Published at 14th of June 2024 05:22:29 AM

Chapter 115

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After parting ways with Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan and Mei Fang pushed their bicycles together on their way home.

Due to exhaustion from the test, neither Xia Yuan nor Mei Fang spoke much on the way. However, when they passed by a pavilion, Mei Fang instinctively stopped, while Xia Yuan continued walking with her head down.

“Yuan Yuan?”


Xia Yuan turned to look at Mei Fang. “What’s wrong?”

“Why didn’t you ask me for energy today?” Mei Fang asked while spreading his arms.

“Ah...” Xia Yuan was very surprised. “You’re asking for it on your own now? You always seem reluctant, but you actually like it, right?”

“Of course.” Mei Fang reached out his hand to Xia Yuan.

“Ah, I can’t do anything with you. You’re acting so spoiled... Come on, come on!”

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang’s outstretched hand, and the two sat down in the pavilion. “Since you already gave me the Ah Fang’s Super Energy during the day, I’ll give you the Yuan Yuan’s Super Energy tonight.”

While embracing Mei Fang, Xia Yuan gently stroked his head, caring for him like a mother.

The spring evening breeze brushed over their faces tenderly like water.

“Um... Every time we do this, it feels like we’re back to the days of playing house.”

Xia Yuan greedily sniffed Mei Fang’s scent. “It would be so nice if we could really go back in time... I’d be the mom, you’d be the dad, and Youxi would be our daughter.”

“The three of us, living in harmony, peace, and joy, playing with toys and games at the Grain Kindergarten every day...”

Xia Yuan rambled on, and Mei Fang gently patted Xia Yuan’s back. “The future is also beautiful. It’s just that studying is tough now, but we should make the best of it and look forward.”

“Mhm... I’ve always been looking forward.”

Xia Yuan released Mei Fang from her embrace, rubbed her eyes, and said, “I’m much stronger today than before... Even though I didn’t finish the entire exam, at least... at least I didn’t cry.”

“Wow, that’s really impressive!”

Mei Fang gently patted Xia Yuan’s head. “Our Yuan Yuan has grown up.”

“Why are you praising me in that sarcastic tone!”

Xia Yuan punched Mei Fang’s chest and then calmed down. “But fortunately, the last two questions were quite difficult, and no one could solve them, so I shouldn’t stand out too much, haha...”

“Yeah... that’s true.”

Mei Fang nodded. “Those two questions couldn’t be solved in half an hour, and no one had enough time to write them, so don’t worry about it.”Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

“What about you, Ah Fang? Did you solve them?”

“I... barely... and I think I made a mistake.”

Xia Yuan suddenly became annoyed. “I’m going to check your test paper tomorrow. Don’t try to lie to me just to please me.”

Mei Fang scratched his head and smiled faintly. “I did solve them, but it was mostly luck.”


Because Lin Youxi, the second place student, scored 120 in math, 114 in Chinese, and 119 in English, but unfortunately only scored 65 in physics.

Mei Fang, with this improvement, finally took the first place in the whole class.

“Great! Brother Fang has brought glory to us boys!”

“Brother Fang is invincible!”

“I want to have your baby Brother Fang!”

Before the fourth grade, Mei Fang had always been the first in the class and even the whole school, but after the fourth grade, he wasn’t as consistent, and in middle school, he was constantly overshadowed by Lin Youxi, ending up as the second-place. This time, achieving first place held a special meaning for Mei Fang.

However, Mei Fang did not show excessive joy because Lin Youxi’s physics score was a bit off. Clearly, the most difficult questions were similar to the ones they had practiced, and with Lin Youxi’s level, even if she didn’t perform well, she shouldn’t have scored so low.

Looking at her empty seat in the front row, Mei Fang couldn’t help but feel worried.

Why is Youxi taking so long to finish talking with Yuan Yuan? It’s almost time for morning reading but she’s still not here...

When the bell for morning reading rang, Lin Youxi finally entered the classroom. At this moment, everyone’s attention was on her. She walked to her seat and started reading her textbook.

Yue Xinyi tried to talk to her to ask about the situation, but she just ignored her. Mei Fang gently tapped her on the back, but she still didn’t respond.

When the morning reading was over, Lin Youxi simply rested her head on the desk, not responding to anyone who tried to talk to her.

“This exam has hit the Class Monitor hard...”

Yue Xinyi didn’t dare to provoke Lin Youxi, so she had to move to another seat.

“Youxi, do you want me to bring you breakfast?”

Lin Youxi didn’t respond.

Helplessly, Yue Xinyi looked at Mei Fang, as if saying, “It’s all up to you now.”

The students in the classroom started to discuss the state of their class monitor, but they all thought it was because she messed up the exam.

“The Class Monitor’s first place... taken away by Mei Fang for the first time!”

“Mei Fang, you deserve to die!”

“Messing up an exam once is nothing. The Class Monitor really can’t handle losing.”

“Do you think the Class Monitor is as carefree as you, who always ranks last and still smiles every day? Seriously...”

Everyone was discussing fervently.

They believed that the Class Monitor, Lin Youxi, would soon regain her spirit, then punch and kick Mei Fang, and return as the king to reclaim the first place in the entire grade.

But only Mei Fang, her childhood sweetheart, only he understood her enough, only he knew her feelings.

No difficulty in her studies could defeat Lin Youxi.

The reason she became so depressed and withdrawn must be only one thing——

She must’ve had an argument with Yuan Yuan.

This is truly a painful first place.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!