Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:19 AM

Chapter 68

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"It makes perfect sense," Dave said defensively.

"To you, maybe," SJ said as they left the barracks.

"Well, it does. If you ask Fran if Harrietta can help, we can get underway once we know."

"This is madness you are talking about, and you are not the one who will be in danger."

"True. Although neither will you initially."

"Initially being my point exactly," SJ retorted.

"Well, don't say I didn't try and give you some advice," Dave sulked.

"I appreciate it. I honestly do. I just don't think it's feasible."

"We will never know unless we at least try."

"Look, I will speak to Fran, okay? See what she thinks."

Dave's plan was absolutely insane, considering the danger it would potentially put her in. Although it could easily cause Brandon and his Hobgoblin followers to attack, she wouldn't even consider it until she had spoken to Fran.

SJ had decided she would train for the rest of the morning and walked around the side of the Barracks to the training ground. Lorna was nowhere to be seen, so she walked to the training circles and began practising her Kata. She had practised her forms for half an hour when a friendly face walked over.

"Hello, SJ," Greb said as he approached.

"Hi, Greb," SJ said, smiling. The Kobold was always friendly and happy whenever she saw him, and looking at him, you never would have thought he was as skilled in martial arts.

"I see you are getting stuck on the final move," he said.

"Am I?" SJ questioned as she finished.

"Yes. Your poise is wrong. Here, let me assist. Take your stance three moves prior."

SJ stepped through the actions in her mind before getting to the point Greb had mentioned and took the pose. It was at the point of a straight punch, and she stood with her arm out as expected on completing the move.

"Ok. Hold the position. I am going to touch you," he said, smiling.

Greb walked to her side, gently placing his clawed hands on her shoulder and wrist of her outstretched arm. "You are overstretching. See here," he said, gently pulling her shoulder back. Allowing her arm to be moved, he positioned it for her.

"When you perform the final punch before the kick, imagine that your shoulder is frozen and doesn't move. Any slight movement will put you off balance for the sweep, and you will end up overcompensating."

SJ could feel the difference. It was subtle, and as she tried to perform the final sweep motion followed by the last punch, she noticed the difference in the transition.

"Wow. That really does make a difference; it's so much easier and more natural," SJ replied, smiling.

"Now try doing it at your normal speed. It takes a little getting used to, but you will get the hang of it."

SJ restarted her Kata again, and as she got to the final moves, she knew again that she had done it wrong and cursed as she became unbalanced on the sweep.

"Arrgh," she said, kicking at the sand.

Greb chuckled. "It just takes some more practice, that's all. Try again."

SJ worked through her Kata a few times slowly, pausing to ensure she locked her shoulder until she was happy with her body position.

"Ok. Here goes again," she said.

Greb watched intently as she worked through the Kata. It was three stages, transitioning from an initial defensive form to recreating two attacking forms. As she neared the final moves, she focused on her shoulder positioning and threw the punch before the sweep, locking her shoulder. The fluidity was perfect, and her sweep came naturally, followed by her final punch. "Yes," she shouted, smiling as her display triggered.


Congratulations! Kata Level 6 achieved. You may now select your secondary skill.


SJ shouted an even more elated yes and ran to Greb, hugging him. Greb was taken aback by her sudden action and stood with his arms by his sides, completely taken aback. SJ released him. "Sorry," she said, blushing. "I just levelled."

"Oh," Greb replied, smiling. "If it were just perfecting a form, I would train you more often if I got hugs like that."

SJ felt her cheeks go even hotter.

"What choices do you have?" Greb asked.

SJ looked at him quizzically. "Aren't all choices the same for everyone?"

"Not always with martial arts. We train in Amar Ti, but there are other forms that some races use, and they have different skill options. You mentioned you had a defensive style initially, so you may have something related to that."

"Oh. Let me see," SJ replied, opening her skills sheet.


Martial Arts

Leg Sweep – On successfully performing a sweeping kick, you can cause the target to lose balance, leaving them prone. (Base attribute Dexterity – counter Strength)

Wheel Kick – You can jump and perform two rotations before landing. (No base attribute)

Palm Strike – Successfully inflicting a palm strike can incapacitate a target as you strike. (Base attribute Strength – counter Constitution)

Clawed Avenger – When wearing claws, your damage is increased by +5 per level up to a maximum of +50 (No base attribute)

Claws of the Storm – Chance to inflict lightning damage on an opponent. Successful strike may cause the victim to be incapacitated for 5 seconds per level up to a maximum of 50 seconds (Base attribute Dexterity – counter Constitution)

Improved Guard – You can block one attack, allowing an instant strike back. Cool down for 2 minutes. (No base attribute)


"There are some nice skills for first-tier selections," Dave said.

"Did you get anything interesting?" Greb asked.

"I am not sure what you would classify as interesting," SJ said.

"Well, you have seen the kick I did in the sparring. That is my first-tier skill," Greb smiled.

"Is that called Wheel Kick?"

"Yeah, that's the one. That's a great skill to acquire. What else do you have to choose from?"

"Leg Sweep, Wheel Kick, Palm Strike, Clawed Avenger, Claws of the Storm, Improved Guard."

"Two claw skill offers, that's unusual. I guess they are your primary weapon?"


"I don't know anything about those. All the other four are standard skill offerings for Amar Ti. Since I don't use weapons, I had six dedicated skills purely to Amar Ti," Greb said.

"Do you have a tier two skill yet?" SJ asked.

"No. I am not level 10 Kata yet. I am still only level 9. I get my second option then."

"I assumed you were higher than that."

"Ha. No, I don't train hard enough, personally. I know I have seen you here most days on and off, but I usually only train twice a week. If I wanted to advance to level 10, I would need to train more frequently. I will get there one day."

"Thank you for your help today. I can't believe I reached level 6."

"It was my pleasure. It is nice to see someone as dedicated as you are. I should really follow your example," Greb chuckled.

Walking from the training ground, SJ was elated that she had unlocked her next skill. Whispering to Dave, she returned to the inn to get food and asked him for his advice.

"What should I select?"

"All are nice, but with your claws, I would select one of those. Looking at both, the Claws of Storm is a high tier 1 skill; it is not very often given out as an option. Your problem is that it is a percentage-based success, whereas Clawed Avenger is a basic damage bonus. If I were you considering your class basis of being an Assassin and wishing to inflict maximum damage from a surprise attack, I would select the latter," Dave replied.

"Would my dexterity base not mean my success rate would be improved with Claws of Storm?"

"Yes, but like our discussion about the Subterfuge skills, your target impacts the basis. The Claws of Storm has a counter of Constitution. Taking this into consideration against someone like Bordon as an example. As an Ogre, he will have an insanely high basic constitution. You can see that from his hit points when you identified him. Therefore, the chances of your skill ever activating would be virtually zero. Well, 1% actually, as that is the lowest it can ever reach as a minimum to trigger a skill successfully."

"I see what you mean. Its benefits would be good on lower or potentially equivalent levels but not on others."

"Not exactly. You will have noticed that some creatures have higher hit points than standard races for equivalent levels. That means that their basic Constitution is higher. So, if you fought even a level 8 Ogre, the chances of your skill still triggering would be very low due to its high base at low skill levels. Higher skill levels can obviously help significantly, but it takes time to get the skills points needed."

"Fair enough. Levels are not the only consideration."


SJ took Dave's advice and selected Clawed Avenger.


Congratulations! You have learned Clawed Avenger Level 1 +5 base damage to every attack.


Smiling at the message, SJ opened her damage charts and quickly added the adjustment bonus. It moved her claws to sit within the top 3% of her current weapon level. She looked at the Badger Blades details again. The Badger Blades base damage was 5-9 +3, +7 for her dexterity adjustment and then +5 for her new skill before considering any potential target attributes and armour class. The +5 was a significant advantage, moving her to a minimum of 20 damage and supporting her ability to inflict damage against higher armour classes.

Returning to the Inn, SJ grabbed some lunch; it was still early enough before she had been asked to go back to the barracks to meet the scouting party, so she decided to go and see Fran. Arriving sometime later, several Mages were in the yard, and it looked like two of them were sparring with each other. She watched for a few minutes as they cast spells at each other. It was interesting to see what they cast, and both Mages had a basic elemental attack and shields they could trigger.

When Harrietta suddenly appeared beside SJ, saying hello, she nearly had a heart attack. Squealing exceedingly loud, she jumped. Drawing the attention of one of the fighting Mages. That meant he didn't see the streaking red fireball thrown at him, and his very loud and obscene outburst suddenly deafened SJ's scream of terror as his robes caught fire. A Water Mage began dousing him and putting them out. SJ's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, and she turned, heading inside to find Fran, not acknowledging Harietta.

"Fran," SJ said angrily as she saw her in the common room talking to another Mage.

Fran turned, hearing the tone of SJ's voice. "What's wrong?" she asked, frowning deeply.

"Harrietta just tried to kill me."


"She just appeared at my side saying 'Hello'."

Fran's frown began to turn into a smile. "Did she make you jump?"

"Jump. I almost had a heart attack," SJ huffed in response.

Fran couldn't help but start laughing. "You get used to it eventually," she replied, smiling.

"I will never get used to an apparition appearing out of nowhere; it's unnatural."

"She is unnatural. She is undead," Fran chuckled.

"Not funny," SJ replied.

"What can I do for you anyway?"

"I wanted to catch up on certain things," SJ said cryptically.

"Sure, give me two minutes. Go and help yourself to a coffee; there is a pot in my office."

SJ turned and glared at Harrietta. If she had not already been dead, she probably would have been from SJ's look. Her face was thunderous. Storming to Fran's office, she walked in and helped herself to a coffee while sitting in one of the chairs. Harrietta had again followed her and was stood on the far side of the room, watching her intently.

SJ kept turning her head and looking in another direction, and within moments, Harrietta would reappear in her eyeline. "Please stop," SJ said.

"Why? Am I not beautiful still?" Harrietta replied.

SJ turned and looked at her again. Harrietta had the typical beautiful features of a Dryad and would have been beautiful in her previous life, but SJ could not see it as she was now. Not wishing to antagonise her, she replied, "Yes, but it doesn't give you the right to scare people."

"I didn't mean to," Harrietta replied defensively. "I was only saying hello."

"Next time, don't sneak up on someone and do it," SJ snapped.

Fran walked into the office and noticed the tension between them. "Are you two not friends now?" she said, smiling.

"I am not sure we ever will be," SJ responded.

"I hope you will be," Fran said.

"So do I," Harrietta added.

SJ turned and glared at Harrietta again.

"What did you need?" Fran asked.

"First, how did you get on at the Wandering Ogre?" SJ asked.

"I need to go back. I think I found out who it may be, but I can't confirm yet," Harrietta responded.

"Oh. Who?"

"I have my suspicions that it may be a Halfling. There is one who has only recently been going there, and he has not been in the town long. In the conversations I overheard, he was asking a lot of questions about Fae and various other people from the town."

SJ remembered the Halfling she had spoken to the first time she had visited the Wandering Ogre and asked for directions. "He doesn't smoke a pipe, does he?"

"That is not an identifying trait for a Halfling; nearly all smoke pipes."

"I wasn't aware."

"I need another couple of nights watching before I should be able to confirm," Harrietta said.

"That wasn't difficult. You both just had a civil conversation," Fran said.

"Hmph," SJ replied.

"So, what else was there?" Fran asked.

"I have had an idea. And before you answer, hear me out fully, as it is a little insane."

"Go on, do tell," Fran was now intrigued as she sat in her chair and leaned forward, resting on her elbows.

"I have been speaking to the Mayor, and I know you speak to him often."

"I do," Fran agreed.

"Well, I want to try and guarantee a Hobgoblin raid."

"What?" Fran replied, sitting back with a shocked look.

"Let me explain. The route to the valley follows a very steep path cut into the valley's side. It is not accessible by more than two abreast at the most. I want to trigger his group so they move to attack the town, and as they proceed up the valley side, we can ambush them."

"That doesn't sound too insane."

"No, the insanity bit is how I trigger it, and that is where I need Harrietta's help." SJ turned to look at Harrietta.

Harrietta opened her eyes wide now. "Mine?" she said.

"Yes. I wondered if you could scout the village and see where the Ogre keeps his club."

"His club? Why would you want to know that?" Harrietta said.

"I know that it's magical," SJ noticed Fran nodding in agreement. My plan is to sneak in there and steal it. If I can, we can virtually guarantee that the Ogre will send them to attack to get it back. That way, we will lead them directly into a trap," SJ said.

Fran's shocked expression said it all as SJ looked at her. It took her a few moments to gather her thoughts before she replied. "I have to agree that is insane."

"It is a little, but if it works, it could allow the town to drive the Hobs from the village once and for all. If we can reduce their numbers enough, they will no longer be able to raid the town."

"It is very risky. We have no idea what defences the village has."

"That is why I was hoping that Harrietta may be able to help," SJ said, turning to look at Harrietta again. "With your ability, you should be able to sneak in and scout."

"I could. It is what I am good at," Harrietta smiled.

"Are you willing to at least scout the village so that I can confirm the details before I present my idea to the town council?" SJ asked.

Harrietta turned and looked at Fran. Fran shrugged before turning back to SJ.

"As long as Harrietta is happy with doing it, I have no objections. Harrietta?" Fran asked.

"It sounds fun," Harrietta replied.

"Thank you so much. When do you think you may be able to do it?" SJ asked.

"I can head to the village anytime; it is not as though I am time-bound," Harrietta replied.

"I am travelling to the valley later this afternoon, and we will scout out a mine nearby. Would you like to accompany us?" SJ said.

"No, it's fine. I can head down there now and see what's what. Going somewhere new will be interesting; I haven't been out of town for a long time now," Harrietta said.

"Amazing. I will see you later then if that is ok?" SJ asked.

"I am sure I will be able to find you easily enough later."

"Just please don't scare me," SJ pleaded.

"I promise to try not to scare you," Harrietta replied with a wicked smile.

The statement did not inspire confidence in SJ, and as she left the academy, a sense of foreboding crept up on her.

Returning to town, she called in at a vendor's stall, resupplied with rations and refilled her water bottle before heading to the barracks to meet the scouts she would escort to the cave.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!