One Life Stand - Chapter 2

Published at 14th of June 2024 06:00:41 AM

Chapter 2

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Why'd he have to do that? I'm not ready yet! Ella sat on a swing at a nearby empty park, trying to calm her nerves. The conversation with her friends from the night before played in her mind. Maybe they're right... I just keep repeating the same situation... What is wrong with me?!

"Nathan, Bruce, Justin... and Sebastian... Who in the world gets proposed to four times, and yet never gets married? Ugh..."

Ring, ring, ring. Her phone went off. Nathan... She stared at his name, leaving the phone to ring until her voicemail kicked in. He texted her a few times, worried about her being outside alone in the middle of the night, and he begged her to answer his calls.

I can't... She dropped her phone in the sand below her and gripped the cold metal chains of the swing. "Why does it never feel right? Why can't I ever see a future with someone?" She dropped off the swing, landed beside her phone, and punched the sand repeatedly.

When she finally stopped, tears were dripping off her face, wetting the sand. "Why...?"

Her phone rang again, and she jerked back. "Alice?" Nathan might have contacted her about what happened...

Bing. Alice texted her. 'Answer me or your stuffed penguin gets it!'

"What? No way; she wouldn't!"

A picture of her stuffed penguin, Penny, that she had since she was four, popped up from Alice while she was holding a paintbrush up to her.


Her phone rang again, and she answered right away. "Don't you dare mess with Penny," Ella snapped.

"You answered your phone, so I don't have to. Penny is safe for now." Alice snickered.

"For now?" I'm going to have to remember to always lock my bedroom door now.

"Yes, and unless you get your butt back home in the next thirty minutes, your precious penguin will be in danger again."

"Thirty minutes? But I'm not near home and—"

"Times ticking." Alice hung up.

"Crap..." Ella ran back towards the street and along the sidewalk, hoping to spot a taxi. "Taxi!" she yelled and waved her hand at one heading her way on the other side of the street. He stopped off to the side, and she rushed across the street. A young man with dark hair had also approached the taxi. "I desperately need this, sorry." She nudged him out of the way and got in.

"What the...?" He stumbled back and stared at her through the window.

She gave him a wave and told the taxi driver her address. "Sorry," she mouthed, cringing as they pulled away.

Ella watched the light from the lampposts flicker past as they drove to the employee dorms.

"Miss, we're here."

"Thank you." She paid her driver and rushed inside to her room. "What the hell, Alice?!" she yelled the moment she entered.

"Whoa, geez... I knew you loved the penguin, but you actually got here with time to spare." Alice glanced at the clock.

Ella held her hand out. "Penny, please."

"Fine, you can have your penguin back, but tell me what happened." Alice handed the stuffed penguin to her.

Ella hugged Penny and sighed. "The same thing that always happens."

"You freaked out and ran away?"

"Pretty much."

"What does this mean for your relationship with Nathan?"

"If it's like the other times, then we're done."

Alice sighed and flopped onto the couch. "We just went over this the other night, and considering how you responded then, I'm not surprised. I am a bit surprised you didn't come straight home to me." Alice pouted.

"I didn't even think about it. I ran out of the restaurant and stopped at the first park I could find."

"A park? So that's your hiding place..."

"This time, anyway."

"So, do you actually want to break up with Nathan?"

"I... I don't know... but when he asked, I freaked out so badly and felt sick, so..."

"That's not a good sign. It's one thing to be afraid or not ready—"

"What if that's it?" Ella hugged Penny tighter. "What if I'll never be ready to get married?"

"What is it about marriage that scares you so much?"

Ella squished her face into Penny's as she thought. "It's just so overwhelming... the thought of being tethered to someone for life. It's restricting!" It's risking a lot...

"But you were with him for years; would it really be that different?"


"Besides, if it doesn't work, you can always divorce."

"It's not that easy to divorce someone."

"Yes, it is! People do it all the time. Don't you know that Steve from the lobby has been divorced four times?"

"That's... easier for some people than others, and besides, I doubt he'll tell you it was easy."

Alice threw her hands into the air. "Fine! If you're this resistant to even the thought of marrying the guy after being together for years, then I think you should cut him loose."

"What if I'm just not made to get married?"

Alice shrugged. "I don't think I am either, and I have no plans to anytime soon, but I can't completely rule it out, though maybe I should. And... I think you are made for it, but you're not going to settle for someone just because you like them, and they love you."

"You're saying I only 'like' Nathan?"

"Girl, you ran away from him when he proposed. I'm starting to question if you like him at all."

Ella cringed. How am I going to face him? "Do you think I should break up with him?"

"That's your choice, but I say, put him out of his misery."

"How do I do that?"

"The same way as the guys before him, I imagine."

I was with Nathan longer than the previous ones... other than Sebastian. She shuddered at the thought of him.

"I know that look." Alice pointed at Ella's face. "And you can't just avoid him until he gets the clue. You have to talk to him, in person, and tell him what you need to tell him."

"Can't you do it?"

Alice's jaw hung open. "You did not just ask me to do that!"

"I know you can't..."

"Give me your phone."


"Because I need to tell the girls what happened, what else?"

"Then use your own phone."

"It's almost dead from all the time spamming you with calls and texts."

"Ugh, fine." Ella pulled her phone out of her purse and handed it over.

Alice laid back on the couch, her toes poking into Ella as she typed to their friends.

'Like we thought, she ran away – Alice'.

Alice glanced at Ella to make sure she wasn't watching her, and she texted Nathan.

'We need to talk. Tomorrow night at my place.'

"What's with that expression?" Ella frowned.

Alice switched back to texting their friends, who were asking why Alice was using Ella's phone.

'Mine's dead atm.'

"They find it off I'm using your phone."

"Oh... Can you plug in my phone when you're done? I'm going to take a bath and then get some rest. We still have work to do tomorrow."

"Wait, we've been so distracted by the Nathan thing, that we haven't talked about the new job. Are you going to—"

"I can't think about that right now," Ella groaned and plodded off to the bathroom.

"Don't blame me for what's about to happen," Alice said in a sing-song voice, but Ella was too distracted to notice.


The next day while on lunch break, Ella noticed her phone was missing. "Alice, any chance you brought my phone with you, too?" she asked, sitting down in their cafeteria.

"No, I left it plugged in like you asked me to, but we live right here; you can just go grab it before our break is over."

Ella groaned. "It takes longer than you think to walk over there."

"If you're that lazy, then leave it there; it's not like it's going to run away on you."

Ella shrugged and fiddled with her thumbs. "I guess..." Not that I want to read the texts from Nathan, anyway.

Charlie and Kyra sat down at their table. "So, is it true? Are you two leaving us?" Charlie asked.

"I'm sorry, Char, it's true." Alice held her hand over her heart. "Please wish us well as we move on to better things."

"Tch, I don't care about you leaving; I was talking to Ella."

"Hey! That's just mean! I thought we were all best friends." Alice pouted.

"There, there, she didn't mean it." Kyra patted Alice's back. Alice turned to her and lunged for a hug. "Whoa."

"I love you, Kyra."

"I seriously question how you got the promotion when you act like a child half the time." Charlie sighed.

"Because it's only half the time, and you're one to talk." Alice stuck her tongue out at Charlie.

"You little brat..."

"Quit fighting and eat your food," Kyra commanded.

The three of them sat straight up and focused on their food.

"Good; if only my kids were that responsive..." Kyra mumbled. "And I'm happy for you two. Hopefully, there will be a chance for us to apply there as well someday."

"But won't that put you too far from your house? And since you're a mother, it'd be extra hard on you," Ella said.

"I guess you're right... Charlie."

"Yes, ma'am?" Charlie almost saluted her.

"Stay here with me; I don't want to be the only one of us left here."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

"More like you can't go anywhere." Alice snorted.

"Okay, let me at the brat." Charlie reached out to Alice, but Kyra stepped in between them.

"Seriously? Am I going to have to treat you both like children?" Kyra sighed. She already had to deal with enough of that at home.

"To be fair, you're the only mother in the group, and the most mature in the first place," Alice said, looking up at her, her eyes sparkling.

Ella's watch buzzed, alerting her to the end of her break. "So much for even finishing lunch... Come on, Alice, let's get back to work."

"Our break can't be over yet..." She tugged on Ella's wrist to look at her watch. "This is your fault." She pointed at Charlie.

"Why don't you two take one less break so you can have a longer lunch?" Charlie asked.

Alice scrunched up her face and shook her head at Charlie. Tired of waiting, Ella latched onto her arm and dragged her away.


"Gosh, I'm hungry..." Ella groaned as she and Alice finished work for the day.

"Me too; at least you got a few bites in." Alice rubbed her rumbling belly.

Ella stared at her blankly. "I saw you sneaking food while we were working."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

No wonder Charlie is mad about Alice being chosen. "Whatever. Let's go home and get some food in our tummies."

They walked together to the employee dorms and grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge.

"Mm... Doesn't even need to be heated," Alice moaned as she ate. "It's so satisfying to eat when you're this hungry."

Knock, knock, knock. They both froze with their mouths full of food.

Ella rushed to chew her pizza. "Are you expecting someone?"

Alice shrugged and continued stuffing pizza into her mouth as Ella answered the door.

Ella froze, her heart rate skyrocketing. "Nathan..."

He stood at her door with a bouquet and a bag of Chinese food. "Hey, Ella... You said we could talk, right? I figured we could eat while we're at it. I brought enough for Alice, too."

"I said we could talk? When?"

"You texted me last night..."

"I haven't had my phone with me..."

They both turned their gaze towards Alice.

"You know what? I think I forgot to do something. I'll be going now." Alice laughed awkwardly and rushed past them.

Ella reached out to grab her, but missed, barely grazing the hem of her shirt. "That little brat..." she cursed.

"I take this to mean you didn't want to talk to me?" Nathan cringed and swallowed hard.

"I..." she struggled to speak.

"Let's speak inside." He held the bouquet of red roses – her favourite – up to her.

"Thanks..." She hugged the bouquet and stepped aside to let him in.

He set the bag of Chinese food on the table and set up their food while his heart raced and stomach did flips. They both sat down with their food in front of them.

Nathan broke the silence. "Why did you run away?"

"Because..." Her breathing turned ragged.

"Because of what? You can't talk to me? If you're not ready still, then say no; don't break my heart by running away."

Say it, Ella, he deserves the truth. "I don't know if I'll ever be ready to marry you."

He blinked a few times and swallowed, trying to temper his emotions. "W-why is that? I thought we were in love."

"I do love you, Nathan, but... I just... I can't... It doesn't feel right."

"What doesn't feel right?"

Ella mentally screamed at herself as she tried to explain. "The thought of us being together forever..."

Nathan bit his lip as he leant back in his chair. "I see..." He took a deep breath and nodded. "I guess... that says everything right there." He held back his tears.

"I'm s—"

"Don't." He held his hand up. "Don't apologize... Is there a reason, specifically, for that? Something I can change? Like... the way I drive or sing too much or—"

"No... There's nothing like that—"

"Then why?!" He slammed his fist on the table, and she jerked back. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to startle you... But, I mean... we were doing so well, weren't we?"

Ella shrugged. "I mean, technically, yes. We were doing fine, just fine."

"I guess fine isn't good enough then..." He pinched the bridge of his nose and took another deep breath. "Hard to hear since I thought we were happy, but okay; I understand." Nathan stood. "I suppose this is goodbye then..." He stared at the floor. "You're going to be hard to get over, Ella, but know this..." He looked up at her. "I will always wish the best for you. I hope you find someone you truly love."

"I... I hope you find someone, too." She was about to stand, but he held his hand out.

"I'll show myself out. Have a good life, Ella..."

"You too." She watched him leave and tears poured out the moment the door closed. What's wrong with you, Ella? She wiped her tears away. You were the one that broke up with him; you don't have a right to cry. At that thought, her tears got worse, completely overwhelming her. 

Why am I always like this? Why do I drag things on for so long? Why do I always run away? She couldn't wipe her tears away fast enough. We didn't even talk about the job. At least it could've been an excuse that pushed us apart...

The door to her dorm room opened. "Ella, are you okay?" Alice asked as soon as she entered. She had been waiting outside the hotel, keeping an eye out for Nathan leaving. "Oh, no." She rushed up to Ella and pulled her into a hug. "Did you two...?"

Ella nodded.

"I thought you were expecting this..." Alice trailed off, realizing how much pain she was in, regardless. "It's okay, Ella; you can let it all out. I'm here for you."

Ella clung to her, and her crying turned into full-out blubbering.

Alice stroked her head and whispered repeatedly that it was okay.

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