Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:13 AM

Chapter 72

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The three-way battle continued, with the orcs, hobgoblins, and town guard fighting in a violent and frenzied melee. Only the guards had any magic users, and their spells continued to light up the battlefield with their colourful displays. SJ had tried to attack Bordon, and although the attack was successful, the aftermath was less than desired.

Lying in her battered state, she was amazed by how fast the mind worked on occasion as the club came hurtling down at her. In the final moments she reflected on what she had achieved during this first outing to Amathera. The friends she had made, the progress, the challenges she had overcome. It had been a wonderful experience, and she only hoped her next would be the same. Closing her eyes, she waited for the end.

The roar that erupted across the battlefield was ear-splitting as the Mayor flung his body forward, even with the pain he must have felt from Bordon’s blows. His huge head smashed into the Ogre at the last moment, forcing Bordon’s strike wide of its target, only managing a glancing blow compared to what it would have done if the club had struck her fully. Even the faintest graze of the club as it thudded into the ground at her side it reduced her health further, leaving her with only 3 hit points, her health icon on her display flashing wildly. The Ogre roared with a ferocity that portrayed his annoyance at his blow being deflected and turned on the Mayor, hammering his club onto his exposed side. The violence and power of the blow flooring the Mayor who now lay prone, not able to stand or defend himself. Only the shallow rise and fall of his chest indicating life that remained in his beaten and bloodied body.

SJ could no longer see what was happening. Her mind was so foggy from crashing into Bordon from her aerial assault.


Dave’s words screamed inside her mind. Slowly, with uncertainty, SJ rolled onto her hands and knees and began to crawl away. A hand grabbed her under her arm, drawing her to her feet. Stumbling, she glanced and saw Sven, the Paladin who had previously healed her and the wolves. His white hair and beard were covered with flecks of red, which she could only assume were blood. She felt a wash of energy rush into her body as she staggered seeing a bright flash as Sven's healing embraced her.

SJ’s health began to increase rapidly, and the healing stopped when she reached about three-quarters of her maximum. “Come on, move away now,” Sven said, urging her to get distance from the battling monsters.

“Thank you,” SJ coughed, trying to control her breathing. She immediately began to shrink to her miniature size and took off. The Mayor still lay on his side, injured and helpless. Jabrey was continuing his struggle against Bordon. In his enraged state, the Ogre seemed unstoppable.

Jabrey backed away, avoiding the Ogre's tremendously powerful and wild swings. A hobgoblin who had been at odds with one of the guards stepped too close as Bordon swung, and he caught him, sending him sailing through the air like a batter hitting a baseball.

The movement of Jabrey drawing Bordon away allowed Sven to reach the Mayor. With both hands on him, SJ watched as a brilliant light, brighter than any she had seen, erupted from his hands. His body shuddered violently as the energy poured through him. The Mayor groaned and slowly began to stand again. Although in a weakened state, there was still hope. As the pulse of light faded, Sven collapsed to his knees. Sven was spent, and SJ had to help swoop down she grew on landing, this time supporting him as she helped him away from the battle.

“You saved the Mayor,” SJ said as she helped him.

“Thank you. That took everything I had left,” Sven panted, his body shaking from the effort.

The numbers were continuing to decrease as more Hobs and Orcs fell to the guard or each other. SJ glanced around, pulling Sven upwards to his feet and supporting him from the immediate combat, as he had just done for her moments before. Eventually allowing Sven to drop to the ground once safe. Sitting, he quickly called a blue potion from his inventory and began to drink, his hand shaking so violently that SJ grasped it helping him.

“It will take me a while to recover,” he said, smiling weakly at her. “Don’t do anything else stupid. I saw what you did to Bordon.” He laughed before breaking into a cough.

SJ didn’t respond, shrinking and taking off, knowing he was safe for now. Surveying the continuing battle, she identified targets and continued her dive-bombing attacks, making sure that her feet were firmly on the ground before reaching full size, not wanting to repeat her two flawed aerial assaults.

A sniff resounded in her mind, “I honestly thought you were gone. The way the Mayor sacrificed his own safety was amazing. I have never seen an Amatheran do that for a Legionnaire before.”

“He was amazing,” SJ said. She currently hovered above the field again. The number of active fighters was dwindling due to injury, death or exhaustion taking over. The fight had been all-consuming for both time and energy.

Turning, SJ looked at Bordon again. Jabrey and the Mayor, despite their injuries, continued to fight with a stalwart determination. Watching Bordon’s health slowly drain. They were working together, making the Ogre switch from one to the other as they closed in on him, clawing, snapping, or slashing with blades. Bordon continued to swing his massive club in response, the entangled flail of Jabrey flicking out viciously like a whip. The Ogre’s skin colour had changed returning to its original grey colour, losing the red hue it had taken. The rage skill SJ knew he had must have faded. Standing on his hind legs, the Mayor threw himself at the Ogre’s back, as Bordon parried an attack from Jabrey. His jaws clamped onto the top of his shoulder and neck tearing into his flesh.

Bordon let out a scream of agony, reaching his free hand up, trying to paw the Mayor’s huge maw from his throat. It was in vain, though, as the Mayor was not letting go, shaking his head from side to side, until he tore a chunk of flesh away, falling back to his four legs. Bordon succumbed to the attack the weight of the Mayor bringing him to his knees, and as he did, Jabrey attacked, thrusting both his blades deep into the Ogre’s chest.

Bordon’s massive form fell forwards, crashing to the broken and bloodied ground. The Mayor roared in victory as he placed a huge paw on the Ogre's back. SJ watched as he turned to look at Jabrey, who now leaned resting his short swords he held on his knees, gasping.

Some of the Hobgoblins who witnessed their leader fall began to run, both the Orcs and guards cutting them down as they did. More trying to follow as they realised what had occurred. Several broke from the field and began heading to the west. The Orcs and guards continued to fight until Jabrey and the Mayor's cries, slowly brought gradual silence.

“STOP,” they both called.

“That has to be one of the most epic battles I have witnessed,” Dave said. "Very dramatic."

SJ didn’t reply as she swooped down landing near the Mayor, who was talking to Jabrey.

“If you leave now and promise not to return. I will allow your remaining forces to go freely. If you ever return here or take up arms near the town again, you will break this oath.”

SJ had missed part of the conversation as it concluded on her arrival. As SJ watched the Mayor transformed into his large human form. He was only a little shorter than Jabrey and walked forward, offering his hand. Jabrey looked at him before they grasped each other’s forearm.

“I swear by the God’s this Oath will not be broken,” Jabrey uttered.

Their giant forms were suddenly bathed in a blue light.

“An Oath of Agreement. I haven’t witnessed one of those for a very long time,” Dave said.

“What does it mean?” SJ whispered.

“Jabrey has agreed to the Mayor’s terms and will leave the valley. His forces are reduced by too many, and he knows he can’t beat the guard with what he has remaining.”

Looking around, SJ could see no more than forty orcs still standing. Many were wounded, but if the battle had continued, with the size of the remaining guard force still being nearer a hundred, they would not have survived. Captain Broadaxe strode forward to the pair, his great axe casually resting on his shoulder.

“Jabrey,” the Dwarf said as he stopped beside the Mayor.

“Ballentine,” the Orc nodded at him respectfully. “I had heard rumours you were here, but now I see it is true. I can see what this town may have.”

“Ha. It has been a long time since we last met,” Ballentine said.

SJ had never known Captain Broadaxe’s name before now.

“You know each other?” the Mayor asked, a little surprised.

“We fought alongside each other once during the Gnoll uprising,” Ballentine replied.

“I see,” the Mayor replied. “I will give you time to tend to your wounded and bury your dead as you wish, but I expect you to leave the Valley within the week.”

“It will not take long to confirm our fallen,” Jabrey replied, nodding his head at the Mayor.

“Then good. Let us not get in each other’s way. I will remove our injured and dead and leave a small force to observe.” The Mayor said.

“Understood,” Jabrey replied. He turned to a large Orc standing nearby and spoke to him in a guttural language SJ had never heard. The Orc began to shout orders to the remaining orcs, and they all placed their weapons away and began the thankless and painful task of working through those on the field. Ballentine turned and shouted to the Guard to do the same.

SJ having never witnessed a battle before of this scale stood shell shocked. Many began to take out healing potions, handing them around, while the four clerics’ including Lythonian, began to move across the field, drinking their blue mana potions and healing those injured. SJ could see Lythonian bend down next to a member of the Guard, who she had seen in town on several occasions, and slowly close his eyes. Unfortunately, some would not be returning to the town after this day.

Jabrey moved off and talked to the berserker Orc, and the mayor turned and addressed SJ.

“Without your support today, the town would again have lost many more. Your courage and determination even against those much stronger than yourself can't go unnoticed,” he said.

“I only did what I could to help,” SJ said, feeling she didn’t deserve praise. She had fought no braver than others in the town.

“You killed the Mage. We would not have taken Bordon if that Mage had still been alive when we arrived. Even with Jabrey’s help, I doubt we would have been able to fight so openly.”

“I only did what I thought best to do.”

“And again, it has meaning. You are a very strange Legionnaire SJ. Never have I met one who sacrifices themselves for those of Amathera as willingly as you do.”

“I am sure many have. Maybe you just haven’t met them.”

“Never to the degree you have, and I think I know why,” Dave chirped in her ear. “You are selfless because you care. You have made friends and have people you care about, whether you see it or not. Your interactions and commitment to others, such as Cristy, are unheard of within Legionnaires. Not that all have been bad, it is just that many have never sought a purpose outside of their own progression.”

SJ didn’t respond to Dave and stood a little dumbfounded. She had never considered any of Dave's comments. She was just doing what she had always done in her life, helping and supporting those around her that she could.

“Maybe they have. I have yet to meet one, though,” the Mayor said.

The Mayor looked across the field at the carnage the battle had left behind.

“It has been a dark day. Lorna?” he called.

“Yes, Mayor?” Lorna replied.

“Send scouts after the escaped Hobs. I want to make sure they leave the Valley completely. If they find signs of them stopping in the valley, we will send a patrol after them.”

“Yes, Mayor,” she replied as she moved off and began speaking to a few of the guard. SJ watched as they gathered themselves and began to follow the Hobgoblin retreat.

SJ’s display triggered.


Congratulations! Your selfless acts in support of the town of Killic have increased your reputation to Revered.


SJ stopped standing open-mouthed, shock registered on her face. She had just jumped three levels of reputation in one go.

“Wow,” Dave chirped.

The Mayor turned away to talk to Ballentine, and SJ just stood staring at the back of the Mayor for a moment, not sure what or if to say anything. She eventually turned away and took in the aftermath of the battle again spotting Gary. SJ wanted to thank him for helping her with the Hobgoblin walking over to him finding him tending to an injured Orc, who had a nasty-looking gash across his abdomen. The Orc was wearing the garb of Jabrey’s Clan and had red stripes across its face.

“I am sure one of them will heal you eventually. Once they have finished tending to ours,” Gary said.

“I hope so,” the Orc replied.

“Gary,” SJ called as she neared.

“SJ,” he said, smiling broadly. "You fought bravely today."

“So did you. Thank you for saving me,” SJ said.

“Saving you. I am sure you would have gotten the upper hand eventually,” he replied.

“I am not so sure,” she replied. Looking at the Orc on the ground Gary was knelt beside, she noticed that Gary held the Orc's hand.

Gary noticed her looking, “Oh. SJ meet my elder brother Gruik.”

“Oh,” SJ said shocked.

“Gruik, this is SJ, our local Fae saviour,” Gary said.

“I am no saviour.” She retorted, scoffing his remark.

“You have just received revered status with the town. That doesn’t happen without reason.”

“You know that?” confusion etched her face.

“We all receive updates when a members' status changes. How do you think traders adjust prices without knowing people's status?”

This comment threw SJ. “So, everyone knows I am revered with the town now?”

“Yes. All those who have taken the Oath.”

“What Oath?”

“As you saw between Jabrey and the Mayor, all those who work in the town have taken an Oath to be citizens. We are held to it unless we leave the territory. If you do, then it resets. Many have done so over the years, then returned and never taken it again, but many still do and have. It is not mandatory but does have perks with discounts.”

This was another completely new consideration, and SJ was not in the mindset to fully understand it.

“There is so much I don’t know,” SJ shook her head.

“There is still a lot to learn,” Dave agreed. “You will over time. What you have done in this town since you joined is beyond any starter town's expectations, and what is happening here is not normal, as we have discussed before. Oaths and allegiances are something that would not normally be considered at your level, and it would normally be unlikely that you would ever even know about them or need to know about them. I have never known Legionnaires to take Oaths unless to a Guild Charter, and that is only once you reach Level 20.”

SJ looked down at Gary’s brother. “I hope they heal you soon,” she said as she turned to walk away. She would have to question Gary about his brother and his previous life, but she needed some space for now. All this was a little much for her now that her adrenaline had withdrawn, and she felt drained. Shrinking, she took off and flew over the village to the far side of the river. She needed some time to think.

Walking through the tall grasses, breathing deeply, SJ tried to calm her mind, still racing from the battle. She could hear the occasional cry or call for help as another wounded person was discovered.

“Are you OK?” Dave asked.

“I am not sure. I have never witnessed anything like that before and did not expect ever to be involved in such a battle. The raid on the town was nothing compared to the mayhem, violence, and chaos of the battle.”

“It is not something I would expect you to witness at such a low level, but what you have achieved will go into the AI archives.”


“When I file my report.”

“Your report?”

“Yes. I have said before that we must feed back to the system. I have just submitted this weeks report as I thought you were about to die. My next report though is going to be a tale of an epic battle. Yours have been interesting to write and submit so far. Much better than many boring and mundane ones I have had in the past.”

“We seriously need to talk much more about Amathera at some point.”

“Yes. Although most of the bits are not relevant until you progress further. Don't worry as we progress, I will let you know anything that you need to be aware of.”

Dave had just said we, and it made SJ smile as she sat heavily in the grass.

“I think you need to go through your notifications,” Dave said.

SJ sighed. She had been ignoring anything that flashed on her display, and when she looked, she saw there were many. As she began to read through them, her excitement grew.


Quest – Vengeance - Completed

You have sought revenge against the evil surrounding Killic.

Kill – Bordon the Brandisher – 1000 xp - completed

Kill – Iratu the Mad – 700 xp - completed

Prevent any further Hobgoblin raids on Killic.

Rewards: 1500 xp, Reputation with Killic, usual level kill experience awards apply. - completed.

Rewards 2500 xp +50% 1250 xp 3750 xp awarded


Combined experience gained for assisting with multiple targets 640xp awarded


SJ was astonished. She had earned 4390xp in total, her levels having been triggered before she had received revered status.


Congratulations on reaching Level 9

You have been awarded the following:

5 hit points

5 mana points

+1 Dexterity

+2 free points to distribute as you wish


Congratulations, Clawed Avenger Level 2 earned through the rigours of combat.


Congratulations on reaching Level 10

You have been awarded the following:

5 hit points

5 mana points

+1 Dexterity

+2 free points to distribute as you wish


Congratulations on reaching level 10. You have one skill point to distribute.


Congratulations, navigation has been unlocked.


Upon reaching level 10, you achieved your first growth target in Amathera.

You may select one of the following rewards:





Congratulations on reaching Level 11

You have been awarded the following:

5 hit points

5 mana points

+1 Dexterity

+2 free points to distribute as you wish


Congratulations on reaching level 11. You have one skill point to distribute.


“Level 11!” SJ exclaimed.

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