear that she is toying with her. I need to help her.


I tried to stand up but my stomach hurts badly. What a joke, Lily is also injured but she is fighting. C’mon body, fight through the pain! I took a quick glance at the guildmasters fighting behind me. They are definitely preoccupied at the moment as the captain seemed to be fighting more aggressive than he was with us. He must have realised that both guildmasters are no pushover. Steams were coming out of his helmet and I believe he is using Bloodlust. Doubt the captain would start smoking out of the blue.


I should get serious as well. While I do not enjoy the after effects of this spell, I cannot afford to hold back now. I kneeled on one knee, placed my right hand on my face and my left hand behind my back. I began chanting the spell with fast casting but it still takes a while. Hang on, Lily. This spell is going to benefit everyone and make you stronger.




Lily’s perspective


Damn queen is toying with me. My punches that can shatter rocks are being nullified by her. Not to mention my right feet still hurts. The Queen stopped all of a sudden to looked at Rose. She does not even see me as a threat?! You’re gonna pay for that!


Rose was kneeling on the floor. Light particles were swirling around her while she was chanting. More and more light particles was appearing as she chanted further. I’ve never seen her using this spell before. Seems like the Demon Queen only sees Rose as a threat. Damn it, I know I am not the strongest in the group but to directly ignore me like this is such a slap in the face. Fine, I should take this opportunity to activate Concentration then.


Rose stood up, lifted her right hand and casted her spell. “Grand Blessing!” she shouted. The light particles exploded and showered everyone in the room. It’s.. so warm and it calms my heart. It felt as though I am watching a sunset. I had completely forgotten what I was angry about earlier. Rose eyes glowed with a yellow hue. She had a semi-transparent golden pauldron on her left shoulder. Her right hand had a sort of circle effect on her dorsal side. Wait, I have it too! It doesn’t seemed like it does anything aside from making my dorsal hand glow. Or maybe I have not found out what it does yet.


I felt light and stronger from the blessing. Not to mention with Concentration activated, my stats should be raised quite high now. Let’s give this bitch a surprise. I leaped at her and not a heartbeat later my fist reached her face cheek. Shockwaves erupted which cracked the floor tiles. The Demon Queen was sent flying downwards the floor. Finally she is off her high ground! I was amazed by my speed and strength after the buffs. I think I’m getting the hang on this.


The Queen wiped her mouth as it was bleeding. That is what you get for looking down on me. Who has the high ground now? The Queen got up and summoned some blue colour dagger covered in thorns. She wanted to throw at me the daggers but Rose came up behind her and sliced off her wrist with ease. Blue blood spewed from the wound but stopped a moment later. Rose did not hesitate and swung her rapier to pierce at the Queen’s skull. The Queen dodged the stab and used her wing to hit Rose.


I charged at the Queen again. This time I am going to smash your skull! Rose kicked the Queen’s wrist towards her which hit her face. Nice one, Rose! But the Queen still managed to dodged out of the way and I ended up punching the floor. A huge crater erupted from where I punched. The Queen is certainly wary of us now. Rose’s spell is powerful. I do not know what her spell increased for all of us but I felt powerful. Rose stood at my side. The Queen was holding her dismembered wrist while trying to reattach it but the wound was still searing from due to the wax coating by Rose. I casted fire spell for my left gauntlet and lightning for my right. Let us end this war right now.


Both of us dashed together. The Queen summoned thorns on the floor to prevent us from coming closer. We leaped upwards together towards the Queen. She started throwing her thorn daggers at us. I clapped my hands together which produced a shockwave that repelled the daggers. The Demon Queen leaped back once again and summoned an enormous of wall of thorns that blocked our way. The wall looked like glass and we could see her smirking from the other side but I had no way of punching it without injuring myself. I hesitated to break it apart which the Queen took advantage of. The wall started shooting spikes at us which we had to dodge them. She started adding blood to her wall which replenished the size. The spikes that shot at us began to liquifying and flow back to the wall. Damn it! We cannot get closer to her even if I am willing to sacrifice my hand.


Both Rose and I took cover behind a pillar. How are going to get closer without getting injured? It will have to be me. Rose is strong enough to kill the Demon Queen. The most I can do is be her meat-shield. I turned to look at Rose who was at the opposite side of my pillar. I signalled to her that I will charge ahead to break the wall so that she can deal the killing blow. Her eyes widen and shocked her head excessively. She gave me a warning that it was foolish and I should not sacrifice myself for that.


I sighed and pointed to her that now is not the time for that. Every second wasted is a time limit for her spell. We need act quickly and now. I did not bother waiting for her reply and covered myself with the cloak that Zen gave me. Whether it can actually protect me or otherwise is up to the Goddess. I got ready to run towards the wall. Whatever happens, I just hope that my nostari will forgive me.




This captain is very good at protecting his head. Neither the Dark Lord or I were able to even reach his helmet. He is willing to sacrifice all other parts of his body or armour to ensure that his helmet remained untouched.


Rose casted Great Blessing which helped us tremendously. However she is not going to be able to fight after the spell had worn off. That is the price of giving higher buffs to nearby allies. However, I must admit, she casted it beautifully. Even I do not have the talent to learn every spell in the book of forbidden spells. And yet, she seemed to be able to learn many of them so far. I wonder if Rose is capable of learning those advanced spell in that book? Based on her growth so far, it would seemed that she might be capable of learning it. By then she will be one of the most powerful human this realm can ever offer.


The captain barely have any armour left aside from his helmet. We destroyed his limbs and armour yet he is capable of regrowing or regenerate it with ease. This fight will not end if we cannot destroy the brain. However, I must say, this Demon is really small in size. I guess that is the price to pay for living in that armour for so long. Even after regenerating his wounds or limbs back, it remained the skinless form which looked really grotesque.


How much longer do we need to fight until this captain falls? We need to come up with a plan.




I charged ahead while covering myself as much as I can. Zen’s cloak helped out a little but there were still some spikes that pierced through and impale my body. I ignored the pain and just charged ahead. I am close now, just a few more metres until I reached the wall of thorns.


Ouch, did I… tripped? On what? As I was falling down, I saw that my right leg was once again pierced with thorns that erupted from the floor. Shit! Again?! Now I can’t even move and more spikes are coming my way. I don’t think Zen’s cloak is capable of blocking such large spikes. I can hear Rose shouting my name from behind. Mother and Father, I am so sorry, your daughter will be returning back to the Cosmic Tree before you.




A loud sound erupted that shattered the windows behind the throne. What.. is going on? Did a lightning struck nearby? A dark figure leaped through the window with a sparkling gauntlet. It’s… Zen. He’s alive! The Queen did not cover her back with the wall of thorns as she was not expecting anyone to be able to come from there as the throne room was high up.


Zen slammed his right gauntlet on the Queen’s face and whispered something to her. Then he gave her a point blank electric shock from his gauntlets. The spikes that was flying towards me liquified before it impaled me. He saved my life once again.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!