Published at 19th of June 2024 06:36:08 AM

Chapter 76

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Reaching the barracks, SJ went straight upstairs, and seeing that the mayor wasn’t in his office, she continued to the council chamber. Knocking on the door, one of the burly orc guards opened it and ushered her inside. The table was in a heated discussion, and SJ stood quietly by the entrance, not wishing to interrupt the proceedings.

“I have told you already. We can’t allow the valley to remain undefended. We need to expand our reach, as the Mayor stated. Without the expansion, we will be open to worse threats than the orcs or hobgoblins in the future,” a large Ent stated.

SJ had never seen him before, and he was an imposing figure. He had a thick barrelled chest or trunk, and SJ was unsure how to describe his anatomy. He had at least four arms that animatedly followed his current conversation, supporting his argument.

“We do not have a large enough force,” a Goblin SJ had come to recognise as a regular member replied. “It will stretch the guard too thin to cover the expansion. Without recruitment and increasing our size, expanding would be pointless.”

The arguments carried on with one aspect or another being considered, accepted, or rejected by all around the table. It was the first time SJ had seen the chaos unfold.

“I don’t suppose they normally have much to talk about apart from the most recent garbage collection,” Dave said. “It’s quite entertaining, though.”

After several more minutes, the Mayor had had enough as his voice cut over those sitting around.

“SILENCE,” he called.

Slowly, the discussions lessened until silence fell again in the chamber.

“Thank you. It seems we are currently at an impasse over what and how to proceed for the betterment of the town. Considering this, I propose that all parties here today write their thoughts and expectations and deliver them for consideration at our next meeting. We will not confirm the outcomes today. Once we have everyone’s thoughts, I will ask for them to be transcribed for distribution and confirmation before voting on the proposals I have presented today. As I said at the start, I knew this would be an emotive conversation, so please consider your audience when you give feedback.”

Several around the table nodded in agreement with the Mayor’s words, but SJ noticed that a few didn’t and still carried scowls on their faces. Seeing the lack of continuity was surprising. Every previous interaction showed they were a civilised and agreeable council, but this was obviously not the case in certain aspects.

“Ah, SJ,” Zigferd said, smiling. "Please come and join me.”

SJ was startled by the sudden address and slowly walked across the room, proceeding to where Zigferd sat at the head of the table.

“Now, all. I have one final agenda item before we part for today,” he said, pausing and looking around at all the faces of those present.

“I have an unusual proposal to make, and it has never to my knowledge been done before, but with the changes we are seeing across the land, with the amendment of territory boundaries and various other considerations around our town growth potential,” again pausing awaiting to see the appreciative nods of acknowledgement. “I am proposing we add a new member to our council.”

SJ watched Orik roll his eyes at the comment while others frowned, looking confused and shocked. The council already consisted of representatives from all the town’s main races.

“Who are you referring to?” a Gnome asked.

“I thought that would be obvious by her presence here today,” Zigferd replied, smiling.

There were several audible gasps, and immediate chatter commenced again. SJ heard one comment over any other, making her scowl in frustration.

“You want a Fae on the council!” the comment made by a human representative.

“Now, this will be interesting,” Dave said. “Fae are known for their problems, as I explained in the past, and I think for some, even though you have done nothing to support expectations, several will hold a grudge. Concerning Legionnaires, they are seen in various positions across Amathera, and there have been some over the years who have risen to rule various areas, but these are infrequent. Many do not wish to be involved in the political landscape and what it entails. Preferring just to fight and grow. Your inclusion within a council at a starter town would be considered another unique opportunity.”

“Calm down, calm down,” Zigferd stated before the complete chaos of before ensued. Silence gradually returned back to the table. “This is a proposition only and will be voted on as per standard, but I believe with SJ’s abilities, she may become a very useful member of the town in the future, and her experiences that we do not know may very well support our development. I can understand some reactions with including a Fae, but you all know Mistress Fransisca and what she has previously done to support the town, and I believe that SJ here is of the same mould.”

SJ stood a little shocked, not fully appreciating or understanding what he was referring to.

“I think he means as your class grows. I think he is already considering what you may bring to them as a future option, not just your interactions so far,” Dave said. "That's very clever of him.”

SJ couldn’t respond but had so many questions she wanted to ask. She hadn’t expected to be thrown into it without being able to discuss the proposal first.

“Again, with this information I have given, please consider the proposal. The details are not yet discussed nor confirmed, and I didn’t wish to throw this on you without allowing you to think it through, as I know this will be amending the way we have worked before within the council. I propose we reconvene in three days, giving everyone enough time to discuss the expansion and additional member proposals and present any thoughts. With that, I bring the meeting to a close today.”

Council members began to stand and started to file out of the chamber while the Ent moved to confer with Zigferd. SJ felt out of place, and rather than just standing there, she began to leave. She also needed to speak to Zigferd and find out what he wanted from her. Walking downstairs, she went through his office area. Alice was standing having a discussion with the gnomes who oversaw the model updates.

“So, you want a new model?”

“Yes. We will require one that allows for boundary expansion but still require this one to be maintained,” Alice said.

“And where are we going to start building this one? Also, we would require further help.”

“I understand. The Major proposes that the new model be built in the council chambers so it can be discussed and planned directly.”

“What level of detail?”

“Enough to show elevations and locations so that the lay of the land can be seen from it. He also asked for primary structures, such as walls or similar.”

“Umm. This will be an interesting project. I have not created landscapes for many a year now, but I would rather enjoy them.”

“That is fantastic news. Who else do you need to help you?”

“A young Ratkin has recently shown interest in my creations and started to tinker. I think I can use him for basic construction. He doesn’t have the skill to complete the finer detailed work but can at least commence it.”

“That’s fantastic. Could you speak to him today?”

“Of course. He usually works at the stables, but I believe he is wasted there.”

SJ wondered if he was referring to Little Stuart. She knew he worked at the stables and collected Bellpops for Floretta, but this job may be better in the long run, as it would support his family. “Are you referring to Little Stuart?” SJ asked.

“Yes. That’s him,” the Gnome replied.

SJ smiled at the thought of the young Ratkin working with the Gnome.

Zigferd walked into the room behind SJ. SJ turned to see him, “I think we need to talk,” she said.

“We do indeed. Please,” he indicated with his hand.

SJ walked into his office and took a seat. Before the Mayor sat down, he closed his office doors. This was the first time SJ had known him to do it, and she frowned.

“Now we have some peace without interruptions,” Zigferd smiled.

“It would have been nice to discuss your proposition before you announced it to the council,” SJ said.

“I understand. I am sure you feel a little uncertain and maybe a little shocked by it.”

“I am, yes.”

“It is simple. You are a Legionnaire. You are also a specific class and will eventually have specific skills, from what I have been made aware of,” he replied, smiling knowingly. “Amathera is not the place you may believe that the town shows, and even today, you will have noticed a different side to the council that you won’t have seen before.”

SJ couldn’t argue and nodded in agreement.

“I believe, and it is for selfish reasons, I am not going to lie, that if we can get you to join the council now as the borders expand and the diplomatic issues arise, you can be a very useful tool.”

“I am just a tool, then?”

“No. Not in that manner, but we all must have a purpose to play, and you bring a different aspect to our town we have never had before. Your outlook, commitment, selfless acts—you fight for what you believe in, and I believe you will continue to do so. If you fight for Killic, then Killic will be a much stronger and better place for it in the future.”

“You do wish to use me as a tool, then?” SJ said defensively, folding her arms. She was not happy with being considered as a pawn to be used. She had always been frustrated with how senior management at her firm back on Earth had always used people beneath them for their own benefit.

“No. Please don’t misunderstand my proposition. I believe that you will bring influence and continuity to the council.”

“How will I achieve that? I do not even know the members.”

“But you would in time. You have a very persuasive nature.”

“Persuasive?” SJ frowned.

“Yes. The way you interact with people gets them to open up to you. I have heard from many you have spoken to, and they hold you in high esteem.”

“I don’t even know that many?”

“You would be surprised what helping at the Inn does for someone in this town. It is its hub, after all.”

“I have only helped on a couple of occasions.”

“Yes. I know that is my point. If you can influence so many by doing so little, what do you think you can achieve in the longer term.”

SJ had never considered her interactions with people. Her ethos had always been to be friendly and kind, even back on Earth, unless someone went against her, and then the claws came out. On Amathera, now that had a completely new meaning.

“I am not sure I like being in the light to that degree,” SJ said uncertainly.

“It’s a great opportunity. Consider what it will allow you to get involved in the long term,” Dave said.

“You would be a racial representative, as we have for all the other races in town. It is just unheard of for a Fae to be a town or city council member, for that matter. Many see your race choice as problematic, but thankfully, you and Mistress Francisca have generally brought an increasingly improved view of Fae.”

“I need to think about it,” SJ replied, still not happy about the racial tendencies that many had shown, especially the reaction in the chamber.

“Please do. I would appreciate it if you could confirm as soon as you can. I ask that you consider the town's long-term goals.”

Thanking Zigferd for his time, SJ got up and left his office. As she went downstairs, she was met with a wide-eyed Ratkin she recognised. Little Stuart was being shown into the barracks by the Gnome who had been speaking to Alice. He was covered in bits of hay from where he must have been at the stables.

SJ smiled as she walked from the barracks, hoping that this may be the break that Little Stuart needed for his family.

“Time to take Cristy to see Patch,” SJ said, leaving the barracks.

Walking across the field out of town with Cristy, SJ was surprised to see a line of carts heading back towards town. It was the most traffic she had ever seen, particularly on this side of town. Recognising Shelly sat by the driver of one, she waved.

“How is it going?” SJ called, over the clatter of the hooves and squeaking wheels as they neared the pair of them stood off to the side, allowing them to pass.

“Good. We should be able to start in a few more days. We are just finishing the entrance and path to it,” Shelly called.

“I will have to come and look soon,” SJ called back.

“Please do,” Shelly smiled broadly as the cart trundled past.

As soon as they entered the forest path, Cristy began to call. It didn’t take long for there to be a howl in response, and several minutes later, the huge form of Patch came bounding from the forest straight up to Cristy.

Seeing the pair interact was like watching an owner and their pet dog, Patch, rolling on his back, allowing Cristy to scratch and rub his belly for him. The playful interaction continued for a while when another howl broke the silence. Patch immediately stood back on his feet and snarled, looking into the forest.

“What is it?” Cristy asked,

SJ was worried about the behaviour that Patch had just shown.

Patch turned and looked at Cristy before turning back, and he disappeared into the forest.

“Something isn’t right?” SJ said concern etched on her face.

“We should go check,” Cristy said.

“We don’t know where he has gone or what it is, and I don’t want you in danger.”

“I am a big Gnoll now.”

SJ smiled at her comment, “You are indeed very brave, but unless we know what is going on, I am not willing to take you towards danger. You have experienced enough when you were kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped?” Cristy said, frowning.

“The Hobs took you. Stay here, and I will check. If it is safe, I will come and get you, okay?”

Cristy huffed, “I suppose.”

SJ quickly shrunk to her miniature form, taking off. The path that Patch had left in his wake as he had bounded through the underbrush was easy to follow, and she didn’t have to fly very far before reaching a clearing. The clearing was not very large, and a small mound was off to one end. Looking at the mound, she could see an opening, and standing in the opening was the White wolf she had seen previously. There was no sign of Patch or the others.

“That must be their den,” Dave said.

“It looks like it,” SJ replied. "But where have they gone?” That was when she heard the howls deeper into the forest. This end of the ridge she had never ventured into and it took her a while to pinpoint the location of the howl. As she neared, she could hear snarling and growling. The forest had begun to thin as she ventured further, and she was surprised that it started to open into a flat plain that appeared to fall off a cliff.

Stood in a line facing out from the forest line were the wolves. Patch and the four she had originally seen in the woods. The creature that stood before them, SJ, had never seen the likes of before. It stood four feet tall and looked like it was part armadillo, part mole with how its back seemed plated. It had a large-looking incisor, and as SJ neared flying above, it saw its front feet supported by some very large, seriously sharp-looking claws. It stood facing down, the wolves snarling at them.

“It’s a Rock Gobbler. They can dig through solid stone with those claws, and this one looks hungry, upset, and large,” Dave said.

SJ triggered her Identification skill.


Rock Gobbler

Level: 13

Hit Points: 180 of 180

Mana Points: 0

Armour Class: 35

Attacks: Bite/Claw

Special: Coil


“It has a lot of hit points for a level 13, and that armour class is crazy,” SJ said.

“You won’t be able to hit it easily. Their armour plates are very strong, and if they use their special. You may as well just walk away and leave it.”

“What does it do?”

“It triples its armour class when in its balled form. The things become virtually untouchable. Even for lower-level Rock Gobblers. Your chance to even scratch its scales would be virtually nothing.”

“The wolves are unlikely to damage it either, then?”

“If it coils, they won’t touch it, nor could you. Wolves, though, are pack hunters, and against single prey, they will surround and work together. The problem is they are low level, and even Patch will struggle to damage it as a Dire Wolf.”

SJ watched as the stand-off continued. The Rock Gobbler snarling but not closing in on the wolves nor the wolves doing either. Gradually, the wolves began to spread out and form a semi-circle. The creature turned its head, looking at where they were moving. It hissed and snarled again and took a step backwards.

SJ noticed a large hole in the ground a couple hundred feet from where it was. “It must have dug through,” she said.

“It looks like it,” Dave said. "It will need dealing with, though. They have a specific favourite rock they like to devour.”

“They eat rock?” SJ asked, amazed.

“Yes. They can break down anything if their stomach is so acidic, and they particularly like the taste of Mithril. They are a common pest in Mithril mines. Although this one is pretty large.”

SJ’s display triggered.


Quest – Save the mine

You have discovered that a Rock Gobbler has appeared in the area. If this creature is not dealt with, Killic's prosperity and your future income will be threatened.

Rewards: 320xp


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