Published at 19th of June 2024 06:37:00 AM

Chapter 35

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“Bob? Your name is Bob?” SJ said in surprise.

“Bob, in your tongue, yes.”

“What about in your tongue?”

“You wouldn’t understand it if I told you.”

“Please, I have never heard a Dragon speak before, never mind Dragon speech.”

“In Dragon tongue, my name is Brotuliosteryiweqmanprubloreb,” The way he drew out the word caused the whole ground to vibrate, and the blades of grass in the meadow seemed to shimmer.

SJ’s eyes opened in amazement. “That is a long name.” feeling her insides shudder.

“It means Brave Skyborne Warrior if interpreting it fully.”

SJ was not sure what to say to Bob. From what Dave had said, he was a humongous Dragon, lying in a meadow near a town over five thousand miles from his normal home.

“You are very new, aren’t you?” Bob said. It looked like he frowned if a Dragon could frown.

“New?” SJ asked.

“You are one of those brought here. I can smell your kind.”

“I am if you think I am, what I think you think I am. Sorry, that was a little confusing.”

“I understood, and yes, you are what I think you are.”

“You have met my kind before?”

“Many over my lifetime.”

“How old are you?”

“I am 4499 years old.”

SJ had been expecting him to say he was older than that, not that she knew how old dragons lived she just imagined them being virtually immortal. “Have you met any of my kind recently?”

“Not for a century now. The last thought he would come to try and take my hoard.”

SJ had always read of Dragon’s hoarding wealth, and she imagined Bob sitting on a huge mountain of gold, platinum, and jewels.

“What happened to him?”

“I ate him.”

SJ gulped at the thought. She had no idea what to say to a Dragon, asking him normal mundane questions. “What are you doing in the clearing? Aren’t you a long way from home?”

“I am a long way from home, yes, and I thought it would have been obvious what I was doing in the clearing?”

“No, sorry, I have no idea.”

“I was sunbathing.”

“But you were invisible when I first entered the clearing.”

“I can’t go invisible; it is a skill related to my ancestors passed on for millennia.”

“Whatever it is, it is still pretty amazing. I had no idea you were here until you sneezed.”

At the mention of sneezing, small lightning sparks started to form at his nostrils again.

“One minute,” Bob said, turning his head. SJ watched as he sneezed again. Lightning flashed from his nostrils and scorched another streak of the meadow into blackened earth.

“Flowers. There aren’t many where I come from.” Bob stated.

It intrigued SJ to know where he was from and why he was there. “Where are you from exactly?”

“I am from an area of Amathera called Alpagium.”

“How far is it from here?”

“In good weather at a steady pace, it takes about ten days. I could fly it faster if I wanted to, but I am in no rush.”

“Why are you here?”

“I am waiting to meet someone.”

“In a starter zone.”

“They are not from here.”

SJ thought about what he had said, and there was only one person she could think of who would bring a Dragon to the starter area; it had to be Fizzlewick. “Are you here to see Fizzlewick?”

“How do you know who Fizzlewick is?” the Dragon asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I am his apprentice.”

The Dragon looked at her, frowning slightly, deep-set wrinkles appearing across its brow. “You are the reason. I see now.”

“I am the reason?”

“The reason he asked me to come here.”

SJ could still not get past the resonating bass that thumped into her every time he spoke, it was very disconcerting. “Why would you be down here because of me?”

“I am going to do something. Don’t be alarmed.”

That alarmed SJ immediately as the Dragon muttered a few words in his unknown tongue. A ball of blue glittering light appeared in front of him, SJ watching in amazement as it grew larger until almost her size. In an instant, it shot towards her.

She screamed in terror as the ball hit her and the light surrounded her, her vision suddenly seeing everything as though wearing blue-tinted glasses. There was no pain, just a warm feeling that engulfed her; it was as though she was being wrapped in a fluffy blanket, and the light suddenly faded as fast as it appeared.

“What was that?” she said in amazement.

“Just something for me to get to know you better.” Bob opened his mouth.

SJ stepped back immediately before realising that he must be smiling. His teeth were huge, and she shivered involuntarily seeing them; the damage they could render against anything would be insane, never mind it could shoot lightning from its nostrils that crisped anything it touched.

“What did you do to me? I felt warm when it enveloped me.”

“It is like your Identification skill.”

“How do you know I have that skill?” SJ asked in surprise.

“My spell informed me. I also know your class. Very interesting indeed. I have known several Fae but never one of that class before.”

SJ stood open-mouthed.

“Umm. You are not very skilled yet, are you?”

SJ spluttered a response. “I am only level 5. How can you see all the details about my skills?”

“Oh. Your skill will do the same eventually when it levels high enough, and you get your other skills developed as well.”

Bob had vibrant, deep, golden eyes with sharp black pupils, and they appeared to drill into SJ’s soul as she stood there.

“I am not sure why I was directed to see you. I had an event appear.” SJ was not quite sure why she was even telling Bob the details as to why she had come to the meadow.

“As I say, I am here because of Fizzlewick and you. You are special.”

“Special, how?”

“Fizzlewick did not tell me everything when he messaged me, but enough to say that you were bringing change, and looking at your class, I can see why he thinks so. It is the rarity of your race and class combination and the skill paths you have chosen and are likely to choose. I have known many assassins over the years and still have a couple of acquaintances who are. I have never met an assassin who chose Subterfuge as their specialisation.”

“You know assassins?”


“What are they like?”

“Cold-blooded killers. Their existence revolves around their next victim, planning and plotting. You, on the other hand, do not seem to be that way inclined.” Bob replied. “Very strange, very strange indeed.” He appeared to be talking thoughtfully to himself.

SJ could not take her gaze from Bob, his beautifully coloured scales and golden detailing. This close, there appeared to be a coppery green undertone. Bob’s scales reminded her of overlapping scale armour, and the appearance perfectly matched the armour's name. Bob suddenly moved, making SJ jump from her semi-trance-like state, and he stood on his forelegs, stretching his neck into the air. As he did, he let out a deep rumbling groan. The whole meadow seemed to shudder this time.

Bob looked down at SJ. “I think we are going to have an interesting future together.” He finally said.

“Together?” Surprise etched on SJ’s face.

“I will be here for a few more days while I wait for Fizzlewick to see me, although I think the crafty old goat may have engineered this encounter.”

“I still do not know why he would want you to meet me. I heard what you said, but it still doesn’t make sense. I am only one person; how can I effect change by myself?”

“You won’t be by yourself. That dress you wear is the first sign of that. God’s do not give gifts lightly, and only those they deem worthy of the investment receive anything, and they are unique. Never again will a dress like your own be given or received by another. If Fizzlewick thought you were not special or able, then he never would have given it to you.”

The whole scenario made SJ’s head spin, and she felt nauseous from the continual battering of the bass of Bob’s voice. Bob unfolded his wings; their leathery form and span were enormous, and they reminded SJ of a bat.

“I will leave you with a parting gift. It has no value to any other and will only work for you.” Bob uttered more words, and a small blue and gold box appeared in the meadow before her. It reminded her of a small jewellery box she had as a child. SJ bent and picked up the box; the surface shimmered in her hands, and it was beautifully crafted.

“May I?” she asked.

“Please do.”

Opening the box, SJ revealed a small vial. Inside the vial was a bright golden liquid with blue speckles. “What is this?”

Dave had been silent the whole time that Bob had been speaking, and SJ had completely forgotten about him in the briefest period since arriving, being in awe of the powerful beast before her until now.

“Holy boils on a freaking Orcs bulbous nose,” Dave sputtered this time. “It can’t be.”

SJ dared not reply to Dave.

“If that is what I think it is, then I will, I will, I have no idea what I will do…” he trailed off.

“It is something special that will help you with your growth. I think I understand why Fizzlewick is interested in you, and I am now as well. There could be some intriguing times ahead if what I think he hopes will happen happens. I can’t say, so don’t ask.” Bob said, smiling again.

SJ took the small vial from the box and held it in her hand. The bottle felt warm to the touch, and the liquid inside swirled as she moved it.

“I assume I drink this?”

“You would assume right. I must go for now. I sense others approaching the meadow and do not wish to scare anyone else today. I will see you again, SJ, and one last note before I depart. If you meet any more of my kind, don’t worry.” With that, Bob forced his wings down rapidly. The downdraft flattened the grasses and sent SJ falling onto her rear, still holding the vial and box in her hands. Sitting on the ground, she watched as Bob lifted from the ground and began to fly swiftly away towards the mountain peaks, staying just above the treeline.

“Dave,” SJ said as soon as Bob disappeared over the trees.

“Hang on,” the reply came back.

“Hang on for what?”

“Shh. A minute will you.”

Feeling completely overwhelmed at speaking to a Dragon, she was not in the mood to be silenced by Dave.

“HOW DARE YOU SHUSH ME.” She snapped in a loud tone.

“Okay. Okay. Drink it.”

“Drink it? What even is it?”

“Just drink it; believe me when I say it will be the best decision you ever make in your new life.”

Frowning and looking at the swirling liquid in the vial, she lifted it, looking at it closely. The liquid seemed to have a life of its own. She placed the small box into her inventory and then, taking the small glass stopper on the top of the vial, slowly removed it. The smell from the liquid was that of a crisp, cold winter morning. It was the strangest smell in the world from a liquid that felt warm through the vial.

Cautiously, SJ drew the vial to her lips.

“Don’t waste a drop,” Dave said.

The vial probably only held one drop of whatever the substance was. Tilting the vial back, she allowed the liquid to fall onto her tongue. It had the strangest sensation on her tongue, the liquid feeling both hot and cold all at once. It seemed to pulse in her mouth, and she held it momentarily before swallowing.

As the liquid travelled down her throat, an intensity of feelings hit her like a crescendo of waves. Happiness, sadness, pleasure, pain, life, death, hot, cold, relief, anxiety. The emotions and depth of feeling increased in intensity. SJ had fallen backwards, lying on her back, her eyes closed as her body contested and then adjusted to this foreign matter that was now inside her. It seemed to permeate every cell; she could feel it moving, adapting and combining.

She let out a gasp. “What is happening to me?” she said through gritted teeth.

“You will see if I think what is happening is happening,” were Dave’s only words; he sounded as though he was in the distance but in awe of whatever it was.

As SJ lay there, absorbed by the emotional pain filled ride, her mind drifted. Visions flashed in front of her closed eyes as though watching a cinema screen, fleeting and so brief she could see no details. They began to subside slowly, her body tingling and her senses heightened. Opening her eyes, she began to sit up, feeling weary and drained. Looking around the meadow everything seemed to have a new clarity.

“How do you feel?” Dave asked.

“I don’t know. Strange, I suppose. I feel like me but not me,” SJ said as she looked at her hands and the small vial and stopper she was still holding. Placing the lid back on the vial, she recalled the small box from her inventory, placed it inside, and returned it. A sharp pain suddenly flared in her head. She grimaced, scrunching her eyes closed and grasping at her temples. She groaned loudly. The pain subsided again, and she opened her eyes. Her display triggered.


Symbiotic Relationship Established

You have been granted a gift very few have ever been given, never mind survived.


Brotuliosteryiweqmanprubloreb, the greatest of his kind, has gifted you a drop of his blood. Only the blood from the purest being can be used for symbiosis to occur.


“It was Dragon blood?” SJ stammered.


“And what has it done to me?”

“Open your character sheet and see what it says. I have no idea what it may grant.”

SJ pulled up her sheet:


Legionnaire 25007077

Name: SJ

Age: 27

Race: Fae

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Good

↻ Level: 5

Experience: 341 of 600

Hit Points: 33 of 33

Mana Points: 25

Armour Class: 15


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 15

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 9

Constitution: 10

Charisma: 10



Night Vision – you have improved vision in poor light conditions.

Flight – when in miniature Fae form, you can learn to fly. Flying is not available in humanoid form.

Shapeshift – the ability to switch between Fae forms.


Martial Arts - Kata Level 3

Subterfuge - Identification Level 3 - 12 of 30 to level 4


Tailor Level 1


Dragon Sense – your senses, touch, hearing, smell, and sight are heightened.

Precognition – foreknowledge due to increased perception will allow you to evade a killing blow. (24hr cooldown)

Divine Lightning – your blood is combined with that of a Blue, increasing healing speed while out of combat.

Malware: Waiver (Sandboxed)

Inventory: 10 slots (10 special)


“Wow,” was the only word that came to SJ.

“Wow. Are you kidding me? That is freaking awesome? You have survived symbiosis with Dragon’s blood. Do you know how rare that is?”

“How rare, and what do you mean survived? The message said something about that but no details.”

“The last successful Symbiosis was between a Necromancer and a Demonic Lord. Only creatures of certain standing and level can even offer the gift, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Bob has granted you the most powerful gift he could. Most who have ever tried to complete symbiosis have died in the process of the transformation of bloodlines due to them not being compatible or aligned. Bob must have sensed something in you to even have attempted it.”

Dave continued. “I wasn’t talking to you when you spoke to Bob because I was talking to the System.”

"You told me to just drink it. When it had a chance of killing me?"

"It was worth the risk," Dave answered.

“And you spoke to the System?”

“Yes. They spoke to me directly, which is very strange, actually almost unheard of, since I am like a thorn in their side. I think they would have preferred it if you hadn’t let me stay, and they could have reformatted me! The System was as confused as I was that the Dragon would give you a drop of its blood and was worried. I don’t know what is going on, but your status is causing serious concern. They are restricted from doing anything due to the agreement they made with you about no increased threat repercussions but will be watching you carefully.”

“I am more confused than anyone else. Why am I so special suddenly?”

“I don’t think this is sudden. I think a larger game is at play here, and we have not even started it yet.”

“What game?”

“Fizzlewick hinted at change, and your new life will define which path it takes, but I think it will be different this time.”

“What do I do now, then?”

“We go back and do what we were going to do. Quest, level, earn reputation, and turn you into the best assassin Amathera has ever seen.” Dave said jovially.

Standing in the beautiful meadow, which now had two streaks of blackened earth caused by a Dragon's sneeze, SJ had no idea what this all meant. Turning, she began the trip back to town. As she reached the edge of the meadow, a group of three hunters from the town appeared, whom she recognised from the Inn where they often met. Passing pleasantries, they came to a standstill, seeing the streaks in the meadow.

"What happened here?" One asked, confused.

"I have no idea. It was like that when I came through," SJ replied, smiling as she left them, trying to wonder.

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