One Life Stand - Chapter 39

Published at 14th of June 2024 06:00:02 AM

Chapter 39

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The girls woke up a bit late in the morning and heard someone talking in the kitchen.

"Probably Zeke..." Charlie muttered and laid back down.

"I'll take a peek and make sure everything's okay." Ella made sure not to step on her friends as she headed to the door.

In the kitchen, Ella spotted someone she never expected to see there. She rushed back into the bedroom and shook Charlie's shoulder. "There's someone for you in the kitchen."

"For me? Here?" Charlie groaned as she got to her feet, her hair in complete disarray.

"Wait, wait." Ella tugged on her arm before she could reach for the doorknob. "You have a serious case of bedhead." Ella combed through Charlie's hair with her fingers, trying to tame it. "Okay, get going." Ella pushed her out of the room.

"Who's here?" Alice asked, combing her fingers through her own hair.

"See for yourself." Ella followed Charlie out, but tried to stay back a bit.

"Harvey?!" Charlie squealed and charged towards him.

He stood from his seat at the table in time for Charlie to jump him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and gave him a big kiss.

"Happy to see you, too." He chuckled and kissed her.

"I've missed you so much..." She showered him in kisses and pulled back a little. "But why are you here?"

"Mr. Hunt here—"

"Please, just call me Leon," Leon insisted.

"Leon wanted to talk to me about a job offer."

Charlie set her feet back on the floor. "A job offer? You're a pilot... so what job could he offer you?"

"Private pilot for his company. There will still be times when I have to fly far away and be gone for a while, but I will be home more... if I take this job."

"Really?" Charlie's face lit up.

"I'll even make more..."

"This feels too good to be true."

"Agreed, which is why I'm not sure I should accept."

"Are you crazy? More money and more home time; don't look a gift horse in the mouth!" Charlie gripped the front of his shirt as she looked up at him with hope in her eyes. "I love you, but I definitely don't see enough of you."

"Agreed," the girls all said.

Harvey chuckled and glanced over at them. "Hello, girls, it's good to see you again."


"I know he can seem sketchy because he's too good to be true, but knowing Leon, he's serious about this offer," Ella said.

Leon looked at her with a raised eyebrow, his head tilted to the side in wonder. How was he supposed to take that? "I can even work it so you two could have a place here, but I think I'd want Charlie working here then, but it also wouldn't feel right to separate them, so Kyra could work here too. And I know she's an excellent worker, so that would work in my favour. What do you say, girls? Do you want to work here, too? We're actually a bit light on staff; we've been busier than expected."

"Oh my gosh!" Charlie turned to Kyra and held onto her hands. "What do you say, girl? Wanna work here?"

Kyra frowned. "It's a bit far from my house... and I'm not sure I want to leave home that early to get to work."

"Aww, come on; don't be like that." Charlie pouted.

"Char..." Harvey called out to her. "Don't pressure Kyra."

Charlie rolled her eyes and grumbled. Harvey sighed, shaking his head. "It's her choice to make."

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to work here, but it takes a while to get to my current work by bus as it is." Kyra cringed, thinking about the longer commute. She'd rather have more time in the morning with her kids, not less.

"Can you drive?" Leon asked.

"Yes, and we have a car, but my husband uses that one."

"Do you want your own car?"

"What? No; you can't offer me something like that."

"It's hard to be generous sometimes. How about I let you use a company car instead? Just make sure to drive safe and bring it in for maintenance once a month."

"I don't know..."

"It'll probably make the trip shorter than when you're heading to your current work."

"I'll have to talk to my husband about this."

"Of course." Leon nodded. "We'd be glad to have both of you here." He also knew Ella would love for them to be around as well.

Charlie turned her attention back to her husband. "Are you going to take the job?"

"I'm thinking about it, yes. Would it make you happy?" Harvey asked.

"More than you could imagine." Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. He didn't know what she would be willing to do or give up if it meant more time with him.

He chuckled. "If it makes you that happy, how could I say no to it?"

She squealed, grabbed his tie, and pulled him down to her for a deep kiss. "Thank you." She pulled away for a moment and was back at it.

"Come on, get a room, you two!" Alice jabbed her in the back with a finger.

Charlie laughed. "Sorry; I'm just so happy!"

"Then why don't you get changed and head home with your hubby? This is the PDA you complain about so much."

"Only when it's other people."

Harvey put his hands on Charlie's shoulder and walked her towards Ella's bedroom. "Let's grab your stuff and go. Thank you, Leon," he called back to him.

"You're welcome; it's my pleasure." Leon smiled at them.

"What are you up to?" Ella stood beside him and stared at Charlie. "Trying to drag all my friends to this hotel for work with better pay and benefits... Are you trying to butter me up?"

"Is it bad if I say yes? As I told Kyra, we could use the experienced staff, but they're also like sisters to you, so I'd rather they be nearby."

Ella stood on the tip of her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're so sweet, thank you." I think he's always been this sweet.

Leon's eyes widened a bit, and he smiled again.

"Aren't you two as sweet as a box of chocolates?" Alice giggled. "Dammit, now I'm hungry..."

"I'm glad everything seems to be working out. I think I should head home," Kyra said. "I'll get back to you as soon as possible, Leon."

"Alright, I await a favourable reply." He winked at her. "Zeke, drive her home, please."

"Yes, sir." Zeke popped up beside them.

"Holy crap." Alice jumped back. "Where'd you come from? I didn't even know you were here."

"You're not observant enough, then. We'll have to work on that," Zeke hummed as he thought.

"What? Why?"

"Because that means you might miss things while working. Admittedly, most of your work seems good, but there's room for improvement."

"I don't know... I think I'm good enough as I am."

Zeke leaned in close, staring deep into her eyes, and smiled. "But I'll reward you for being better."

Alice bit her lip as she thought.

"I promise I'll make the training worth your while." Zeke narrowed his eyes.

Damn, he's got that scary snake vibe to him. Ella glanced up at Leon, who just shrugged.

"Damn..." Alice muttered, melting under his gaze. "Fine! You win! Dammit... why can't I win against you?" she huffed.

Zeke kissed her on the forehead and got ready to take Kyra home.

"Thank you," Kyra said. "Charlie was my ride, but I don't think I'd want her driving me home now." She could barely stand Charlie driving her there in the first place.


"Feels like this place is clearing out fast," Alice said, pouting as Zeke left. "Only three remain... and I instantly feel like a third wheel. I think I'll get ready to head back..."

"Why don't you have breakfast with us first? Zeke made it." Leon gestured towards the stack of chocolate chip pancakes sitting on the counter.

"Zeke's cooking?" She salivated at the thought of it. "Those look good, but—"

Leon held a hand up. "You're not intruding. Sit and eat; he made too many for just the two of us."

"Thank you!" Alice leaned in close to Ella. "Keep him, please," she whispered and helped herself to a plate of pancakes.

I'm thinking I will... or at least I hope I will...


By the time Alice left, half of the day had already passed. Ella closed the door behind Alice, and stood there for a moment, overly conscious of the fact she was alone with Leon.

What a silly thing; we've been alone together quite a bit. What's different now?

"Are you okay?" Leon asked, and she jumped. "Sorry I scared you."

"Ah, no, I was just lost in thought."

"Uh oh... Is everything okay? Last time you got lost in thought like this, you ended up sick."

"That was because of stress, not overthinking... Maybe you have a point there."

"If there's something bothering you, you can talk to me. I'll help in any way I can."

"You want to know what's on my mind?"

Leon nodded, lightly gripped her shoulder, and glided his hand down to take her hand. "Yes; I want to know what's on your mind. Good or bad, I want to hear it." He braced himself for bad news.

You can do this, Ella. She sighed as she gazed up at him with lidded eyes. "You're so amazing and sweet, and I don't know if I deserve you, but I definitely care for you and want you. I'm terrified of this relationship, and I don't think anyone but me can work through that, but I'm trying to make sure I have my resolve to see this through... Ha..." She gasped, out of breath.

Leon took a moment to process everything she said. "You want me?" he finally spoke, his mouth twitching up on one side until a full smile took over. "I've dreamt of you saying that to me."

That's the one thing he heard?

He laughed and covered his eyes with his hand. "I'm so happy right now I could jump around like a kid... But really, you deserve the best, and I don't know if I'm that, but I'll try to be."

Taking the opportunity while he couldn't see her, she stood on the tip of her toes and kissed him on the lips.

"Mmph!" He was startled, but only for a moment. He wrapped his arms around her before she could step back and pulled her in closer, flush against him. "I hope this means what I think it means."

"That I've finally come around?" At least I think I have...

"Ha... I know I was hoping it would happen before the wedding, but I wasn't sure it would, especially with the short timeline for it. I'm so glad it did." He sighed and hugged her. "I love you so much, Ella." His warm breath passed by her ear with those words, and her entire body tingled.

"Oh." She hugged him back, her heart racing. Seriously, Ella, what in the world are you nervous about?

He pulled away enough to kiss her deeply, trying to express all his strong emotions, until her knees went weak. "I hope this means I don't have to hold back so much anymore." He lifted her into his arms and headed straight for his bedroom, kicking the door in. He laid her on his bed and closed the door in case Zeke popped back in.

Ella watched him come back towards her as her pulse kicked up another notch, and he knelt down beside her.

"We have the rest of the day free." He kissed her fingers. "And I intend to love every part of you." He kissed her wrist and trailed up her arm, leaving heat behind his every touch. "I hope you're ready for it." The bed pushed in as he leaned over her. He kissed her neck and slipped a hand under her PJs.

"Mmm!" How am I so sensitive already?

"You don't have to hold back at all with me." He caressed her body as he slipped her shirt off.

Ella writhed from his touch and bit her lip. Oh gosh, I thought this before, but his touch feels so different from the others.

"Always so sexy." He kissed her on the lips again. She wrapped a hand around the back of his head to deepen it. "Ha... I wanted to take my sweet time, but you're making it hard."

"I am?" She smirked.

"You're teasing me on purpose?" his voice dropped to a low growl. "Naughty girl."

"Maybe I'm just eager."

"Funny, me too." He chuckled, and she could feel the vibrations through him.

"Damn, I think you're driving me crazy." She grabbed at his shirt to pull it open.

"Hmm... Likewise again... But you always drive me crazy... in a good way." He trembled as she slid her hands down his chest and grabbed his belt. "Yup, I'm not going to be able to hold out much longer. I want you too much."

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