Published at 14th of June 2024 05:26:36 AM

Chapter 12: Water Drinking Competition

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Chapter 12: Water Drinking Competition

A few days after the graduation ceremony, Mei Fang followed his parents to Jiangcheng.

Although Mei Fang was reluctant, they still spent a week in Jiangcheng after receiving the prize money. They braved the scorching sun to visit various crowded tourist attractions, including the Maya Water Park that Mei Lijun said Mei Fang had been obsessed with.

Mei Lijun and Xiang Xiaoxia had a great time in these places. They went down slides and had water fights in the park, as if they had regained the feeling of being in love. But Mei Fang felt extremely tormented. He couldnt comprehend the meaning behind everyone enduring the suffering in such a hot bathhouse.

His parents got married at a young age, and now they were only in their late twenties, not much older than Mei Fang when he died.

Mei Lijun, who was the same age as Mei Fang, had a successful career, a happy family, and even had a genius son who traveled back in time. He could truly be called a winner in life.

On the other hand, Mei Fang, in his late twenties, had nothing but overtime and more overtime after drifting for several years.

Mei Fang worked much harder than his father, Mei Lijun, who was always late and left early, but no one criticized him as a public servant.

In phone calls, his father often advised him to find a partner sooner, and he always said, When I was your age, my child, you, were already five or six years old. This statement was truly not deceiving him.

Thinking about the differences in changes between different eras, it was truly astonishing.

Each generation had its own mission.

After returning from Jiangcheng, Mei Fang immediately started tinkering with his computer.

In his previous life, he was merely an observer in the planning stage of a game, but in this life, he had enough time to learn programming and art. He aspired to become an all-around independent game developer who could handle everything.

Currently, there was no information or learning tutorials related to UNITY[1] on the internet, but the C#[2] language required for Unity3D development was already taking shape. If he wanted to use Unity3D to develop games, then C# was a compulsory language.

In addition, in an era where smartphones had not yet developed, Java[3] was still the mainstream programming code in this world and would not be easily replaced in the future. Mei Fang could not give up learning Java either.

The comprehensive learning materials for these two programming languages that could be found online were still relatively limited. He would have to go to a bookstore when he had time to find more.

Looking at the dense and uncomfortable text on the screen, Mei Fang only learned some basic tutorials before feeling sleepy.

It must be because he was too young After all, Mei Fangs brain had not fully matured yet. This was not the learning pressure that a kindergarten child should bear.

Mei Fang decided to relax in a different way.

He opened the online game he had installed.

The 2002 genuine version of Legend[4], operated by Shengda Network, is still in the stage of card payment, with no additional fees for any props, absolutely fair and conscientious.

Mei Lijun has been interested in this game for a long time. The first thing he did after setting up the computer was to buy a game card. He claimed that he wanted to play with his son, but in reality, he was just enjoying it himself. He never expected that his 6-year-old son was already a master of thousands of games.

The current drawback of this game is the gaming experience. The current version of Legend is 1.28, which does not have a high drop rate, and one hit cannot deal 999 damage. The Taoist class does not have 15 dogs, making it very difficult to play. However, the thrill of killing, looting, fighting, and fighting with brothers in this game is a joy that cannot be found in later games.

At this moment, Mei Fang is temporarily immersed in the pure joy of old online games. Unexpectedly, the door of the study is pushed open, and Lin Youxi suddenly appears, giving Mei Fang a big fright. He instinctively habitually turns off the monitor screen.

What are you doing? Youre being too secretive. Lin Youxi curiously tilts her head.

Nothing How did you come in directly? Mei Fang frowned and asked, Why did you come in directly?

I came to play with you. It just so happens that your mom is about to go out.

Lin Youxi pulled over a chair and sat down beside Mei Fang. Why did you turn off the computer? Turn it on, I want to see you study.

Why should I turn it on? Once its on, youll start messing around here and there.

Because its fun, isnt it!

Lin Youxi pouted and said, You and Xia Yuan havent been home these days. Ive been watching anime alone at home. Its so boring

Oh, right, Xia Yuan went back to the countryside for summer vacation

A water drinking competition! Lin Youxi smiled, Lets compete to see who can drink more water!

Where did you get this Reminder to Drink Water Assistant App from? Mei Fang frowned, Where did you learn it?

Lin Youxi sat on the chair, shaking it back and forth, Adults often play drinking games on TV, I think its fun.

You should learn something serious every day and watch less TV!

Then will you play with me once? Ive been waiting for you to come back and play this with me.

Hmm How do we determine the winner?

Well Whoever finishes drinking 10 cups first wins!

Alright, lets do it.

3, 2, 1, go!

Lin Youxi quickly poured herself a cup of water from the kettle and drank it all in one gulp.

Then she saw Mei Fang moving slowly, so she quickly poured another cup and drank it.

Drink slower, dont choke yourself.

Mei Fang played along with Lin Youxi like a child, while also worrying that she might go too far.

Haha, youre going to lose, Mei Fang! Lin Youxi wiped the water off her mouth. She had already finished 7 cups, while Mei Fang had just started his third cup.

Hehe, youre going to lose the game, little Mei Fang! Hehe.

Seeing Lin Youxis arrogant appearance, Mei Fangs competitiveness was slightly aroused.

I didnt want to go all out, but you forced me to.

Mei Fang poured water into the cup, then drank it all in one gulp. Without even wiping his mouth, he poured another full cup and started drinking. Lin Youxi started to feel anxious. By the 8th cup, her face turned red and she was starting to struggle.

Mei Fang glanced at Lin Youxi and secretly laughed to himself.

Playing a drinking game without going to the bathroom beforehand, I wonder what this girl is thinking

If you cant hold it, go quickly. But I will win the game.

Mei Fang caught up, and now it was already the 6th cup.

No I cant lose to Mei Fang!

When Lin Youxi saw Mei Fang preparing to drink the 7th cup, she snatched his cup and quickly finished the 9th cup. Then, taking advantage of the momentum, she drank the last cup in one gulp, causing water to flow down her mouth and wet her clothes.

I won!

You really went all out

Just as Mei Fang was about to say something, Lin Youxi pushed him away and rushed into the bathroom, holding her pants.

That was close. I almost became the king of wetting my pants like Mei Fang.

Returning from the restroom, Lin Youxi wiped her hands and proudly said, But now, Mei Fang, you are my defeated subordinate. Next time, I will challenge Xia Yuan to become the strongest drinking king!

Can you please play a normal game next time? I really feel dizzy.

Translators Notes:

Unity, released in June 2005, is a game engine primarily used for creating video games.) C# is a programming language. Java is another programming language. The Legend of Mir 2. Bull Demon King or Ox King () is character from the Chinese novel Journey to the West ()

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