Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 5

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:13:44 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: City Of Pines [SUN]


We made it to the city borders. John and Lily were rubbing their thighs and squatting. I faced worst in my harsh training so I was still fine. Legs were aching sure, but still fine *hair flip.


Anyway, saying that City Of Pines is big is an understatement. It is a city of around ten kilometres that is enclosed with circular walls reaching about 50 metres in height. This city can withstand war with cannon fires from multiple directions easily. There are two entrances into the city which is guarded by soldiers. And when I say soldiers, I meant many of them. You would think it is common for each entrance to have just around two soldiers guarding. But there is at least ten in each entrances. Are they expecting war or did they have made grudges with other countries, I do not know.


I signalled both John and Lily to head to the entrance. All the while worrying about grandfather who might be fighting still. I am tempted to rush back to make sure he is alright but that might only bring about my death which is not what grandfather would have wanted. Not to mention there is a chance that I could be running into a trap. I need reinforcement or something before I head back to make sure that grandfather is fine. I just want some answers.


We headed to the soldiers guarding the entrance. Reaching closer, the walls are certainly imposing. It is so steep and high that it is difficult to even look up directly. I doubt even assassins can climb this wall without some sort of climbing gear.


"You there, you three kids! Step forward quickly. We are about to close the gates soon," shouted one of the soldiers.


We immediately ran towards the soldier that shouted. The day was late by now. It was close to night when we arrived. This means I can only check out on grandfather tomorrow. Damn it!


"I take it you three are here to join the guilds, am I right? Head on inside. You might want to visit the taverns for a meal first and get some rest. Best to take your time choosing your guild on a fresh start tomorrow eh? The closest tavern is straight in to your left. Look for the sign Sleeping Daisies at the front. You won't miss it," said the chattering soldier.


He must be bored standing guard the whole day and now looking for an opportunity to talk to strangers.


"By the way... none of you is a Hawthorn right?," the soldier made a glare at the three of us.


We shuddered. Is John or Lily going to rat me out? Am I going to face another problem one after another today? Why can't anything go right? The stars must be so misaligned that on this very day when I have to travel to the city to become an adventurer, I saved these two kids, almost got killed by a weirdo stranger and now soldiers are questioning me?! All because my name has Hawthorn in it?? I need to change my ID as soon as possible! Oh wait, I don't have an ID.


"Aww c'mon Earl, don't scare the kids like that. There has never been a Hawthorn for the past thirty years or so, mate. Chill out man, c'mon," said the soldier next to Earl.


I will remember you forever Earl. Mark my words.


"Just doing my job man. You know we have a duty to question even though there is not much point. Queen's order y'know," said Earl. We quickly walk away from the soldiers.

I want this day to end where I can finally rest my head on a bed or something. But first, I need to maybe hire some mercenary or some adventurers to follow me to where grandfather was tomorrow. I need to know before I can get on with my life, damn it.

As we were walking, a pinkish red hair man came out from a dark alley suddenly and asked us a question.

"Hey, do you want to know.. the way?" said the stranger. He was wearing a knuckle duster on his left hand.


"N.. no thanks sir, we know where we are going," I said quickly.

The three of us ran as fast as possible to find the tavern. Jesus, one thing after the other. After some distance we finally saw the tavern with 'Sleeping Daisies' sign in the front. Lily ran the fastest and slammed the door open. She immediately ran to the counter and enquired about something from the innkeeper lady at the counter. The innkeeper pointed towards something and Lily rushed towards the direction. John and me looked at each other with a puzzled look. We proceeded to head to the counter.

"Ara ara, are you with the silver-haired elf girl? Are you three here to join the guild? Onee-san got some information for newcomers but it won't be for free" she winked at us. Onee-san? She looked almost in her mid-thirties though. But something tell me I shouldn't be using Oba-san. Although, right after I finished that thought..


"Oba-san, what's on the menu? We are starving. I want meat!" said John.


Umm.. does he not sense the impending doom that is about to come?


"Oh my, we have roasted purkette or boofette served with fresh vegetables, fruits, some bread and soup," she told John while holding a kitchen knife. There was a death stare when she looked at John with dark aura emitting from behind her. The knife she is holding also glimmer with a shiny "Twink".


Goosebumps appear behind my neck and arms and I can feel the hair standing. Lily came back to the counter area.


"What's going on?" she said.


"RUN!" shouted John as he rushed for the exit. Lily seems to be calmer now and yanked John's shirt, halting him in place while he tried to run.

"I've had enough running for today. Can we just sit down and eat?" said Lily. She seems to be more nonchalant now.


"Where did you go earlier Lily? You seemed to be in a rush," I asked.


She hesitated with a surprised look. She then placed her two index finger together as though trying to think of something to explain. Ok, I think I know where she went.


"She probably went to the loo to release. It's been a crazy day with thugs trying to steal from us and then a ridiculous stranger trying to murder us," said John.




Lily gave John a punch to the top of the head. I chuckled at these two. Their chemistry seems to be the reason how they ended up travelling together in the first place. But enough of fooling around. I have an important thing to secure for tomorrow. I looked at the innkeeper and asked her.


"Onee-chan, may I know where I can hire some mercenaries?" I asked her bluntly.


She seemed to be taken aback. Most probably because she was expecting me to be asking about guild related questions rather than mercenaries. She seemed hesitant in telling me too. After a while, she placed her index finger on her lips. Must be deep in thought I suppose.


"How about I get you three something to eat first? I believe all three of you have some form of money to pay for a meal right?" said the onee-san innkeeper.


All three of us reached out to take our coin. John took out a copper coin while Lily a silver coin. John was shocked in seeing a silver coin produced by Lily. The innkeeper was impressed too. Lily raised her head and put both her hands at her hips as though to display some form of arrogance over John. Fu fu is what I heard from Lily. I proceeded to take out a gold coin from my pouch and placed it on the table.


"What meal can I get with this?" I asked earnestly.


Now, I am not sure why but time seems to slow down at this point. It felt as though five seconds passed before anyone made any reaction. The innkeeper broke the silence first.


"G..g...g.... Gold coin?!" she shouted while placing both her hands at her cheeks.


Um, what is wrong with a gold coin? I looked at John and Lily and they both were baffled, impressed, confused and stunned at the same time.


"Umm Zen, I don't think a tavern can afford to provide you with enough change if you pay with a gold coin. A meal usually cost around a copper or two depending on what you order," Lily said.


I looked at her confused as I, of course, did not know what is the value of a gold coin at this point of time.


"Alright, never mind. Innkeep, food and drinks are on me for the three of us," said Lily to the innkeeper.


The innkeeper proceeded to take the silver coin and returned forty-seven copper coins to Lily. Seems like it only cost one copper coin for a meal here. The innkeeper then head to the kitchen to prepare our meal.


"Zen, do you know the value of your gold coin?," Lily asked me. I shook my head. Any financial related topics were unknown to me.


"I never left the house in the forbidden forest nor did I do any trading or bought anything before. Perhaps you can teach me?" I asked her.


Alright ting ting ting, education time by Lily sensei. Let us put the value of one copper coin equivalent to one USD. In order to become a silver coin, you will need fifty copper coins. That is clear right? Now, in order to become a gold coin, how much silver coin do you need? Twenty-five to be exact. So a gold coin is equivalent to one thousand, two hundred and fifty copper coins. And I have twelve gold coins with me. That would total up to fifteen thousand copper coins. That is fifteen thousand USD baby!....... Grandfather! Why did you give me so much money??


I immediately kept the gold coin in my pouch and hid it extra safe inside my dougi. I will never let go of this pouch ever again. The innkeeper came back with our meal. It was the roast purkette that she mentioned earlier. I'll admit, it looks and smells good too! We immediately began devouring our meals as our hungers kicked in. We just ate at the counter area as we were too hungry to even bother finding a table to eat at. Within minutes, our plates were squeaky clean. No, wait, only mine. Both John and Lily still had some leftovers.


"Lily, why you didn't eat the bread crust? It is not good to leave some leftovers," I said.


"Oh, crust is too hard to chew and it doesn't taste much. I find it pointless to eat it when it takes so much energy to chew," she said.


"Then why not just dip it in the soup then? That would make it softer, isn't it?" I answered back.


"But that would ruin the essence of the soup. Why would I ruin a perfectly good soup?" she retaliated back.


"D... don't be a Grant!" I yelled at her. She immediately yelled back "Who is Grant?!"


"What about you, John? Aren't you going to eat your fruits?" I asked John.


"Hm? I don't like these fruits when there are oranges around it. Oranges are hard to peel. I only eat bananas" he replied.


I covered my face with both of my hands. How did I get stuck with these two morons and their horrible trashy taste. Oh dear lord, if your everyday diet in the forest was just soup or stew, you will eat anything that tastes good. I tried my best to hold back my disappointment and anger but I just can't anymore.




Both Lily and John were stunned by my sudden reaction. I immediately went back to normal and sat quietly at my seat. We began laughing after my sudden outburst. The innkeeper that was looking at us started chuckling too. She probably find us three some adorable inexperienced younglings that just came to the city without knowing the harsh reality that is about to come. And, she was right.


"Rick, can you come over here?" she called out to a man that was seated at one of the table nearby.


He approached the table with confidence. He seems strong. I can definitely sense he has some combat experience for sure but I felt that if I fought with him, I might stand a chance at beating him despite our size differences.


"Now, how can I serve our lovely bar lady? Please don't tell me I have to babysit these three kids tomorrow for the whole day," said Rick.


"This boy is looking for mercenaries. I was wondering whether you would like to take up on his offer?" said the innkeeper.


"Ho, mercenary work needs payment. Do you think you can afford to pay us in the first place little man?" said Rick.


I didn't sense any malice from him. I understand that nothing comes free in this world and I am certainly willing to pay him and his party.


"Is this enough for your services?" I took out a gold coin. I did not care whether I overpaid on the service. I just want to secure mercenaries that is willing to follow me tomorrow.


"G.. a gold coin?," muttered Rick. He seems taken aback. Perhaps I am overpaying.


"Wh.. what do you want us to do that would require a gold coin payment? Hunting dragons? Demons?," he asked.


Seems like a gold coin is for very high value targets. The power of a gold coin makes me feel like I'm some rich bastard or something. But I do not care about the value right now. I just need him to say yes.


"I need you to follow me to a location outside of the city and protect me if there is any dangers we encounter on the way. It is about a kilometre and a half from the city heading towards the forbidden forest. A round-way trip, if you don't mind" I told Rick.


"That's it? Just an escort mission?" he asked.


I can see that he is baffled. Not only will I overpay him for just a simple escort mission, the journey itself would not even take half a day. He scratched his cheek with his index finger and called over a female member that was seated at the table where he was. He whispered something to her and she peeked her head to look at me from over Rick's shoulder. Hmm.. I think I heard some sort of agreement.


"Alright, we'll do it. Meet me at the Southern entrance in the morning and we will depart from there," said Rick. I gave a sigh of relief. We shook on it as a pact of agreement.


"My name is Zen. See you in the morning," I said.


"Rick's the name. And don't you worry, our party's motto is 'never gonna give you up' so you can count on us," He said with a smile and a thumbs up.


I swear there was a sparkle from his teeth. The female member that he was talking to earlier rushed and smack him on the head.


"You mean 'we will never give up'! Don't change unnecessary words into our party's motto!" yelled the female member.


Rick was beaten swollen on his cheeks and was dragged away by the female member. He waved at us while being dragged. Okay... I definitely don't want a gung-ho female in my party alright. I wonder, did mom and dad interacted in this similar way?


Now that that's settled, we will need to find a place to sleep for tonight. I looked towards John and Lily and they were talking to the innkeeper. I approached them.


"I hope I didn't miss anything?" I asked.


"Oh don't worry, we were just securing our rooms for tonight and information on the guilds. I have already paid for our own rooms. We can spend the night upstairs," said Lily.


Eh? She paid for everything? Is she an angel or something? Why would she even do that? We just met today.


"You paid for everything? I'll pay you back tomorrow after I changed my money I swear." I answered quickly.


"It's alright. You two helped me out a lot today and you did save my life twice. This is nothing really," she blushed after saying that.


Hmm, I'll still repay her for this. It just feels weird that she is paying for everything. Strange that John isn't trying to chip in though.


"John, you alright? You seemed quiet after dinner," I looked at John who seems to be sweating profusely. What happened to him?


"Oh erm, I'm okay, really. I just..," he trailed off.


Something is definitely wrong here. We both looked at him curiously. Is he holding his poop or something? He then turned and faced Lily while also placing his hands together.


"Th.. thank you for paying for my meal and room. I don't have enough money to last a few days in the city. I am certainly grateful for this!" said John.


"How much do you even have with you?," asked Lily. Wow that was blunt.


"I have... about ten copper coins?" John answered while placing his two index finger together with a pouty lips.


"Wow.. you can survive about three days if you sleep outside tonight," Lily smirked as she said that.


Her sense of pride is really up there. John wanted to retaliate but he gave up knowing that she paid for his room. I chuckled at their interaction. Alright, time to head to our rooms. Lily passed a key to each of us while we headed up the stairs. We went up two levels and there was rows of room each side. There were still two more levels above us. Guess these taverns earn their money through lodging and accommodation.


"We'll be heading out tomorrow together. Don't you dare leave without telling us Zen. It won't be you alone," said Lily as we were opening our room doors.


I nodded. I doubt Lily's ears can miss out on my conversation with Rick earlier.


I opened the door and ahh, a sweet bed, a cupboard and ohh, a small wooden circular bathtub on the right-side of the room. Now that is convenient. At least we can shower in the room. Sadly we will need leave the room for restroom which was located outside on each floor.

I removed Inazuma and placed it at the side of my bed. The bed was comfy compared to the futon that I slept on for the past eleven years. I can definitely get some sleep on this. Or so I thought. As I was laying on the bed, I heard a knock on my door. Who could it be? I opened and found both John and Lily outside. Guess I better let them in.


"Is something wrong?" I asked both of them.


"First thing first, both of us swear to never leak your H name to anyone in the future. We are friends now and I won't rat out a friend who saved my life twice," said John.


"That was your grandfather that saved us, right? We will forever be indebted to him. I pray that is he is still alive somehow," said Lily.


Both of them looked at me with concern. I guess both of them noticed my change in tone when I spoke to Rick. I know deep down I am frustrated, angry and helpless. But I need to keep that in check as that emotion does not help me right now.


"Thank you, for keeping my name a secret. I really appreciate it. And thanks for checking up on me. I am fine, really," I gave a bitter smile to them to try and assure them that I was indeed okay.


John gave me a bro-hug to try and comfort me. I returned with a few pats on his back. He then proceeded to the door and left the room. Lily hugged me after John left. I gave her a few pats as well but she seems to hug longer than normal. Maybe I was tired and not thinking straight but I spoke out unintentionally.


"Lily, do you like me?" I asked. It took a few seconds for me to register what I just said. I flustered and held her back by grabbing her shoulders.


"S.. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I said while looking away. What was I thinking in asking a question like that. That was too blunt.

Silence seems to engulf both of us. Now this is awkward.


"It.... It is probably due to all the events that happened today. I mean, you looked really cool when you saved me. Not to mention you were hiding quite some distance and yet you still managed to save me in time," she said.


"Y.. you knew that I was hiding? Wow.. but how did you not hear the stranger crept up on us?," I asked genuinely.

I remember I was at least a hundred metres away from the thugs and yet she still heard me.


"Strangely, that stranger made no noise whatsoever. I too was surprised he managed to crept up on us. Very few things in the world can crept up on elves like that without them noticing," said Lily.


I bet that is true. Their long ears are not just for show.


"I'll get over these feelings eventually, don't worry. It's probably just some heroic love that will go away," she smiled at me.


That smile looked genuinely sad. But I am in no position to be chasing after girls or accepting her when I have not done anything in life yet. Not to mention I was worried about grandfather.


"Wait, is this really mommy? I don't remember.." my daughter could not finish her sentence as I shushed her.


"Shhhh.. don't spoil the story," I said.


Lily headed towards the door. But she said something before opening.


"Oh, you have a letter behind your back in your clothes. I'm surprised you didn't notice it," said Lily.


Huh? What letter? How did it even get there? She left the room and I quickly stripped my dougi to find the letter. When did it get there? And not to mention how? I got my answer after opening its content. It is from grandfather.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!