One Life Stand - Chapter 28

Published at 14th of June 2024 06:00:13 AM

Chapter 28

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"I thought you and your mom were close?" Leon asked as he watched Ella pace around their kitchen.

"We are..." she mumbled, nibbling on her nails. "But you and all of this is a far stretch from anyone in the past."

"You seem more nervous than when you met my parents."

"She might look at the building and want to turn around."

"Why? What's wrong with my hotel?"

"It's a luxury hotel."

"She knows I'm rich, right? None of this is pushing it—"

Ella sighed. "That doesn't matter; she hates to waste money."

"And the hotel is a waste?"

"To some people it is."

"I see..." Leon scratched the back of his head. "I guess we'll just have to make sure she has too much fun and is too busy, or too relaxed, to even think about how much this place would cost. I mean, we kept a top suite for her... Although, maybe she would've been more comfortable on a lower floor..."

"But I thought you'd want her to see the view," Ella said.

"You're right; I did said that, and it's a magnificent view. I think you're worrying too much. Unlike my parents, your mom will probably be more interested in making sure I'm right for you and a decent human being."

"Are you sure they didn't worry about that?"

"All they care about is that I'm getting married as per the conditions, before I can even think about taking over my father's company. They didn't care who I choose, but I definitely do." Leon watched her pace around for a while longer. "Are you sure we shouldn't have just gone to get her personally? I know we sent a driver, but—"

Ring, ring, ring. Ella's phone went off. "Hey, mom, is everything okay?" she answered in a rush.

"No, honey, nothing's wrong. I wanted to let you know I'm here, just outside the hotel. It's... a bit daunting."

"Just come in, mom. If you don't, Leon will personally escort you up to your room."

Leon caught enough of her conversation to guess what was going on. He nodded in approval.

"I don't think he would do that..." Her mom sighed.

"You don't know Leon. He's already heading for the front door."

Leon held his finger up, flicking it forward, as he headed to the door.

"Oh no; he doesn't need to come down here."

"Too late; he's out the door." Does he know what she looks like? "Do you want me to come, too? He can be a bit overwhelming for some people."

"I'm a grown adult, honey; I'll be fine. If he's coming, I should hang up... I'll see you soon."

"Um, he's tall with blue eyes and dark hair—"

"I know; I looked him up."


"Since when does my mom use the internet much? And she hung up first?" Ella stared at the phone for a moment before slipping it into her pocket. "Gosh, I should've gone with him." She continued her pacing around the kitchen. "Wait, wait, wait... I didn't set out any cookies!" Ella grabbed a plate, popped open a container of the ones she made yesterday, and filled up a plate to sit on the island. "Cookies always help..." She picked one up and nibbled on it.


"Miss Luise," Leon called out to a woman in the lobby who matched the picture Zeke had shown him. "I'm Leon Hunt." He approached her and took her hand, kissing the back of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She looked even more like an older version of Ella than she did in the picture.

"I-it's nice to meet you too," she said and pulled her hand away, a faint blush on her cheeks. "And call me Lucy."

"I see where Ella got her good looks from."

"Oh, you... You flatter me."

"I'm serious about it. Now." He took her luggage and held his arm out to her. "How about we go see your daughter and then I'll take your bag to your room on the floor right below mine?"

"W-wouldn't that be a super expensive room? I can't afford that."

"Afford? I'm not charging you; you're my guest. All services are included, by the way, so I hope you'll check a few of them out during your stay."

"Ah... Well... We'll see, I suppose." She took his arm, and he led her to the elevator, passing by Alice on the way.

Alice's jaw hung open when she saw Ella's mother. She turned to Sebastian and forced him to face the other way.

"Hey, what are you doing? Crazy lady," he grumbled as Alice shoved him towards a different section of the hotel. "If you just say which way, I can go on my own."

The door to the elevator closed.


"What's taking so long?" Ella munched on another cookie as she stared at the door.

The front door opened, and she nearly dropped her cookie. Leon and her mom walked in.

"Mom!" Ella shoved the rest of the cookie in her mouth and approached them. She leaned in for a hug and her mom leaned back, pointing at her face as she held back a laugh. "What?"

Leon chuckled. "You've got a crumb." He pointed at his own face, trying to show her.

Ella wiped at the opposite side and missed it.

"Not there, here." Leon got in close and kissed her cheek, stealing the crumb.

"D-did you just..." Ella's jaw hung open. "In front of my mom?" she hissed. Her cheeks turned red.

Her mom laughed, and she shook her head. Leon had talked about Ella during the elevator ride up and couldn't help but faun over her and call her cute. "Colour me surprised; you really did get her to blush quite quickly," Lucy said.

"Wait, what? You planned this?"

"There's no way I could plan for the cookie crumb on your face; that's all you."

"But..." Ella pointed between them. "Ugh, whatever."

"Come here." Her mom gave her a hug, stroking her hair. "It's so good to see you again; I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, mom."

"How sweet!" Leon held his hand over his heart wondering, when the last time he got a hug from his mother was; too long ago to remember. He thought about asking for a hug but figured it was better off he didn't.

Ella glanced over at him and couldn't help but notice the sad glint in his eyes. Before she had a chance to think it over, she wrapped her arms around him for a big hug.

"Oh!" He immediately returned the favour.

He's been through a lot with those parents.

Lucy giggled. "You two look sweet together."

Oh, right! My mom! Ella pulled away, blushing. "Um..."

"What are you embarrassed about? I've seen you give a boy more than a hug before."


"What? He knows you've had boyfriends before; fiancés before."

"Oh my gosh; how much did you two talk on the way here?" No wonder it took a while.

Lucy's eyes landed on her hand. "Oh my, that's huge and... unique." She looked at Ella's engagement ring.

"It's a family heirloom," Leon explained. "It's definitely unique."

Because I can't remove it.

"But I have something better for her actual wedding ring to replace it."

"Wait, you don't expect her to wear the engagement ring with it?" her mother asked.

"No; I think that ring would be a bit of a hindrance, and she can put it away... or wear it if she really wants." Leon scratched his head, thinking about how Ella couldn't take the ring off on her own. "Either way, I have a ring I specifically picked out for her."

When did he do that? She glanced up at him.

"I see. So..." Lucy looked around the place. "If you two live here in this big place, why did you get me a separate suite? I'm sure there's a second bedroom here, or I can use the couch."

"There's no way I'm letting you use the couch, and there're two bedrooms, but..." Leon looked to Ella for help.

"We're in separate bedrooms..."

"Odd for an engaged couple, don't you think?"

"He has wonky hours sometimes with overseas calls, so I thought it'd be best if I had a separate room I could use," Ella explained.

"Okay then." She nodded. "But I'm only here for a short time, and I think it would be a waste and lonely to have my own suite, so... can I use your room?" Lucy asked her. "It shouldn't be a problem for you two to share a room while I'm here, right?"

She's probing for issues, isn't she? "Yes, of course," Ella agreed.

Leon did his best not to react to it as he gripped Ella's shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't think of that," Leon said. "I suppose it would be better for you to be with us here, so you can spend more time with us."

"Yes." Her mother nodded.

"I'll move this into her room, then." Leon picked up her luggage he left at the door and pointed at Ella's room.

When Leon was a bit away, her mother leaned in. "So, what's wrong, Ella?"

"Nothing's wrong," Ella pouted and gave her another hug. "I just missed you."

"I've missed you too, but this... Leon seems great and all, but you two seem awkward."

"Meeting his to-be mother-in-law must be nerve-wracking."

"And yet he was charming and didn't seem the least bit nervous all the way up here."

She's too sharp sometimes.

"Are you rushing into this marriage for some reason?" she asked. "Are you pregnant?"

"What? No, I'm not pregnant. Geez..."

"What? It's a perfectly reasonable explanation for everything."

Maybe I should tell her about the past. "I actually met him a long time ago..."

Leon came back over just as she started. "She saved me when I was a kid." Leon kissed her on the cheek.

"I don't know if you remember me mentioning him—"

"Oh my gosh... That boy! What are the chances?" She covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. "I thought you looked young for my Ella, but to think the gap is that big..."

Ella's expression fell. "Don't tell me you're going to make me feel too old for him, too."

"No, no; it's reasonable still, but surprising for you."

"Is it?"

"As far as I know, every boyfriend you've had was at least your age or older."

Never paid attention to it.

"Guess I'm the first younger man." Leon smiled as he bumped into Ella playfully.

"And I hope I'm not opening a can of worms, but he knows about all your previous engagements, right?"

"Yes, mom," Ella sighed. "He knows all about it." And then some.

"How long have you two been dating? Ella didn't mention you before."

Leon took a deep breath. "Um... Not all that long, but I promise I love her and always will."

"I suppose it isn't always about the length of time, but there is this thing they call the 'honeymoon phase' which can last for even over a year..."

"I don't think it's a phase when I've loved her since the day we first met." Leon looked away, a slight hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Oh! Well, ice cream boy, I suppose I'll have to trust you on that. Ella, on the other hand, I'm still worried about."

Me too. 

"Ahem," Ella cleared her throat. "How about we move on from this conversation and go check out the hotel and all its facilities like we planned to?"

"Okay, where to?"

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