Published at 14th of June 2024 05:26:53 AM

Chapter 1: Reborn from 20 Years Ago?

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Chapter 1: Reborn from 20 Years Ago?

Since he could remember, Mei Fang had never felt as lost as he did today.

Other peoples stories of rebirth and time travel always started during the golden summer after the college entrance examination. Why did it have to be kindergarten for me? Isnt that 20 years ago?

And when Mei Fang woke up, he found out that he had wet the bed during the school nap time[1] and was forced to clean himself in front of the other children.

This incident did happen in kindergarten and it was a childhood trauma for Mei Fang, but after so many years, the memories were only fragments and he didnt have much psychological burden.

But to experience it firsthand and be watched by so many children, it felt like a public execution!

The teachers intention was to teach Mei Fang a lesson, but it was affecting his physical and mental health as a future flower of the country! Thankfully, it was 20 years ago

Mei Fang wiped his body with bitterness while sorting out the current situation. In short, when encountering something unexpected, dont panic, smile and face it!

2002 This was the beginning of the golden age of the 21st century!

In 2002, China had just joined the World Trade Organization and was preparing to become the most important world factory in the global market.

In 2002, it was easy to get a job and housing prices were ridiculously cheap. You could almost buy a house without much effort.

In 2002, the internet was booming and the three giants were rapidly rising. The myth of Bitcoin was still a yet-to-be-seen fantasy.

In 2002, the Chinese music scene was flourishing, and the future President Chou, Allen[2], released his third album X-Degree Space,[3] with songs like The Island Copper Box[4] and Tiger Leg[5] still popular today.

Although this rebirth point was a bit absurd, at least there was hope for the future.

In his previous life, he had endured so much for money and even worked overtime until his sudden death.

But in this life, he finally didnt have to work like a horse!

Sit properly!

Im sitting properly!

Mei Fang! Sit up straight! Why are you smiling foolishly? Are you proud of wetting the bed? You should attend class with the preschool children.

Amidst the laughter of the children, Mei Fang reluctantly followed the other children, placing his hands on the small desk and lowering his head to listen to the teachers lecture.

Sit up straight!

I got it.


Mei Fang looked around and hardly recognized any of the faces.

His current memories were almost the same as before he sudden death, and he naturally had no recollection of kindergarten.

He waited for the teacher to leave the classroom and then the children in his class started playing on their own. After all, they had spent several years together in kindergarten, so they got along relatively well.

Mei Fang was now leaning on the desk, lost in thought, when the girl with bun hairstyle sitting next to him nudged him arm and whispered.

Mei Fang, its okay, bedwetting is not something to be ashamed of. My mom said I used to wet the bed when I was little too, so dont be too upset.

Do five-year-old kids also use the term when I was little?

Mei Fang couldnt help but laugh, Im not upset.

The one who bumped into Mei Fang was a short-haired girl with a watermelon-shaped head. After pushing Mei Fang away, she ran into the crowd.

In this era, many facilities were not well-equipped. The kindergarten in the county town still had a cement floor. Mei Fang felt a sourness in his nose and when he stood up, his nose started bleeding profusely.

The sight of Mei Fang bleeding frightened the children present, and everyone gathered around to check the situation, including Xia Yuan. Her eyes were full of concern, Let me help My mom taught me how to stop nosebleeds, tilt your head back

Tilting the head back to stop a nosebleed doesnt seem right! But Xia Yuan gently supported Mei Fangs head, making him raise it, and then she wet her hands with water and patted the back of Mei Fangs neck. Mei Fang felt a bit of enjoyment and didnt complain.

When the teacher arrived and took over to continue dealing with the situation, she couldnt help but complain, Mei Fang, why is it always you causing trouble and never stop

At this moment, a child came forward to speak up for Mei Fang, I saw it, it was Lin Youxi who pushed him!

Lin Youxi! Youre causing trouble again.

Lin Youxi? This name seems a bit familiar

Mei Fang watched as the teacher pulled out the short-haired girl with a watermelon-shaped head standing behind Xia Yuan. Lin Youxi stood quietly in front of the teacher, bowing her head and saying nothing.

Her clothes were dirty and she looked a bit messy, like a wild girl.

Did you push him?

Lin Youxi nodded.

Why did you push Mei Fang?

Lin Youxi ignored the teacher and just kept her head down, feeling a bit uncomfortable with communication.

Lin Youxi Lin Youxi

In Mei Fangs mind, the image of Lin Youxi gradually became clear.

But he couldnt connect the rude girl in front of him with Lin Youxi

Lin Youxi Isnt that the name of the top student in high school, the top female academic genius?

Turns out we were classmates in kindergarten!

Translator's Notes:

Chinese schools nap time This Allen is Jay Chou () The Eight Dimensions () Iron Box of Peninsula () Dragon Fist ()

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