Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:39 AM

Chapter 54

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The small churchyard was already getting crowded, with many of the town's citizens arriving for the service. SJ felt a little uncertain about her presence as she had not known any of the victims directly but felt obligated to be there. Lythonian stood at the entrance welcoming the family members of those who had lost a loved one. Bright bouquets were positioned in large pots lining the path towards the entrance. Although people spoke, they spoke in hushed and respectful tones. As SJ stood silently watching the proceedings, she was suddenly hit in her leg. Looking down, the small form of Cristy had run to and now clung tightly around her calf. Madeline, the kindly Dwarf from the orphanage, walked over.


The small Gnoll looked up at SJ. Her face already had streaks from the tears she had shed. She sniffed loudly. "Will you come with me?" she asked with pleading eyes.

The crippling feeling of despair hit SJ like a bullet, and she could feel tears in her own eyes forming as she looked down at her. "Come where?" SJ asked.

"To the church. Will you sit with me, please?" she begged.

SJ looked over at Madeline, who smiled kindly, shrugging.

"If you want me to, I will do, of course," SJ replied.

SJ offered Cristy her hand, and she held it tightly as they walked up the path to the entrance. SJ could feel eyes on her as she did. She hadn't planned on entering the church and just wished to be present to show her respect. Now, she felt in the spotlight. Her beauty and green dress contrasted with many who wore darker colours. Cristy wore a pale pink dress and matching pink ribbons in her hair. Holding her gaze down, not wanting to meet the eyes of those lining the path, she led Cristy to the entrance.

"Cristy, my dear child," Lythonian said as they approached the steps. "SJ, will you be accompanying her?"

SJ turned again to see Madeline, who just nodded. Turning back, she responded, "Yes. I will be with Cristy."

"You are seated on the front left pew at the end nearest the wall," Lythonian replied, smiling kindly.

"Thank you."

Leading Cristy, SJ entered the church. Having been there several times, she wasn't expecting what she was now met with. The inside was packed; virtually every pew was full. Consciously, she walked down the central aisle before turning and leading Cristy to the left, showing her a seat next to a Kobold and her children. Cristy did not release her grip on SJ's hand and, once sat, leaned into her.

Music began filling the church, from a Goblin playing an instrument SJ did not recognise, which sounded similar to pipe music. Several townsfolk stood in white robes at the front of the church, and as the tune changed, they began to sing. SJ recognised the old Gnome she had seen replacing the flowers in the church previously, and she appeared to be the group's lead as their soft lilt filled the church's eaves. The choir's sound brought a sense of comfort and solace to the occasion.

Lythonian walked to the altar. As the music and singing ended, silence filled the proceedings. SJ heard the gentle sobs of several gathered within the church. The individual grief and communal support were insurmountable.

"I stand here today with a heavy heart. It is not often that we must gather for such an event as the loss of six members of our community at one time. Losing someone dear to us is never easy. As we gather here today, we are joined by a profound sense of loss but also by the enduring memories and love that will forever live on in our hearts. Today, we come together to honour the lives of Sarwick, Zefir, Lotti, Porewi, Kas, and Henrick to celebrate the moments we shared and to find solace in the legacy they leave behind.

As we reflect on their lives, let us take time to consider their loved ones. Many of whom are here today with us in the congregation. Let us keep their memories dear; remember the shared laughter and moments that will be etched in our hearts forever. Though they may no longer be with us in body, their spirits continue to burn brightly and will illuminate their next lives.

Though I stand here with a heavy heart, let us find strength in each other during this challenging time and comfort in those around us, friends, family, and strangers alike, as we bid them farewell. Several have asked to speak today to remember those who have fallen protecting the town. Let us all stand as those fallen are brought to their final resting place."

Music and song started again as six caskets were carried into the church and laid out on the floor before the altar. Then SJ watched as several stood and walked forward, placing flowers on their tops. SJ could feel Cristy's tears soaking through her dress where her face was hidden and the sobs that wracked her small frame. She felt a tear on her cheek but didn't try to wipe it away.

Once the caskets were in and the music stopped, Lythonian addressed them again. "Several wish to speak today in memory of our fallen heroes. Mayor Maxwell, will you kindly proceed?" he indicated.

SJ turned and saw the Mayor stand from a couple of rows back and make his way to the altar. He was wearing plain black garb, not his usual clothes. His huge frame seemed to be trying to break out of the material. After the Mayor made his speech, several more took their turn until everyone who had lost their lives had been spoken about. Their lives, loves, and laughs were all discussed.

The speeches in the Inn the previous evening had no way near the same emotional impact as today's service and eulogies. SJ held Cristy tight to her side and stroked her head gently, soothing her. Cristy was brave enough to turn and look at the Orc hunter, who had spoken fondly about her father when her name had been mentioned. She even managed a very weak smile of thanks before the grief had taken her again with a new fit of sobbing.

By the time the service had ended and the caskets were removed for burial, SJ felt both emotionally and physically drained. She had attended funerals before, but the raw emotion of all present, not just family members, had torn at her insides. This emotion had begun to turn to anger as she had sat there considering the Hobs and Bordon. SJ knew she wanted to seek revenge for those fallen.

As she sat waiting for the congregation to leave before escorting the tiny innocent form of Cristy outside, her display triggered.


Quest – Vengeance

You have witnessed the heartache and torment caused by the evil that resides in Amathera. You may seek vengeance on those guilty of crimes against the town.

Kill – Bordon the Brandisher – 1000 xp

Kill – Iratu the Mad – 700 xp

Prevent any further Hobgoblin raids on Killic.

Rewards: 1500 xp, Reputation with Killic, Usual level kill experience awards apply.

Do you accept the quest? Yes/No


SJ couldn't help her eyes go wide. The experience rewards alone were huge, but to attempt to kill such high-level opponents, she had no idea if she could even consider it.

"Wow. That is huge!" Dave exclaimed; he had been silent through the whole service until now.

Ignoring the quest offer for the moment, SJ began to stand slowly, lifting Cristy and holding her tiny form in her arms; she carried her from the church. The young Gnoll rested her head on her shoulder and gripped her tightly around her neck. Walking outside, the sun streaked down into the churchyard, and she walked over to the six freshly dug plots in the grounds and stood watching as the caskets were gently lowered. After a while, the crowd began to thin. Lythonian spoke to each of the family members present, showing his deep level of care and offering personal support at this trying time. Madeline had joined SJ by the graveside, and she began to feel Cristy's grip lessen around her neck and to hear her breathing become heavier, knowing that the Gnoll had fallen asleep in her arms.

"She is asleep," SJ whispered to Madeline.

"I will get her home and tucked up in bed. The poor little thing is exhausted."

SJ carefully untangled Cristy's small arms from her neck, and with a few low grumbles, she rearranged her still sleeping form around Madeline's neck.

"Tell her I will call in and see her soon," SJ said, bidding farewell to Madeline as she carried Cristy from the churchyard. SJ followed the main group of townsfolk as they began to leave the church and filter back into town, many of whom were going directly to the Hogling Arms.

It didn't take long for the Inn to be even busier than the previous evening, and SJ noticed that many of the vendors who would normally be out all hours must have closed up early to attend. The quiet affair became livelier as the afternoon became evening. By the time the night arrived, the sombre mood had been replaced by laughter and singing as they celebrated and drank in respect to those lost.

Several had spoken to her throughout the evening, and Gary, Setu and Margu had arrived. One of the unfortunate lost Lotti was Margu's cousin. SJ expressed her condolences, and then Margu hit the ale. It had been Setu's night to stay sober as his wife shared in the loss of her relative with family and friends. They played cards as Gary and Setu did most nights, and Margu showed that she was exceedingly skilled and beat them both hands down. By the time they departed, Setu and Gary had had to support her.

SJ stayed off alcohol and only drank coffee, and it was nearing midnight by the time she eventually went to her room. Climbing into bed, her anger had returned thinking about the Hobs and Bordon.

"I will accept the quest and find a way to end their terror," SJ said.

"A noble cause. Have you any thoughts on how you may do it?" Dave said.

"Not yet. I will need to scout their settlement soon, but I will train for now. The fights I have had since learning the new techniques from Lorna have been one thing, but I need to level and unlock more skills if I am going to be able to fight them."

"The quest doesn't say it is solo. You don't have to do it alone."

"I know, but enough have already died due to them."

"Unfortunately, that is part of life in Amathera. There are always conflicts underway."

"This world is no different to Earth."

"There are many similarities, yes."

"I need to improve the use of my claws," SJ said with determination.

"You are an assassin, after all, and with Lorna and several in the town knowing your class, they may be able to provide weapons training."

"I know my claws are good, but as I level, I wonder what Zej can make?"

"He is a skilled blacksmith, so you could ask him. Although, at your level, your claws are quite adequate currently. It is more down to using them more efficiently when you fight."

"I know you mentioned there were weapon damage charts. I still haven't looked at any of them yet."

"If you look where your primary weapon shows on your display, you will see the three dots, which is the menu standard."

SJ looked, selecting the dots, and a menu appeared showing her various pieces of information. Damage charts appeared, and looking at the graphical data that was shown was remarkably complex. There were selectors for every variant of base weapon type, and you could see the respective damage expectations depending on level, attribute, and damage type. The primary weapon damage could be selected, and the table would be altered. Everything was worked on a median value from minimum to maximum damage permissible.

The comprehensive details allowed armour class inclusion to see comparative hit requirements. The caveat that covered all the information was that the position where a strike occurred on a body could not be predefined. Then, there were both racial and class characteristics, which also came into play. It was a minefield of information, and SJ could have spent hours looking through all the comparative tables and charts.

It even allowed you to add your current weapons statistics, which she did for her blades, and compare them to other weapons at the same level. She was pleased that her claws sat in the top 5% of damage-dealing ability. This was the most helpful information, allowing her to see as she progressed when she needed to upgrade them.

"I completely forgot in the emotions of the past couple of days that I can select a new Subterfuge skill," SJ said. She selected her skill page and read the details.


Subterfuge - Identification Level 6 - 0 of 100 to level 7


The jump in identification needs to level seven was huge. Now requiring one hundred more.

"Let's see what skills choices I now have," SJ said excitedly.

Opening her display, she reviewed her options.




Shroud  – As an assassin, you may hide in the shadows; when you are shrouded in darkness, damage is reduced temporarily. The skill lasts 30 seconds per level, up to five minutes at level ten. (No base attribute)

Disguise  – You can become the unknown. At early levels, basic appearance can be altered slightly, obscuring the vision and mind of those looking at you. Did they see a Dwarf or a Kobold? At higher levels, clothing can be adjusted to hide in the crowd. (Base attribute Charisma – counter Wisdom)

Charm  – A good assassin can work their way into the hearts of their enemy before presenting them with their death. At level one, you may charm that vendor for a better deal. At level ten, rulers will be at your beck and call. (Base attribute Charisma – counter Intelligence)

Discovery  – Increased identification and reduced chance of being detected by analysing another. Reduces willpower adjustments by five per level. At level ten, no one will ever know you are watching them. (Base attribute Intelligence – counter Wisdom)

Infiltration  – Having control of your emotions is vital. Infiltration allows you to naturally present as a person expects, following their mannerisms and beliefs, hiding your thoughts from being visible. Successful application will last for twenty-four hours. At level ten, you can sit with your most hated enemy, laughing at their jokes while plotting their demise, and they will never know what is going on inside your mind. (Base attribute Charisma – counter Intelligence)



"These choices all have benefits that could be huge long term," SJ said.

"They do; the subterfuge skills branch is quite impressive for those who can master the techniques."

"How do they level? Is it through experience gain?"

"Once you reach level 10 in your character development, you get skill points you can assign, which give hard increases. Alongside hard skill gains, you can also improve them through use, but at lower levels, it can be much more difficult to achieve results successfully. An example is Disguise. At level one, while talking to someone, if you trigger the skill during a conversation, there is a slight chance that they may not fully remember who they had just been speaking to or be able to describe your appearance. Your problem is that even if they didn't remember what you discussed, they would remember what you look like, especially with your unique dress. There is a table that shows you success rates and the bonuses through attribute enhancement."

SJ checked her display and found the sub-table Dave had mentioned. Again, her display was filled with tables of data. This time, the information was much easier to configure and understand as it automatically adjusted depending on her attribute levels. The level increase and success mechanism were the same for all the skills with an associated base attribute rather than her character level attribute adjustments, which gave her a 10% addition to her hit points for constitution per point starting from ten. The attribute adjustments only added a 1% increase in success rate per skill level in comparison.

At level one of a skill, each one had a 10% success rate. Then, considering her Charisma was currently only at 10, there was currently no additional bonus. If she adjusted the value to twenty on the table, she had a further 10% boost to success. The subterfuge skills required SJ to focus on adding points to her Charisma or Intelligence to get boosted benefits. All the skills reached level ten, showing a one hundred % success rate.

Then, there were the counter attributes. With a skill with a 10% success rate and no bonuses, if a target had 10 attribute points above her own, they would remove 10% of the success rate, meaning that it would never work against specific targets. So, even if a skill reached level ten, it could still be negated depending upon the attributes of a target.

"How high do the attributes of higher levels reach?" SJ asked.

"Being a level 50 Fighter, as an example, with level increases in strength, each level would mean that most would have at least sixty strength at level 50. Therefore, to negate a strength-based attack using a skill such as Shield Block, the skill would be compared directly against the strength of the defender using the skill. So, at level 50 with a base strength of 60, the defender would require a level seven skill minimum, still only granting a ten per cent success rate if they had a strength of only ten. Their strength attributes would obviously compare against their attacker and counter each other accordingly. It does start to get complex again with class and environment bonuses for combat skills.

Your subterfuge skills are much easier to calculate if you know a person's class. This will allow you to consider their attribute bonuses, and once identified, the basic details are shown. With Discovery, you start to be given their attribute levels and specific skills. It is like the advanced identification spell Bob used on you; with the bonus, it isn't discoverable when triggered often. I say often because there are always exceptions depending upon counter skills that other classes may know."

"Thanks. I will sleep on it and decide tomorrow how I will progress. I need to get to level six in my Kata to improve my martial arts skills. Night, Dave," SJ replied as she settled on her pillow.

"Night, SJ, sleep well," Dave said.

After such an emotional day filled with solemn ceremonies, heartfelt conversations, and the transition from mourning to celebration, SJ felt mentally and emotionally drained. The sound of patrons leaving the Inn and singing in the streets created a sense of familiarity, providing a comforting backdrop for SJ as she fell asleep.

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