Not An Isekai Story - Chapter 6

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:13:35 AM

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Outcome [SUN]


Dear boy,

I hope this letter finds you well. If you're reading this, I am probably no longer in this world. Otherwise, I will be taking back this letter. Increase your perception boi, it was too easy to slip inside your dougi without you even noticing.

Do forgive my horrible handwriting as I am lacking of time. You're probably wondering why I even prepared this letter. The hedgehog brought a letter from the Elementalist informing me that a certain infamous bounty hunter was seen around the city recently. You probably do not know about the massacre of the Hawthorn family that was ordered by the Queen of Pines. I might be paranoid, but I needed to make sure that you made it safely to the city.

If anything were to happen to me, do not seek revenge. Live your life to the fullest. I have already lived a ripe old age with no regrets. It is your time to explore this world now. Make your parents proud.

Your one & only,


PS: Do not ever expose your Hawthorn name. Forgive me for not informing you before you left.

PPS: If you need more money, you know where I keep them.

PPPS: Burn my secret books please. DON'T READ THEM!

Wh.. what is with the content of this letter? Was grandfather expecting the worst? Who is this infamous bounty hunter that made even grandfather prepare such a letter? When did he even slipped this letter into my dougi? Who is this "Elementalist" either? So many questions yet no answers.

I gripped the letter in my hand. Tears appeared at the edge of my eyes. Damn it. Grandfather, that was not the farewell that I envisioned for you. I cannot bring myself to just let you go without some justice done for you. I need to find out who the infamous bounty hunter is. I hope I'm able to get some answers tomorrow at the location.


There was still a couple of hours before dawn arrives. I wiped my tears and lay on the bed wondering if I am able to sleep when my heart is feeling so restless. I closed my eyes without blowing the candles as I did not expect to sleep.


Apparently I did, as I had a very strange dream. A white blueish horse appeared in front of me albeit looking all blurry. I couldn't focus my vision on it no matter how hard I try. It tried talking something to me but it was muffled. So I asked what it wanted.


"Are you talking to me? Who are you? Do I know you?" I asked. All I heard back was muffled noises replying to me.

"What are you?" I asked louder. Again muffled mumbling noises.

"What do you want?!" I shouted at it as I am confused on what it wants from me.

"WAKE UP!" was what I heard which prompted me to open my eyes. Not a moment later I heard a knocking on the door.

"Zen, are you awake? We're heading downstairs for breakfast now," said Lily.


I replied to her with an "Okay" and drag myself out of bed. Ugh, my head is pounding. I am certain I did not drink any alcohol or something. I made my way to wash my face using the basin provided in the room and got ready to head downstairs.

I grabbed Inazuma and immediately I dropped it. "Ahh!" Ouch what was that? Did it just shocked me? I walked closer to Inazuma on the floor and poked at it. Alright, no more electric shock. That was odd.

I headed downstairs to have breakfast with Lily and John (Lily paid again. Seriously, I have to get my gold coins changed). Again they had some leftovers which I tried really hard to not let it bother me anymore. Emphasis on tried, REALLY HARD.

Anyway, main focus. What is most important today is to meet up with Rick and head to the location. Let's go.

We reached the southern entrance where Rick and his party was already waiting. Rick noticed us and waved.

"So, you ready to go? Let's get it done before afternoon," Rick said.

"Sure, let's go," I said and flicked the gold coin to him which he catch smoothly in his hand. So close in finding out what happened now. Just a moment more.

So begin our short journey which we reached by around mid morning. Nothing interesting happened on the way which built up the suspense even further. Just a little bit closer now.

Huh? There is a bunch of people crowded in front of us. Seems to be the exact location where grandfather fought with the stranger. Cold sweat envelops at the back of my neck. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I pushed the trees of adult legs aside as they were just crowding the area. So annoying.

Wh.. what in the world happened here? There is blood everywhere. The landscape was crumbling apart with some deep grooves and holes on the ground. Trees were destroyed all around. It seemed like the battle took them deeper into the forest. Please don't be grandfather's blood.

I took a deep breath and exhaled multiple times. Calm your head and examine the location. Fuh ha, fuh ha. I opened my eyes and looked around. Alright, there are some blood on a few locations and judging from the splatter, both of them was wounded. I proceeded to walk into the forest where the battle was headed but was suddenly lifted up into the air.

"Hey! No stepping on the scene! Who let this kid in anyway?!" said a soldier.

He was lifting me up by my dougi. I don't have time for this. I need to know what happened damn it! I turned my head and glared at the soldier. And guess who it was, it's Earl.

"Please put me down. I am investigating on what happened to my grandfather," I told Earl. It seems like he didn't took it well.

"Ohh lookie here, we got a detective here eh? Listen here Sherlock, if children started running the world then there is no need for adults to be working anymore. Go play a ball or something. We are busy investigating here," said Earl as he toss me to the ground. Damn it Earl! You'll pay for that!

"Woah woah.. calm down there, Mr Soldier," said Rick.

He place his arm around Earl's shoulder and seems to be mumbling something to him as they showed their backs to me. I tried to get up myself but John pulled me up by the arm. Why does it seems like I weigh nothing? Even John can drag or pull me around without batting an eye. I might be small frame and maybe a little underweight but I am not that light.

It seems like Rick and Earl came to an agreement. Probably some bribing occurred in between the conversation.

"Alright alright fine, you can follow me into the forest. Touch nothing and don't step on the blood. There is something that we need someone to identify anyway," said Earl. Please don't be a body, please don't be grandfather. Oh lord above, any lord above.

We headed in. Carefully avoiding the blood splatters on the ground. There is less blood as we head deeper into the forest which is good news to me. The less the better. We reached a site where a few soldiers was crouching. A soldier noticed Earl and hurried towards him with something wrapped in a white cloth. Anticipation and fear engulfed me.


Lily's perspective

Zen seemed restless upon reaching the site. He even ran with the same speed he used to save me towards the crowd. I doubt many adults can even match his speed which he doesn't seems to be aware about. All his time in the forbidden forest has probably caged him from the knowledge of the world and he needs to learn more. Maybe it's my chance to teach him. We can meet up together and I can teach him about different currencies, languages and even the different races of the world. And maybe I can teach him a thing about women's beauty too. He was so cute when I hugged him yesterday. His face was flushed when he tried to pushed me away. He he.

No wait, I shouldn't be thinking about this. Scratch that! I waved my hand above my head to shoo away the thought. Meeting up with him would mean a date. And I told him that I will get over him. I don't want to be hung over a guy who is shorter than me anyway. Not to mention way younger than me. And besides, he is a human and I'm an elf, I'll outlive him without even feeling a century pass. Hmph.

Hey, what the!? Put Zen down! What?! You threw him on the ground?! That's it, now I'm angry. You are lucky John is holding me back. Just you wait Earl. Oh, seems like an agreement was reached. Way to go Rick.

We proceeded to head into the forest after Rick gave some money to Earl. Even with their whispering I can hear what they were saying. I guess since Rick received a gold coin, he wouldn't mind spending a little in bribing Earl.

It was quite a horrific scene. There was blood splatter everywhere and not to mention the destruction caused was something that would make you think some giant monsters fought here.

Hmm? Some soldiers are chatting deeper in the forest. Sounds like they are asking about who this belongs to or how can we identify with just this? That does not sound good. I hope it is that weirdo's body that is lying dead there. Hate that guy.

The soldier walked up to Earl with a covered cloth. There is some blood stain being covered in it. Earl opened it and sighed. He looked at Zen while squinting his eyes. It seems like he is in dilemma on whether to show Zen about what is in the cloth. Oh, seems like he will show him. Wait what is that? Is that... a hand?? Cut above the wrist too! Ugh gross. Who's hand is that?

Cold air started to envelop the surroundings. I can feel the hair at the back of my neck standing. What's going on? What is causing this? I looked around and everyone appears to be looking at Zen. Rick, Earl and even John is all looking at him with their hands gripping at their sword's handle. Wait, why?! What did Zen even do?!

I looked at Zen and I understood why everyone was feeling that way. Dark aura was emitting from him. Not in the same way the innkeeper did but way worst. It felt like he is going to kill everyone around him. I started to shiver. My legs first and then my hands. Cold breath was appearing when I exhale. What should I do? I need to do something or everyone is going to kill Zen. Or he is going to end up killing us!


Zen's perspective

I opened the cloth expecting a head or something. I was totally prepared for the worst. Yet I underestimated the situation. The moment I saw the hand, something snapped in my head. I knew the moment I saw it. It belonged to grandfather. The wrinkles gave it away along with a birth mark that I noticed before. My visions unfocused. Dark thoughts immediately filled my head. I lost control and something took over. Something screamed in my head demanding for blood, demanding me to kill. I need to kill whoever did this. I. NEED. BLOO..


I snapped back. That shout brought be back to reality. I looked around and Earl was standing quite some distance away from me with his sword unsheathed. Odd, he was in-front of me earlier. What about the others? Huh? Why is everyone else holding their weapons ready too? Not to mention glaring at me!

I continued looking around, confused by everyone's action. Seems like it Lily was the one who called me earlier.

"Wh.. What's going on?" I asked genuinely.

Seems like everyone started to tense down after hearing me speak. What did I do earlier that made them react that way? Hell, even John unsheathed his short sword and pointed at me. Lily ran towards me and looked at my face curiously. She was pouting and it seems like she want to scold me. No wait, she is going to scold me.

"What was that?! Why did you do that??" shouted Lily.

"What.. What are you talking about? I didn't do anything. I was just staring at the hand," I told Lily.

"You were doing something weird that made everyone freaked out! Everyone almost attacked you out of fear, Zen!" shouted Lily. Yikes, she can be noisy when she wants to.

"No kidding, everyone had cold sweats. That was some crazy murderous intent, Zen," said John.

What? Murder intent? I released that when I lost myself?

"You're something else kid, to be able to use that unknowingly. Not even experienced adventurers are able to use that effectively in combat," Rick came over and said.

"Am I the only one confused about what is going on here? I didn't do anything. I just.. kind of lost myself earlier and got distracted," I told everyone. I seriously got no idea what happened.

"If you're all done chatting, can you all leave now? We are just simple soldiers doing our job here, not to experience that!" Earl shouted at us.

"Oh wait, is there anything else here? That hand belonged to my grandfather. I'm certain of it," I told Earl.

"Nothing else that we can find. From what we uncovered, two person fought here and that's about it. Only a hand was found. Strangely, there are no footprints that lead away from the scene so we can't trace which way they went," said Earl.

I guess the stranger won. Damn it. But where is grandfather? Did he took it with him? To bury or to torture him if he is still alive? Both possibilities angered me further. Once again, more questions with no answers.

We gave our thanks to Earl and headed back to the city. There is nothing else for me to investigate here. I know my main objective now and I intend to execute it when the time comes. No, it won't be like a certain vault dweller that goes around doing other side quests for hundreds of hours before saving the world. Sadly, I prove myself wrong.

Main Objective: Gather more information on the infamous bounty hunter and find grandfather's whereabouts.
My first stop will be to choose a guild that can make me stronger. I will also need to find who this Elementalist is that seems to have some connection to grandfather. I will see which comes first.

Heading back, Rick made conversations with me.

"Hey little man, you need to control your emotions and not lose control anymore. It affects your surroundings y'know," said Rick.
"It's been a while since I faced with such intense fear. Not to mention coming from a little kid. Geez, what has the world come to?" He continued.

"What do you mean? Did someone else used that.. "technique" on you before?" I asked.

"Well, I won't call it a technique really. It is more like some state that cause others to feel what you are feeling. It's unpleasant really. And it is not "someone" who used it. It was a demon we encountered that used something similar. Demons are tough creatures that are known for their lust for blood. They can even instil more fear than even a shadow knight like me. So much for the Dark Guild de-buffing our opponents," explained Rick.

"You're in the Dark Guild? You don't really give off any dark feeling. Not to mention your clothing is extremely colourful," I said.
I thought being in the dark guild is being gloomy, gothic and emotional.

"Haha! Clothing and feelings doesn't affect your guild status, little man. Being in the dark Guild meant you can learn their skills and follow the path set out for you. That is it. Well, you can role-play if you wish but that is entirely up to you. Oh hey, you should join the Dark Guild since you have that.. "state" in you. It fits your fighting prowess in instilling fear to your opponent," Rick said that with a thumbs up.
I do not know what guild suits me more. Dad was in the Light Guild while mom was in the Viking Guild. How did I gain this "fear" state thingy that everyone is talking about?

"I'll consider it after checking out the other guilds," I smiled to Rick.

"From what I can see, you're no fit in being a Viking. Your general strength is kind of low with your petite body. Next, you're not using a spear so the Dragon Guild is out of the question. You can forget about the Elemental Guild as they have way too many requirements to even join them. All that's left is the Dark and Light Guild," Rick explained with a thinking face.

Geez, do you have to be so blunt about me being small and weak? So a total of five guilds. Hmm? Elemental Guild? Is that where the Elementalist is? Might need to check out that guild to ask some questions. Some glimmer of hope finally.

"Don't you worry about the test. It is just you facing some rookies. Win or lose does not matter as the Dark Lord wants to see your growth potential. At least, that is what the initiation test for the Dark Guild is for. You'll pass the test, on that I have no doubt," said Rick. He seems hell bent on asking me to join that guild. Seems kind of sus to me.

"We can go to the main townhouse after this, Zen. They will explain to us on what each Guild represents and which one suits us more," said Lily who was walking in front. Nothing escapes her hearing indeed.

"Where did you get that information from?" I asked curiously.

"Geez, did you forget? The innkeeper told us after our dinner. It was on the house if we order a meal. Just some way for her to earn money instead of blatantly telling out," said Lily. Free information at the cost of a meal? I don't see why not.

"Oh, I forgot you were talking to Rick while we asked the innkeeper. Sorry about that," she said with a cheeky smile and her tongue out. Damn it, she can be adorable at times.

"Mom! Dad said you were cheeky and adorable last time!" my daughter shouted.

"What the? Hey! We don't even know whether Lily is your mother yet. Don't get me in trouble please," I told my daughter.
We reached back at the Southern entrance come noon. So much for it being a quick journey. We were about to part ways when Rick came up to me.

"Sorry about your grandfather. From the looks of it, he was fighting with someone strong judging from the aftermath of the area. But since no body was found, there is a chance he is still out there," said Rick while he handed me back my gold coin.

I declined on it. He did waste his time following me and I appreciate the effort in him even agreeing in the first place when he can walk away or even just run after taking the coin. I won't overlook that. He seems taken aback after I pushed his hand.

"Keep it. You had no reason to accept an offer from a kid in the first place. For that, I am grateful and thankful for. Thank you," I bowed after saying that.

Rick, the gung-ho female and his other two party members rushed to ask me to stop bowing. They were flustered by my action.
"We'll be going now. See you when I see you," said Rick while he winked.

"Oh hey, if you really end up joining the Dark Guild, look for me in the tavern. I'll be watching you during the test," he added. I gave him a nod.

As Rick and his party was walking away, he shouted "Never give up Zen! Never give up and lose hope! Hahaha!"
What a great guy. Hope I'll get another chance to meet him again someday. Little did I know that we will be facing each other in combat.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!