Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:12 AM

Chapter 73

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“I did not realise that the Clawed Avenger could level through combat?” SJ said, surprised, still in awe of the advances she had achieved through the one conflict.

“Yes. All skills can improve with time, as does your kata with training. You have used your claws very efficiently today with your hit-and-run tactics,” Dave said.

"I don't know what this N/A part is and why nothing has been given for reaching level 10."

"I have no idea. As I said in the beginning, there is no information pertaining to what it means as not usually offered."

"Could you raise a ticket again?"

"Give me a few minutes. I can't guarantee response times. You know how long it took them last time."

SJ had 6 stat points and 2 skill points she could allocate. Opening her character sheet, she decided on what to increase. Her dexterity naturally increased with her levels. Considering her options, she chose to add two to Constitution and Charisma and then one to Wisdom and Intelligence. The decisions were based on her understanding of the skills she had been offered, what the main attribute bonuses aligned to, and that the counter for some of her skills was Wisdom and Intelligence. Thinking logically, she didn’t want to fall foul of someone with her own skill base. She then added one to each of her secondary skills, Clawed Avenger and Shroud.


Legionnaire 25007077

Name: SJ

Age: 27

Race: Fae

Class: Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Good

↻ Level: 11

Experience: 322 of 3000

Hit Points: 98 of 98

Mana Points: 60

Armour Class: 15


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 21

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 11

Constitution: 16

Charisma: 13



Night Vision – you have improved vision in poor light conditions.

Flight – when in miniature Fae form, you can learn to fly. Flying is not available in humanoid form.

Shapeshift – the ability to switch between Fae forms.


Martial Arts – Kata Level 6, Clawed Avenger Level 3

Subterfuge – Identification Level 6 – 10 of 100 to level 7, Shroud Level 2


Tailor Level 3


Dragon Sense – your senses, touch, hearing, smell, and sight are heightened.

Precognition – foreknowledge due to increased perception will allow you to evade a killing blow. (24hr cooldown)

Divine lightning – your blood is combined with that of a Blue Dragon, increasing healing speed while out of combat.

Malware: Waiver (Sandboxed)

Inventory: 10 slots (10 special)

Followers: 3


“Excellent choices. I am pleasantly surprised,” Dave said sarcastically.

Rolling her eyes at his comment, she checked out her damage ratings. With her increased Dexterity and skill progression in her Clawed Avenger to level 3, she did an additional 26 damage per strike above the base weapon damage, gaining +1 for each Dexterity above 10 and +15 for the Clawed Avenger. The significant damage increase would help with any surprise attacks she performed.

Smiling broadly, SJ lay back in the grass for a few minutes, letting herself digest the sudden growth.

“Now I am above Level 10. I guess I will need to move on soon,” SJ said.

“Erm. There may be a slight problem,” Dave said shyly.

“What problem?” SJ asked, frowning, concerned at his reply.

“I am not sure yet, but the Sandbox the System uses is a little strange in handling the growth changes. The more I have dug into it, the more I realise that you were placed here because the area was already being sandboxed as a precautionary measure.”

“What do you mean? The System went against its promise of no repercussions then?”

“No, it hasn’t, that’s the thing. It was already trialling it, but I believe it deliberately placed you here, so you aren’t sandboxed. You have just been placed in the Sandbox, which may be in your favour or against. Normally, once you reach level 10, you just jump in a wagon and move to the next territory or the nearest larger town or city, and hey presto, carry on questing and growing. The problem is with what the System seems to have activated. This is not necessary.”

“Not necessary, why? Have I been trapped here?”

“No. It’s even stranger than that. Open your map feature.”

SJ did as Dave said, and her vision was flooded suddenly with a new screen. Most of it was blacked out, which she assumed was the fog of war. Near the bottom left of the page was a tiny area with colour. Focusing on it, she was able to zoom in. As she did, she began to see more detail, with marked territory borders in a faint outline and broad open areas, which she guessed must be the seas or oceans that separated the continents. They contained respective numbers, which she could only assume were level-based for gaining experience.

As she zoomed in further, she eventually reached where she could read Killic.

“So, what am I looking for?” SJ asked.

“Can you see the territory boundary?”

“Yes. It stretches quite far by the look of it.”

“As soon as you reached level 10, it adjusted.”

“What do you mean adjusted?”

“The territory has expanded to accommodate the surrounding territories, which were basically suitable for 10-20 level Legionnaires and Amathereans.”

“That’s good then, isn’t it?”

“It is yes and no. This means that borders gradually increase as you gain levels. I don’t think this has anything to do with you being an anomaly. It is more about what the system was testing. I can’t be certain, but I think it had hoped either Malcolm or Darjey had reached level 10 to trigger it previously.”

“So, why is it possibly not a good thing then?”

“You have already seen that some of the beings or monsters in the area are at much higher levels than I told you to expect.”


“Well, it has now increased the level variance even further. You can’t see it on your map, but the territory borders are now open to all beings up to and including level 40.”

“But Bob came here at Level 88?”

“Bob is not classed as a normal being. He also had no intention of doing anything; I am pretty sure if he had tried to cause problems, the System would have prevented it. When I talk about beings, I am talking about those that may be problematic to the territory or the area. We had already seen Jabrey come from a 20-30 area to take the village. This means that others can do the same all the way up to level 40. It increases the chance of higher-level monsters, creatures, or beings entering the area and being able to cause problems. Even if they still don't receive experience gains from it. The territory to the south and west contains some violent races. There are savage Gnoll tribes in the desert region. Wyverns, Ogre Clans, Draconian Hoards, etc. With this area now being opened to many, they may start to come and investigate.”

“The System is allowing everything to become amalgamated then?”

“It looks like it may do. That means we may end up with all territories open and no restrictions. Many tribes or groups may wish to come to a region, and a town like Killic becomes a nice prize for some, particularly now that Mithril has also been identified in the region. The whole resource balance has been adjusted as well. This will also seriously begin to adjust the political landscape as more and more territories become combined.”

“I am at a loss. Can you not see what the system has planned as an administrator?”

“No. Since the emergency patch, I have lost the same access since my coding has been adjusted. I am still trying to break through the layering they added. Currently, I can't interrogate the details and keep getting 500 errors.”

“500 errors? What are those?”

“That is the issue. Nobody knows what they are. I have been speaking to other AIs that have lost their Legionnaires since, and they have been experiencing the same. There are several starter towns on this continent alone, and they are all apparently undergoing the same phased transition.”

"Just on this continent?"

"Yes. For now, it seems like this whole continent is being used as its test bed for greater change."

“Why would higher levels come here, though? It’s not as if they can level from the surroundings.”

"They can, though that is the problem. Although the base level of monsters sits within the increased territory level of 0-20, the ability for higher levels to travel here could drastically alter the potential for levelling for those in the 0-20 bracket. This allows them to gain much more experience, much quicker than usual. This could benefit you hugely depending upon what comes. Sentient beings may investigate, and tribes, clans, or similar may try to move here. It is more the fact that monsters up to level 40 can now freely cross the borders that concerns me. Some rather nasty species may end up here just roaming."

"If base levels are from 0-20, though I am still unsure why a level 40 would come, as they won't be able to level."

"I am not 100% sure what the System is trying to do fully, and I need to keep investigating and trying to align my code again to allow me to dig deeper into the changes. Imagine being restricted to never being able to leave an area or only ever increasing by advancing through more difficult territory progression, and then suddenly, the floodgates are opened. Some territories fight for survival against other tribes or creatures daily. Also, conditions in other territories are not as pleasant as they are here in Killic and this territory. Now, suddenly, having the freedom to move and settle in a new territory like here, with its resources and environment. There is the potential that a weaker clan from a higher region may move here to escape their usual issues, which may not be good for the town. Killic and the surrounding area would normally be untouched or inaccessible to them.”

“I thought you said that Amathereans could level normally. Can’t they just progress as needed?” SJ asked, questioning the changes that were occurring.

“They can, but many, like Lorna, Zej, Gary, or Lythonian, for example, would have originally been from nearby higher-level 10-20 territories and moved here for safety or peace. As I say, some other territories are not as pleasant or organised as here. It is also much more dangerous and difficult for Amathereans to level as they don’t get the same bonuses Legionnaires do. Their growth is massively restricted, like their restricted healing and regeneration ability, otherwise in time everything would need to be a level 100 plus territory.”

"Considering the changes that have occurred it appears to be what the System is doing, and is forcing those in lower regions to level."

"Potentially, yes."

“That means the town is at threat then, and maybe even more so than before, and I have triggered it,” SJ said with concern.

“You aren't to blame. These changes were going to happen eventually, whatever happened. The town may be in danger, but I think this will be over time. I don’t think many will come straight away. Once one does arrive, though, and realises the potential here, others are likely to follow. I think this is what happened with Bordon and Jabrey. I think Bordon came here to find an easier home to live in, and Jabrey followed, seeing the benefits. Anything or anyone can normally cross territory boundaries, but the System normally prevents actions from being performed by higher-level beings. Otherwise, a level 100 could enter the lower territories and slaughter everyone.”

"The Hobs, though, were all less than level 20."

"They were yes, it was only Bordon who was higher. My concern is that the basic changes will allow those from 20-40 to interact normally and a level 40 in this territory alone could cause serious harm."

"I still don't know why the System would wish to make such significant changes that could affect an area so drastically."

"I agree. Starter territories would normally only allow 0-10 experience increases. with up to level 20 interactions. You have already seen it open for those of 0-10 gains with up to 30 allowed to interact and now it is 0-20 gains with up to 40 interaction. I will keep speaking to other AI's when they become available. There is a lot of chatter currently in the background and it is very convoluted. No one really knows what the System is trying to do."

“I need to speak to the Mayor and let him know.”

“I am sure he will work it out for himself once he has time to look at the details.”

The revelations that Dave had mentioned were concerning. SJ was torn that rather than supporting Killic, she may have just painted a target on its back, even if through no direct fault of her own.

“I am going to find the Mayor,” SJ said resolutely, standing and shrinking before taking off.

SJ found the Mayor, but he was too busy supporting and directing the clean-up operation. It took several hours for the battle scene to be cleared of the dead Hobgoblins. Their remains were laid on a pyre before the Mage set them alight. The eleven who had fallen from the town were to be taken back, and stretchers were made to carry them home. The fact that so few had been lost in the battle was a testament to the healers and the wonders they did. SJ found Sven, thanking him again for saving her. He still looked dishevelled and drained from the spell he had cast saving the Mayor.

By the time the procession returned to town, it was late afternoon. The guard force that had remained behind was awaiting their return, and calls erupted as they were seen coming from the forest. The town lined the streets, and several ran out onto the field to meet their loved ones or, in some cases, the deceased. It was a mixed-emotional journey for all those involved.

They had stopped before entering the town’s main road, and the Mayor had addressed the crowd, making them aware of what had occurred and that the Hobs were no longer a threat with the death of Bordon and his tribe being ousted from the village. The orcs were discussed, but relief had swept the gathering with the confirmation of the Oath that Jabrey, their leader, had taken. SJ was still unaware of the power of the oaths, but they seemed to hold significant power.

The Mayor wanted SJ to come to the barracks and meet with the council immediately, as they would be forming to discuss the next steps, but she kindly refused. She was exhausted and needed to eat, bathe and sleep. Lorna had remained at the village with a group of ten of their number to watch the Orcs. Jabrey had agreed that he would bury the Orcs away from the village at the far end of the valley before departing as they didn’t believe in cremation.

Opening the Inn door, SJ was met with the faces of those she had got to know and recognise, even if not as friends, at least as acquaintances. Fhyliss saw her and came running over, flinging her arms around her. Her four-foot-tall frame looked more like that of a child.

“Thank you,” Fhyliss said.

SJ just looked down wearily. Not having the energy to reply.

Fhyliss stepped away and, grabbing her hand, dragged her over to a chair by the bar. SJ didn’t resist, and she sat down heavily.

“Food. You need food. Floretta, please get SJ the best meal you can—energy-boosting, preferably. She looks terrible,” Fhyliss yelled into the kitchen.

“Will do,” Floretta replied.

Kerys noticed SJ as she returned from down in the cellar with Bert, and came straight over to her.

“SJ, are you ok? You look terrible,” Kerys said.

“Thanks,” SJ said, laughing.

“Sorry. I just mean you look exhausted, and your face looks drawn.”

“The aftermath of the battle is a little draining, that’s all,” SJ smiled weakly.

“I have something that may help. Wait here,” Kerys said as she disappeared behind the bar back down to the cellar. A few minutes later, she returned carrying a bottle and a glass.

“Here,” she said, removing a cork with a loud pop and pouring a fizzy yellow liquid into the glass.

“I really don’t want any alcohol,” SJ protested as she handed it to her.

“It isn’t alcohol,” Kerys said, smiling.

SJ took the glass that smelt of lavender and honey infused together.

“Drink it,” Kerys urged her.

SJ raised the glass and sipped the liquid. It tasted sweet, like honey, but the bitterness of lemon suddenly hit her taste buds.

“Gahh. What is this?” SJ asked, pulling her face at the taste.

“Something special,” Kerys chuckled. “Drink up.”

SJ knocked the rest of the small glass back, pulling a face from the bitter after-taste it left. It was nothing like the initial smell or taste when drinking it. As she sat there, she could feel the liquid travel into her stomach, and it was the strangest sensation in the world. It felt as though every inch of her insides was suddenly being infused. Her muscles tingled, and her skin felt alive, as though something was crawling all over. She couldn’t figure out whether it was a pleasant sensation. The sensation then reached her head, and it felt as though her hair was suddenly standing on end, and she lifted her hand to check it wasn’t.

As the sensations began to subside, her body felt alive, the weariness in her muscles had gone, the tiredness from her mind cleared, and her eyes were wide as though she had just awoken from the best night’s sleep ever, feeling rested and refreshed.

“What was that?” SJ said in amazement.

“It’s Rejuvinatus. It’s a very old and secret recipe that has been passed down between the brewers in my family for generations. How do you think Fhyliss and I keep this place running all day and night between the two of us?” she said, laughing.

Her laugh was light-hearted and bright, making SJ smile warmly. The weariness of battle had been pushed back from the front of her mind, and she felt as though she could have fought again at a moment’s notice.

“That is amazing,” SJ said.

“If you ever need a little pickup, let me know. I don’t usually share it, but with your status change, I believe you deserve some,” she smiled fondly at her.

SJ had forgotten about her revered status and wondered if that was why so many smiled at her when she walked back through the town. It was strange to consider the reputational gains in the way they worked. Floretta came from the kitchen area, carrying a large tray of food and placed it on the table in front of SJ. It was amazing a full spread of cut meats, salad, and thick unsliced bread with butter. Her mouth watered at the sight.

“Thank you, Floretta. This looks lovely,” SJ said.

“No. Thank you for what you did today,” she said, smiling. It was still strange to see skeletons smile.

SJ spent the next thirty minutes giving a rendition of the battle to Fhyliss and Kerys who both o’ed and ah’d at appropriate times as she told of her battle. Fhyliss started to ask many questions, and Kerys ushered her off, telling her to let SJ go and rest now. Kerys told SJ that although the brew revitalised you, she still needed to rest; otherwise, the effects would eventually reverse if you relied on it too much.

SJ eventually gave her apologies and headed upstairs to her room. On entering, she was amazed to find that her bath had been made, and a huge bunch of freshly picked flowers sat on the table. A small card with a picture of the waterfall from the mountain was resting against it. Turning it over, there was one word: ‘Thanks’.

SJ knew it was Fhyliss as she had seen a similar painting in her room when she had been given the pencil and notebook. SJ felt refreshed, a nice tired, not the drained she had felt. Undressing, she climbed into the bath. The scent of the oils and the warmth of the bath made her feel sleepy. Resting her head on the edge of the large tub, she closed her eyes. It had been an unusual day.‎

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