Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 44

Published at 15th of April 2024 01:18:54 PM

Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Reverse Point [MOON]


“Oi, bitch. I’m in a lot of pain, thanks to you. Feel my pain,” I whispered to the Demon Queen before releasing Lightning Strike on her face at point-blank range.


The power was overwhelming and blinding that I had to squint my eyes peek on what happened to the Queen. After a few seconds later, I released my gauntlet’s grip and moved back a little. The Demon Queen was charred to the bone. Black smoke was leaking out from her mouth and ears.


She should be dead. Her brain must had been fried to a crisp. I’ll admit, I was surprised that all it took was one Lightning Strike to toast her. I thought it was going to take more than that to kill her. She is dead, right? I stabbed Inazuma through her skull for save measures. I looked around and saw Rose close to a pillar while Lily was sitting on the floor. What happened here? What were those two doing?


I saw blood where Lily was sitting and rushed to check up on her. She looked at me with glittering eyes. Hang on, I’ve seen this before. Did I…


“You saved me again, you bastard,” said Lily with some tears at the corner of her eyes.


“I.. did?” I scratched my cheek in response to her remark.


She gave me a hug while I was attempting to check on her wounds. I only gave her a few seconds of hug before breaking off so that I can inspect her wounds. Rose then came over to hug the both of us while saying “Thank God, you’re alive”. Was she saying that to me or Lily?


The captain rushed over to the Queen’s body. I’m surprised the captain is still alive with all his armour missing. His body looked really grotesque without skins. I kept an eye on the captain in case he goes batshit crazy and start attacking us. The Queen is beyond saving now and he should just surrender. Although I am not sure whether demons would surrender willingly.


I removed her boots gently to reveal her wound. Ugh, what happened to her foot? She had a scar and is now bleeding profusely again. Rose took out her healing cream and was about to apply on the wound but I stopped her. I had an experimental gel that I wanted to test out.


“A.. are you sure? Does it work?” asked Lily with a horrified face.


“Well, Rose had the liberty of tasting my horrible food, so it’s only fair that you become my guinea pig in alchemy,” I said to her with a smile.


“G.. guinea pig?” asked Lily with a confused face.


“Never mind, let’s give it a try, shall we?” I said.


Lily was certainly nervous when I applied a little of the gel on her wound. Her whole body shivered as I applied it gently on her wounds. She said the gel was very cold to the touch. But it beats being seared directly on her wounds. Seems like I had successfully mixed both healing cream and cooling gel together. I guess I’ll just call it healing gel or something. No doubt it is not going to instantly heal you right away. The effects are the same as it just stops the bleeding and assist in the healing process. There is still no way to quickly heal broken or fractured bones.


The captain was kneeling next to the Queen. From my view, it looked as though he is mourning for her. The captain then reached out to her neck and removed what looked like a choker. There was a jewel in the middle that looked like sapphire. The captain placed it on the floor and slammed his greatsword on it. The jewel shattered to pieces. Is that his way of releasing his anger?


Large red pillars of thorns burst out from the floor. All the blood in the room started flowing towards the Demon Queen. What the hell? How is she not dead yet?! I should had chopped her brain into a million pieces earlier! Blood was wrapped around her body and the captain. Oh boy, what is going to happen now?


Rose suddenly fainted and leaned on Lily. She must had exhausted herself. Lily looked at me with a concerned look. I told her to go to somewhere safe and bring Rose along. I will have to handle things from here. “Don’t die, Zen” said Lily with a worried look. I gave her a pat on the head and assured her that I’ll live even though I can’t be certain myself.


Strong sharp winds was blowing from where the captain and Queen was. The blood wrapping them was glowing with an unholy red. Both the Dark and Paladin Lord stood at my side. To be fighting with both of them together. Such an honour.


I took a glance at Lily and Rose and was expecting them to exit through the door. But Lily placed Rose at the corner of the throne room. Wait, why are they resting here? Take Rose and get out from the castle! The Queen’s voice interrupted my thoughts before I was able to shout at the both of them.


“To think a human is capable of killing me with my limiter. I thought your sister would fare better but you had to interrupt our little battle,” said the Demon Queen without revealing herself.


“Sorry to disappoint you but Rose is not the only one that is strong. It is only fitting for me to put an end to your reign seeing as you caused so much trouble to my family,” I told her.


“I’ll admit, you are his son. Always a nuisance for us Demons no matter where we are. And now, I am going to accomplish what the Demon King could not. The complete annihilation of your entire bloodline!” declared the Queen as she revealed herself.


She had more horns and wings, some armours on her shoulder and what looked like an armoured corset. Her boots had changed as well but still had those spiky heels. Those thing hurts to walk-on, being kicked or stepped on. She is certainly kitted out for battle. Will I be able to defeat her now that her so called “limiter” is off?


The captain now had wings and is more muscular in nature. Horns was protruding out of his helmet. However, he still does not have skins. He is starting to look like some titan now. A greater demon and a Queen versus the three of us. Our odds of winning is ridiculously low.


“Calm yourself, lad. Panicking now does not benefit any of us. We are here with you,” said the Paladin Lord.


“Can you handle the Queen yourself? From the look of things, the captain is stronger than the Queen,” said the Dark Lord.


“I.. guess so? I will have to use everything at my disposal if I am to fight with the Queen alone,” I said unconfidently.


“You certainly must. This is a war, son. The victory of the humans hang in the balance. Either we win or we lose everything,” said the Dark Lord as he reached out for something in his back pocket.


“I will be casting some support spells to help out. But for this fight, I doubt the both of us are able to help you. Remember that,” said the Paladin Lord as he shut his eyes.


When he opened them, his eyes were completely white. Yikes, what is going on?


“I’m still alive and conscious, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’ve never seen Focused Meditation before? This is what it looks like once you achieved it,” explained the Paladin Lord.


Is the Dark Lord going to use Bloodlust or something then? Huh? He took out a potion?


“I’m surprised you did not tell the boy about your special condition,” said the Paladin Lord.


“There was never a need to. But I guess he’ll know about it now,” said the Dark Lord as he removed the cork from his potion.


“Your guildmaster is the same as your sister. He is not capable in using any State Of Mind. However, he found out that he had insane affinity with poison,” explained the Paladin Lord as the Dark Lord began to drink the potion.


He tossed the potion bottle aside and a drop dripped from the bottle and sizzled a hole on the floor. Are you sure it’s poison or acid?! His black silky hair started to turn white while his entire eyes was turning black. Veins was popping out all across his body which looked as though he is seriously pissed off.


“Prepare yourself Zen, we’ll be starting soon,” said the Dark Lord with a much deeper tone. I guess his voice changed as well.


I took out my potion and drank it. It is definitely not what the Dark Lord drank but it was something that will give me an edge. I’ve finally found the perfect ingredients and method to create a +5 all stats potion. This is my pride and joy as an alchemist and will remain my closed guarded secret until the day I die. I activated Concentration a moment later and did a quick body status check-up. There were still some pain from being blown away even after I’ve drank my painkiller potion but I’ll be able to fight at full potential. I summoned Inazuma at my side. I’ve already coated both my weapons with my special wax against demons. I guess I’ll call it Demonwound wax from now on.


“Let’s kick their asses,” I said.




“There’s no use struggling, the ice will not melt or break no matter how hard you try,” explained the Elementalist.


I inspected the ice prison. It is really a block of solid ice with some hint of magic. The entire body of the Dragon Lord is stuck in the ice prison except his head. He can still talk but what can he really do aside from spouting curses and nonsense?


“Such a disgrace to lose to the both of you. And the Queen even graced me with her precious blood,” spat the Dragon Lord.


“So, why become a lapdog of the Queen? What did she even do for you?” I asked.


“Watch your tongue! The Queen saved my life and turned me to who I am today! I will never allow anyone to insult her!” shouted the Dragon Lord.


“Are you sure it is the same person? I believe the Queen that saved you before is no longer the same person you once knew,” I said.


“The Queen that I was referring to is not the same that you served. You adventurers will never know what she sacrificed for this city. When I get out of this ice shit, I’ll beat the shit out of you two,” shouted the Dragon Lord as he struggled to free himself.


“Uh huh,” I replied him nonchalantly.


The Elementalist showed no interest in his chatter and was looking towards the direction of the castle. Is he capable of looking that far away or is he listening? I turned my attention to the city gates. The East and South gate specifically. The army should be entering the city right about now. All that is left is to overthrow the Queen and the city will finally be under a new management. All will be for the best.


“What did you meant by the Queen we served are not the same as yours? You’re saying that you were willingly serving a demon?”


“So the cat is out of the bag. Yes, I am serving the Demon Queen. And so should all of you,” he said.


“And why would any of us do that? To serve a demon who caused a great war. What do humans stand to gain from serving her?” I spat.


“Do not compare the Demon King to the Great Demon Queen. Her God had showed her a vision on how to preserve the survival of humanity. What she is doing is for a great cause!” shouted the Dragon Lord.


“And the genocide of the Hawthorn bloodline? You call that preserving?” I asked him with genuine curiosity.


“The destruction of the Hawthorn was inevitable. Their bloodline will be the downfall of humanity if left alive. Their entire bloodline must be erased from existence to ensure that humanity lives unfortunately,” said the Dragon Lord with a hint of sadness.


“Dude, listen to yourself. You are completely contradicting yourself! Wake up and smell the bullshit that the Queen is feeding you!” I rubbed my forehead as my brain were starting to hurt from talking to him.


“Let him be, Viking Lord. He is a lost cause,” said the Elementalist while resigning himself.


“I demand that you release me this instance! The Queen’s vision must be fulfilled…” the Dragon Lord suddenly went quiet.


The sudden oddness of silence made me turned my head to look at the Dragon Lord. I was shocked to see what was going on with him. What in Odin’s name is happening to him?!


His neck was turned to an impossible angle and blood was spewing out of his eye sockets and ears. What the flying fuck is happening to him?


“Elementalist! Look alive!” I shouted to warn him.


Both of us prepared ourselves for the worst but was unsure on what we should be doing. It looked as though the Dragon Lord is.. morphing into something else. Even though his body was encased in the ice prison, he was contorting and twisting in weird angles. The ice eventually broke apart when wings started protruding out of the Dragon Lord’s left shoulder and right ribs. You would think it would be behind is back instead. His right arm and hand started growing as well while his left started shrinking. He was still growing in size and height until he was twice my height. He is hunched back now with his head turned sideways to the left. Is he even alive?


“Um, Dragon Lord? You alive there?” I asked him cautiously with my axe ready.


“Huh? Uhhhhh,” he replied.


Ok, he is sort of alive but can’t seems to speak properly I suppose? Does he even understand what I am saying?


He tried to look around but had to turn his body to move his head. Seemingly annoyed, he suddenly moved his right hand to grip his face and snapped his head upright. The crunch sound of the neck breaking was unnerving. I turned to look at the Elementalist and even he looked uneasy at the situation.


The Dragon Lord have to be dead now, right? He literally just snapped his own neck. Some rumbling sound can be heard around us. The army must had finally entered the city. The both of us can head to the castle now to help Zen. Things are finally coming to an end.


The sound of a house door broke apart. I turned to look at what caused the commotion and it was a demon. Must be a stray that somehow survived. I wanted to throw my axe at it but saw more pouring out from that house. The sound of demons can be heard all around us. What is going on? How did so many demons entered into the city?


The Dragon Lord suddenly roared as his eyes started glowing red. Damn it, how is he even still alive? Now we have to fight him with demons all around us? That is not good! The army better get here fast or we are doomed!




“You thought the three of you would only be fighting with the two of us? I see no reason for me to honour any of you in a fair fight,” said the Demon Queen as she snapped her finger.


Some part of the floor in the throne room started glowing. It looked like some circular glowing spell. The floor burst opened and demons started pouring out. Holy shit! What is going on?! Demons can just appear out nowhere now? Is that a.. summoning circle?


“The Demon King was right. When it comes to humans, you will need to resort to violence,” said the Queen.


“What should we do? We can’t be fighting hordes of demons at the same time with those two. It would be a massive disadvantage for us,” I asked both of the guildmasters.


“Just focus on the Queen. Leave those demons to the adventurers,” said the Paladin Lord as he whistled.


Voices can be heard coming in from behind. One of the adventurers said “That’s the signal”. Now it is a race against time to kill this bitch. I highly doubt this is the only summoning circle that she unleashed upon the city. It must be everywhere. How are we going to stop them all?


“AHAHAHA!! I look forward to watching you all struggle. You wanted a war, Hawthorn? Well you have one now!” laughed the Demon Queen.


“Do your worst bitch, get ready for another round of ass toasting,” I smiled with a smirk.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!