Published at 19th of June 2024 06:35:49 AM

Chapter 93

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"YES!" SJ screamed.

The look of absolute shock at seeing a skeleton with its mouth wide open made SJ chuckle.

"Sorry," she blurted out around her excitement. She had just managed to install her first-ever enchantment slot in the bundle of cloth she had brought with her. After arriving at the cottage, she performed her daily kata routines and then proceeded to sit working on her tailoring quest. It was her display triggering that had caused her to scream in delight at the success.


Congratulations! Tailoring Apprentice level 5 completed.



Tailoring Apprentice – Level 6

Produce ten items of common or higher rarity clothing


Charlotte was still staring at her, wondering what had caused her to get so excited that she suddenly screamed. SJ had been sitting watching Charlotte work in the garden and had been so relaxed in the setting that she hadn't paid any attention to her streaming. Brian had returned with a large fish from the lake. She had no idea what type it was, but Brian had been quite adept at filleting it and was currently frying it off over the stove for her. His head appeared in the cottage doorway, and Terence came walking around the side of the cottage.

SJ couldn't still her excitement, "I just levelled my profession."

"Ahh," Charlotte nodded in understanding.

"Congratulations," both Terence and Brian said as they returned to what they were doing.

SJ was not going to be deflated by their lack of appreciation for her success, so she performed what she called her happy dance.

"We spoke about this before," Dave perked up.

"You aren't knocking me today," she whispered her response. Even though the skeletons were her followers, she didn't want to be seen talking to herself by them.

"Dance lessons, perhaps?"

Dave would not wipe the smile from her face now that she had achieved level 5. 'I wonder', she thought as she looked at her display and switched to her inventory screen, focusing on her dress.


Haber's Dress of the Tailor – Level 5

Grade – Astral

Quality – Perfection

Durability - Infinite

Enchantment Slots – One

Armour Class – 5

Attributes – +2 Charisma

The God Haber himself made this dress. It is unmatched by any other and provides the wearer with unique skills that are available as levels are gained.


Transmogrification – the dress appearance can be changed as your tailoring level increases – current available choices – colour


"Wow," SJ said, much louder than she meant.

"What?" Charlotte asked, looking up.

"Oh. Just my next profession quest," SJ replied, grinning like a Cheshire cat, not telling the truth about her dress. She subconsciously noticed how easily she had begun to lie. Lying had never been something she did, the odd white lie now and again to not hurt someone's feelings, but it seemed she was becoming adept at changing the narrative of her thoughts. 'I wonder if it is aligned with my class?' she thought.

"I wish I could still level my profession," Charlotte replied sulkily.

"I thought you could still learn new things. It just doesn't level?"

"I can. It's just you don't get any profession perks."

"What perks do you get as a Gardner?"

"Increased nutrition, sturdy stalk, brilliant blossom, and many different perks can support the profession. I had those three before I was killed and returned but was close to my fourth."

Not appreciating or understanding the effects of perks that the professions gave, SJ looked quizzically at Charlotte. "What level are you?"

"I was at Journeyman level 9. At every ten profession-grade steps, you receive a new perk. I would have been due a fourth perk with all the gardening I have been doing. It is annoying, but the benefit is that I can keep doing what I love without ever having to worry about dying of natural causes."

Charlotte's comment shocked SJ. She had never considered how the skeletons felt about being skeletons. She needed to spend time getting to know them better when she could and would have to visit more frequently. They had, after all, given themselves to her as her followers, and she felt as though she had an obligation to them, which, for now, she had not met.

She was mulling over what she needed to do when Brian appeared at the cottage door.

"Food is ready," Brian called.

Walking into the cottage, Brian had laid a place on the table for her, and a perfectly grilled fish fillet was presented with a small sprig of green herbs and a green sauce. SJ was unsure what they were and picked one of the leafy stalks up, biting it. Even though they didn't look like parsley, they had the same taste. Taking her cutlery from her inventory, she cut into the fish, the flesh flaking under the slightest pressure from her fork. Picking a piece up, she tasted it. It tasted like cod, and the soft white meat was delicious.

"This is good," SJ said, nodding her appreciation at Brian.

"I may not be good at cooking many things, but I have experience of fish. I used to fish a lot."

"You have cooked this to perfection." Finishing the fillet and wiping her mouth with a napkin that Brian had folded neatly on the table, SJ felt content.

Brian returned outside and helped Charlotte in the garden. Charlotte had moved from working on the flowers by the path and was discussing making a vegetable patch to the side of the cottage. SJ could hear them through the open cottage doorway and smiled at the conversation. Not discussing the threat of a wyvern, the political intrigue surrounding the council, or the threat to Fran was a pleasant change.

"I can't believe the skill my dress has opened up," she whispered.

"That looks like it could be an amazing perk as you increase your tailoring levels further. Hopefully, now you are level 5, you can get through the next few levels quicker than you have been," Dave said.

"With everything else I have been doing, I don't think I have been that bad at levelling my profession," SJ replied grumpily.

"No, I agree, a snail may have been slower," Dave sarcastically replied.

Huffing at Dave's comment, SJ stood and cleared the table, washed up, and placed the items to drain. Walking back outside, she headed back to the seat under the gazebo. The sun was beating down as usual, and the gazebo gave respite from its relentless rays. The area around the cottage appeared to have a microclimate, trapping the sun's rays in the confines of the surrounding forest. It was blissfully warm, with the gentle breeze blowing from the lake. It had been a few hours since her arrival, and she still had to wait before returning to Killic.

"When I return, I assume I just focus on going back?" SJ had not asked the question at any point and was now wondering how the soul stone worked. Charlotte, Brian, and Terrence stood by the side of the cottage, discussing creating the vegetable garden. Charlotte was busy instructing Terence on what she needed to create for the borders and planters. SJ smiled at their interactions. The three of them had settled at the cottage so well, creating their new lives.

"You stand on the spot you arrived and basically go in reverse. You can't just travel to a soul stone. Otherwise, people would use them to place a portal. You must be at the original portal location," Dave said.

"That makes sense. I should mark it properly." Rising from the seat, SJ walked to where she had arrived. Noticing for the first time that the grass where the portal must have existed was flattened. "I may as well mark it with stones or something similar. Guys?"

The three skeletons turned to look at SJ. "Yes?" Charlotte asked.

"Could you possibly mark the spot where the portal is with stones to prevent anything from being placed there going forward?"

"Of course. It would make sense to prevent Brian from trying to be creative with his newfound love for gardening and planting a tree there."

"Hey!" Brian replied.

"Well, I do keep finding random new plants dotted around."

"They improve the garden."

"Not when you plant weeds just because they have colourful flowers, which would take over the whole garden, I might add."

"That was once only," Brian huffed.

Terence patted Brian on his shoulder sympathetically. "Don't worry, Brian. Charlotte is just as mean to me."

SJ chuckled from experiencing the interaction and laughed heartily when Charlotte thumped Terence in the shoulder. Their friendly banter felt therapeutic. Even though SJ had friends in Killic, she hadn't allowed herself to get that close to anyone yet to create the relationship they showed. Cristy was the only being with whom she had really developed any true relationship. Her care for the gnoll was beyond reproach.

"I have a couple of hours yet, so I will go for a walk and see what the other cottages are like. I will be back in a while," SJ called over to the skeletons.

"I can come with you if you wish?" Brian said.

"No. I will be fine, and I am sure Charlotte has chores for you," SJ smiled wickedly.

Brian sighed, turning and looking at Charlotte's skeletal smile.

Walking down the path to the lake, SJ couldn't remember the last time she had felt as relaxed as she did now. The sweet scent from the flowers and the tall grasses along the edges of the forest that enclosed the path to the cottage was intoxicating, their heavenly aroma filling her nostrils. Reaching the lake's edge, SJ walked out onto the small wooden jetty where the rowing boat was moored. In the keel of the rowing boat sat two fishing poles and tackle.

She smiled, thinking about Brian rowing out into the lake to go fishing. Standing for a moment, she took in the peace and the scenery. Bubbles breaking on the lake's surface where fish must be, the gentle breeze through the grasses by the lake, and the sounds of the wildlife in the surrounding forest. A flock of brightly coloured birds flew across the lake, heading North.

"I need to bring Cristy here, and I would love to get Patch and his family here as well," SJ said.

"It's a nice place, but do you think it is best for Cristy? She has been doing so well at the orphanage, and Madeline said last time you visited that her literacy and numeracy were coming on brilliantly," Dave said.

"I know. I just think she is missing out on an opportunity."

"You can always bring her for a visit. I wouldn't advise her moving here full-time," Dave said, sounding like a concerned parent.

"I know. I just think she would love it here. She is never happier when she is out with Patch in the forest, and here, they can stay much closer, and she can visit or see them more easily. I could also ask Charlotte to teach her archery. She is still determined to become a hunter."

"She is, but I think you need to also consider her future class."

"I had thought about it, and I thought druid was probably the most aligned for her."

"Maybe, maybe not. The bond she has with Patch and the wolves has already been formed to a strange degree. I have never seen one like it before between wolves and beings. I have witnessed wolves as familiars, but their bond is stronger than that. It appears that they class each other as family. The fact that Cristy or others can talk to Patch due to his level of intelligence is unnatural."

"Druid will allow her to help heal the wolves if they get injured."

"So would any other healing class."

"I still think druid would be best."

"Considering her age, classes would not normally considered until her age of development has finished."

"Age of development?" SJ asked.

"Yes. Gnolls go through a growth spurt over a few months where they reach maturity."

SJ had no idea about most of the racial aspects. "Is there anything stopping her class training early?"

"No. Not that I am aware of. It just isn't usually something done at such a young age. Usually, to allow them to experience the world more and decide on their own."

"I may speak to her about it and see if she has ever given any thought to a class. I don't want to force her into a class she doesn't want to do."

"I agree. Next time we visit, we can discuss it."

The way Dave spoke about Cristy made SJ grin.

"What are you grinning at?" Dave said cautiously.

"Oh, nothing," SJ said, smiling even more.

"I don't trust that look on your face. You are up to something."

SJ ignored his comment and did not give him the privilege of a reply. Turning, she walked from the jetty and around the lake's edge towards the other cottages.

A while later, SJ returned to her cottage. As usual, the skeletons were busy. It still amazed her that they never tired or stopped working. Everything they did had a purpose. Knowing that Floretta relaxed and spent time reading in the evenings had always intrigued SJ.

The area where the portal appeared had already been marked out in the time she had been away. Stones had been laid where she would appear when using the portal. She had looked at her display and knew that the 8-hour window for returning had now elapsed. Taking the notebook and pencil she had brought with her, she sketched out a rough map and instructions for Terence.

"Terence?" SJ said as she found him cutting some timber at the rear of the cottage.

"What do you need?" Terence replied.

"I have the directions for the way to Killic and the cottage I stay in there."

Carefully tearing the page from the notebook, SJ handed them to him. Taking the note, he slowly read the directions. "Hit the main path turning South, head through the crags and then continue along the path until reaching the corn fields. Don't enter the town, but turn left on the far side of the cornfields and look for the small cottage with the picket fence. Sounds easy enough," he replied, looking at SJ.

"Excellent. When do you think you could set off?"

"I can leave now if needed. There is nothing that can't wait here."

"That would be great. I am going to portal back now, so if you can head there, I will see you when. Tomorrow, perhaps?"

"Easily. If not sooner, I don't sleep, remember," Terence smiled.

"I look forward to seeing you there."

Terence began to put his tools away, making sure he had a hammer tucked into his belt. He wished Charlotte and Brian farewell before heading down to the lakeside whistling. SJ watched him go before promising Charlotte and Brian that she would be back to visit again soon and thanking them for all the hard work they were doing.

Gladys's retirement home was being kept pristine, and they had even sorted through the derelict cottage. They had dismantled some of the crumbling walls and planned on moving the stone to her cottage. They couldn't use it to build, not being stonemasons, but they wanted to make sure it was there if required.

Walking to the portal spot, SJ opened her display and saw a return option that hadn't existed before she had travelled with her soul stone. She selected it. The world again went black, and the same cold sensation flooded her body. She had no idea how long the transportation took as once the blackness enveloped her time had no concept. The sun had begun to fade in the sky as time passed before her return, and she appeared in her bedroom window area with the shadows of the evening sun. Hearing raised voices, she quickly walked from the bedroom into the lounge.

Darren stood leaning back from Zigferd's towering form. "I am not going to ask again. Where is she?" Zigferd snarled.

"I told you already. I have no idea," Darren stammered.

Four other guard members stood in the open doorway of the cottage.

"You were seen with her last," Zigferd growled.

"We were just talking about the wyvern, that was all. We walked from town to the edge of the forest, and I left her there, returning here," Darren said.

"What's going on?" SJ asked, shocked at the scene unfolding in her lounge.

Zigferd turned, startled by SJ's sudden appearance. "SJ. Where did you come from?" he questioned.

"I just came back."

Zigferd looked confused, continuing, "Alice is missing, and this individual was the last person seen with her this morning," he said.

"I have already told you. I have nothing to do with her going missing. Why would I?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you blew up the Inn?" Zigferd snapped, his fists clenched, and SJ was sure she could see the hair thicken around his face, concerned he was about to transform into his werebear form.

"Zigferd. Please, calm down," SJ said, stepping forward and placing her hand on his arm. She looked at him with concern. She could feel how tense he was, his fists flexing and his face of fury. SJ had never seen him so angry before. Even when fighting Bordon, he didn't show so much emotion.

Zigferd turned and looked down at SJ, his towering form almost two feet taller than herself. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his fists slightly, closing his eyes. They still contained the same hostility when he opened them again, but his voice came calmer. "I want to know exactly what happened and what you spoke about, and I mean exact word for word."

SJ looked from Darren to Zigferd and noticed that the table had been knocked by whatever had occurred before her arrival. "Look, sit down, will you," SJ said, "and let's talk civilly."

Snarling, Zigferd watched Darren move to one of the chairs at the dining table and sit down. Looking at SJ again, Zigferd did the same, sitting opposite him, his hands braced against the table's edge.

SJ hurried to the kitchen, grabbed some glasses and a jug of water, brought them back through, and placed them on the table, pouring three glasses. Taking a seat between them, she turned, looking from one to the other, the hatred visible between them both. "Now, let's start from the beginning. Shall we?"

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