Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:37 AM

Chapter 56

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After visiting Lythonian and speaking to Jurgen, SJ sorted everything to return to the cottages. She had even stopped in to see Gladys to see if she wanted anything taken to the cottages but had declined, saying she would visit in another few days. Since deciding to visit the cottages, SJ had spent most of her time purchasing all the items she wanted to take with her. Even if she wasn't staying, she wanted to make it homely.

 Remembering what she had been told about the chimney needing to be repaired, she had confirmed with one of the stonemasons, a Dwarf named Husa, to visit the cottage and check on the chimney. He wouldn't be available for a few days at least, but he had promised he could make a journey to check on the chimney and look at the derelict property to see if it could be saved easily. SJ thankfully remembered to tell Husa about her Skeletal friends.

The cart was packed with all the essentials for setting up a new home. She hadn't gone to the extent of purchasing a mattress but had pretty much got nearly everything else that could be needed. Pots, pans, bowls, buckets, brushes, gardening equipment, she had bought so much. With her improved reputation in the town, she noticed that prices for items were lower than they had been from several merchants previously.

Most basic items were only coppers, so she had more than enough cash to hold onto the one gold coin she owned. When she discussed the costs of the items with Dave, he stated that it was a norm that once your reputation increased with many traders, items would naturally become cheaper. This was also due to Charisma, and hers only had a minor bonus, currently being eleven.

Due to the second subterfuge skill, which still needed to be confirmed, she may have to increase her charisma. After reviewing all the details since she had opened the 6th level of the Identification skill, she had begun to lean towards Disguise. Her choice was because her dress stood out too much, and at higher levels, she could be anonymous when dealing with people.

Entering the valley, Humberto let out a neigh, suddenly coming to a stop.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I have no idea," Dave replied.

"I was asking Humberto."

Humberto took a step backwards, and SJ frowned as she could see nothing that could be causing him to back up.

"There must be something ahead," SJ said. "Let's go look."

Jumping down from the cart, SJ moved to the front, patting Humberto on his neck and stroking him as he complained. He shook his head from side to side and pushed backwards again.

"What is it, boy?" SJ said, looking ahead at the clear trail. Her senses hadn't been triggered, and she could still see nothing that would cause concern. That was when the arrow struck her.

The arrow struck her in her left thigh, and she cried in pain at the sudden shock of the strike. She still hadn't seen where it came from.

"Left down the trail fifty metres," Dave said. "Large boulder and a single tree."

SJ hobbled back to the side of the cart out of sight of the unknown archer.

"Damn, that hurts," she cursed.

"Pull it out. It will heal soon enough. You aren't in active combat as it's a sneak attack," Dave said.

Grabbing hold of the arrow shaft protruding from her thigh, she gripped it tightly and pulled it outwards. The pain seared through her leg, and she grimaced, grinding her teeth as she tugged the arrow out. Thankfully, the tip was more kite-shaped than an arrowhead, so it came out easily in comparison. Dropping the arrow to the ground, she took a deep breath, calming her nerves.

"Can you see if I can get anywhere near them without them seeing me?" she asked.

"Miniature, yes. You can work around through the rocks on the left. You should be able to get near to them."

"Good," SJ replied as she shrunk. As soon as she was in her miniature form, she took off, easing the weight on her throbbing leg as it healed, and went straight across into the rocks by the side of the trail. Humberto was still slowly stepping backwards, and she glanced back, seeing the cart was starting to skew and could tip if he backed up too far.

"Dave, can you be my eyes, please?"

"Yup. Head left twenty paces and turn right, heading down behind the rocks just over there."

"Twenty paces when flying as a fairy is not the easiest thing to judge," SJ stated.

"Rock with the two pointy bits on the left of it."

"Seen," SJ replied, staying no more than an inch from the ground as she flew towards it.

"Now turn right, stay in this depression, and follow it until I tell you when."

Following Dave's instructions, she quickly flew down the side of the trail; the gradient was only slightly downhill where the trail curved along the valley's wall, and the depression, which was more like a ditch, kept her hidden from anything, not looking directly up it.

"Slowdown. Okay, turn right, small bush, head towards that."

Again, she moved where Dave instructed. She had no idea where the hostile was.

"Stop. Right again, the large rock behind there."

Looking over, SJ could see where he was indicating and made her way towards the large boulder.

"They are round behind it," Dave whispered. SJ thought he might be getting a little caught up in the situation since he didn't need to whisper. In a way, it made SJ feel better. Rounding the boulder not more than ten feet from her was the back of what had shot at her. At first, she thought it was an Elf, but on closer inspection, its skin had an unusual colour. Almost a purple hue. She couldn't even ask Dave if she was close, so she equipped her claws instead. The Elf had an arrow placed on the bow string and was peeking up the valley towards where Humberto and the cart still were.

Triggering her identification skill, she grew behind him, her display triggering.


Dark Elf Ranger

Level 9

Hit points: 50

Mana Points: 50

Armour Class: 8

Attacks: Bow

Special: Rapid Fire


SJ was only level 7, but her hit points were higher than his when full; the arrow she had taken in her thigh had only done eight damage, of which two had already healed with her improved healing due to the symbiosis of Bob's blood. Preparing herself, she took the last step before striking with a vicious clawed punch directly at the neck of her attacker. Her claws struck true, and her display triggered, and as it did, she punched with her other hand into its side.


Critical strike and bleed effect triggered.


The scream of shock was cut off as her blade slid further into the back of its neck while her left fist sent claws puncturing its side. It arched its head backwards from the strike, SJ pulling her claws back from its neck and immediately trying to draw them across its throat, which was now exposed.

The Ranger reacted, dropping its bow, and tried to pull away from the blades still stuck in its left side. Not able to move quickly enough, it received a second clawed punch into the top right of its back. It let out a gurgling sound, struggling to draw air easily with the injured neck and throat and potentially punctured lungs. Taking full advantage of her surprise attack, she didn't hesitate and struck again, this time penetrating its lower back.

It arched its back from this final strike, and if it could have screamed, it probably would have SJ watching the last of its hit points drop, its body falling to the ground at the base of the boulder. Although SJ's adrenaline pumped in her body, her breathing was calm and even. The training grounds had been working wonders on her cardio. Then again, the fight had lasted no more than ten seconds from start to finish.


Congratulations! Level 9 Dark Elf Ranger killed 95xp gained.


"That was easier than I expected," SJ said.

"As an assassin, you hope most fights are easy. You don't want to face many enemies."

"I know, but I was expecting a little bit of a fight."

"It still took four strikes to kill, which means your strikes were not as effective as they could have been."

"I wonder what a Dark Elf ranger was doing around here?"

"Another unusual sign. Dark Elves usually live in the main forest regions, so I'm unsure why one would be this high in the mountains."

Bending SJ looted its corpse.


Short Bow +1, 24 x Arrows, Dagger, Leather Armour +1, Backpack, Rations x 4, Flint & Steel, Bedroll, Blanket, Note, 32 copper, 2 silver


"Good job, I have the cart. I wouldn't be able to carry all this."

"What does the note say?" Dave asked.

SJ selected the note that appeared in her hand and left the remaining items there for now. Unfolding the note, she looked at a script she could not recognise. The closest language she could even consider was Korean.

"I can't read this," SJ said, folding it up.

"Wait, I can. 'Speak to Serj at the Wandering Ogre. He has the details of the Fae target'"

"Fae? Does that mean me?"

"You or Fran, perhaps. You are the only two Fae in Killic near the Wandering Ogre."

"Why would anyone even come to find me?"

"It could be the doing of another God."

"What? How? And Why?"

"You heard what Fizzlewick said about you being the talk of the Gods. You may have been known about further afield than you suspect."

"Why would someone attack me though?"

"That I have no idea. I have said all along that this place doesn't seem right."

"Yes. But to be attacked while travelling to the cottages, how could they even know it's me?"

"Really! There are not many beautiful Faes who wear bright green dresses! Also, it may now even have been after you directly and just took a shot on the off chance of you being the Fae it was here to target. Then again, Dark Elves have a very poor reputation; few races trust them, and it could have just been attacking."

"Did you just say beautiful?"

"Is that all you picked up from that? And erm. No. Well, yes, but you know what I mean, don't make this awkward," Dave replied.

"If I didn't know better, I think you actually are starting to like me as a person," SJ replied as she walked back up the trail towards where Humberto was. The Dark Elf had shot from a fair distance; it must have been over a hundred feet. Reaching the cart, she grabbed Humberto's reins, slowly leading him down the trail. On arriving at the corpse, she looted it again and transferred the items directly into the cart, only keeping the coin, note, and rations in her inventory. Humberto was much calmer now that the Dark Elf was dead.

"I don't get it?" SJ said.

"Get what?"

"Why would he attack me now? Also, at the range, he did. He could have waited until I was much closer and hit me much easier."

"Apart from the fact you probably would have sensed him if closer. Not that he would know that since it's all hypothetical. Humberto could probably smell him, which is why he reacted. It would have been helpful keeping him alive to ask questions, perhaps?"

"A little late now."

"It was an efficient assassination, which is great to see."

"Thanks. I still don't know why there is a random Dark Elf near Killic with a note about Fae."

"We can investigate when we get back."

Her display triggered.



Quest – Find the reason for the attack

Rewards 350xp



"That's a very short description. Do they usually give out that much experience?" SJ asked.

"Experience is a little high perhaps, but the description is possibly due to how simple the note was."

"I can't just go into the Wandering Ogre and ask for people expecting to meet a Dark Elf if I am the target."

"It doesn't stop you from investigating, and the quest says to only find the reason for the attack, not to stop it or do anything else. If you need to do anything further, I expect there to be a secondary quest."

"I may have to find someone who can go and ask questions for me."

"Like whom?"

"Not sure yet. Setu is married, and I think Gary is, too, so I wouldn't want to ask either. I am not sure Zej would go there, and I definitely couldn't ask Lythonian."

"I overheard some in the Inn talking about it previously, but you have never spoken to them, so I'm not sure if you wanted to try them when we are back in town next."

"Oh. Who did you hear?"

"You know the Kobold and Ratkin, who always sit on the stools at the end of the bar."

"Yes. I think I know what you mean. Without knowing them, I am not sure that I could ask them to start asking questions for me. I may just speak to Niweq myself. It sounds like he is open to a deal if I can think of something he may need in exchange."

"Probably if you offer to dance for him."

"That is never going to happen."

The journey to the cottages after the Dark Elf attack was peaceful. No other travellers were on the road, and SJ was unsure how often it was used as she hadn't encountered traffic. Knowing it was the main route out of the mountains, it had to be used often. She heard someone shout as she moved the cart down the track to the cottages.

"Someone's coming, be ready."

Frowning, she slowed Humberto down and stopped him short of the cottages. The derelict one was in view across the field where the track wound. A flash of white appeared by the edge of the cottage as someone or something looked around the corner.

"Hello," SJ called. "It's SJ."

"SJ," a female voice replied. Charlotte slowly appeared from behind the derelict building.

SJ set Humberto back off moving forward.

"What's wrong?" she called as she approached nearer.

"We have had some visitors over the past couple of days. A couple of orcs were snooping around."

"Oh. Has anything happened?"

"No, not yet, but we are being careful and have been keeping watch. There is no way to get to your cottage without moving by the lake edge, so they must use this path."

"What would Orc's be coming here for?"

"No idea. Brian went out scouting, and they have been camped up on the other side of the valley. They may just be hunting and have come upon the cottages by accident, but we can't be sure. We chased them off the first day, and then the second, Terence put the fear of God into them. Orcs have a problem with seeing skeletal forms of their race."

"Really. I always thought orcs were quite happy with skulls and bones."

"They are as long as they aren't Orc."

SJ stopped Humberto and climbed down. "I have brought some items for the cottage to help with repairs or other things that may be needed."

"Terence is over there now while Brian and I keep watch."

"Do you really think they would do something here?"

"I don't think they have a clan. Clanless orcs can be a problem." Brian said, making SJ jump as he appeared right next to her.

"In what way?" SJ asked, confused.

"If they like something and are feral Orc with no home, they have a habit of trying to take things with force."

"All the Orc I have met since I came here have been amenable and fair."

"The orcs who have integrated into a normal Town or City will have given up on Clan life. The Orc Clans are a different story. The closest to here is a few days away, further west, once you are out of the valley. They will readily raid villages or towns if a clan is large enough to procure their needs rather than work for them."

"I never realised the orcs were that hostile."

"It's not so much hostility as they believe they have a right to things as a senior race."

"Senior race? What do you mean?"

"History states that orcs and Humans were the first two races on Amathera, and several of the Orc Clans still have a very strong sense of history and believe that they are a more deserving race than others. Not all, Terence, for example, was a member of an Orc Clan, but their own path was more established and trade-oriented."

"I never knew."

"There is probably much you don't know yet about Amathera," Charlotte said.

"You say they have come twice?"

"Yes, the past two days. We hope that after Terence scared them, they may not return."

"Can you not just try and talk to them?"

"When they saw me, they immediately drew their weapons to attack."

"Why? Did you do anything hostile towards them?"

"No. I was just walking down by the lake along the path from the second cottage when I saw them. They initially came after me when I turned back but didn't stop until Brian arrived, and there were two of us. The second day, when they returned, Terence was at the derelict cottage looking at stones he could use at yours. On seeing him, though, they turned and ran straight away."

"Do you think they will come again? You say there were only two of them."

"Maybe, maybe not. The fact they have been twice is what concerns us. Especially since I don't even own a bow anymore," Charlotte said.

"I can rectify that," SJ replied, walking back to the cart and removing the short bow and quiver of arrows from the Dark Elf. She had no need for them. Walking to Charlotte, she handed them to her.

"Wow. It is a +1. Are you sure you want to give this to me?" Charlotte replied, surprised.

"I do not need it."

"But you could sell this?"

"I am not worried about it. Call it a thank you for protecting the cottages."

Believing that Charlotte had smiled in response, SJ turned and looked at Brian. "I brought you something also if you want it?"

"What did you bring?"

SJ again went back to the cart and removed the leather armour +1. "I am not sure if it is good for you?"

Brian took the leather armour and immediately started to put it on. His own clothing was shabby, and the leather was in tatters. The bracers he wore were nothing compared to the set he had just been given, including a body piece, grieves, and bracers. Brian seemed happy with the gift.

"Thanks," he replied, again giving a look which SJ assumed was a smile.

"I will head to the cottage and see Terence," SJ said.

"He hasn't stopped working since we got here," Charlotte replied.

"Doing what?"

"You will see when you get there," Brian replied.

SJ climbed back on the cart and moved off towards her cottage.

"Are Orc's that bad?" SJ asked Dave once out of earshot of Brian and Charlotte.

"They can be. Again, having a Dark Elf tracking you down and potentially rogue Orcs in a starter territory is unusual. I need to get to the bottom of the code to read into things more easily. The system is not updating details for this area. It does seem as though this part of Amathera is Sandboxed."

"What does it mean to be Sandboxed? I know that is what happened to my Malware alert, and I know what it means back on Earth."

"I suppose it is possible that you were deliberately put in a different area, but there were other Legionnaires already here."

"Unless they were here for a specific reason as well."

"Ummm. I will have to investigate and see what I can find out. I have a friend in the assignments department whom I can speak to."

"Assignments department?"

"Yes. They oversee the whole integration side and initial aspects of assignments for Legionnaires. I'm not sure how forthcoming they will be, though."

"Could you get in more trouble by doing so?"

"Meh. I am always in trouble anyway, so another black mark against my data won't make a difference."

"Yes, but you don't want the system to do anything drastic if you cause too many waves."

"I'm not the one causing waves. I am just supporting my waiver," Dave replied, giggling.

SJ rolled her eyes at his comment.

"If you think you can find anything out, please do so, but if it starts looking like a problem, don't push," SJ said.


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