Published at 14th of June 2024 05:22:26 AM

Chapter 117: – New Promise, New Goal (Part 1)

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This chapter is too long, so I split it into two parts. But I posted them at the same, so you don’t have to wait for the second part.


After listening to Mei Fang’s words, Xia Yuan’s originally calmed emotions suddenly plummeted to the bottom.

Her voice sounded very aggrieved, “Why are you doing this too... Ah Fang, didn’t we agree before that you would always support my decisions, and stay by my side?”

“That’s true... but I can’t just stand by and watch you suffer. You should also understand that your strength lies in the liberal arts, not science, right?”

“I don’t want to listen! I don’t want to hear you say these things!”

Xia Yuan covered her ears, her eyes full of grievance, “I already had a big quarrel with Youxi over this today. If you also abandon me... I will really be left all alone...”

Mei Fang frowned, “I knew it, you did have a quarrel with Youxi.”

“Are you saying this to deceive me, to make me confess?”

“How could that be? This decision was made after careful consideration. When have I ever lied to you since we were young?”

“Many, many times,” Xia Yuan bit her lip, “Do you remember when we almost gave you the nickname ‘Liar’? And the 10 yuan you owed me when we were five, you still haven’t paid me back, but you paid back the money you owed to Youxi last time!”

“Okay, let’s not talk about that for now...”

Mei Fang paused, “Instead of that, shouldn’t you first tell me why you quarreled with Youxi? She’s truly heartbroken today. I saw her not eating a single bite and no one was able to persuade her.”

Mei Fang indeed didn’t see Lin Youxi eat today, but she probably ate the bread brought by Yue Xinyi, and the Orion Milk Pie given by Guo Yun.

Otherwise, Mei Fang would have tried every means to make Lin Youxi eat something.

After hearing Mei Fang’s words, a hint of unease flashed across Xia Yuan’s expression. She muttered to express her dissatisfaction, “But... Youxi really went too far! She deliberately crossed out her answers to the last two problems, just to pity me, to play with me and deceive my feelings from a superior position... I hate being deceived the most.”


Mei Fang couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Just because Youxi is so nice to you, you want to get angry at her?”

“Because I hate it when people show me pity. It means they look down on me. The things I want must be earned by myself to be meaningful.” Xia Yuan sat on the stone bench, hugging her knees, and said each word.

“I also agree that what Youxi did was inappropriate, but if caring about your feelings is considered pitying or looking down on you, then haven’t you always taken care of Youxi, always been considerate of her since childhood, and shared all the good things with her? Isn’t that also a form of pity? When buying things with her, didn’t you notice she never liked taking advantage of you?”

“If you put it that way... it’s not entirely wrong.”

Xia Yuan rubbed her eyes. “But actually, it’s not entirely because of this matter. The real reason is——”

“What is it?”

Xia Yuan shook her head desperately. “That’s... a secret that can’t be told.”

A secret... that I cannot tell you.

“I won’t inquire further then. It’s normal for girls to have secrets.”

Mei Fang rested his chin on his hand, thought for a moment, and asked, “So, you’re so upset with Youxi now. Are you thinking of ending your friendship with her?”

Mei Fang gently knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

So Xia Yuan took a turn and lightly knocked on the door.

“Youxi... um... that... can you please open the door? I have something to tell you... I know you probably hate me so much, but I still want to talk to you in person... Can you please open the door?”

There was still no sound from Lin Youxi’s side.

Xia Yuan was about to cry after saying just a few words. She was quite a crybaby.

“She’s not responding, what should we do...”

Xia Yuan covered her face in distress. “I knew it... Youxi will definitely not forgive me this time... She must have been enduring my behavior for a long time...”

“Don’t be so insecure.”

Mei Fang tapped Xia Yuan’s head, and Xia Yuan came up with a new idea. “Then let’s just wait here, Ah Fang? As long as we wait until dawn, Youxi will definitely be moved by us.”

“But she’s been keeping herself locked inside... What if something happens...”

Mei Fang thought for a moment. “At least let me take a look?”

Mei Fang was already familiar with the layout of the house. He found Liang Meijuan and explained, “Aunt Liang, I want to climb onto Youxi’s balcony from the roof of the storage room in the yard. I want to check Youxi’s situation without disturbing her study.”

“No, that won’t do. It’s too dangerous, especially in this dark night without any safety measures. What if you fall?”

“But Youxi is not responding while alone in her room. Aren’t you worried that something might happen to her?”

Liang Meijuan loved Lin Youxi dearly, and upon hearing Mei Fang’s words, she suddenly became fearful, thinking about how strange Lin Youxi had been acting since coming home today.

“Let your Auntie climb up and take a look.”

“No need Aunt Liang, I can do it! I’m familiar with it. Whenever Youxi forgets her key, I always climb from there and open the door from the inside.”

“Oh, I see...” Liang Meijuan didn’t know what to say. She realized she didn’t know this home as well as Mei Fang did.

Whether it was because of something Xia Yuan said that hurt Lin Youxi or for some other reason, there was clearly a thick wall in Lin Youxi’s heart right now.

This wall made her reject getting close to Mei Fang, and even refuse to communicate with others.

She was now somewhat resembling the aloof top student that Mei Fang was familiar with in his past life. After losing her only best friend, she had always been alone and closed off her heart.

At this moment, as Mei Fang was climbing the ladder, he suddenly inexplicably thought of a song that would be released in a few years:

【There’s a wall in your heart】

【But I found a window】

【Occasionally letting out】

【A warm glimmer】

【Even if you have a wall】

【My love will climb to the window and bloom】

【Open the window and you will see—sadness is melting】

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!