One Life Stand - Chapter 15

Published at 14th of June 2024 06:00:28 AM

Chapter 15

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So warm... Ella slowly roused in the morning, encompassed in a warm embrace. Her eyes shot open, and she looked down at the arms around her from behind.

I did it again, didn't I? She moved a bit and the arms around her tightened.

"Good morning," Leon mumbled and kissed the back of her head.

"M-morning..." She swallowed hard. Ha... naked in bed with a... Well, he is my fiancé, so this is okay, isn't it?

"Please don't tell me you were drunker than you seemed last night, and you've forgotten our night together again, or that you regret it..."

Ella felt him tremble slightly. "No, that's not it... More like..." I do remember our first time now... "I'm embarrassed, I guess."

"Embarrassed? Why? I know this isn't your first time... nor am I the only one you've slept with, and that's okay..." Though he wouldn't have minded if he had been the only one. "If anything, I'm the one who should be like that." He chuckled, hoping to disperse some of the tension.

"I'm embarrassed because I got drunk in front of you again... and I definitely told you too much last night... Ugh..." I can't imagine he has a good opinion of me now. 

"Honestly, I hope I'm the only one you get drunk in front of anymore."

She glanced back at him, wide-eyed.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not endorsing drinking too much or anything; I just don't want any other guys seeing you drunk... or being around you while you are. You're too cute and vulnerable; I'd worry about someone trying to take advantage of you."

"Oh..." That make sense. I wonder if he's been worried about my drinking and whatnot since the first day. Wait... Did he... "Did you say I'm cute when I'm drunk?"

"I did, but I think you're always cute, especially when you're blushing up to your ears like you are right now." He chuckled.

She covered her face with her hands and could feel the heat. "Oh my gosh, you like teasing me, don't you?"

"I think most guys like teasing the girl they like."

She sighed and shook her head. "S-so, when are we getting out of bed?"

He smiled at her and loosened his grip. "You can get out of bed whenever you feel like it."

"But..." Then you'd see all of me.

"You realize I saw all of you last night, right? And vice versa, of course." Not that it was the first time.

Mind-reader. "That was at night and with some liquid courage; I'm not ready for that now, though."

After a moment, Leon sighed and rolled onto his other side, looking away. "Fine; I won't look at you this time."

She tried to take the blanket with her, and Leon tugged on it. "What are you doing?"

"You don't need to rob me of the blanket to get changed. I'm facing the other way."

"And you won't turn around until I say you can?"


She took a deep breath and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing her clothes off the floor on the way over.

Leon smirked, looking at her reflection in the window. "Worth the peek..." he mumbled and got up to put some clothes on himself.


Ella stared at herself in the mirror and noticed a bunch of hickeys on her chest. Oh my gosh... I can't believe he left those. Although, none of them are in a spot that others will see. By chance or on purpose? Doesn't matter... She shook her head and pulled her clothes on, surprised to find another one on the back of her shoulder. I don't even remember that one.

"You okay in there?" Leon asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yup..." She opened the door and came face-to-face with him. "You look ready to go already."

"Of course; I don't take long getting ready because I'm so used to always doing it last minute."

"Isn't that a bad thing?"

Leon shrugged. "I always got up late when I was in school, but still managed to make it in time for class. It can come in handy to be able to change fast. Anyway, let's go home." He held his hand out to her and smiled, careful not to let his hand shake.

"Okay." She took his hand, and he laced his fingers through hers.

"Definitely going to remember this hotel," he said as he closed the door behind them.

Ella blushed and looked away from him. What do I tell the girls? I bet they're still worried...


After a quiet ride back to his hotel, Leon and Ella headed to the top to their penthouse suite.

"Alice?" Ella's eyes widened as she spotted her outside their home, talking to Zeke. She tried to release Leon's hand, but he gripped onto her tighter.

"Zeke... Is something wrong?" Leon asked.

"You're finally back," Zeke huffed, having been waiting for hours. He had tried to contact Leon, but never got a response.

"You have a key to the place, so why are you waiting out here?"

"I was inside, but eventually this little cretin kept pounding on the door asking to see Ella. I came out here to talk to her like a civilized person—"

"Who are you calling a cretin?" Alice fumed, glaring at him as she stomped a foot towards him.

"What do you suggest I call you then, with how you've been acting?"

"Alice, like a normal human."

Leon and Ella exchanged a glance. "Zeke, let's go inside." Leon waved his hand towards the entrance.

"Yes, sir," he grumbled and let them all in.

"Alice." Ella hesitated for a moment and hooked her arm through Alice's. "Let's talk." She dragged her away to her bedroom to let Zeke and Leon talk alone.

"You're talking to me again?" Alice's eyes shook, her head tilted down as she peered up at Ella.

Trying to pull a cute look on me? To be fair, it works most of the time.

"We've been friends a long time and I've cooled my head a bit, so I think it's time we talk..." I don't even remember exactly what she said anymore. "I don't want to lose you over this."

"I don't want to lose you either. I can't go a day without wanting to call you." Alice's grip on her arm tightened.

"You did call; I didn't answer. You texted, too."

"I'm sorry if I seem like a stalker or something, but I need you and want you in my life."

"Honestly... I'm not even sure what I bring to your life other than drama."

"I enjoy a little drama, but you seem to forget all the times I've had to lean on you. All the break-ups you helped me through. All the ice cream we've eaten together as we watched rom-coms after my break-ups."

Ella's face scrunched up as she thought about it. "Why do you break-up with so many of them if you know you're going to be hurt?"

"Pretty sure I should ask you the same thing, but you know me; I don't want long-term, and once we hit a certain point, I have to break it or they'll get attached. Anyway... the point is, I love you and need you in my life. I'm sorry I said such mean things. I'm not in your situation; I haven't lived your life, and I shouldn't have said—"

"I'm sorry, too. I overreacted; you're right about me. I've been leading guys on for years without noticing and then running away once they wanted more."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think about what reason you might've had to act that way. I can't believe he was your first boyfriend. He seemed like such a prick and—"

"He was sweeter when I met him."

"Again... sorry for my big mouth, and apparently thoughtless comments."

"You talked to Kyra, didn't you?" Ella sighed. She's the only one who knew a bit about him.

"Yes... Don't be mad at her, though."

"I'm not mad at her."

"Oh, well, good then. Question... Why didn't you tell me about him? Between all of us, I thought we were the closest."

"We are, but Kyra is different from us; she's mature and accepting and—"

"Motherly? I agree." Alice chuckled. "I can't really blame you for telling her."

"It's not like I told her all about him, but I explained a bit when she found a picture in my room while she was cleaning."

Alice nodded. "I sometimes think she likes cleaning our rooms so she can try to find our secrets."

"Probably," Ella laughed. "She wants to know our secrets, but at the same time, she'll keep'em."

"Unlike Charlie, who blabs on about other people's secrets so easily." Alice sighed. "Never trusting her like that again," she muttered, shaking her head. "So, I have to ask... do you forgive me?"

Ella nodded. "I can't stay mad at you about it." Especially since she was right about me.

Unable to contain herself, Alice lunged at her for a hug. "I've missed you, and I was so worried about you yesterday. I can't believe you were with a scary person like him, and all I want to do now is protect you from him."

"You did, didn't you? All of you did... while I ran away."

"In this case, I think it was okay that you ran away. Fight or flight and all that; it's about self-preservation."

"I was probably safe once all of you were there, but the anxiety was so overwhelming that I couldn't stay anymore. I needed somewhere quiet away from everyone."

"I know I don't suffer from anxiety like you do, but I understand needing to step away from a situation to have a moment to yourself." Alice wrapped her arm around Ella's and laid her head on her shoulder. "I'm glad you're back, and I have something to ask you."

"What's that?"

"Did you sleep with Leon again?"

Ella froze, her jaw hanging open.

"I knew it," Alice laughed.


Alice pointed at Ella's face. "You've got an extra glow to you right now. Must've been good." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I was also drunk again."

Alice's face dropped. "Does this mean you don't remember it?"

Her face turned red as she bit her lip. "No... I remember this time..." I remember the first time now, too.

"Which means you can give me all the juicy details, right?" She rubbed her hands together.

"Since when do I ever talk about that?"

"Don't we always?" Alice frowned, staring off to the side as she tried to remember.

"You talk about it while I listen."

"How in the world did I never notice that?" Alice laid back on the bed, her mouth agape, and arms spread out.

"Charlie has talked to you about it, though? On that note, why do you two fight so much when it seems like you two should get along the best?"

"Hmm... Maybe we're too similar then... Ugh, way to ruin things." Alice rolled onto her side.

"By the way, is Charlie okay? She was with you when you were trying to deal with... him."

"She's fine; Charlie's a tough girl, and we all know it. I hope you thanked Leon for dealing with the situation; I wouldn't be surprised if he got a restraining order put on him after that."

"That'd probably be a good thing. So... are they mad at me?"

"Who? Charlie and Kyra? No, of course not; they understand it was a bad situation. They're just glad you're okay."

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