Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:56 AM

Chapter 38

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Breakfast was Hogling rashers, Hogling sausages and two fried eggs. The only thing it needed was mushrooms and baked beans. SJ mopped up the final bit of egg yolk with her bread. Smacking her lips in satisfaction, she let out a fulfilling sigh. The Inn was quiet, with only a couple of patrons eating breakfast. Picking up her coffee, she walked to the hatch.

"Good morning, Floretta." SJ was sure she didn't sleep.

"Morning SJ. Everything ok?"

"Delicious as always. I have a favour to ask?"

"Of course."

"Do you have any mushrooms at all here in Amathera? They would go a treat fried up with the rest for breakfast."

"Umm. We do. I have never even thought of it. The forest ones would go well thinking about it. I will get some and see how they turn out. Thanks for the suggestion."

"No problem," SJ smiled, putting her now empty coffee mug on the bar as she walked toward her daily training routine.

After finishing her Kata practice and first wing exercises, she lay back in the early morning sun, soaking in its rays.

"I have been thinking what to do next," she said.

"And what have you decided?" Dave asked.

"I have all the paperwork evidence and the information from the food bank recipients, but I have no physical evidence that they are doing anything wrong."

"So, what is your plan?"

"I am going to do a stakeout."

"OOOO. That sounds fun. Just like in the movies."

"I am not sure how fun it will be, but I have references for the food vendors in the ledgers, and if I keep an eye on them, I may be able to witness some transactions."

"This is much better than reading pages of numbers," Dave said, finishing in a bored, droning voice.

"I wouldn't be thinking about it without the boring numbers."

"When you see them do something wrong, you can swoop in and arrest them like they do in the films."

"I don't have any powers to arrest anyone."

"Ok. Just swoop in and kill them then."

"I can't just randomly kill people!"

"You are an assassin; it's your calling."

"I will only kill people if I have to or if they are evil."

"Thieves are not evil then?"

SJ didn't reply.

Heading back to the Inn, Dave was whispering in her head about his favourite stakeout scenes from films. SJ headed upstairs and changed into the clothes she had bought from Fizzlewick, including the cloak. Pulling the cloak up around her face and looking in the small mirror, she was hardly recognisable compared to the beautiful dress she usually wore. She went to place her dress in the wardrobe and then decided against it, placing it in her inventory instead. To her surprise, it fit into one of the tailoring slots. If she needed to change into it for better protection, she would do.

She began her investigation by making sure she could remember the names of the stall holders from whom they had purchased. No one paid any attention to her as she went downstairs and left the Inn, and although she had started to get to know several people in the town by sight, they didn't seem to notice her as she walked down the streets with her head dropped so that her face didn't show fully.

Enough people were going about their daily lives, and another person walking in a cloak was nothing special. She spent the whole day moving from trader to trader on the list, and it was not until very late that afternoon when one of the fresh produce traders was packing up, that the Elf she knew as Lorian approached the Goblin stall holder.

SJ was standing in a small alley between a couple of the surrounding homes. No one noticed her, just standing in the shadows. Watching the Elf speak to the Goblin, he began to fill a couple of the crates with the older produce, and SJ watched as money changed hands and Lorian walked away, the Goblin saying he would drop them at the Church Hall later.

SJ had not even realised there was a Church Hall and now had to find it, but first, she needed to speak to the Goblin.

"Hi there." She said as she approached the stall.

"Sorry. I am closing for the day. I have a delivery to make."

"It's about the purchase that Elf just made."

"What about it?" the Goblin said, turning for the first time and slightly surprised to see SJ's face under the hood of her cloak.

SJ smiled at the Goblin sweetly, and he squirmed a little from her gaze. She was, after all, a beautiful Fae.

"How much did she buy?"

"Everything is going past its best. She regularly pops in and purchases it, which saves it from going to waste."

"That's generous of her."

"She works for the Church, delivering food parcels."

"That's a noble sacrifice."

"She is a good one, Lorian."

"You know her well?"

"Not that well, but she is always helping out with the Church."

"I would like to reimburse her for her continual generosity. Could you let me know how much she paid?"

"Of course. She bought all the old stock for 12 coppers. I need to go and deliver two whole crates worth so they can be sent out."

"Thanks for your help, and don't tell her if you see her. I want it to be a surprise when I reimburse her."

The Goblin smiled at SJ, and she turned and left.

It took SJ another two days to stake out her suspects before she witnessed purchases. Not all stallholders had fallen for her reimbursement comment. A couple just said she could just donate to the Church instead. She knew how much they had spent on the other goods, though, so she headed to the church at the end of day three.

Lythonian was in the vestry when she arrived.

"Welcome SJ. How are you getting on?"

"Very well, I hope I just need to finalise a few details. Do you have the current ledger available?"

"Of course." Lythonian reached behind him to a bookcase, withdrew the ledger, and handed it to her.

"I see that it is not you who enters information."

"No. There are several who help."

SJ flipped the ledger open to the last page, reading through the entered information, and the evidence was there. The entries she was looking for had been entered by hand by both of her suspects. Lorian's purchase, which she had witnessed two days prior, showed she had paid out 84 copper. That was 72 more than she had paid for the produce. There were also entries from the Dwarf with differing numbers as well.

"Got you," she said excitedly.

"Got me?" Lythonian asked, confused.

"No. Sorry. I have the evidence to prove what is happening to the money."

"Really?" Lythonian said with surprise.

"Yes. The question is, how do we now challenge them?"

"With blades and violence," Dave interrupted.

"What have you discovered?" Lythonian asked.

"Both Lorian and Cet are skimming from the books."


"Saying they have spent more than they have and registering false amounts in the ledger. They have not just been purchasing old food but also not delivering what they say they have been doing."

"What? How do you know?" Lythonian was shocked to hear the information.

SJ explained what she had found and witnessed and the information she had gathered. Her case was solid, with only one outstanding question still confusing her.

"Do they take money from the Church's coffers to pay for the goods?"

"Yes. They both have access to the money."

"Where is it kept?"

"Here in the vestry."

"How much should be in there now?"

Lythonian turned the ledger around and scanned the totals. "2 gold, 74 silver, 289 copper."

"How often do you check the total?"

Lythonian went quiet for a moment. "I just keep the tally of the ledger," he eventually said, blushing.

"You don't check?"

"The volunteers have been congregation members longer than I have; they know more about everything than I do."

"You have been here two years, though!" SJ exclaimed.

Lythonian was embarrassed. "I will check it now," he coughed, standing and walking to a small cupboard. Inside, he withdrew a small chest and, placing it on the table, removed a key from under his armour and opened it.

It was counted and stacked in neat piles on his desk a while later. It was 42 silver and 89 copper down. Lythonian was in turmoil over the shortfall.

"How often do they access it?"

"Almost daily due to the food they purchase."

"And when does it get emptied?"

"The Church receives a monthly stipend. Recently, we have been low on funds to pay it all."

"How much do you normally pay monthly?"

"4 gold, it is based on expected contributions."

Everything was starting to fall into place over what had been happening, and SJ needed to confront the pair now.

"Do you know where they will be now?"

"They are usually at the Church Hall sorting out deliveries. I never really go there as I am busy running the various services here."

"Well, shall we go and visit."

They left the Church after Lythonian locked everything up, and she followed him right out of the Church. SJ had never been down this way before, and after several hundred feet, they came to a single-storey building with a sign advertising it as the 'Church of Amathera's Hall.'

They entered the hall. Inside were rows of tables set out and small crates on top of them. Two young Kobolds were busy splitting food down into the crates.

"Have you seen Lorian or Cet?" Lythonian asked.

They pointed towards the back room. Lythonian walked up to the door and tried the handle. It was locked. Knocking on the door. "Lorian, Cet, are you there?"

There was movement behind the door, and after a few moments, they heard a key turn, and the door was pulled open. Cet stood there. "Lythonian, what brings you here away from your important work at the church?" he said, smiling broadly at him.

"I need to ask some questions. Is that ok?"

"Please come in."

They walked inside. The room was about half the size of the main hall area, and there were a couple of large desks and two sofas'. SJ thought it was very well furnished for the backroom of a Church Hall. Lorain sat lounging on one of the sofas.

"Take a seat, my friend, and what can we do for you both?"

Lorain smiled charmingly at Lythonian, and SJ was sure he looked away shyly. SJ placed her hand on Lythonian's shoulder, and the large Draconian turned and looked at her.

"Allow me," SJ had faced down many like this before. "It has become apparent that the Church is losing money. I was asked to investigate this issue and have concluded my findings. I will ask you both now if you have anything you wish to say. It will be better for it to be stated before."

Since SJ had drunk the dragon blood, her senses had heightened, and she could feel an immediate tension in the air and notice the smallest of glances between the two.

"I am not sure what you are referring to?" Cet replied, frowning.

SJ explained her findings and was in the process of commencing her conclusion to the issues when her senses went into overdrive. She had never felt anything like it before and noticed the slightest movement from Lorian's hand. She dove sideways as the bolt of ice shot at where she had been standing. Her display triggered.


Precognition triggered – cooldown 24hrs


The huge bolt would have torn her in two. Lythonian gasped in shock as the bolt of ice ploughed into the room wall, penetrating the wooden wall easily. Screams from the Kobold children in the main hall could be heard. In the same instant, Cet drew an Axe from his belt and charged at Lythonian. SJ triggered identification.


Cetius Hillgrinder

Level: 7

Hit Points: 75

Mana Points: 35

Attacks: Chop/Cleave


Lorian Mercanji

Level: 8

Hit Points: 45

Mana Points: 35 of 85

Attacks: Ice Magic/Stab


Lythonian Waryista

Level: 13

Hit Points: 70

Mana Points: 140

Attacks: Holy Smite/Strike


SJ was shocked to see that Lythonian was level 13; she had thought he was much lower, considering his mannerisms and being in a starter town. As SJ watched, a spiked mace and a shield appeared in his hands. The shield was brilliant white and had the church's emblem emblazoned.

"For the Church," Lythonian screamed as he went to attack Cet.

SJ ran towards Lorian; she was dangerous as a mage, but looking at her mana, she had already thrown her most powerful spell. As SJ moved, her blades appeared on her hands. She was about twenty feet from Lorian as Cet brought his axe down on Lythonian's shield with the loud clang of metal on metal.

Lythonian took the strike without any movement in his shield arm and immediately swung his mace with speed and precision, smashing into the side of Cet's body. The power behind the strike was immense, and Cet was knocked sideways, his shorter, stocky form being hurled across the room. He gathered himself again and went at Lythonian.

SJ reached Lorian, and her dagger appeared in her hand. She went to stab SJ. Ignoring the weapon, she moved in close to get within striking range. There was no way that Lorian could cast with SJ so close to her, and she lashed out with her blades. A shimmer appeared around Lorian as she struck, and her blades came up short against a blue glow, casting sparks around her fist.

Lorian's blade scraped against SJ's side, making her wince in pain. Stepping back from the Mage, she identified Lorian again. Her mana was now down to 10. SJ kicked out her foot, coming up short against the blue shield again. Lorian attacked again; this time, SJ moved back and defensively swept down with her blades. Her blades cut deep into Lorian's arm, causing slashing damage, and she dropped her blade.

SJ heard a roar and saw Cet powering at Lythonian, swinging his axe in a wild frenzy. SJ thought he must be a berserker. Lythonian took the assault on his shield, looking calm and patient. Lorian had cried, pulling her bleeding arm back and holding it across her body. The strike had taken a third off her health. SJ was not finished and kicked out again. The shield flared, but its colour was dimming. Striking out with quick successive punches, she powered them into the shield. It flickered and flared at the strikes, sparks flying from it, and then it gave way.

Lorian had not struck again, backing up and allowing SJ to strike her shield; as the shield dropped, the mage took a last stand, firing a missile at SJ at close range. She had no time to react, and the magical bolt flew deep into her chest area. She screamed in pain, staggering backwards, reaching up to her chest as the bolt vanished from existence. Now, it had done its damage. Her health from the dagger and the bolt was now down to 12 hit points.

Lorian rushed SJ with her dagger swinging wildly; she was not a melee combatant, that was clear. Even with the fog of the pain from the magic bolt, SJ was able to defend, parrying her strikes with relative ease. SJ saw an opening and struck, ducking and striking with her kick at Lorian's knee. The strike was true, and Lorian cried in pain as her knee gave. She stumbled sideways, and SJ suddenly saw a blue bottle in her hand.

It had to be mana, and SJ had to stop her from drinking it. As she raised the bottle to her lips, SJ lunged forward, striking with the blades. They dug deep into her side, and Lorian gasped, almost dropping the bottle. SJ heard a terrifying scream and glanced to see the mace of Lythonian coming down on Cet's head. The crunch and cracking sounds were sickening.

Lorian kicked out herself at SJ, catching her in her midriff again, trying to drink the bottle. The furniture in the room had been scattered with the fight, one of the sofas overturned and a table broken in half from either a mace or axe swing. SJ suddenly felt warmth flood her body and, turning, saw a white streaming light erupting from Lythonian's outstretched hand. Her pain lessened, and she watched as her health rapidly increased back to full.

SJ grinned at the sensation and stepped in to finish Lorian. Swipes and strikes rain towards the mage, unable to drink her potion, being too busy trying to dodge the blows. SJ again struck true, puncturing her in her shoulder with a forward punch. Lorian coughed up blood. Her health was down to the last couple of hit points now. She fell to her knees, holding her lacerated shoulder with one hand and her punctured side with the other. The blue bottle was now resting on the floor, spilling its liquid.

Lythonian stepped forward, towering over the now quaking mage.

"Lorian. I have relied on your support for the past two years, and you have gone against me, the church, and the good people of this town. Through the Order of Amathera, I sentence you with crimes of heresy and sentence you to death."

SJ watched in stunned amazement as Lythonian swung his Mace at her head.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!